PST 0542 - Ami dur niilimar balaka
Manage episode 394320015 series 2950564
(Ámi) Dúr niilimár baláká
Sudúrer váńii jata
Mor májhe otaprota
Pátáy pátáy lekhá
Svapnila nishiithe cáṋder álor sáthe
Niilákáshe uŕiyá beŕái
Mandrila vátáse phúlerá jakhan háse
Se hásite jog dite jái (ámi)
Hárái ná path kabhu
Sáthe tháke mor prabhu
Áṋdhi tupháneri sakhá
Maiṋjula mahákáshe álor lávańi bháse
Tári srote ámi bhese jái
Aiṋjula áṋkhipáte niṋd náhi nabhopathe
Niiŕ páne satata tákái
Jáke niye mátámáti
Se je sadá mor sáthii
Kakhano tháki ná eká
I am a goose of yon azure.
All of the news from very far,
Through me is it coursing;
It's inscribed on my feathers.
On a dreamy night by the moon's light,
I ascend into a blue sky.
When flowers laugh in heavy winds,
It's with their grin I make connection.
At no time I lose my way,
For with me my Lord, He remains,
A bosom friend in storms of dust and rain.
Across the heavens drifts a brilliant beauty;
Upon only His stream do I go sailing.
Eyelids dark, but on flightpath there is no sleep;
Toward nest I gaze continuously.
The One with Whom I am enamored,
It is He, Who's my co-traveler;
Unaccompanied am I never.
291 episod