Biomimetic Dentistry for Endodontically Treated Teeth
Manage episode 447845727 series 3536908
Dr. David Alleman first created his Six Lessons Approach for vital teeth, but the same conservative principles can benefit endodontically treated teeth too. Compared to traditional techniques for retention and bonding, the advanced adhesive and stress-reducing techniques of biomimetic dentistry are better suited for treating non-vital teeth, which are more brittle and susceptible to cracking than fully hydrated teeth with healthy pulps. This episode outlines how biomimetic techniques approach endodontically treated teeth differently and the research that supports these protocols.
Articles referenced in this episode:
- Kishen A., Vedantam S. Hydromechanics in dentine: Role of dentinal tubules and hydrostatic pressure on mechanical stress-strain distribution. Dent Materials. 2003;23: 1296-1306
- Magne P, Belser U. Rationalization of Shape and Related Stress Distribution in Posterior Teeth A finite Element Study Using Nonlinear contact Analysis. J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2002;22-425-433
- Jayasooriya PR, Pereira PNR, Nikaido T, Tagami J. Efficacy of a Resin Coating on Bond Strengths of Resin Cement to Dentin. J Esthet Restor Dent 2003 15(2)105-113
- Fennis WMM, Kuijs RH, Kreulen CM, Verdonschot N, Creugers NHJ. Fatigue Resistance of Teeth Restored with Cuspal-Coverage Composite Restorations. Int J Prosthodont 2004 17(3)-313-317
New 2025 training programs announced:
Biomimetic Mastership - class starts February 10. Learn more and register at
In-Person SLA Workshop Dates:
- April 25-26
- August 8-9
- October 24-25
- December 12-13
Learn more and register at
Learn more about Dr. Alleman's work at training programs at
28 episod