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Burlesque Stories

Attilio Reinhardt

Burlesque Stories racconta cos’è il burlesque attraverso storie, personaggi, curiosità e approfondimenti su quest'arte. Il podcast è ideato e condotto da Attilio Reinhardt, entertainer e divulgatore, conosciuto come l'"Ambasciatore del Burlesque in Italia". Burlesque Stories è gratuito ed è proposto da Burlesque.it Sound Designer: Alessandro Micale. Podcast Producer: Fabrizio Marelli.
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show series
In this episode of Let's Burlesque, hosts Mae December and Creme De Violence delve into captivating stories from the world of burlesque. They start with discussing Violet Valli's tumultuous romance with Chicago Cubs' shortstop Billy Jurgis and her subsequent fame as 'the girl who shot for love.' This is followed by a deep dive into the life of Jean…
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One was called "The Queen of Burlesque" and was also an originator of drag king performance, the other is the modern day "Queen of Everything" Mae and Vi are talking about Lydia Thompson and Dirty Martini. One brought burlesque and scandal across the ocean, the other is a modern day force to be reckoned with…
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Il 25 dicembre 1936, l’Oriental Theatre di New York fu sede del più sorprendente, piccante e sofisticato spettacolo di burlesque che Broadway avesse mai visto. A organizzarlo furono i fratelli Minsky, che tra gli anni ’20 e ’30 erano diventati i re del burlesque in città, lavorando con artiste del calibro di Gypsy Rose Lee e Ann Corio. Ascoltate il…
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La storia dell’incredibile Carrie Finnell: burlesque performer dai seni addomesticati, creatrice dello striptease più lungo di sempre, probabile ideatrice del tassel-twirling e… protagonista di leggende dello showbusiness! Sostieni Burlesque.it e Burlesque Stories: offrici un drink! ➡️https://www.burlesque.it/sostienici FONTI ► Sage, Dusty, Burlesq…
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La Parigi di Toulouse-Lautrec e Degas, il quartiere di Pigalle, i locali cui in cui si esprimeva con passione la joie de vivre della Belle Époque. In questo contesto storico, culturale e artistico, nacque lo spogliarello. La protagonista del primo spettacolo di questo genere fu Blanche Cavelli. In questa puntata raccontiamo quella straordinaria, sc…
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Sally Rand fece fortuna negli anni ’30 prima con la sua celebre “fan dance” (la danza con i ventagli di piume) e in seguito con la “bubble dance” (un numero di danza classica nel quale si esibiva con una grande palla di plastica). Ma la strada per raggiungere il successo fu dura anche per lei. Vi raccontiamo gli esordi di questa burlesque performer…
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Jennie Lee e Dixie Evans erano due donne straordinarie: negli anni ’50 hanno fatto grande il burlesque americano e negli anni ’90 hanno contribuito alla sua riscoperta. Ed è grazie a loro se esiste la Burlesque Hall of Fame, che organizza annualmente il più importante premio mondiale dedicato a quest’arte, che da una piccola fattoria nell’entroterr…
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Il burlesque arrivò in America dal Regno Unito nella seconda metà dell’Ottocento. E fu subito scandalo! Ecco la rocambolesca storia dell’invasione burlesque nel Nuovo Continente, a opera di una poliedrica diva londinese: Lydia Thompson! A cura di Attilio Reinhardt, con un cameo speciale della rock star del burlesque italiano contemporaneo: Nuit Bla…
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Il jazz è probabilmente il genere più amato dalle burlesque performer di ieri e di oggi per i loro show. Si pensi che negli anni '50 il brano “Night Train” del sassofonista Jimmy Forrest era tanto conteso dalle artiste da provocare vere e proprie risse nei camerini! Ma quando nasce il legame tra burlesque e jazz? Dov’è avvenuto il loro primo incont…
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Questo episodio di Burlesque Stories è basato sull'autobiografia dell'artista intitolata Blaze Starr: My Life As Told to Huey Perry (in versione italiana Scandalo Blaze). Questa è la storia di Blaze Starr, la burlesque performer che per poco non divenne la First Lady degli Stati Uniti d'America. Una ragazza il cui corpo era così bollente che fumava…
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Nei mesi di sospensione delle attività sul palco a causa del lockdown, diversi artisti hanno sopperito alla mancanza di spettacoli live nei teatri e nei locali, con dirette video su Facebook e Zoom. Ma gli spettacoli di burlesque on line possono avere un futuro? Che siate burlesque performer, spettatrici, spettatori, amanti o congiunti del genere, …
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Cos'è il burlesque? Attilio Reinhardt vi dà il benvenuto a Burlesque Stories (aka We Love Burlesque), il podcast italiano dedicato al Burlesque! Ogni 15 giorni, storie, notizie e curiosità su quest'arte affascinante, raccontate dall'Ambasciatore del Burlesque in Italia. Sostieni Burlesque.it e Burlesque Stories: offrici un drink! ➡️https://www.burl…
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THIS ACT WAS MADE POSSIBLE ONLY BY THE VERY GENEROUS PARTICIPANTS IN OUR PINUP FUNDRAISER This week on the podcast - we feature a very special GROUP ACT! Choreographed by the fabulous Vivi Noir, and performed by the choreographer herself, Mika Romantic, Raurenu, Esmerelda May, Cherry Valentine, and Holly Ween, this was truly a dream come true for t…
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Episode 41 – Diva & the Search for the Perfect Bloody Mary Pt12 ThomAss Edison start a new brunch list by checking out Osteria Langhe. Perhaps the brunch standard has been set too high by our previous adventures, but we were underwhelmed. Lots of good effort with less good execution, but there we a great negroni, so that’s better than nothing. Onwa…
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Episode 40 – Diva & the Search for the Perfect Donut Pt1 ThomAss Edison and I finally start the donut list we’ve been talking about for months. We had delicious treats at Glazed and Infused. This was maybe the happiest I’ve ever seen ThomAss, that’s how good these donuts were. https://divalavidaburlesque.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/glazed-and-infus…
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Episode 39 – Diva & Lady Lemon Drop at Beaver Creek with Squid Vicious ThomAss Edison and I went to Colorado for a ski weekend. I got to spend the day with Lady Lemon Drop and Squid Vicious. We recorded during the daily cookie mob, a ploy to get people off the Beaver Creek Mountain before closing time. The cookies were delicious and the company was…
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Episode 38 – Diva & the Search for the Perfect Bloody Mary Pt11 A plethora of people join me for the end of the ridiculous Bloody Mary saga: Phaedra Black, Cinnamon Twist, Sweet Ginger Rose, the Scientist, and Thom Ass Edison. We went to Northdown for delicious foods and drinks. The Grid, the last place on my list, closed before I could get to it, …
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You know what's better than one sword? That's right - a ginger taking his clothes off while he shows us his sword-chuck skillz. It's Triple Jay as that most enlightened of swordsmen - Fighter McWarrior! Music: "I Like Swords" by Aaron Stoliker, from the album Pants Optional. Availability unknown (check with Aaron).…
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Episode 37 – Diva & the audience at Lady Date Live at the Den Theater When I started Lady Date, I never imagined that it could turn into a live show, but I’m so glad it did. Here is the intro, and outro, from Dec 2014 at the Den Theater, the last of the series. I don’t cry on the recording, but trust, I got real emotional immediately after. Thank y…
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Episode 36 – Diva & the San Antonio Marathon I joined several family members (Dad, Stevie G, and Julia) for the San Antonio marathon in Dec 2014. It was a great day, fantastic weather, great crowds, fun bands, awesome course; we could not have asked for a better race. I consider San Antonio my home town, and getting to run it with my family was a t…
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We begin our AnimeNext 2015 Final Fantasy series with a bang! What better way to kick off such a show. It's YRP, and Cosplay Burlesque brought it to New Jersey live! Featuring Raurenu as Yuna; asissts from Murder Nurse as Rikku and Esmerelda May as Paine; with backup dancing from Oliver Swisskey, Mitsuki, Holly Ween, Lilith Oya, Vivi Noir, Cherry V…
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Episode 35 – Diva & the Search for the Perfect Bloody Mary Pt10 ThomAss Edison joined me for brunch at Logan Bar & Grill, which was not on the ridiculous list but I’d heard through the grapevine that they were worth stopping at. The results were mixed. But since it was a warm day in a Chicago winter, it was still a great trip. Please pardon all the…
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Oh man. You guys are the best. Seriously, you rock! Because of your support, the fundraiser was able to fully cover TWO GROUP ACTS at the AnimeNext 2015 show. This is truly phenomenal. Seriously, this is a huge big deal. We can't thank you enough for all your love. We'll be putting up most of the AnimeNext 2015 show as a thank you for all of awesom…
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It's time to stay at the F-U-N-D! It's time to play at the FUND-RAIS-E-R! Okay, that one was the worst yet. Dr. A/Vsian might be off his meds again. For the final fundraiser update, we have THREE new prints:- Murder Nurse as "Rikku"- Cherry Valentine as "Poison Ivy"- Oliver Swisskey & Triple Jay in "Crowley" And don't forget last week's prints!- Ho…
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FUND! RAISER! FUND, FUND, FUND-RAISER! SAY IT WITH ME! (ahem. I used to have dignity.) This week's lovely prints are: - Fearless Leader Holly Ween as the intrepidly sexy Velma Dinkley - Asian Cowboy Allen Ryde as the dashingly pantsless Irvine Kinneas The following prints are in their final week of availability: - Esmerelda May as the dangerously c…
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F! U! F-U-N! F-U-N-D-raiser! (Okay, so there wasn't a course for cheerleading where I went to college) This week's sexy peeps are: - Esmerelda May as the dangerously curvy "Mad Moxxi" - Mr. E as the perfectly princely "Tamaki Suoh" The following prints are in their final sale week: - Mitsuki as "Rias Gremory" - Manly McBeardface as "Snow Villiers" …
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Fundraiser update! Fundraiser Update! FUNDRAISER UPDATE! (We like to be subtle here at Cosplay Burlesque. That's why we have all the glitter and rhinestones.) This week's new lovelies are: - Mitsuki as the devilishly delightful "Rias Gremory"! - Manly McBeardface stepping into the spotlight as the very manly "Snow Villiers"! These two prints are in…
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Episode 34 – Diva & the audience at Lady Date Live at the Live Wire Lounge In Nov 2014 the Lady Date Live series continued despite the polar vortex. We raised funds for The Michael J. Fox Foundation and partied hard at Live Wire Lounge. Most of the audio was caught for Hot Girls Recording a Podcast, so I kept the LDL segment very short. However, ed…
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Final Fantasy fundraiser update! Currently featuring the following three LIMITED EDITION, ONE-TIME ONLY prints! - Mei Mei Hero Kitten in "Seduction in Sakura" - Available through May 4 - Mika Romantic as "Tifa Lockhart" - Available through May 10 - Triple Jay as "The Doctor" - Available through May 12 We also have a COMPLETE COLLECTION, a GENTS COL…
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After a prolonged absence, the Cosplay Burlesque Podcast is BACK! That's right - weekly updates once again featuring your favorite cute, sexy, and absolutely drool-worthy nerdy burlesquers. This is the best thing since sliced bread. One might even say this IS sliced bread. And they'd be wrong. 'Cuz this is BETTER. Our Final Fantasy fundraiser is up…
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Episode 33 – Diva & the Search for the Perfect Bloody Mary Pt9 Hazel Hellbender, Lacey Lay, Sweet Ginger Rose, Matthew Weisemann, ThomAss Edison and I all went out for brunch at Homeslice. Their bloody mary has a pizza on it, which sparks a discussion about where to find the best pizza in the city. Also, we participate in a segment called “Hot Girl…
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Episode 32 – Diva & the Search for the Perfect Bloody Mary Pt8 Hazel Hellbender and ThomAss Edison join me for brunch as we near the end of the Bloody Mary pilgrimage. We ate at The Smoke Daddy, a place known for their meat. We highly recommend many things on the menu, including the not so ridiculous but very delicious Bloody Mary. https://divalavi…
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Show Schedule:10/18 - NIJICON - Official Cosplay Burlseque Show!1023 - Looking Glass Revue's Spook & Spell Peep Show (ft. Mika Romantic)10/26 - Smoke & Mirrors Peep Show at Crossroads in Garwood, NJ (ft. Holly Ween)11/1 - BOOlesque in Jim Thorpe, PA (ft. Holly Ween)11/8 - White Elephant Burlesque Society at the Geeky Kink Event (ft. Holly Ween, Vik…
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Show Schedule: - Sept 19: Looking Glass Revue, Quakertown, PA - ft. Mika Romantic before she leaves for Milan - Sept 19: D20 Burlesque's Tribute to Japan, NYC - ft. Holly Ween - Sept 25: Serial Killer Burlesque 5, Brooklyn - ft. Holly Ween - Oct 1: Beauty & Brains Burlesque, Philadelphia - ft. Holly Ween AGAIN - Oct 3 & 4: AnimeUSA 2014, Washington…
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