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(词根)-Press 压缩 im+press 令人印象深刻 sup+press 压抑;抑制 1. V-ERG (使)压紧;(使)压缩 When you compress something or when it compresses, it is pressed or squeezed so that it takes up less space. Poor posture, sitting or walking slouched over, compresses the body's organs... 坐着或者走路的时候低头垂肩,这种不正确的姿势会压迫体内的器官。 2. VERB 使简练;缩短 If you compress something such as a piece of wr…
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multiply 相乘 (前缀)multi- 很多 EX:multi + cultural=multi-cultural 多文化的; multi+vitamin = multi-vitamin综合维生素 1. V-ERG (使)成倍地增加;(使)大量地增加 When something multiplies or when you multiply it, it increases greatly in number or amount. Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries... 这类纠纷在18和19世纪大量增多。 2. VERB 繁殖;滋生 When animals and insects …
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straight-forward 直接的 This is the most straight-forward solution to the problem. 这是这个问题最直接的解决方案。 本节目为EA Game制作
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reflectance 反射率 G channel controls the specular reflectance. G通道控制高光反射率。 reflect 反映 Many newspaper reflect the opinions of the children. 很多报纸都反映出儿童的意见。
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2014.5.26 dedicated 专用的 Now we have a dedicated character shader. 现在我们有一个角色专用的材质球。 She’s dedicated to her job. 她对她的工作非常的投入 本节目为EA Games制作,主要对象为游戏美术师!
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orthographic view 正交视图 If none of the orthographic views works, you can use three-quarter view. 如果正交视图没有用,你可以使用四分之三侧视。 本节目由EA Game制作
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profile view 侧视图 The weapon icon is the provile view of a gun.武器图标是一把枪的侧视图。 本节目由EA Games制作
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overwrite 覆盖 Please overwrite the existing files with the updated ones. 请用更新过的文件覆盖已有文件。
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participate 参与 I didn't participate in the activity because of PTO.由于PTO我没有参加活动。 本节目由EA Games制作
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distraction 分心 We can't afford too many distractions since it's the last stage of the project development.我们不能够分太多心,因为已经处于项目开发的最后阶段了。 本节目由EA Game 制作
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experiment 试验 If you want to experiment the new method, please read the following document. 如果你想要试验新方法,请阅读以下文档。 本节目由EA Games制作,由Lily录音
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face 面向 The left side of the building should be facing the positive X direction. 建筑的左面应该面向X轴正方向。 感谢EA Games Wendy Wei撰稿 由Lily录音制作
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coincident 重合的;巧合 The coincident vertexes are displayed in red. 重合的顶点显示为红色 What a coincidence! 真巧啊!(Coincidence 为coincident的名词) 由EA Games - Wendy Wei撰稿 Lily Wong 录音制作
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evaluate 评估 We will evaluate the workflow during the preproduction. 我们会在预生产中评估工作流程。 感谢EA GAMES Wendy Wei 撰稿 英语培训师Lily Wong录音制作
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mitigation 缓解 Risk mitigation is very important to project management. 风险缓解对于项目管理非常重要。 谢谢EA Shanghai撰稿www.ea.com Lily Wong录音制作www.shoutbyher.com
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The character looks a little blurry.角色看上去有些模糊。
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Our budget is pretty restrictive.我们的预算很有限。
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minimal 最小的 The assets should be as minimal as possible.物件应该尽可能最小。
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The new trailer will be released next month.新的宣传片会在下月发布。
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Breaking up animation into smaller chunks will help resolve menory issues.把动画分割成更小的片段有助于解决内存问题。
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