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The Tabernacle Today

The Tabernacle Today

The Tabernacle Today is a podcast maintained by The Tabernacle, an SBC Baptist Church located in Danville, VA. This podcast contains sermons and audio recorded live during our Sunday Worship Service and our Wednesday Bible Study. We pray that this ministry is a blessing for you! To view our full Sunday Livestream, or to learn more about us, check out our social media platforms: Connect with us on Facebook: Check out our YouTube channel: ...
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show series
Choose Rest not Wrath - Matthew 11:20-30 When the child of God Looks into the word of God And sees the Son of God They are transformed by the Spirit of God Into the image of God For the glory of God -Warren Wiersbe I brought up Warner Sallman’s “Head of Christ” to point out that our image of Christ needs to be shaped by what we read of Jesus in the…
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Psalm 81 Worksheet As we read Psalm 81, look for clues about what this Psalm was written for. Also look for the place the Psalm switches to God being the one speaking. Asaph’s call to Festival worship V. 1-3 The opening 3 verses have ______ commands calling the people to the praise of the Festival, making this a Praise psalm. When Jacob is used for…
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Do Everything You Do with a Grateful Heart - Psalm 107:1-3 I am speaking of course about GRACE vision goggles! Those who have received God’s grace through faith in Jesus are able to have a constant perspective that will help them serve God with clarity and confidence. 5 G Living: Do Everything you do: For the Glory of God For the Good of your fello…
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Psalm 80 Worksheet The Heading reads “To the Chief Musician” – The Hebrew is Nasah (H5329). It occurs 65 times in the Old Testament, _____________ in Psalm Headings, reminding us the Psalms were written to be sung! The Greek Septuagint Old Testament added to the title the words, “Concerning Assyria,” which may place it as written after the Northern…
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Do Everything for the Growth of Fellow Christians The Normal Christian Life The reality is that the person right next to you in church is also struggling as they grow in their faith. And God’s plan has always been for you to know you are not alone, but to grow up in the faith with other Christians in the body of Christ. 5 G Living – Do everything y…
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Psalm 79 Worksheet Psalm 79 is a ________________________ lament after an enemy incursion along with imprecatory prayers for the enemy to get what’s coming to them. Lament over ___________________________ in Jerusalem V. 1-4 This sure seems to fit with what Babylon did to Jerusalem in 586 B.C. 2 Kings 25:8-21 What prophet wrote a book to describe h…
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Do Everything to get the Gospel to Non-Believers 5 G Living – Do everything you do… For the Glory of God For the Good of your fellow man To get the Gospel to non-believers For the Growth of your fellow Christians With a Grateful heart Luke 24:44-53 Our message: We present Christ as the focal point of the Bible’s message - V. 44-45 All we like sheep…
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Psalm 78 Worksheet The Hebrew word for contemplation is Maschil (H4905). It is used in the titles of _____ of the Psalms. With 72 verses, Psalm 78 is the second longest of the Psalms. It still only has ______________% as many verses as the longest, Psalm 119 (176 verses). Two more things we know about Asaph: He liked his worship ___________________…
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Do Everything for the Good of Others - Matthew 5:13-16 5 G Living – Do everything you do… For the Glory of God For the Good of your fellow man To get the Gospel to non-believers For the Growth of your fellow Christians With a Grateful heart The power for 5 G living comes from the power of the triune God, accessed through the outlet of God’s grace w…
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Do Everything for God’s Glory 5 G Living – Do everything you do… For the Glory of God For the Good of your fellow man To get the Gospel to non-believers For the Growth of your fellow Christians With a Grateful heart Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31 Whatever you do, from the s…
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A warm welcome to Dr. Paul Weaver as he preaches from the Gospel of John, reminding us of the uniqueness of Christianity as compared to all world religions and faiths. We serve a risen Savior!Welcome to our Sunday Service! Feel free to like, share, and comment on this post - how has the Lord been working in your life this week? If you do not have a…
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Welcome to our Sunday Service! We pray that this is a blessing for you. Feel free to like, share, and comment on this post - how has the Lord been working in your life this week? Here are Pastor Eddie's sermon notes. Feel free to follow along! _____________________________ Don’t you wish everyone used it? - Genesis 35:1-12 Reroute to the beginning …
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Christmas Means God Sent Salvation When you put together the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah the only person who could ever fulfill them all is Jesus Christ – out of trillions of beings who ever existed, only Jesus fulfills them all! In the gospels we then find the breathtaking material about the first Christmas when “the Word became fle…
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Welcome to our Sunday Service! We pray that this is a blessing for you. Feel free to like, share, and comment on this post - how has the Lord been working in your life this week? _____________________________ To learn more about The Tabernacle, check out our website and follow us on our social media platforms! Visit our website: www.thetabernaclefa…
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Psalm 76 Worksheet We come again to a question of whether or not Asaph or one of his descendants wrote this Psalm. The Greek Septuagint added the words “Regarding the Assyrian” to the title, suggesting this Psalm was written when Assyrian King Sennacherib was repelled from Jerusalem in the days of King _______________. (2 Kings 18:14-19:37; Isaiah …
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The Perplexed Prophet - Matthew 11:1-19 Today we will see Jesus explain His calling to John the Baptist; we will also see Jesus explain John the Baptist’s calling to the crowds; and finally Jesus’ call for everyone to walk in the wisdom of faith. Matthew 11:1-19 Jesus sent out the first ones, and began training the next ones – just like we do to th…
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Precious Gifts - Philippians 1:29-30 James 1:17 – “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” Never in a million years would we consider suffering to be a gift, yet this, among other things, is exactly what Paul states. PHILIPPIANS 1:27-30 Wha…
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Psalm 75 Worksheet The Psalm/ song was to be set musically to the tune “Do not destroy.” That same tune was used in Psalms 57-59. It is a tad ironic since the Psalm ends with the knowledge that God will destroy the __________________________. So many of the Psalms go back to the idea introduced in Psalm 1:6 – For the Lord knows the way of the right…
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Thankful for Our Win-Win Situation - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Today’s message is a simple one: make sure this week you keep the THANKS in Thanksgiving, and remember WHO to give thanks to: the very God who created you and died to redeem you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Notice how short these 3 verses are: verse 16 is just 2 words; verse 17 is just 3; ver…
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Psalm 74 Worksheet The heading of Psalm 74 says that it is a “contemplation of Asaph.” Last time I made a big deal about how 12 Psalms are ascribed to Asaph. This does not necessarily mean he wrote them all – it could be that the “________________ of Asaph” wrote some of them just as the sons of Korah did. That would seem to fit the content of Psal…
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Ambassadors for Christ Part 3 - Matthew 10:34-43 Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. - 2 Cor. 5:20 Getting the message to people is on us as Jesus’ ambassadors – what people do with the message is on them! “THIS generation of Christians is responsible f…
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Psalm 73 Worksheet Psalm 73 is a Psalm of Asaph as are the first ________ Psalms of Book 3 of the Psalms, Psalm 73-83. Asaph also wrote Psalm 50. 1 Chronicles 15:14-28 1 Chronicles 16:1-6, 7-8, 37 1 Chronicles 25:6-7 2 Chronicles 5:11-13 2 Chronicles 29:30 2 Chronicles 35:15 Ezra 2:41, 3:10 Neh. 7:44; 11:17, 22 For long ago in the days of David and…
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Ambassadors for Christ Part 2 “Lord, we are forty who have taken a stand for Thee – grant that we be forty who are crowned with victory.” Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. - 2 Cor. 5:20 Getting the message to people is on us as Jesus’ ambassadors – wh…
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Psalm 72 Worksheet This is the last Psalm of Book 2 of the Psalms (Psalms 42-72). Only this Psalm and Psalm _________________ are attributed to Solomon. Jacob prophesied in Genesis 49:8-12 that Judah would become the ruling tribe of Israel, and that the Messiah King would come from that tribe. While David was king He was given the Davidic Covenant …
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Ambassadors for Christ Part 1 What is the ingredient that adds fruitfulness to faithfulness? Courage to speak when others remain silent. When a faithful believer by faith presses through their fear, meets needs and proclaims Jesus, fruitfulness to some degree will follow! Matthew 10:1-15 Three Basic Bible Study Principles (O-I-A): Observation – Wha…
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The Mercy Harvest After Matthew’s gospel house party 2 very different groups questioned Jesus’ actions; 2 very different women were healed; 2 never before done miracles were performed; and after again proving He was and is the Messiah Jesus called His followers to join His mercy harvest. Matthew 9:11-38 Two very different groups **question** Jesus’…
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Psalm 71 Worksheet This is one of the 32 Psalms without any information before the Psalm. Interestingly, it is the ____________ Psalm like that in Book 2. As we read this Psalm, look for the Psalmist speak of trusting God at different ages in his life. Read Psalm 71 Based on what we just read, what age of life was the Psalmist when he wrote this Ps…
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Welcome to our Sunday Service! We pray that this is a blessing for you. Feel free to like, share, and comment on this post - how has the Lord been working in your life this week? Our speaker today is Dr. Todd Wood from Center Origins Research & Education (CORE). His Biography from Todd Wood has a B.S. in biology and a Ph.D. in biochem…
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Psalm 70 Worksheet “To bring to remembrance” is also in the title, perhaps because this Psalm repeats part of _________________ Psalm. Where does this fit among the shortest of Psalms? It is tied for _________________________ in Book 2 of the Psalms with Psalm 43, although that Psalm is an extension of Psalm 42. It is in a 7 way tie for 6th shortes…
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When God Calls Today we are going to see Jesus take notice of a man and call Him to an eternal relationship with Himself. But in this encounter and what follows we also see that Jesus satisfies all of our human needs. Our sin nature leads to sin choices that leads to brokenness in all of the areas we just described. When we receive Jesus, we become…
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Psalm 69 Worksheet We come now to the _______________________ Psalm in Book 2 of the Psalms, the 9th longest Psalm of the 150 in the Psalter. The Heading tells us it was written by David for the Chief Musician to use in worship, and like Psalm 45 set to “the lilies.” The Hebrew word for lilies is Shoshannim, which could also refer to a six-stringed…
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Why Christians Support Israel 4 Reasons I would support Israel even if I wasn’t a Christian: First, after the horrors of the holocaust and Adolph Hitler’s genocide of 6 million plus Jews, the civilized world agreed that Jews should finally have their own home country to live in after centuries of persecution. Second, it makes the most sense for tha…
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It is All Easy for Jesus - Matthew 9:1-8 There are no better friends than ones who will “carry” you to Jesus believing Jesus can change your temporary and eternal situations! We are in the section in Matthew between Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Chapters 5-7) and His sending out of the 12 on a short-term mission trip (Ch. 10). He was teaching them to…
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Psalm 68 Worksheet Psalm 68 is tied for the tenth longest Psalm in the Psalms (with Psalm 104). It is the _______________ Psalm in Book 2 of the Psalms (only Psalm 69 is longer). Another thing that makes Psalm 68 difficult is that in the original Hebrew ________________ words occur that don’t occur anywhere else in the Hebrew Old Testament! The the…
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So You Want to Follow Jesus! In the past few messages, we have seen that Jesus is Lord over the Moral and Physical Realms. Today we will see that He is also Lord over the Spiritual Realm, and He can exercise that authority anywhere He wants. And we are also getting to see Jesus train His followers so that they will one day be ready to exercise the …
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Welcome to our Sunday Service! We pray that this is a blessing for you. Feel free to like, share, and comment on this post - how has the Lord been working in your life this week?Turn in your Bibles with Michael Standley this morning!_____________________________To learn more about The Tabernacle, check out our website and follow us on our social me…
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Psalm 66 Worksheet After 15 Psalms in a row attributed to David (Psalm 51-65), no author is given for Psalm 66. This is the first of __________ anonymous Psalms in Book 2 (Psalms 42-72) so far. Psalms 42-50 were either by the Sons of Korah or Asaph (Psalm 43 is also anonymous, but is an extension of Psalm 42). Like Psalm 65 we looked at last time, …
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Jesus is Lord of the Physical Realm Affirmation: When the child of God Looks into the word of God And sees the Son of God, They are transformed by the Spirit of God Into the image of God For the glory of God. -Warren Wiersbe The work of Mechanics and Doctors makes me think of Jesus as the Great Physician. Today’s passage shows 3 instances of Jesus …
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Welcome to our Sunday Service! We pray that this is a blessing for you. Feel free to like, share, and comment on this post - how has the Lord been working in your life this week? _____________________________ To learn more about The Tabernacle, check out our website and follow us on our social media platforms! - - Links Below - - Visit our website:…
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Psalm 65 Worksheet How many times did David say “You” or “Your” in this Psalm? _____________ times!!! It is also fitting that in addition to the heading reading that this is a Psalm of David to the Chief Musician it specifically says this is a Song! From start to finish Psalm 65 is one of the most beautiful _______________ psalms. The 1st half of t…
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Confirming that Jesus is YOUR Lord What does it mean when you call Jesus your Lord? Biblically there is no debate: Jesus is Lord whether or not you now acknowledge Him as Lord! The Bible teaches that the Day is coming when everyone who has ever lived will acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, but it will be too late for those in Hell to respond to that k…
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Psalm 64 Worksheet In general, David’s psalms have a ______________________ percentage of verses spoken directly to the Lord than the other psalms. That’s what we would expect for someone God describes as “a man after my own heart” (1 Sam. 13:14). Psalm 64 is another chiastic psalm. In Chiastic poetry the first thought parallels the last thought, t…
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Listening to the Right Voices Matthew 7:15-20 Be on the lookout for false teachers - V. 15 How to recognize true and false prophets - V. 16-18 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teacher…
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Choosing the Hard Way Today’s passage is so beautiful as in just one verse Jesus summarizes the intent of all 613 O.T. commands, getting to the very heart of how faith and love for God is to be lived out. It is well called the Golden Rule. Matthew 7:12-14 The first reason believers practice the golden rule is to fight our sin nature. The second rea…
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The Enigma of Man Enigma – a puzzling or unexplainable occurrence or situation; a person of puzzling or contradictory character. Philosophers love to ask questions, so they asked - Is man born good but then does bad things because of exposure to a bad environment and/or circumstances, or is man born evil and does good things out of necessity, to ma…
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Don’t be a “Judgelots” Today we will look at one of the most quoted, but also one of the most mis-quoted verses in the Bible. The reason it is so often misquoted is because it is also one of the most mis-understood. Let’s clear it up! Matthew 7:1-6 In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus teaches dozens of moral judgments He expects His followers to embrac…
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