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God's Man

Encouraging Today’s Young Man with Biblical Values

God's Man is a podcast created by Austin Keller, a youth leader with Elevate Student Ministries at New Life Fellowship in Terre Haute, Indiana. God's Man podcast is a supplement to the Master's of Manliness group providing encouragement to today's young men. Feel free to share this information with a young man you love.
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MAN UP! Gods Way, was founded in an effort to call “lukewarm” Christian men to stop being “spiritual sissies” and start living up to the challenge that God has laid out before us in His holy Word. Too many men in the church are living a disobedient life by being “lukewarm”. The consequences, for living this way, are extreme. Look at what Jesus says “So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth”. (Rev 3:16) Neither hot nor cold, is what many Christian ...
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The Man of God Network

Man of God by CBTSeminary

The Man of God network exists to help the church in her mission to identify and equip qualified, faithful men for the Gospel Ministry. Providing you with resources that both encourage you and edify you as you seek to build Christ’s church where you are, to the end that he is better known, loved and exalted. Current Shows: Confessing the Faith, Particular Pilgrims, Covenant Podcast, Modern Marrow Men, Sermon Select, The Weekly Discourse, and more TBA.
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God Vs Man is the NSFW podcast by Logan Miles, comedian based out of Long Beach California. To make a long story short, I was born into a fundamentalist religious culture with an abundance of golden calves. These golden calves weren’t necessarily literal, but they were essentially things that could not be questioned, let alone even talked about. This led to living in some fairly nefarious religious and social environments. As I left that culture, I noticed that there were plenty of the same ...
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Does God Redeem Man?


Exploring the question if God is Redeeming Man. Is Redemption necessary? What is Redemption anyway? Is Redemption the same as Salvation? If not, what is the difference. Established Preachers and other Experts weigh in with your Host DL Stickler. makeuporbreakup.substack.com
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This Podcast is to tackle the tough topics that Christian Men struggle with in their everyday lives. Whether you are a Man seeking a deeper relationship with Christ, or someone seeking answers to something you're struggling with. Then this podcast is for you! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/BecomingaManOfGod/support
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Mind of Man, Mind of God

David Magoon and Rainer Dittert

The Word of God for the unholy. Dave and Rainer talk about God, what they are doing, how this might relate to what God is doing, and how this all relates to foosball. Dave and Rainer use the Sunday Mass scripture readings as a prompt for some exegesis and reflection on the Heilsgeschichte in their lives. Yee hah.
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show series
KEVIN DOWNES (Kingdom Story Company Co-Founder / CEO / Producer) As co-founder and CEO of Kingdom Story Company, Kevin Downes has built an impressive career in producing, directing, acting, and writing, spanning over 30 years. As an actor, Downes played memorable roles in COURAGEOUS, MOMS’ NIGHT OUT, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE, JESUS REVOLUTION, THE BEST C…
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After years of abuse, addiction, a desperate search for praise and approval, and living in unbearable pain and isolation, Rob Decker reached a breaking point that drove him to take drastic measures. After a failed suicide attempt and a friend not giving up on him, Rob woke up alive with a new lease on life. ​​ The state of mental health issues is r…
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After nearly 1,000,000 downloads (around 1.5 million, including all channels and video streams), the Man of God Network will undergo significant changes in 2025. In an effort to streamline and improve our podcasting ministries, the Man of God Network, which consists of seven distinct shows, will be consolidated into a single show: The Covenant Podc…
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Hyper-Calvinism in English Baptist circles in the 19th century grew and changed in significant ways. But rather than continue on into the 19th century too far, I want to take another approach to complete, for now, our look at hyper-Calvinism in Baptist circles. Let me point you to a 5 volume study entitled “The Strict Baptist Chapels of England.” F…
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Clint Lowry is an American musician, songwriter, and producer, best known as the lead guitarist and backing vocalist for the rock band Sevendust. Born on December 15, 1971, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, Lowry has been a prominent figure in the rock and metal scenes since the mid-1990s. His guitar style is characterized by heavy riffs, melodic so…
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William Gadsby was much more than a preacher to his Manchester congregation. He also wrote for them, which is surprising, given his poor education. He produced hymns for their worship, tracts for the controversies of the day, a magazine to edify them during the month, a catechism for their children, and sermons to read. For more information…
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What is your basic thinking on the subject of tithing from inheritance? In conjunction with the thought of tithing on the inheritance of money, what are your thoughts regarding tithing upon things such as life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and the equity from the sale of a home? For more information, visit CBTSeminary.org…
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"Just over a year after John Gill’s death, another man was born who called himself a Strict and Particular Baptist. He stood in the line of those often called hyper-Calvinists. His name was William Gadsby and while he shared the strong Calvinism of Gill, his life circumstances and ministry were considerably different in some ways. If you have heard…
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Author of 31 books and a 29-year ministry veteran, Vince Miller has served in and advised the most notable ministry names. But it hasn’t always been this way. Abandoned by his father at the age of two, Vince grew up in a challenging and anxiety-producing environment. He endured the strain of his mother’s two failed marriages, as well as her poor ch…
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1689 19:4 The Present Status of the Judicial Law | Confessing the Faith "This paragraph is clearly based on Calvin’s treatment of the judicial law in the Institutes. This treatment is very relevant in light of the idea of the abiding validity of the judicial law being espoused in our day." For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org…
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Brethren, I know we’ve had one previous conversation on Shepherding the Afflicted through the preached word, but I’d like for us to narrow in our this specific situation of affliction. What doctrines or passages should we preached to minister to widows and widowers? What passages does the congregation need to hear for them to effectively minister t…
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"The question some of you may have been waiting to hear addressed is the relationship between John Gill and hyper-Calvinism. Does Gill qualify as such? For some historians and theological writers, to ask the question is to answer it: of course he was. For them, Gill is the arch hyper-Calvinist who espoused damaging errors and practices. Others clai…
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1689 19:3-4 The Threefold Division of the Law | Confessing the Faith "The Confession in these paragraphs distinguishes three types of laws in the law of Moses: the moral, the ceremonial, and judicial and asserts that the ceremonial and judicial have been fulfilled and abolished, but that the moral law continues to bind all men." For more informatio…
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Today, John Gill is predominantly known for his writings. These amounted to over 10,000 folio pages. A folio was the full sheet of paper, 19 by 24 inches, then used by printers. With this quantity of output, no wonder one man gave Gill the nickname, “Dr. Voluminous”. I’ll describe many of his writings in the next few minutes, but what is not usuall…
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John Gill Pt.3: Death of Elizabeth Gill | Particular Pilgrims "We learn the most about John and his daughter Elizabeth because when she died at age 12, he preached her funeral sermon. This was printed and he appended a short account of things she told her parents in the days leading up to her death. In the sermon John refers to her as “our dear chi…
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Jonathan Edwards: What Can We Do to Prevent Backsliding and Degeneracy? | Narrated Puritan "We must therefore dwell much upon the doctrines of repentance and conversion, the nature, necessity, and evidence thereof; and much urge the duty of self-examination, and open the deceits of the heart; bringing the unconverted under the work of the law, that…
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1689 19:1 Of the Law of God | Confessing the Faith"The subject of this chapter has been a matter of controversy among Calvinistic Baptists. Some have pronounced the Confession, ‘Presbyterian’, or, ‘legalistic’, at this point, asserting that its Baptist authors were swayed by historical circumstances to conform to their Presbyterian or Puritan broth…
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"In the last episode, we learned of John Gill’s early years up to the time of his baptism and membership in the Little Meeting at age 19. And as he suspected, his concerns about being asked to preach were immediately confirmed. For on the very day of his reception into membership, he was asked to expound Isaiah 53 in a private home. The next Sunday…
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1689 18:4 Assurance of Salvation is Variable | Confessing the Faith "General negligence may vitiate assurance. Failure to use the means of grace may cause one’s assurance of salvation to decline. This is a warning to fervently use the appointed public and private means of grace." For more information visit: https://cbtseminary.org…
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"In our studies of 18 th century English Particular Baptists, we now come to one of the most important, namely, John Gill. Highly respected in his own day, he fell from favor in the 19th century. But within the last generation, there has been a resurgence of interest in him and his writings." For more information, visit CBTSeminary.org…
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Again, we’re not “singling out” anyone from the pulpit. Like Pastor Lee mentioned in a previous episode, we don’t want to use the pulpit as a “bully pulpit.” That shows more cowardice than bravery. But when true believers are among us who have backslidden, what passages or doctrinal themes should we preach to address backslidden believers? What asp…
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The Spiritual Life of Anne Brine | Particular Pilgrims "Anne’s early Christian experience was similar to many others in that immediately after conversion, spiritual joys flooded in. She quaintly says, 'I was for a considerable time, as it were, dandled on the knee of Love. At sometimes I was in such transports of joy as cannot be expressed'. The re…
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"The Confession is asserting that there is an assurance of salvation which will not deceive us, about which we cannot be mistaken, which goes beyond mere probability. This should reassure the one who says, “I want to have assurance, but I am so fearful of being mistaken and deceiving myself.” There is an assurance of salvation which you may have, w…
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