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{Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en langue bretonne : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne et Radio Naoned. Krouet eo bet « Splann ! » e 2021 hag emañ staliet e Gwengamp, e Aodoù-an-Arvor. Ar media kentañ gouestlet d ...
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MESKLA | Brewyon Drudh (tr. Mussel Gathering | Precious Fragments) is a multi-platform project using sculpture-making and conversation to explore contemporary Cornish cultural identity. To find out more please visit www.sovayberriman.co.uk/MESKLA-Brewyon-Drudh. Through workshops, podcasts, a symposium and an exhibition the project invites people to share their experiences of identity and Cornwall, and their views on Cornish culture and its relationship to land, language, heritage, tourism, t ...
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The Providence College Podcast features interviews with interesting members of the Friar Family. These in-depth conversations with PC students, Dominicans, faculty, staff, and alumni provide a rich look into the lives of noteworthy Friars. Occasionally we will also bring you on-campus lectures and presentations. Go Friars!
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show series
Evel bep miz e lakomp ar gaoz berr-a-berr war hol lizher kelaouiñ, ar media dizalc’h el linenn. Hag ar miz-mañ, e-touez sujedoù all, ‘zo kaoz eus gouarnamant nevez Michel Barnier, ha dreist-holl eus ministr nevez an ekonomiezh. Hag evel-just ‘zo tu deoc’h lenn al lizher kelaouiñ en brezhoneg penn-da-benn. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant k…
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This a special episode that deviates slightly from the usual MESKLA programme to reflect upon The Flamm X VASW event, 'How can I stay? Remote Working' which took place at IntoBodmin and The Beat on 12th July 2024. Sovay is joined by artists Anna Harris and Emma Digerud-White. They share their own reflections, and those of others who attended on the…
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Ever wonder what admission counselors do? It’s not one thing, it’s everything they can to help high school students who are interested in applying to Providence College. As PC approaches its popular Fall Open House on October 5, Matt Maurano ’06, M.Ed. ’16 and Sarah Burke from the office of admissions share their insights about the application proc…
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Istor degouezh war marc’had Europa ha Bro C’hall an ensteud Essure a zo azon ur sistem testeniekadur lez-ober, n’eo ket bet barrek an ANSM, pennadurezh yec’hedel gall, gant e sistem evezhierezh da dalañ ouzh-se. (emoji) Un enkask « Splann ! » da selaou war ho pemp radio e brezhoneg. A-hed teir abadenn e vo diskoachet deoc’h an titouroù pouezusañ eu…
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Kantadoù a miliadoù a vaouezed o deus lakaet an Essure en o c’horf, kuit da vezañ dougerez. Met ur bern dioñte zo kouezhet klañv-ki dibaoe, herveze, ablamour da eil-efedoù fall an ensteud. Dibaoe bloavezhioù, e chom Bayer oc’h embann, n’eus tamm kudenn ebet gant ar produ-se. Met anavezet oa a riskloù dibaoe pell gant Bayer hag an Aozadurioù ofisiel…
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Klañv, nammet, diskaret o buhez, gouzañverezed an ensteudoù (implants e galleg) Essure a gas o enklaskoù da benn evit kaout respontoù. E Breizh ez eo aet div vaouez betek hejañ ar pennadurezhioù yec’hed. Isabelle Ellis zo 54 bloaz, emañ o chom e Sant Brieg. Klañvdiourez e oa, ha bremañ ez eo yac’hadourez evit ar vugale. Pa oa o klask un hilastalier…
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Abaoe bloavezhioù e c’haller lenn testenioù merc’hed tapet fall o yec’hed goude bout bet lakaet an ensteudoù (implants e galleg) Essure. Hiziv an deiz e kendalc’h da lâret an embregerezh ‘neus gwerzhet anezho ‘n eus ket kudenn ebet gant an ensteudoù. Un diell eus ajañs ar yec’hed a lâr ar c’hontrol e 2017. « Splann ! » ‘neus kavet anezhañ. Dizoloit…
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Evel bep miz e vo aet pelloc’h war ur sujed eus lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » hag ar miz-mañ ‘zo kaoz eus al labour-douar, ha dreist-holl diwar-benn ar mediaoù gouestlet d’ar beizanted. Daoust hag-eñ int mediaoù evel ar re all ? N’eo ket abalamour ma vez kalz eus un dra e vez kavet liesseurted. 140 kazetenn gouestlet d’ar beizanted a zo e Frañs ha d…
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Sed aze an enklask nevez a vo dispaket gant « Splann ! » bremaik. Ar wech-mañ eo aet skipailh « Splann ! » da Sant Nazer ha Donez, kalon industriezh ar vro evit studiañ saotradur an aer di. Blam da galite fall kenañ an aer eo an niver a dud tapet gant ar c’hrign-bev e kêr Sant-Nazer hag e-tro war droioù uhel tre. Koulskoude servijoù ar stad n’o deu…
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Kristen Falc’hon ouzh mikro France Bleu Breizh Izel e 2023. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en…
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Emañ bro an Argoad o cheñch dremm penn da benn… Diskar ar c’hleuzioù hag ar girzhier, sell aze danvez enklask nevez Splann ! Sellet o deus kazetennerien.ezed ar media dizalc’h a-dostoc’h ouzh an traoù d’esa kinnig ur sell klok war ur sujed a-vremañ. Talvoudus-bras eo ar c’harzhaoueg evit ar vevliested hag a-enep direizhamant an hin. Met koustus eo …
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Breizh e 2023 evit kinnig an enklask nevez diwar-benn an tachennoù labour-douar. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalist…
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Breizh e 2023. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en langu…
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Bro Gwened e 2023. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes les radios en l…
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Juliette Cabaço Roger ouzh mikro Radio Breizh d’an 15 a viz a C’hwevrer 2021. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend to…
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Gwenvaël Delanoë ouzh mikro Joan Bizin war France Bleu Breizh Izel d’an 15 a viz C’hwevrer 2021. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Brei…
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Gwenvaël Delanoë ouzh mikro Radio Breizh d’an 17 a viz C’hwevrer 2021. {Bzhg} Kenlabourat a ra « Splann ! » gant kazetennerien Radio Breizh hag an holl radioioù e brezhoneg : Radio Kreiz Breizh, Radio Bro Gwened, Arvorig FM, Radio Kerne ha Radio Naoned. {Fr} « Splann ! » collabore avec les journalistes du réseau Radio Breizh, qui comprend toutes le…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Gwenvaël Delanoë (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Kondaonet e oa bet ar Stad e miz Gouere 2023 da geñver afer ar bezhin glas. Sañset en doa da lakaat reolennoù nevez evit ma vefe skuilhet n…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 War digarez hon emgav miziek gant tud Radio Breizh e vo lakaet ar gaoz hiziv war an tu-dehoù pellañ a c’hallfe erruout er galloud e Frañs. Penao…
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In this podcast, relive the celebrations of Commencement Weekend for the Providence College Class of 2024 with a selection of remarks and addresses. Speakers include Rev. Kenneth R. Sicard, O.P., the college’s president; baccalaureate commencement speaker Arthur C. Brooks, Ph.D. '24Hon., an author and expert on happiness; and Wanda S. Ingram, Ed.D.…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 War digarez hor emgav miziek e vo lakaet ar gaoz hiziv war ur gevredigezh nevez lakaet war droad, Arsellva gall an tagadennoù ouzh ar frankiz ka…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Lakaet eo bet war vor e fin ar bloaz 2022 ar bagoù bale kentañ az a en-dro gant gaz naturel liñvennet (GNL). Savet eo bet gant Chanterioù an Atl…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Didrouz eo chomet marv ur paotr yaouank war e lec’h labour e Penn-ar-Bed. Aet eo d’an anaon Clément en ur park eus ti-feurm Le Pépin et la plu…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tunvezh Gloaguen-Grandjean (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Ar miz-mañ e vez lakaet ar gaoz war al lezenn da rediañ ar broduerien boued da ziskouez splann peseurt efed ‘n eus o froduioù war…
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Providence College Dean of Admission Owen Bligh ’10, ’14G pulls back the curtain on the extensive process of recruiting and enrolling students – a virtually year-round enterprise that reached an important milestone this week when PC issued Class of 2028 admission decisions to regular-admission applicants. In this interview, Dean Bligh shares insigh…
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During Women's History Month, we revisit our conversation with Wanda Ingram, Ed.D. '75, who will receive an honorary degree at Providence College’s 106th Commencement Exercises in May. Ingram, who retired in 2023 after three decades as academic advisor and undergraduate dean at the college, discusses her experience as a member of Providence College…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » (https://splann.org/br/). {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » (https://splann.org/br/). {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » (https://splann.org/br/). {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Bep miz e vez graet ur sell prim ganeomp war lizher-kelaouiñ « Splann ! » dre lakaat ar gaoz war unan eus sujedoù al lizher. Gant Juliette Cabaço Roger (« Splann ! ») ha Tomaz Laken (Radio Kreiz-Breizh). 🎧 Koumanantit da lizher-kelaouiñ miziek ar media enklask dizalc’h war lec’hienn internet « Splann ! » (https://splann.org/br/). {Bzhg} Kenlabourat…
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Daoust d’an dañjerioù evit yec’hed al labourerien, an dud diwar-dro hag an en-dro e tremen Breizh hebiou d’an dalc’h stag ouzh an amoniak. Disteraet gant ar strollegezhioù ha bed ar gounezvouederezh ec’h a ar skarzhañ NH3 war washaat a-blasoù. Ha gwashañ tra e vez sikourioù publik bras d’ar saotrerien vras, darn anezhe e-maez lezenn. {Bzhg} Kenlabo…
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Pet a dud a varv abalamour d’an amoniak e Breizh ? Diwar al labour-douar e sav ar gaz-mañ evit 95 % anezhañ. Ha hemañ orin eus ur saotradur bras en aer, gant elfennoù moan, orin eus krign-bev ha kleñvedoù ar galon hag ar gwazhioù. Poent bras eo plediñ gant se evit yec’hed an holl hag an endro, met daoust da se eo dister ken ha ken an ostilhoù evesh…
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What does test-optional mean for the application review process? How are families navigating financial aid this year? Where should you really make dinner reservations when you visit campus? As students receive notifications of their early admission to Providence College, Assistant Dean of Admission Elizabeth Ward '15 and Senior Admission Counselor …
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Friar basketball icon Ernie DiGregorio ’73 discusses his life in basketball and Star with a Broken Heart, the paperback reprint of his 2020 memoir. The stories from that book come to life in his own words during this conversation, with a focus on the book’s primary theme — the relationship among DiGregorio, teammate Marvin Barnes ’74, and Coach Dav…
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The start of the semester is a time to reflect on the question: What is this all about? What are we up to at Providence College and in higher education in general? What do we seek and why? Renowned social critic Andrew Delbanco, keynote speaker at this year’s Academic Convocation, joined the Providence College Podcast to discuss these and other que…
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Sometimes, faculty research mirrors the headlines. Robert Hasson III, assistant professor of social work, studies immigration and mental health. On this episode of the podcast, he reflected on recent visits to the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas, including a research trip to evaluate services provided to unaccompanied children. He was joined by his res…
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With International Surfing Day on June 17, it's the perfect time to learn more about Keep It a Secret, a documentary produced and directed by Sean Duggan '93. The film explores the birth of surfing in Ireland against the backdrop of the Troubles, the decades-long period of conflict along religious lines. Duggan shares the inspiration for the film a…
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With the start of the NBA Finals last week, we revisit our conversation with basketball legend Lenny Wilkens ’60, ’80Hon. A Hall of Fame player and coach, Wilkens shared stories from his NBA career, his time as a PC student-athlete, and his laudable community service work in his adopted hometown of Seattle. He also discussed his relationships with …
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Lauren Jones ’05, the Massachusetts Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development, discusses her pathway from PC to a leadership role in Gov. Maura Healey’s cabinet. Secretary Jones shares her insights related to the challenges and opportunities related to addressing workforce shortage challenges in the Commonwealth, and she offers advice for studen…
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In this week’s podcast, we celebrate the Providence College Class of 2023 with a selection of remarks and addresses from a weekend series of events on May 19, 20, and 21. Speakers include Rev. Kenneth R. Sicard, O.P., the college’s president; baccalaureate commencement speaker Hill Harper '23Hon., a humanitarian, actor, author, and philanthropist; …
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What’s the secret to happiness? Cognitive scientist and Yale professor Laurie Santos, Ph.D. ’21Hon. will tell you it’s no secret — it’s science. Two years after she first visited Providence College, as the Class of 2021 Commencement speaker and an honorary degree recipient, Santos returns to the PC Podcast to share what’s new in the world of well-b…
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Music technology and production major Hashim Hassan '23, who was born in New York but grew up in Qatar, began studying violin at the age of five. On the Providence College Podcast, Hassan discusses what inspired his love of the instrument, why he chose to attend Friartown, and his post-graduate ambitions. He also shares recordings from his senior v…
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Timothy P. Flanigan, M.D. '16Hon., '18G, the former chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at Brown University's Warren Alpert Medical School, presented this year's Fiondella Lecture. He shared stories from the front lines of the HIV, Ebola, and COVID health crises, describing how the humanities helped him through these challenging experience…
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Brenda Chapman McGill, Ph.D. '75 shares stories about her experience as one of the first women — and very few women of color — to enroll at Providence College in 1971 as well as her return to the classroom for her doctorate in behavioral sciences, which she completed in 2016. She discussed the administrators that supported Black students when she w…
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A conversation with basketball legend Lenny Wilkens ’60, ’80Hon. A Hall of Fame player and coach, Wilkens shared stories from his NBA career, his time as a PC student-athlete, and his laudable community service work in his adopted hometown of Seattle. He also discussed his relationships with Providence College icons Joe Mullaney ’65Hon., ’98Hon., R…
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If you missed this year’s Anna E. Levoie Memorial Lecture, catch up on the Providence College Podcast. Hear Brianna Abbott ’17 and Mallary Tenore ’07 discuss science and health communication in the era of COVID-19. Abbott, who majored in chemistry and creative writing, is a health reporter for the Wall Street Journal. Tenore majored in English and …
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Sean Dufresne ’23 leads a group of students expanding sports play-by-play opportunities on WDOM radio. A psychology major who is among the first students in PC’s communication minor, Dufresne is working to follow in the footsteps of PC alums such as Doris Burke ’87, ’92G, ’05Hon., Sean McAdam '81, and Cayleigh Griffin '14, who have established succ…
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On this episode of the Providence College Podcast, Kelly Roosa Cohen '00 of Cohen Closing & Title describes the evolution of her business from its founding in 2015 to now, with five locations in southern New Hampshire and Maine. She also discusses challenges posed by the current housing market and shares advice for both new homebuyers as well as Fr…
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2022 was a busy year for Abby Mansolillo '21, because she was crowned Miss Rhode Island in May and competed in the Miss America pageant in December — all while attending law school. We discuss what inspired her pageant pursuits, how she reflects on the pageant experience as a women's and gender studies major, and her ambition to become the second f…
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Danika Bebe '23, a former head dream coach for the Transitions Program, joins us on the Providence College Podcast to discuss how the pre-orientation program for multicultural and first-generation families helped her grow as both a participant and a student leader. Bebe, who grew up in Tiverton, Rhode Island, is a public and community service studi…
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