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Talking Orangutans Podcast

Talking Orangutans Podcast

Real people - real conversations. It is easy to overlook life lessons from our peers by over-focusing on celebrities' success stories. Join me in a journey of learning from my peers and random humans. I try to extract their life experience in 1 to 2 hour conversations. This podcast is about learning of a variety of fields, feel the emotional connection to life events, challenging one's beliefs and growing in the process. Growing up and living in conservative places stops certain topics to be ...
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show series
Episode #54 Davey Du Plessis|English| Veganism, surviving & seeing life from a different perspective How did this podcast happen? One, I did a podcast with a 50-year old gay Afrikaans recovering addict called Freddie (ep #4) whom now is one of my best friends. A year later I asked all my former podcast guests to hook me up with someone interesting.…
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TO PODCAST #53 Derrick Jensen |English| Author, Philosopher & Radical Environmentalist. How did I get to have this chat? I asked my friend and fellow podcaster Freddie Van Rensburg (Meet me in the Field podcast) to hook me up with people whom I will have a nice chat. He referred me to Dr. Denis (Ep#33). Denis hooked me up with trauma counselor Roby…
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Ep #52 Truchen Vorndran |Afrikaans| Teaching English in Korea As jy 'n onderwyser in Korea was, is dit maybe 'n walk down memory lane vir jou. As jy 'n onderwyser in Korea wil wees, is dit maybe 'n insightful chat oor wat om te verwag. Ek en Truchen het klomp jare terug saam gewerk en gereeld na werk lang stories gesels oor die lewe wat ek baie van…
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TO PODCAST #51 Willem Evenwel |Afrikaans| Programmer: What lessons did we not learn as kids? Ek ken vir Willem meer as 10 jaar. Ons het op dieselfde dorp groot geword en in dieselfde kringe beweeg. Op Stellenbosch gedurende die 2000s, was dit gewoonlik Mystics, Bohemia, trance parties, etc. Toe ek Willem bel vir 'n Covid catch-up tune hy my van sy …
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Guinness World Record Holder: Jason Lewis from England Jason Lewis is an English author, explorer and sustainability campaigner credited with being the first person to circumnavigate the globe by human p…
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My wife is Polish. We met in London where I lived and worked for 4 years. One of her best friends is Agnieszka whom I met when she and her boyfriend Daniel, now husband, came to South Africa on holiday many years ago. Aga's enthusiasm for life and people is infectious. This talk filled me with so much positive energy and I hope it will for you too!…
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TO PODCAST #48 Robyn Wolff |English| Trauma Counselor | PTSD | Mindfulness | Therapy | Mind Heart | Robyn Wolff COUNSELOR, MEDIATOR, WELLNESS COACH Presenting experience and professional training in the areas of Employee Wellness, Counselling, Mediation, Mindfulness training and Life Coaching – serving large corporations, o…
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TO PODCAST #46 Vergil Smith | English | Understanding Racial Tension & Politics in the US Vergil Smith is an American actor, voice-over artist, teacher and presentations coach. Raised in New Orleans, Louisana, Vergil now resides in Warsaw, Poland. www.…
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TO PODCAST #45 Rick @hottnotghot | Afrikaans | Mens Wees: Lewensverhaal van op die regte pad kom Music in this episode: ARTIST: Hotnot God SONG: Oor Deel My chat met Rick gaan rondom die topics van MENS WEES of om MENSLIK te wees. Dit beteken om goeie en slegte eienskappe te hê. Dit beteken dat iets wat jy in een periode van jou lewe gedoen het, jo…
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TO PODCAST | #44 Jacques Theron | Afrikaans | Internasionale Akteur | Advies | Ervaring | Aksente Jacques se CV is vreeslik impressive: Hy is bekend vir sy international commercials en vir cameo rolle in 'n variety plaaslike en internasionale TV en films. Ek het hom gevra onder andere: 1) Watter en hoe…
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TO #43 [English] with Pro Wrestler & Personal Trainer Bushi Jonker | Who | What | Why | How? Bushi FACEBOOK Bushi INSTAGRAM BODY ELITE GYM Bushi is a retired South African pro-wrestler from Stellenbosch, South Africa. He currently works as a …
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TO Podcast #42 |Afrikaans| onderhoud met Nico van OOPMOND PODCAST | MMA | Mixed Martial Arts OOPMOND YOUTUBE OOPMOND AUDIO OOPMOND INSTAGRAM @oopmondpod Ek en Nico discuss MMA (Mixed Martial Arts): 1) Hoe en wanneer ons begin fans geword het 2) MMA training 3) WW…
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TO Podcast #41 |Afrikaans| Nico van OOPMOND PODCAST | Wie | Waar | Wanneer | Hoekom & Hoe OOPMOND YOUTUBE OOPMOND AUDIO OOPMOND INSTAGRAM @oopmondpod Nico het in 2019 Oopmond Podcast gelaunch. Soos ek is hy ge-inspire deur Joe Rogan en sy crew. Nico is 'n passiev…
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TO Podcast #40 [Afrikaans] met akteur John B Swart | oor sy kar ongeluk | voor en na | lewe en drome John B Swart John was in 'n kar ongeluk in 2014 wat hom amper dood gemaak het. Ek gesels met hom oor…
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TO Podcast #39 [English] w. Selene about culture, language, racism and self-analysis Selene works as a language expert for Stellenbosch University. Her upbringing by very liberal parents allowed her to experience life in both Apartheid and Democratic South Africa differently from most white middle-class Afrikaners which could be' pigeon-holed' as r…
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TO Podcast #38 [Afrikaans] Jonathan - fotograaf - lewensgeesdriftige - pa - man - reisiger - MMA Jonathan is een van die energieryke mense wie jy kan kry. Sy vibe is entoesiasme. Hy is helder in denke en praat moer lekker. Ons het gechat oor sy fotografie loopbaan, sy hobb…
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TO Podcast #37 - Twee Vrystaters - Britse Recces - Afghanistan - Oorlog - Opleiding - Huis toe kom Franz en George is twee Vrystaters wie in die Britse weermag baklei het. Albei het 2 toere in Afghanistan gedoen. Ek het met hulle gepraat oor hul ondervinding met oorlog, hul opleiding, huis toe kom, en verskeie aspekte soos die dood, the mind / body…
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TO Podcast #36 (FULL) interview w. Charles about dealing with death (his fiancee / my brother) THE GOAL OF THIS PODCAST IS to talk about a very personal experience of death which all people experience differently: the way your loved-one died and the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual impact on you. Grieving is practiced and experienced diffe…
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TO Podcast #34 (FULL) interview w. model Michaela about life before, during & after a model career Michaela is a 24-year old model from Pretoria, South Africa working out of Cape Town, South Africa…
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TO Podcast #34 interview w. physicist Markus Kruger about finding the truth in research and life Markus was introduced to me by Freddie from the Meet me in the Field podcast - I asked Freddie who do you think I will enjoy to have a conversation with and Markus was one of the first names. With most podcasts, I have an …
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Talking Orangutans Podcast (T.O.P) Episode #33 with Dr Denis Allard Dr Denis Allard Netcare Christiaan Barnard Memorial Hospital (T) +27 (0)21 441 0481 (M) +27 (0)82 728 7843 (E) I met Denis through my friend Freddie Van Rensburg whom is a fel…
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Talking Orangutans Podcast (T.O.P) Episode #32 with Mik Mik is the owner, head teacher and catalyst behind Son Surf: Strand, Cape Town, South Africa +27 (0)83 232 4822 194 Beach Road, Strand Son Surf is a surf school that provides lessons, board/ wetsuit ren…
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Talking Orangutans Podcast (T.O.P) Episode #31 with Emmanuel This is Emmanuel's second time on my podcast. Here is his first one or listen to AUDIO #10. Emmanuel is from Congo and moved to South Africa a few years ago. His story is one of being bed-ridden due to physiological ailments to being a bright, h…
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Talking Orangutans Podcast #30 with Kristo whom is a South African who has become a Swedish resident after marrying a Swedish lady during is overseas travels. Like most young kids finishing school in the 90's and 2000's, Kristo signed up for the UK's 2-year working holiday and started his life after school with getting away from South Africa. In th…
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I have many opinions, thoughts and feelings that are based on pure speculation. Douglas is a close friend of mine whom is far more experienced, educated and up to date with South Africa's current political and economic climate. I asked him to come educate me on where we, South Africa, are at the moment economically. I thought this would be a 25 min…
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This is Freddie's 3rd time on my podcast. What a beautiful and enthusiastic person. He wrote a new book called Life Anon: A 12-step Guide for non-addicts. I wanted to find out what the book is about, how he came up with the idea, how to use it, what his process is with writing and other areas around spirituality. WATCH…
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One of my old school friends is Seth. Seth studied sport science in Stellenbosch. He got a bursary to study chiropractic in America. During his courses he met Katally. They got married. They graduated together at the same university in chiropractic. They started their own institute called Ideal Posture and Spine in Char…
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Dr Seth and I were driving home. We stopped at a pedestrian crossing for this guy to cross with his dog. Dr Seth knew him and told me he used to be in the military. I immediately asked him if he thinks Chris might be keen on doing a podcast. He said maybe. I went knocking on Chris' door a hour later - which was 4 doors down in the same apartment co…
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My medical treatment in USA was done by Ideal Posture and Spine Carolyn is a Wellness Coach at the institute. She has this amazing enthusiasm for people and health. She has a great heart and real warm energy. Dr Katally told me that while I am in Charleston, SC, I should try and talk to Carolyn about how she got into b…
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This podcast has an interesting story. I am in America for my chiropractic treatment. One aspect of the treatment was to go for yoga. I attended a class - which was my first ever - and I got very emotional towards the end and right after. It blew me away. I was really perplexed but pleasantly surprised. Jossalyn was the instructor. She was this ver…
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Published on Aug 31, 2019 Talking Orangutans Podcast ANALYTICS EDIT VIDEO Orangutans Podcast #23 Dian (PART 3) Self-Care [Afrikaans] This was a very impromptu podcast with Dian which was confirmed 2 hours before we started. I love talking to Dian - we go through many parralel life challenges - our minds work similar and we strive for improvement. D…
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Published on Aug 31, 2019 Talking Orangutans Podcast T.O. Podcast #22 Eduard Swanepoel: Politcal Science [English] Edward is doing his Master's thesis on South African politics regarding land appropriation at Stellenbosch University, South Africa at he moment. He resides outside London, UK where he works as a researcher for the British Labour Party…
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#21 Andre Lomp Baard - English Premier League Preview: Arsenal [English] This is a break from all the serious podcasts. Andre is a local Stellenbosch guy with a hilarious relationship with Arsenal. We both love the Premier League - we both are massive Arsenal fans - and both find it terribly difficult to be massive Arsenal fans. WATCH https://www.y…
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#20 Leslie - Dog Expert/ German Shepherds [English] Leslie and I stay on the same farm in Stellenbosch. She has been my go-to person for any dog related issues over the last 4 years. Like most humble people, she happily refers me to other people in case I ask her something she does not feel 100% sure about - which is very rarely. She helped me see …
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#19 Anton - Spiritual Guide [English] I don't know Anton other than seeing him in Stellenbosch every so often over the last 4 years. He does not look like the standard person who lives here. When thinking of guests to invite, I decided next time I see him on the street I will ask him to come tell his story. This is it. I f you want to contact Anton…
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I met Michael 4 years ago and we have been through some amazing spiritual journeys together. He is an artist and a person whom strives to grow spiritually. He resides in Faure, Western Cape. We talked about spirituality - varying from honesty, resentments, relationships and more. To check out Mike's artwork, go to .....…
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TALKING ORANGUTANS PODCAST Episode #17 with Dian Wessels about Emigration. Dian is a graphic designer and brainchild behind Mind the Shadow. I have been playing with the idea to emigrate - and so too Dian - and we met up to talk about what it means to emigrate, pros and cons, why would you like to do it and what is the process. Dian was also on pod…
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TALKING ORANGUTANS PODCAST #16 Digital Nomad Ivor I know Ivor from Stellenbosch circles. He has always been an interesting and intriguing character. I found out a month ago that he likes podcasts - some of them the same as me. I instantly asked him to come for a chat. I like to hear different schools of thought, different outlooks on life, differen…
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Talking Orangutans Podcast #15 Andre Van Rooyen TOPIC: Lone Ranger mission to desert in Namibia on motorcycle ROAD DIARY LINK: BACKGROUND: I know Andre via the usual 'everyone in Stellenbosch knows everyone'. I really got to know him 4 years ago through downhill mountain biking. He undertook a journey to Nam…
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EPISODE #14 with ERIC PALMER I met Eric in High School @ Paul Roos Gimnasium. I know of him due to my younger brother Johan being into skating and also the fact that everyone in Stellies know each other. Eric was known to me as a rollerblader and early on I knew of his photography. In adulthood about 15 years after sc…
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After meeting Shameeg a few weeks ago, I asked him to join me to talk about his experience cheffing. In this podcast we talk about: food cost purchasing stock staffing levels different dishes kitchen duties and prep being a muslim thinking back of great eras where we worked in a specific restaurant. Shameeg is available for event catering, private …
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I spoke to Astrid who was born in the 70s and raised in communist Romania in the 80s. She recounts her experience of poverty, child labour, unrest, secret police and how it is to move to South Africa in the early 2000s. We also talk about her doctorate in microbiology, work at Stellenbosch University and making wine.…
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Welcome everyone. I give a quick rundown of what this podcast is about, who I am, and why I started this. In short, due to too many concussions, I can't do a lot of sport. Combine that with spinal injuries, I am quite limited. Podcasts helped me greatly to improve myself and get a different perspective on life and many things. It is not always poss…
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Emmanuel immigrated to the Republic of South Africa 3 years ago from the Democratic Republic of Congo. We talked about what made him change countries, hardships he faced, overcoming challenges in life, finding meaning and a driving force for the future. WATCH ON YOUTUBE @…
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This chat with Jaco covered the following topics: 1. His education and start into computers 2. His stay in Finland 3. What is the internet and how does it work? 4. Who contributed massively to computer science 5. Doing research 6. NASA 7. Moon-landing conspiracy 8. Neil Degrasse Tyson 9. 4th dimension 10. Explaining Interstellar the movie 11. What …
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Freddy Van Rensburg is an addiction counselor from Somerset West. Check out his website for more information on him: Listen to his podcast 'Meet me in the Field' at: Buy his book 'The First Layer' for R250 which focuses on going through the 12 steps in 21 days at: His contact d…
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This conversation centers around Franz - a guy from the Free-state who joined the British Army - toured Afghanistan, retired from medical injuries after 9 years, and came back to live in the Western Province as an army vet. Topics covered range from how a boy from the Free-state ends up in The British Army, how does the British Army's units compare…
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