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Join experienced Health and Wellness Coach, Catherine Shelton, as she discusses all things perimenopause. Diving into what’s going on with your hormones, Catherine addresses many of the common symptoms of menopause, such as weight gain, mood swings, lack of sleep, night sweats and hot flushes/flashes. Catherine shares her top tips and strategies to inspire, inform and empower you to make intentional, healthier choices day by day. Catherine’s approach focuses on getting more whole food, plant ...
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show series
Nada Soubra is a Certified Health Coach focused on empowering busy working parents to lay the foundations of a long and healthy life, free of chronic diseases. She focuses on effective and hassle-free nutrition and lifestyle tweaks that fit into busy schedules. In our interview, she shares: How she got into health coaching Her experience with ovari…
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Hey! Feeling stressed? No time to exercise? Healthy eating plan gone out the window? You might be in a super busy time right now, but the good news is that you don't have to put your health on the back burner. In today's episode, I have 3 simple tips for you that you can implement right away without needing extra time or preparation in your already…
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Hey! In today's episode, I'm chatting with the amazing Dr Indra Barathan, a Functional Medicine doctor with her own private practice in the north of England. We talk about a functional medicine approach to menopausal symptoms, which involves getting to the root of what might be causing those symptoms. Spoiler alert - it's not just your hormones! Dr…
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Hi! Did you know that October brings both World Mental Health Awareness Day (10th) and World Menopause Awareness Day (18th)? Our guest today is here to talk to us about both - how mental health issues are often overlooked, misunderstood or misdiagnosed when dealing with menopausal women, and Andrea has a very powerful story to share. Don’t forget t…
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Each year, October sees a special focus on all things Menopause. And that's because World Menopause Day is on the 18th of October. I thought I'd share with you my top 5 favourite and recommended books on how to successfully navigate perimenopause, menopause and beyond. Check out the links in the show notes or on my website (…
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Hi! In today’s episode I’m speaking with Elizabeth Sherman about how, as women, we’re socialised from a young age to have a distorted relationship with food and with our bodies, and how this affects us as we age, particularly as we go through menopause. This is such an important topic because so many women today are battling with their weight, eati…
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m interviewing the lovely Claire Thomas, who shares her 4 pillars to focus on in order to ease your way through the common symptoms of perimenopause and beyond. These tips are simple and easily actionable but can make a massive difference. Don’t forget to join us inside the Healthier Life Club – the super amazing introduct…
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Hey! Today I’m addressing a really common issue that I come across a lot, and that’s: ‘Help! I can’t stay motivated to keep going with my health goals!’ So many of us start well, but soon we start to lose focus and end up back where we were before. It’s frustrating and time-consuming. If only we could stay committed and motivated to keep going! In …
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m sharing the six things I learned about managing your blood sugar levels from wearing a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) for 2 weeks. This is such an important topic because, as we go through perimenopause and beyond, we tend to become more insulin resistant, which means we can find ourselves on a blood sugar rollercoaste…
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In today’s episode, I’m interviewing the lovely Ana Gonzalez Herrera, who will be sharing about her struggle with Stage IV Endometriosis and the resulting surgical menopause, all of which led her to a new focus and career change so she could help other women with hormone health. Ana is the founder of Hormone University and the product line Glow Bot…
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m actually sharing a snippet of a live coaching session with one of my lovely clients, who has graciously given permission for me to share this with you all. You may be thinking that you’d like to get some health coaching yourself, but you’re not really sure what it actually looks like. In this episode, I coach my client t…
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m talking about our 4 Happy Hormones, what they are, and how we can boost them naturally. When we’re more aware of how our food and lifestyle choices affect our happiness levels we can actually do something about it. Learn how to give your mood, motivation, concentration and happiness levels a boost by following along with…
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m giving you my 4 top tips for how to balance your blood sugar! This is such an important topic because blood sugar spikes and increasing insulin resistance are one of the main reasons women find it so much harder to lose weight once they get to their 40s and 50s. Not to mention the increased risk of developing diabetes an…
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In today’s episode, I’m talking about the fascinating history of menopause – the things women had to go through, and how we were so misunderstood and mistreated all because of a natural biological process that all women go through at some point in their lives. This is such an important topic because it sets the scene for where we are today in terms…
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We’re back with a new focus: perimenopause, menopause and beyond! In this episode, I give a quick update as to what I’ve been doing since Episode 50 aired a few months ago, and I share three reasons why I decided to pick this new focus – I hope it’s one you’ll find informative whatever stage you’re at, whether you're in the throes of perimenopause,…
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Hi! In today’s episode, we’re talking about the importance of community when it comes to living long, healthy and happy lives. This is such an important topic because, not only does the Bible say that we’re wired for community, but research also shows that having a supportive community around you is so important for our physical, mental, emotional …
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m interviewing the lovely Kathy Davis of VegInspired and we’re talking about plant-based eating. Kathy answers all your questions about: What is plant-based eating? How do I get started? What are some simple recipes for busy people? How do I make sure I’m getting the right nutrition? What if I’m feeling resistant to the id…
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In today’s episode, I’m interviewing the lovely Molly Ashton. It’s a little different from many of my other episodes because, although we’re talking about the very important topic of self-care, it’s all from the context of home education or homeschooling. So this episode is particularly for you if you are homeschooling, or you’re thinking of homesc…
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Hi! This week’s episode is an interview with the lovely Jaclyn Castro of Courageous Fit Female. In our conversation together, Jaclyn talks about looking at the reasons behind why we work out and the importance of letting God into your fitness journey. She tells her story about how she got sucked into the world’s way of looking at fitness and how Go…
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Hi! Summer is a great time to take stock of where you are with your health and wellness goals. Yes, remember those goals you set back in January? How are you doing? In today’s episode, I’m sharing 3 powerful questions you can ask yourself as you take stock on how you're doing in fitness, health, diet, relationship with God, and pretty much any area…
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Hi! Today’s episode is the 3rd in our series on Macronutrients and today we’re looking at carbohydrates! This can be a very confusing issue for many. Should I go on a low-carb diet? Which carbs are bad for me? What about fruit? Should I avoid all grains? My friend lost weight on the keto diet, should I consider it too? We’ll dive deep into why carb…
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Hi friend! This episode is the second in a little mini-series I’m doing on the 3 main macronutrients. This week we’re going to be looking at protein. What is protein and why is it important? What’s the difference between animal-based proteins and plant-based proteins? And how much protein should I be eating? This is such an important topic, especia…
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Hi! Are you someone who always reaches for the product with the fat-free or reduced-fat label? You might want to think again. In this episode, you’re going to learn about why the war on fat began in the first place, what the results of the fat-free movement have actually been, the 4 different types of fats to look out for and the benefits of having…
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m chatting with the lovely Hally Brooke, all about how to live nourished in today’s busy world. Hally is a Functional Medicine Nutrition Counselor and Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, and she shares her own journey of how she healed herself, through nutrition and prayer, from IBS, which then launched her from the…
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Hi! Let’s talk about perimenopause! This is such an important issue, and thankfully it’s finally beginning to get talked about more in the media. After all, half the population go through this! In today’s episode I talk you through: What’s going on with our sex hormones each month? What’s estrogen dominance? What is perimenopause and what’s going o…
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If you’re feeling tired, run-down and on the way to burnout, then this episode is for you! I answer the questions: What is Adrenal Fatigue What are the Symptoms, and What Simple, Natural Remedies Can I Use? This is such an important topic because so many of us are going around in an exhausted daze and assuming that this is just life. But it doesn't…
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Hi! Do you love reading like me? I have 6 amazing books to share with you that will inspire you on your journey to up-level your health and wellness and find more energy, balance and joy. Ranging from topics such as plant-based nutrition, gut health, stress management, sleep hacks and more, there’s something here for everyone. Let me know which one…
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Hi! In today’s episode we’re talking about personality types, and how knowing yourself better can be really helpful both in terms of self-care and also when it comes to forming new, healthier habits or letting go of old, unhelpful habits. Such quizzes should be taken lightly, as we’re all unique and change is always possible, but they can be pretty…
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m talking with professional artist and Creative Wellness Coach, Niki Kent on the topic of Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating, and how using art, creativity and green spaces can help to turn those around. This is also the last week to sign up for my brand new Fit & Flourishing Group Coaching Program! We start May 23rd 2…
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Hi! Today we’re talking about motivation. Lack of motivation is second only to lack of willpower when it comes to reasons that women give for not being able to stick to their health and wellness goals over the long term. In today’s episode, I’m sharing 3 simple ways you can get more motivation. And I’m also announcing my brand new 6-week group coac…
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Hi! Are you a fresh start junkie like me? I love to think of Easter as my time for a fresh start when it comes to my health and wellness. It’s the perfect time of year! If you’re also looking for a fresh start, then check out my 7 quick and easy ideas for how you can give your health and wellness a spring clean and makeover. And if you’re listening…
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Hi! Today I’m talking about sugar: what it’s doing to your body, where it’s creeping into your diet, how much we should be aiming for, and then ten tips for how to reduce your sugar intake. This is such an important topic because eating too much sugar is behind so many of today’s chronic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, thyroid disease, Alzheim…
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Hi! In today’s episode, I’m talking about why should we, as Christians, be looking after our bodies? Why does our physical health matter? This is such an important topic because understanding our ‘why’ behind all that we do when it comes to health and wellness will keep us going when things get a bit tough, or life throws us a curveball. When you k…
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Hi friend! I don't know about you but it seems to me that Easter is fast becoming, if it hasn't already become, the chocolate holiday. At least that's the impression you get when you walk into any supermarket at the time I'm recording this episode. Whole aisles are dedicated to chocolate eggs of various sizes and flavours, mini eggs for Easter hunt…
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Hi! Today on the podcast I’m chatting with Dr Orlena Kerek. Dr Orlena trained as a pediatric doctor in the UK. She now works as a health coach, teaching busy women to lead their most healthy life in a way they love, so they can feel amazing, lead a long life and teach their kids healthy living habits. Like me, Dr Orlena also has four kids, so we st…
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Hi friend! This podcast is for you, even if you don’t consider yourself (yet) a runner! Not only do I talk about the amazing health benefits of running, but I also share some interesting facts about how, as a species, we’re literally born to run, and also about the history of women’s running in particular. And at the end, I have a special announcem…
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Hi! I’m still on Cloud 9 after an amazing time leading my very first Wellness Reset Weekend this past weekend! Many of you have been curious to know how it went, so in today’s episode, I’m sharing a snapshot of what went on, the kinds of topics we discussed, the overall plan of the weekend and some great feedback I’ve already got from the guests wh…
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Hi! Today I’m sharing six of my all-time, favourite, healthy foods! These six foods are a regular part of our weekly meals, and they’re all bursting with vitamins, minerals, fibre and amazing health benefits. Find out which six foods I’m sharing today, and let me know if you agree :-) Check out the show notes for some easy recipes where you can sta…
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Hi There! You may have heard of the term Intermittent Fasting. It’s very popular in the health and wellness world at the moment, but it can also be a little confusing. In today’s episode, I talk about both the spiritual and the health benefits of Periodic Fasting. I hope to answer many of your questions about Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricte…
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What is pancake day all about? Why do Christians fast during Lent? And what kinds of things could I be fasting from or giving up in the 40 days up to Easter? In this week’s episode, we have a bit of a look back at church history, as well as encouragement not to give up on the traditional practice of fasting. I also give you 7 ideas of things you co…
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Hey Friend! Are you looking after your immune health? Our modern life, whether that’s through the foods we’re eating, or not eating, or the toxins we’re exposed to, or our high levels of chronic stress together with not enough hours of quality sleep, is all contributing to our immune systems just not being able to function at their best and protect…
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Hey Friend! Do you struggle with willpower when it comes to tempting foods or habits that you know are unhelpful? You’re not alone! And there are reasons why it’s so hard. But the good news is that willpower is not something that you either have or you don’t have. In this episode I talk about what willpower is; the parts of your brain that are in c…
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Hi! Today we’re talking about the 3 ‘R’s. Not the ones at school, but ‘Rest, Reconnecting with God and Reflection’. (And Planning, but that doesn’t start with an R sadly!) I talk about why each one is so important, and I give you tips on how to fit them into your life on a daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly basis. There are lots of Bible quotes in…
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Hi there! The number one reason women give me for why they’re struggling with their health and wellness is not having enough TIME! We’re just too busy. But then, if we’re not careful to fit in time for healthy eating, exercise and all the other pillars of good health, then we’re on a downward spiral towards burnout, and that’s no good for anyone ☹ …
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Hey Friend! Today we’re answering a question from one of the lovely ladies inside my Healthier Life Community Facebook Group. She asked about how she could improve her digestive health. This is a topic I’m a big fan of, partly because of my own history with IBS. We’re going to be talking about what is digestive or gut health, why is it important, w…
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Hi there! One of the foundational topics I cover with my clients is nutrition, and so today I thought I’d do an episode all about a particular kind of food that people love to hate, and often avoid, but is actually packed full of nutrition and really, really good for you. And that’s BEANS! Why are beans good for us? How can we avoid getting the unp…
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Hi! This is our last in our 3-part series on setting healthy habits. Today I’m interviewing my dear friend, fellow health coach and motivational speaker, Daniela Ullmann. Daniela is sharing her top 5 tips for setting up healthy habits for the year ahead, and we also touch on the importance of morning routines. Daniela’s got so much wisdom to share,…
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Happy New Year! I'm sure you've thought about some new goals for the year ahead. But what’s the secret to actually achieving your health and wellness goals? Answer: creating habits that stick. Following on from the last episode on Understanding Your Why and Setting SMART Goals, the next step is to Create Healthy Habits. But how can we do that so we…
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If you’re anything like me, you love fresh starts and are already making plans for 2022. Perhaps you’re wondering what your New Year’s Resolutions should be. But stop!! New Year’s Resolutions don’t actually work! Why? I give you 3 reasons inside today’s episode, and then give you clear, actionable tips for how you can turn that around and set goals…
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Happy Christmas 2021! Just a quick episode talking about my own experience of celebrating Christmas in a place where the 25th was a normal, working day, and some tips on how to avoid the commercialism and secularization of Christmas in today’s Western culture. If you’d like to give my feedback and suggestions for future episodes, I’d love to hear f…
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