Professionals within education discuss dilemmas, magical moments and latest news within education with the aim to create more opportunity for teachers/TAs to network.
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Edupodcast with Shafarisna merupakan media audio yang menyajikan topik pembahasan seputar edukasi secara umum dan materi bahan ajar untuk siswa Sekolah Dasar
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A Different EduPodcast tells the stories of teachers making a difference- what they did and how the did it. Hosted by teacher and author Bill Manchester. Teaching has always been hard yet the last two years have redefined what hard means when it comes to teaching. A Different EduPodcast provides not only resources to make teaching and learning more meaningful and manageable, but also the spark and inspiration to want to implement these ideas.
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#DontTeachAlone: Julianna Carvi, the Food Services Director
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For the students and the teachers, teaching and learning work best when it can be done together. The next few episodes show how educators and communities are working together to make learning happen. In this episode, how can the school cafeteria be a center for learning? How can the Food Services Director be a lead educator and lead learner in the …
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#DidntQuitTeaching: Aubrey Smalls, the Creative Music Teacher
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What makes a teacher not feel like quitting? Aubrey Smalls is an elementary music teacher in Virginia. What is it that keeps him coming back each day for his students and how can this be applied to teaching in general?Oleh Bill Manchester
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#DidntQuitTeaching: Martha, the Intervention Specialist
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Main Kemudian
How do you keep teaching when the job seems impossible? Hear Martha's story about how learning became rewarding not just for her students but for the entire learning community. For more resources, including a transcript, go to aDifferentEduSite.comOleh Bill Manchester
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#DidntQuitTeaching: Kim Rhodes, the social studies teacher
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Main Kemudian
In the midst of injustice and a terrible teaching situation, what gives a teacher the strength to keep going and thrive? Hear the story of social studies teacher Kim Rhodes and how the #PowerOfLearning made a difference for her, her students, and her community. See more, including a transcript and follow-up ideas at…
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#DidntQuitTeaching: James, the Canadian PE Teacher
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Main Kemudian
Is there an alternative to harsh discipline and zero-tolerance policies? Check out the story of James, the Canadian PE teacher. Check out more resources at our website, including this article, Three Creative Ways to Introduce New Content.Oleh Bill Manchester
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A Different EduPodcast tells the stories of teachers making a difference- what they did and how they did it. Hosted by teacher and author Bill Manchester. Check out our three preview mini-episodes with full episodes coming in January!Oleh Bill Manchester
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Cuaca di sekitar kita dapat berubah-ubah. Cuaca dapat berubah setiap hari. Jika hari ini hujan, esok cuaca dapat menjadi cerah. Jika hari ini cerah, esok dapat saja berubah menjadi hujan. Yuk kita belajar bersama-sama materi tentang Cuaca Cerah, materi untuk kelas 3 Tema 5 Subtema 2 Let's listen this Podcast!…
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Pernahkah kamu melihat kucing melahirkan? Kucing melahirkan kemudian keluarlah anak kucing. Anak kucing tumbuh menjadi kucing dewasa. Kucing betina dewasa yang sudah kawin dengan kucing jantan dewasa menghasilkan anak ayam kembali dan seterusnya. Yuk kita belajar bersama-sama materi kelas 3 Tema 1 Subtema 3 Let's listen this Podcast!…
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Banyak sekali jenis permainan tradisional yang menjadi keberagaman bangsa kita, lalu permainan apa yang akan kita bahas pada podcast episode kali ini? Yuk kita belajar bersama-sama materi kelas 4 Tema 1 Subtema 1 mata pelajaran IPS Let's listen this Podcast!
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Tata surya kita terdiri atas delapan planet. Kedelapan planet tersebut mengelilingi Matahari sebagai pusatnya. Setiap planet dalam tata surya kita memiliki ciri dan keunikan masing-masing. Tahukah kamu ciri dan keunikan planet-planet itu? Yuk kita belajar bersama-sama materi kelas 6 Tema 9 Subtema 1 mata pelajaran IPA Let's listen this Podcast!…
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Apa itu Parenting Education? Seberapa penting sih penerapan dan pemahaman Ilmu Pengasuhan bagi para orang tua bahkan calon orang tua itu? Let's listen this Podcast!
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We talk to educational expert
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