This podcast is for people who want to know more about the Urantia Book, an incredible collection of papers having to do with God, the universe and our own world history, plus the actual story of Jesus' life and teachings as restated in revelatory form. This podcast is a beacon for people looking for truth, value and meaning in their life. There is nothing to join, so relax and listen as I share with you the many fascinating and incredible concepts from the Urantia Book. Even if you know not ...
A reading of “The Urantia Book” in one installment per day. Cover art photo provided by Jordan Steranka on Unsplash:
A novel, meditative reading, study, and review of the spiritual revelatory masterpiece the Urantia Book and its sublime teachings with host Nadi Burton.
An ongoing series of lectures and teachings by Van of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase on spiritual leadership, personal change, and the principals of Divine Administration. Vanetics is an Ascension Science term denoting the spiritual teachings throughout history and up to the present day founded in the cosmic absolute of “One God, One Planetary Family”, and is part of the curriculum of the University of Ascension Science and Physics of Rebellion.
Paper 72, section 11 teaches about life on a planet and a country not unlike our own, even with a similar a checkered period of their own earth history, and a time line commensurate with our own. We learn about a particular nation that is also a Constitutional Republic, and also trying to survive in a hostile world with geo-political threats among …
Rick Lyon has been studying the Urantia Book since 1978, when he found an original first edition Urantia Book in a landfill. Today, Rick looks back to decades of studying and sharing the Urantia Book with thousands of people through his work with the Urantia Association, and talks about where the Urantia Movement is today, and what's to come. In th…
From Paper 38 we delve into the character, nature and purpose of these high spirit personalities who serve ascendant mortals as guides and protectors. "Only good can come from you learning more about them," the Urantia Book says, and it is in these two groups we have our deepest relationships along the spirit journey. #Urantia #Urantiabook #Angels …
This episode is about Paper 36 on the mission of Life Carrier Sons, a unique order of divine Son's whose mission it is to design and implement progressive life on the worlds of time and space.
Author and lecturer Byron Belitsos returns to discuss many great endeavors he is involved with in an attempt to create new brodges with other religious communities, using the Rodan approach in his mission. Check out his Rodan Institute Plus, the Urantia movement and why it stalled in the beginning, and what we can learn from the Eastern Orthodox ap…
In this episode, we look at what the Urantia Book tells us about these 'ancient aliens' who were a rich part of our pre-history, including the One-Hundred Dalmatians (who later became known as the Nodites and Nephilim), and of course, the Adamic race, who have had a profound impact on our later history and human spiritual development. Were these th…
Amazingly, a brief section of Paper 52 outlines what stage humanity is in right now, why were are out of step with what they call "normal evolutionary worlds," and what is required for us to get to the next stage - and what awaits us if we make it. Paper 52 is one of the most unique and thrilling chapters in the whole revelation, and it certainly g…
Brad Garner joins us to talk about life under a Urantia philosphy growing up (as a 2nd generation reader), plus his work with Symmetry of Soul, an online open study group that digs deep on Urantia topics, and a candid view of the world today and how the Urantia Book can benefit mankind.
Examining Paper 195, we look at the revelators warning about the crisis of secularism and materialism on mondern society and how the teachings of Jesus are the only way to save society from collapse.
Join me as we get to know the folks behind a new global Urantia Book-based initiative called The UB Read Thru Project, an innovative online effort to bring students of the Urantia Revelation together to read the papers as a global community. Diane Labrecque, Conrad Lavallee, Erica Montgomery and others join me to talk about their unique Urantia B…
In our two-part series showing the Urantia Book is a revelatory document, we look at three three areas of science that have only recently caught up to statements made in the Urantia Book in 1935.
In this episode we look at the Star of Bethlehem, Neanderthals, and the Piltdown Man hoax as examples of how the Urantia Book has been ahead of science, and continues to offer advanced knowledge.
From paper 132 we explore some of the teachings Jesus instructed to religious leaders he met while traveling to Rome. In this podcast episode we explore what jesus teaaches about time and space from God's perspective, and the important of morality in society.
We discuss Paper 130, section 4 from the Urantia Book. IN this paper Jesus gives a discourse on reality to his young Indian traveler Ganid. What makes this profound is the Son of man, the highest personality source in the universe is explaining what WHAT REALITY IS.
Engineer, author and Urantia Book student Joel Garbon joins us to talk about his experience talking about the Urantia Book on Coast to Coast with George Noory, the #1 night time radio show in America. Also, is it time to be more open publicly about the Urantia Book? Part of our discussion this time on Urantia Radio.…
A heartfelt discussion about the need to help restore Christianity and Jesus teachings in a world in slow decay. Reference is to Paper 99 on The Social Problems of Religion. There are the Old and Bew Testaments; is the Urantia Book the third testament?
In this episode we read the story of the resurrection of Lazarus as it appears in Scripture (John 11 1-44) and by comparison, how it appears in Paper 168 (The Life and Teachings of Jesus). It's a great example of how the revelation only enhances one's appreciation of the biblical truths. It is also one of the most remarkable events to ever occur in…
Barry Culligan has written an essay published in The Urantia Fellowship's latest Mini-Messenger series, one that discusses the importance of free speech even on divine levels, as depicted in the Urantia Book. This is a wonderfully candid conversation I know you will enjoy. For more on Barry's work: You can find some of my writing here: https://stra…
Astronomers theorize advanced beings might build what they call Dyson Spheres, large constructed energy spheres that can draw cosmic energy to sustain an ever-growing planet. Recently, some researchers have identified 7 such spheres throughout the Milky Way galaxy. But when you read Paper 46, you begin to see that Jerusem (and other architectural w…
As we celebrate liberty in the U.S, its a good time to look at the difference between good liberty and bad liberty. The Urantia Book explains how free will, liberty and moral discernment play a huge role in the progress of man as well as nations, planets and even systems of worlds.
Just like there is more than one kind of human being, there are also different kinds of Angels, or Spirits. In this episode we explore Paper 38 and learn about the different angelic types, natures, and purpose.
We take a look at paper 36:6 on the living forces that initiate life. Where does the spark of life come from? This paper discloses how the spirit of God flows outward to new life throughout the universes of time and space.
Urantia Foundation Special Projects Coordinator Joanne Strobel joins us to talk about the June 14-15th global symposium on the importance of marriage and family life in society.
In this episode, we talk about the importance of the recent Jubilee of Jubilees, unity, family, the Lucifer Rebellion, and what are the key takeaways from the Urantia Book.
In honoring the Jubilee of Jubilees, we revisit the importance of the family and what really determines the stability of the home. We see this is the example of Christ and the Mother Spirit, and we see it in the example of Adam and Eve. The home must be safeguarded in human society, the subject of this edition of the Urantia Radio Podcast.…
Guest Joel Garbon joins us to talk about the mission of the Life Carrier Sons and the conditions that "created" life in our world, plus, we discuss the importance of family, both in human society and in the spiritual realm.
Guests Diane LaBrecque and Gabriel Rymberg from the Center for Unity join me to talk about the upcoming Jubilee of Jubilees celebration (on May 18th) and the significance of this cosmic event. Plus we talk about the importance of family and the meaning of Pentecost.
Urantia Book student and present head of the YAYA (Youth and Young Adults committee) and Urantia Association fellow Devon Landis talks about the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th and the spiritual aspects of this supernal cosmic event.
There is a lot about this legendary figure you may not know. In this episode, we take a look at this historic figure and the contribution he continues to make to the spiritual advancement on our world.
It seems the times are appropriate to remember what Jesus told his followers about the Heathen, why they rage, and what we should learn from their strategy. Today's heathens are those same forces who want to eliminate religion, demonize the faithful, and remove the idea of God from the lips and thoughts of mankind. Let me know if you like this kind…
From Paper 58 we learn how life came to our world through the aid and guidance of Life Carrier Sons, an order of divine sonship whose mission it is to bring life to planets like ours so that they eventually produce will creatures of ascendant potential. It should be noted that while these writings were first revealed in 1935, only recently have sci…
The breakdown of the family in society is underway. The Revelators (Papers 83 and 84) provide us with important life lessons on family and home life, and why this institution is so vital to society.
Urantia Book student and author Joshua Wilson joins us to discuss ET's, super-physical beings, and ancient aliens in this no-holds-barred candid discussion about life in the universe and man's next important phase of existence.
Do ancient civilizations have a connection the aliens from other worlds? How does the Urantia Book connect the dots between UFO’s, Ancient Aliens, and early human history? And what connection, if any, do those ancient aliens have with modern visitations? To discuss this welcome my guest, UFOlogy researcher and Urantia Book student Joel Garbon.…
In this episode we cover:1. Rejecting the idea of Deity2. How Faith plays a role in soul survival3. The benefits of soul-consciousness4. Behind the curtain, life beyond earth5. The Universe like a giant country; thete is a lot of activity.
Is Water Unversal? The Urantia Book has interesting things ot say about this substance. Plus, The Adam and Eve experiment; is the world ready to hear the truth?
In this episode, we look at the helpful information the Urantia Book offers to aid us in this time of epochal social transition, and what basic truths the book is revealing.
New theory confirms Urantia Book assertion about possible earth-like worlds beyond Kuiper Belt, which could host non-breather type of species, as described as being “in close proximity.”
IN this end-of-year segment we look at the importance of the revelation, and what I think of it after studying it for over 40 years. I think I have a thing or two to share about it.
Theresa joins us from the West Coast to discuss her spirit journey, her love of the Urantia Book, healing from spiritual trauma, and her mission to help others on their spiritual journey, including the introduction of a "Spiritual Bill of Rights."
From Paper 193 we read the last words Jesus spoke to his followers before departing. We know those final words had to be pretty important, and so we look at the last four times he spoke to his Apostles and his general believers. What can we learn from these final words? Let's examine them and see.