Words | Divisive Words: Word Power - Part 2
Manage episode 424011494 series 3331386
Word Power – Part 2
Springcreek Church | Senior Pastor Keith Stewart
June 16, 2024
#god #realspringcreekchurch #wordpower #divisivewords #gossiphttps://www.springcreekchurch.org/
Expanded Message Notes:
At the office, suddenly no one is talking to you. There’s a distance between you and your fellow employees that’s unmistakable. What changed? You have been the victim of the office gossip. Someone has been talking to others behind your back, engaging in character assassination, and destroying your relationship network. But whether it happens at work, school, or church, the result is always the same, you feel betrayed and left unsure as to who you can trust. God has a lot to say about those who engage in divisive behaviors; why it grieves God’s heart, how to deal with the divider, and how God’s people are supposed to be different. Join us Sunday for a challenging message on Divisive Words.
1. The Bible tells us, “The tongue has the power of life and death... (Proverbs 18.21).” Describe a time in your life when someone spoke words of life or words of death to you. How did it affect you? What staying power did those words have? How are you a different person today because those words were once spoken to you?
2. Describe the things you learned today from this verse…
There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers. Proverbs 6.16-19
Have you any other insights from this passage? Why does God hate these things?
3. Gossip wouldn’t get very far if it were not for those who are more than willing to listen. Why is gossip so tempting? How have you seen it used to harm others? What can you do to prevent it from spreading?
4. Jesus’ prayer in John 17 is a great example of what He came to do. One of things for which he prayed was unity. First, oneness with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And second, with one another. Why is it impossible to achieve oneness with one another without first having oneness with God? Why is division a sign of the enemy’s work? Why is oneness a sign of the work of God? In what ways has God stretched you to embrace those different from yourself? How have you witnessed the power of unity?
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