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Ps Gina speaks on the Authority of the Word of God - the Bible says that God has all authority over heaven and Earth! God is the author, the originator, the creator. Page one, chapter one, verse one of the Bible is meant to colour the rest of the whole entire Bible. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. This frames every other sc…
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Continuing the series on Magnify & Multiply, Ps Andy refers this week to John 12:32 (NIV) " And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself". There is a principle - when He is lifted, there's a drawing that begins to take place. His word is like a seed that has the ability to cause multiplication in our lives. Every word o…
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Ps Andy continues the series on the word of God, this week speaking about the fact that The Word is Truth. Many other life philosophies and ideologies present themselves in the modern world but few remain constant and only God's Word is real or true Truth as Ps Andy explains. Andy revisits John 12:32 (NIV) "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth…
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Ps Sean today starts a new five part series looking at the Word of God. Today he examines the historical accuracy of the Bible, Old and New Testaments and gradually leads us into a realization that we cannot live without the Word of God if we are to be nourished Spiritually. Jesus was speaking in Matthew 4:4 (NIV) "It is written: ‘Man shall not liv…
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This week we have an amazing message from our worship pastor, Janine Smith. She speaks about Who and How we Worship, following Ps Paula’s message last week about What is Worship. Who do we worship sounds an obvious question, but is fundamental - we can't move on to how do we worship if we don't know who do we worship. It matters that we know who we…
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Ps Paula begins a new series about worship by asking the question, 'What is worship'? Worship is not about singing songs or hymns, it is a lifestyle living devoted to God. We are all designed to worship, but do we always worship the correct thing? Worship comes from 'worth-ship', meaning to give worth or value to something. Psalm 29 tells us (NIV) …
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Ps Andy speaks this week on the occasion of his 60th birthday, a special celebration of life. Every day we spend cannot be gained again. He demonstrates this with a bag of coins representing each year of his life. Like all of us, some are well spent, some not so. He explains how important it is to spend the currency of our life wisely in accordance…
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Ps Andy delivers a keynote message today regarding vision for the whole of Family Church during 2025. He explains how important it is for us to have a vision (Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision, the people perish) and thanks all those who have contributed in any way to the outworking of the church vision the previous year. Ps Andy then concen…
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Ps Andy ends the three week series on God of my Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow this week speaking about God of my Tomorrow. Tomorrow is unknown to us but not to Him! We embrace our tomorrows by faith. The funny thing about fear and faith is that it takes the same effort and energy to do either one of them! Matthew 6:25 tells us not to worry (NIV) "T…
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Ps Paula continues the there parts series God of my yesterday, today and tomorrow, this week focusing on God being our God of Today! She refers to the same passage in Hebrew telling us Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and in a world that is always changing. Often we experience situation where people do not treat us the same, but…
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Ps Sean begins the new year with the first of a three part series looking at 'God of My Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow'. This first part looks at God of My Yesterday. Sean uses scriptures from Hebrews 13:8 and Revelation 1:8 to illustrate how God is the same yesterday , today and tomorrow. He is the Alpha and the Omega, He has an all consuming view of…
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Ps Andy speaks today in the period after Christmas and before the new year. Using the theme of Psalm 84:5 (NIV) "Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage", he examines how life moves from one place to another often. This may be a physical move, a change of relationship, many things, but one key ingredient is fo…
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Ps Andy ends the series we have been looking at recently where the character of God has been an enlightening message. Today he speaks about firstly the attributes of God. God is infinite, self-sufficient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient and omnibenevolent. Ps Andy then looks again at the characteristics of God which are the hallmarks of His beh…
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Following from previous weeks where we have been hearing about the character of our Lord, Ps Andy this week speaks about how we can put our trust in God. People may let us down, but God never does. Nearly 200 times, the Bible teaches us about the trusting nature of God. One of the key things that makes God trustworthy is that He cannot lie. God is …
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Following the last few weeks where Ps Andy and Gina have spoken about the character of God, Paula continues today speaking about the Goodness of God. God's love for every single one of us is unconditional, his love isn't based on the things we do. It's based on the fact that He made us and He loves us full stop. We need to throw away thoughts telli…
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Ps Andy continues from where Ps Gina left off last week by speaking about the Love of God. God is Love, His love is unconditional. Romans 8:38 tells us... For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be…
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Ps Gina speaks about the importance of knowing the character of God. She begins by re-telling how important it is to know the character and trustworthiness of people who act as child minders and then relates this to our lives today. She goes on to explain how in we are bombarded by untruths about the nature of God from just about every angle in mod…
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On this Remembrance Sunday, Ps Andy speaks about a theme of Extreme Generosity. Many people laid down their loves for the sake of others, for the freedom of generations they would never see or know. The world of the generous gets larger and larger, but the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller. God our Father was generous to the extreme in l…
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Following from the previous two weeks where Ps Andy has spoken about Jesus being both the Author and Finisher of our faith, Ps Sean this week looks at what happens when we are in the middle of the journey from the start towards the finish. These are the times when doubts, uncertainties, problems, troubles, sin and all manner of issues crop up to di…
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Pastor Andy continues from last week speaking about Faith. However, we can have faith in people, all sorts of things, but the faith Ps Andy speaks about is Faith in God. It is through God's sacrifice of his only Son that we have salvation, it is faith in our Lord's promises not just as the Author but moreover the Finisher that Ps Andy shows us is t…
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Pastor Andy begins a few messages speaking about Faith. He wants to encourage in in our journey of life as we live in times where our faith may be challenged by everyday events. The Bible recognizes Jesus as the author and the finisher of our faith. In the book of Revelation 22:13, scripture speaks of Jesus being the alpha, and the omega, the begin…
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Today, Family Church celebrates the diverse nations and cultures both at home and in our overseas missions and outreaches that through Jesus make us one big, global family. Ps Sean speaks about the Theme of being United. He refers to Acts 2:1-12 (NIV) " When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the b…
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Pastor Andy finishes the current series on Pneumatology (the study of the Holy Spirit) by this week looking at the Fruit and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Fruit is grown, the Gift of the Spirit are given as gifts for our use. Fruit is the result of a life being yielded to the nature and character of God in our lives. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is…
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Following the series on 'Jesus Empowers', this week Ps Andy speaks about the Empowerment of The Holy Spirit. Ps Andy speaks about the Holy Spirit coming into the life of a Believer to provide the power and ability to do a number of things. In this message, he looks at three areas The ability for us to walk in freedom and wholeness The ability to mi…
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This week Ps Sean continues our series 'Jesus Empowers', speaking on the ‘Fellowship of the Holy Spirit’. He begins by quoting 2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV) "May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all". Note the use of the word all, not some! he explains how fellowship is really a …
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Following from the introduction last week, Ps Andy begins the new series on Pneumatology (the study of the person and works of the Holy Spirit) today. Ps Andy begins by looking at who the Holy Spirit is, with a scripture laden whistle stop tour of the bible illustrating how the Holy Spirit is ever present wherever God the Father spoke. From creatio…
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Ps Andy speaks across all Family Church congregations about the next phase of our discipleship journey. At the start of the year we concentrated on two sets of teachings. The first one was called Jesus is - Christology. We looked at the person of Jesus, who the Bible reveals Him to be in the Old and the New Testaments. Following this, we moved on t…
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Family Church in Portsmouth is expanding. Soon we shall have another congregation in Southsea as well. This is to make room, to 'enlarge our tent' in order that more people in our city can hear the word of God and be saved. To make this happen, everyone who calls Family Church Portsmouth their home needs to become not just an attendee or spectator …
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Today, the Trailblazers took over the whole service in Family Church Portsmouth congregation. After a week at their summer camp, the church youth returned fully energized and filled with God's Holy Spirit. After the worship, Nathan introduces two of his peers to give their testimony and message to the congregation following their week away. Listen …
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In Luke 15 there are three consecutive parables describing God's attitude to the importance of finding and recovering the lost - The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Parable of the Lost Coin and The Parable of the Lost Son. Ps Sean uses each of these to describe how important it is for us to Turn up, Turn on and then Turn around to meet lost souls in…
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After a somewhat different morning service, Ps Sean rounds off the morning with a heartfelt message about the importance of Unity in the church and how this will bring peace to our troubled land. Our hearts should be bound together with the Holy Spirit. The church should be a picture to the world of what Unity should look like. Only then will the w…
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Ps Andy concludes his three part series on God's anointing upon our lives. We believe that the anointing is the presence of power and the ability of a supernatural Creator - God. But it's not just in heaven, but also now on Earth for the good of man. In previous weeks we've been looking at the purpose of the anointing and how we, as God's people ca…
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This is part 2 of the series on increasing the anointing in our lives. The anointing means the presence and power and ability of an unstoppable God being present (in us). Pastor Andy continues to unwrap this exciting subject, revealing how the Holy Spirit is present in order to do things in us and through us. We are all people in position to do God…
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Pastor Andy begins a series of three messages speaking about God's Anointing in our lives. What is the anointing? How does it affect our life? Where does it come from? What does the anointing have to do? Specifically, Andy wants to speak about how to increase the flow of the anointing in our lives because God wants us to know the flow of His anoint…
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Ps Steu speaks about the power of Yes. He breaks this into four areas along with personal anecdotes and scriptural references showing how 'yes' is the answer to being aligned with and serving God. The'yes' also usually results in changes that create a 'no' in other areas of our lives. 1 Samuel 17:32 (NIV) says "David said to Saul, “Let no one lose …
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On this Father's Day, Ps Sean speaks about the characteristics of God, of the Father's Heart, often comparing our Lord's unfailing and unchanging nature to the very variable many of us experience from our own earthly Fathers. Sean explains how God is unchanging, keep promises and above all is truly loving. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NIV) states "Love is…
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Weaknesses and foolishness in the world view is not seen the same way by our Lord. This is demonstrated again and again in every book of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation where God uses the most unlikely of people and sometimes implements to show his strength and wonderment at the hand of ordinary people seemingly able to do very little. The wor…
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Today Pastor Andy ends the current series on Jesus Saves with Part 7 all about how we are sons of God and are adopted by Him. Ps Andy expounds how God treats us as his children, how the fatherhood from God is so different from that of the world view and also how the concept of adoption as depicted in the times when Paul was writing letters to the e…
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In Saving us, God did not patch up a sinful us, rather He caused a regeneration and renewal by His Spirit that gave us a brand new birth and beginning. Ps Andy speaks today about how we are regenerated by a re-birthing, washing and renewal by the Holy Spirit. Our new birth is a spiritual birth which results in us being made alive spiritually. Ps An…
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On this Global Sunday we celebrate the diversity of Family Church from all the different cultures making us one Kingdom of God. Ps Sean speaks about how we are unified in Christ...Ephesians 2:19-20 (NIV) states "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, built o…
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Pastor Steuart continues with Part 5 in our series - Jesus Saves. This week he speaks about Sanctification. Sanctification literally means "to set apart for special use or purpose", that is, to make holy or sacred. When we accept Christ as Saviour, our sins are immediately forgiven, we are set apart as holy, and we are reconciled to Him. The Bible …
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Ps Andy continues the series on Jesus Saves, part of our study on our salvation through Christ. Earlier messages looked at Forgiveness, Justification and Reconciliation - all made possible only through the sacrifice of Jesus' blood on the cross for us. Redemption is a term which implies that something has been paid for or bought back, like a slave …
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Ps Carla continues the current series exploring our salvation through Jesus Christ. This week her title is 'Reconciliation'. She talks about how we might be reconciled to each other as a result of various circumstances but more importantly how we are able to be reconciled back to God through our salvation with Jesus Christ. God's plan for us in all…
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Following last weeks message about forgiveness - being a key part of our understanding of our salvation through Jesus Christ, Ps Andy today speaks on 'Justification'. It is vital that we understand a;; a[sects of our salvation. If not, our lives will not be changed and we shall exist without the full knowledge of what Jesus has done for us. In forg…
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Following the previous series of messages on Christology, Pastor Andy begins a new series of messages on Soteriology. This is the study of salvation, coming from the Greek soterion, salvation and is also related to soter meaning Saviour. This is all within the framework of messages this year about being "deeply rooted". As Ps Andy speaks on our sal…
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