7-28-24 - Running what seems to be Impossible
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The readings for this week are 2 Samuel 11:1-15, and Psalm 14, or 2 Kings 4:42-44, and Psalm 145:10-18, with Ephesians 3:14-21, and John 6:1-21. This week we look at how salmon have made their runs upstream to their breeding grounds. Over time, humans have intervened, thinking we had all the answers. We have found out over time, how little we actually knew of how the ecosystem was impacted by salmon and how we can help but can not control the whole process. This is much like faith and life in general and there has to be a point where we hand some major decisions over to God while we accompany God along the plans that God has. Thanks again for taking the time out to listen to this and I hope this is a tool that you find useful.
Remember to answer this week's question:
Where are you acknowledging the impact around you; human or non-human? #FaithandSciPod
If you're wanting to hear other podcasts on these texts check out:
7-29-18 - What Gifts are we Missing?
I look forward to all of your feedback,
Tyler Bublitz
Music used in the podcast:
March On by Silent Partner
Porches and Universes by Puddle of Infinity
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