show episodes
Muito se fala do mercado imobiliário. Aquilo que a iad quer é que se fale bem, com conhecimento de causa! O nosso programa nasce com o propósito de trazer para debate alguns temas que são atuais, algumas das especificidades do mercado, sempre com uma perspectiva muito atual, tecnológica e focada nas soluções. Podemos não trazer sempre novidades, contudo, traremos, certamente, novas perspectivas e formas de pensar. É um programa feito a pensar nos profissionais do imobiliário, mas que é exten ...
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Daily news for the podcast and on-demand audio industry - from Apple Podcasts to Spotify, YouTube Music to Joe Rogan. Podnews also covers the latest jobs and events and trending shows in a short update every weekday. - visit to get our free newsletter.
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Queens Rise To CEO: Organic Marketing Strategies for Female Coaches and Crafters

Talena Bacon - Business Strategy Coach For Female Coaches and Crafters

Welcome to the podcast for female coaches and crafters who are ready to grow their businesses organically. If you're looking to attract clients and generate sales without the stress, you're in the right place! We’ll dive into everything you need to build a successful online business—from launching your brand and creating an effective marketing strategy to mastering social media, crafting engaging content, and setting up systems that keep your business running smoothly without burnout. I’m Ta ...
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Tira Bilhete

Tira Bilhete Podcast

Podcast semanal com opiniões irrelevantes sobre filmes, escolhidos por nós e pelos ouvintes, inseridos num ciclo mensal com tema e nome duvidosos. Novos episódios todas as segundas-feiras. Paleio entediante de David Neto, António Pinhão Botelho e Francisco Correia, com a felicidade da companhia de convidados vários a fechar os ciclos.
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Acompanhe nossos três programas: "Starting Up", com conteúdos para o nível iniciante, "Way Ahead", para quem já está mais avançado e preparado para acompanhar um conteúdo 100% em inglês, e "The Blah Blah Spot", programa em que os teachers Carina Fragozo e Fábio Emerim batem um papo sobre algum assunto relacionado à língua inglesa em português, em inglês, ou em uma mistura dos dois idiomas.
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N'ite Moods "Old School Quiet Storm"

The Love Goddess of The Airwaves

Mia the “Love Goddess of The Airwaves” Williams is the host and producer of the syndicated show " N’ite Moods" digital radio’s #1 old school quiet storm show. In addition,’ Mia is a published author, businesswoman, community activist, certified business and family life coach. “With that said” Join the Love Goddess... As she sways you on a sensual journey spinning only the best of the best throwback R&B slow jams from the 80’s and 90.s and don’t forget about N’ite Moods “The Classic Soul Sess ...
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Podcast pra quem gosta de gibis sem enrolação! Criado por Léo Palmieri do site Crossover Nerd e do podcast CrossoverCast, o Gibi Nosso de Cada Dia é um podcast focado em reviews, informações e entrevistas relacionadas ao mundo das histórias em quadrinhos.
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JCast"Knurd is the opposite of being drunk, it’s as sober as you can ever be. It strips away all the illusion, all the comforting pink fog in which people normally spend their lives, and lets them see and think clearly for the first time ever. Then, after they’ve screamed a bit, they make sure they never get knurd again."
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Nosso primeiro Gaming Talk! O Tema foi: A discriminação e o preconceito contra as mulheres no mundo dos games. Link completo do audio da iMary _ : Escute a partir do 8:30 Como denunciar: Link da matéria no site: ...
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Café com Gundam"Knurd is the opposite of being drunk, it’s as sober as you can ever be. It strips away all the illusion, all the comforting pink fog in which people normally spend their lives, and lets them see and think clearly for the first time ever. Then, after they’ve screamed a bit, they make sure they never get knurd again."
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My name is Brad Shaw. I’m a voice actor, presenter and entrepreneur. At the beginning of the first lockdown, I was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma and was told that I would have to face a year of immunotherapy infusions. I decided that I’d engage with the voiceover community and create a project that we could all get involved with. The Wonderland Challenge was born. I split Alice in Wonderland up into 159 one minute chunks and offered it out to my colleagues. The idea was that you record a m ...
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O Fred e a Inês Falam de Coisas

O Fred e a Inês Falam de Coisas

O Fred, quando miúdo, acreditava que era o menino da lágrima. A Inês é dona de um riso que nunca mais vos vai sair da cabeça. Isto faz com que sejamos especialistas em absolutamente nada. Portanto, se quiserem ouvir dois perfeitos palermas e as suas muitas opiniões em relação à vida toda, estão no sítio certo. It's about to get weird, ya'll.
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Paul Jam

Deep House & Tech House

Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music. Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age. At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years old, and had another invitation to be the DJ resident of a discotheque in Lisbon. Due professional reasons years late, he left his career of Re ...
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DEEPLY RENDEZ VOUS Every Saturday ++ Live on ++ 10pm to midnight (France) DEEPLY RENDEZ VOUS | SESSION NOV 12th | SPECIAL SOUL FLAVOR mixed by MELCHYOR A - Live on Crock Radio, 89.5fm | streaming : LIVE EVERY SATURDAY | 10pm to Midnight Paris : 09pm | London : 08pm | New York : 03pm | Johannesburg 08pm | Tokyo : (UTC+9) 06am | Sydney : (UTC+11) 08am | Berlin : 09pm | Roma : 09pm | --- PLAYLIST : 01 - JINGLE 02 - MELCHYOR A - Daylight 03 - MELCHYOR A - Yo ...
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Welcome to the first installment of Off Screen, a series where I interview Game Masters of various actual plays to discuss the differences between running a home game and running an actual play. Off Screen’s inaugural guest is Tony Kiger. In this first episode, Tony and I discuss their love of the Monsterhearts system, their theatrical improv background, and how their improvisational GM style can create more reactive stories to their player’s choices, but can sometimes get them into trouble. ...
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Danilo e Carol

Danilo apresenta ATriboFalou, um podcast dedicado a comentar sobre o reality show Survivor com a ajuda de convidados ilustres da comunidade de fãs brasileiros do programa. Além disso, você pode nos encontrar no site ou no grupo de fãs Nos envie sugestões, críticas ou planeje um blindside conosco:
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Thiago Higashi

Eu sou o Thiago e vou te dar 10 motivos pra assistir aquele filme que você ainda não sabe se vale a pena! O Cinecast conta com as séries especiais: - Cinecast Agora - Cinecast - Final Explicado (exclusivo na PODCASTERIA) - Cinecast Gourmet Você pode acompanhar o Cinecast no Instagram pelo @CinecastPod. Ouça a gente também na PODCASTERIA. O feed da PodBox pra nunca faltar novidades na sua semana. Esse podcast é uma produção PodBox.
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Podcast das Galáxias

Guia do Maconheiro

O Podcast das Galáxias serve como forma de aprendizado e entretenimento para maconheiros (ou não)desse mundo! A cada 15 dias eu bato um papo bem longo sobre diversos assuntos com diferentes convidados. Por favor acenda uma(s) vela(s) e aproveite!!!
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O SPR Highlights é mais um canal de atualização científica continuada dos membros da Sociedade Paulista de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem (SPR). Os vídeos e podcasts do SPR highlights vão trazer as informações mais recentes e relevantes da literatura radiológica para discussão com os associados. Assistas os vídeos em
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show series
Convidados: Marco Gouveia (Digital Marketing Tainer & Consultant) e Angéla Rodrigues (Consultora iad Portugal) Moderadora: Carolina Sousa (Head of Marketing & Communication iad Portugal) Abordamos o tema “Estratégias de marketing digital para consultores imobiliários” onde focamos: ➡️ Marca pessoal autêntica ➡️ Consistência para resultados sólidos …
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. More attention to retention will be one of the …
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Every week, the Podnews Weekly Review is the last word in podcasting news - with a look back at the most important news in podcasting, and interviews with the people that matter. Hear from James Cridland, the Editor of Podnews; Sam Sethi, the CEO of Truefans; and interviews with the people that matter. The Podnews Weekly Review. With Buzzsprout - p…
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This is sponsored by Central Talent Booking. The Guests Your Podcast Needs - From celebrities to experts, Central Talent Booking connects you with the right guests to captivate your listeners. Learn more. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. In Vulture, Nick Quah writes a full pie…
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This is sponsored by Personally, from CBC. From CBC, Personally is the home for intimate storytelling and memoir. Get lost in someone else's life. Now accepting pitches. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. The winners of the 7th Canadian Podcast Awards were announced. Over 2,300 votes…
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This is sponsored by Personally, from CBC. From CBC, Personally is the home for intimate storytelling and memoir. Get lost in someone else's life. Now accepting pitches. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Funding for NPR is under threat in 2025, after Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy have wr…
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Em quase 5 anos de podcast falhámos em muita coisa, mas redimimo-nos finalmente da lacuna imperdoável que é nunca ter abordado o Die Hard ali pela altura das festas. É o filme que abre NO NO NO, o Chiclo (ciclo do Chico) sobre Anti-Natal. E se o António sabe as todas as deixas desta aventura claustrofóbica e divertida, o David viu finalmente o film…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. The Podnews Weekly Review this week f…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Image: James Cridland…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Ten moments that got podcasting talked about Visit for all the links, and to get our…
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Welcome to Queens Rise to CEO! In this episode, we’re diving into a little holiday reflection and a whole lot of strategy talk. As coaches and crafters, we often find ourselves re-evaluating our businesses—especially during the holiday season. Grab your favorite drink, settle in, and join me as I share how I’m rethinking my business for 2025 and th…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. Revenue up by over 80%, again Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Im…
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This is sponsored by Sounds Good, from CBC. From the staff at CBC Podcasts, Sounds Good is a bi-weekly newsletter that offers the latest in news, events and industry buzz from podcast creators and producers. Subscribe now. And a membership plan of $450 a year Visit for all the links, and to get our ne…
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Como tudo o que é mediano tem um fim, termina aqui o CICLO TROLHAS, em que escolhemos primeiras obras de três realizadores. E acabamos no bairro de Campo de Ourique, por onde passeia este Mal-Amado, primeiro filme do tio Matos Silva, que não teve de esperar muito tempo entre ter sido censurado e pela queda do regime (uns 3 mesitos). João Mota e Mar…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Clips from podcasts throughout the year Visit…
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In this episode of BTL, we will talk about the fact that we are coming to an end… and we will analyze a song together. Since it’s Jesus’ birthday, we will check this song called “Jesus, Take the Wheel” by Carrie Underwood. It’s a story, which teaches a few lessons including vocabulary, idioms, literal meaning, and of course a life lesson. Are you r…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. The size of the podcast market has increased, according to new estimates Visit https://podnew…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. The company isn't updating new shows, and has undergone cuts Visit…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Is it the best ad for a podcast ever? Visit for all…
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This is sponsored by Understood, from CBC. From CBC, Understood goes deep on the current events, people, and cultural moments shaping society. Seasons span four episodes, hosted by journalists with an existing expertise on the story. Now accepting pitches. Licensync is sending invoices demanding payment Visit…
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Temos nome para o ciclo de primeiras-obras! CICLO TROLHAS (sempre a manter o nível mediano). E o Chico deu à costa com o primeiro filme da tia Agnès Varda, para alguns o pontapé de saída da Nouvelle Vague. Duas narrativas entrecruzadas, uma (mais difícil de digerir) de dois namorados citadinos que vêm para La Pointe Courte parlar sobre a relação, a…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. ...and the biggest shows in the world Visit for all the links…
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In today’s episode teacher Fabio Emerim talks about the recent sightings of large, mysterious drones that have been reported in Morris and Somerset counties in New Jersey. These car-sized drones, active since mid-November 2024, have raised public concerns and triggered investigations by local authorities and the FBI. Despite the absence of immediat…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. If you use it for analytics, you need to change things. Visit…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. The author's company will add its shows to Lemonada Media's slate Visit…
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Paulo Jorge Andrade Marques aka (Paul Jam), was born in Lisbon in 1976 and soon began to like dance music.Started his career mixing in 2 cd player´s and a mixer whitout effects, only whit two pitchs, in a bar of a friend at 16 years of age.At the age of 18, he was invited to play in a bar near his home, where he was a resident until he was 21 years…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. You can now install it so it works just like an app Visit…
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Fala Gibizeiros e Gibizeiras! Neste episódio, comento minhas leituras de Novembro de 2024. Desde aos atuais e famosos Absolutes da iniciativa Tudo ou Nada da DC, à mangas e outras leituras, como a saga Carnificina total do Homem-Aranha. Dá o play, que o episódio tá bacanudo! Compre gibis com nosso link: ⁠⁠ Seja um apoiador do…
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This is sponsored by Uncover, from CBC. From CBC, Uncover brings listeners explosive, high-caliber investigations and true crime series. CBC is currently accepting pitches from independents and publishers to be part of this successful podcast. And a yearly report from a fiction podcast Visit for al…
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Episódio de abertura de ciclo sobre primeiras obras (título ainda em desenvolvimento), com filme sobre divergências sociais humano-alienígenas. A primeira longa-metragem do tio Blomkamp traz à terra uma história sobre despejos inumanos na sua Johanesburgo natal, ecoando acontecimentos históricos ainda muito próximos. Crítica social enquadrada numa …
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Are you ready to kickstart your most successful year yet? As we look toward 2025, it’s time to shift gears and embrace a fresh perspective for your business. Whether you’re a new coach still finding your footing or a creative entrepreneur navigating the ups and downs of running your own show, this episode is your guide to clearing the chaos and ste…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. The company will form a new division called Acast Creative Solutions Visit for all…
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In this episode of BTL, we’re diving into the concept of "the cycle." Our lives are often dictated by time: calendars, schedules, and deadlines give us a sense of structure. We find comfort in knowing when something begins, progresses, and eventually ends. But does this linear approach apply to learning English? Pronunciation Masters…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. You've played music for your kids in the car too? Visit for all the lin…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. That's its name. Plus, Canadian listening increases Visit for all the lin…
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. And Podgagement starts checking 34,000 charts globally Visit for all …
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This is sponsored by Split Screen, from CBC. From CBC, Split Screen features character-driven, narrative series, taking listeners inside the unsettling and captivating world of entertainment and pop culture. Now accepting pitches. And free consulting for people who have lost their jobs Visit for all the lin…
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Terminamos a nossa consciencialização social de sofá no ciclo SEM LUTA NÃO HÁ PROGRESSO, em que reunimos filmes que abordam o racismo. O Chico trouxe este charuto para cima da mesa, que de certa forma o surpreendeu pelas tiradas cómicas inesperadas. A verdade é que para um filme que aborda racismo, e que conta a história de um velho trumpista que s…
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Uncover the seniority, department, companies, and industries your listeners work in using CoHost’s B2B Analytics feature to drive revenue. Book a demo today. And does adding full video make any difference? We discover it does. Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter…
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Throughout history, there have been a number of objects that simply don't seem to fit either the place where they were found or the era they are dated to. Let's take a look at some of these objects, which range from a strange book that no one is able to identify the language of or determine its author, to geometrically impossible rocks. Listen to t…
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Uncover the seniority, department, companies, and industries your listeners work in using CoHost’s B2B Analytics feature to drive revenue. Book a demo today. Be thankful to Justin Jackson, Gavin Newsome, Audacy and ElevenLabs Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. …
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Uncover the seniority, department, companies, and industries your listeners work in using CoHost’s B2B Analytics feature to drive revenue. Book a demo today. And it's JLD at Podfest Visit for all the links, and to get our newsletter. Image: Goalhanger…
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Uncover the seniority, department, companies, and industries your listeners work in using CoHost’s B2B Analytics feature to drive revenue. Book a demo today. The founder of Single Source Media acquires a controlling stake in LiveRead Visit for all the links, and to get ou…
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Guiding you on a sensual journey spinning only the best of the best old school quiet storm R&B slow jams and classic soul from my favorite artists. 1. Carrie Lucas & The Whispers - Just A Memory 2. Diana Ross & Lionel Richie - Endless Love 3. James Ingram & Patti Austin - How Do You Keep The Music Playing? 4. Joyce Kennedy & Jeffrey Osborne - The L…
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Uncover the seniority, department, companies, and industries your listeners work in using CoHost’s B2B Analytics feature to drive revenue. Book a demo today. Podcast revenue grows nicely in Australia; and changes for streaming payments Visit for all the links, an…
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Guiding you on a soulful journey spinning only the best of the best classic soul ballads from the 60's and 70's... 1. Curtis Mayfield - Give Me Your Love 2. Freda Payne - I Get High (On Your Memory) 3. The Commodores - Say Yeah 4. Betty Wright - I Think I'd Better Think About It 5. Gladys Knight & The Pips - It Takes A Whole Lotta Man For A Woman L…
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SEM LUTA NÃO HÁ PROGRESSO é o título do ciclo de filmes sobre racismo, e a escolha do António leva-nos a uma casa norte-americana onde vive gente bem esquisita. A impressionante primeira obra do tio Jordan Peele mescla terror e humor numa engenhosa sátira social, ainda que com algumas escolhas de argumento previsíveis. E quem mais indicado que nós …
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Convidados: Diogo Dantas da Cunha (CEO Flexty) e Ulisses Assis (Consultor iad Portugal) Moderador: Alfredo Valente (CEO iad Portugal) Abordamos o tema “Autonomia Financeira no imobiliário: como alcançá-la?” onde são partilhadas estratégias práticas para alcançar a independência financeira no imobiliário. 🎙️ Ouça agora e transforme a sua visão de fu…
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This is sponsored by CoHost. Get in-depth insights into who your podcast audience is including income, family members, social media habits, age, and more with CoHost's Advanced Audience Demographics. Book a demo today. Spotify released new audiobook features, Tim Ferriss criticizes interview-style podcasts Visit…
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In this episode of BTL, we are talking about the importance of establishing rapport with people. I use Bruno Mars and his amazing skills to talk about how amazing it is when you can connect with people at a personal level. Should he get his CPF number? Well, I don’t know, but he made us feel great and made us believe that he is just like us. Is he?…
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