365 February 22
Manage episode 407142765 series 3558151
Deep Within Me Dwells Infinite Love A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things. —MATTHEW 12:55
"God is the giver of all things—by means of love. The Spirit is always at peace. There is no argument in Divine Mind. The Spirit has never doubted Itself, opposed Itself, or disagreed with Itself. This is the Oneness that is God. Deep within me is that which never gets angry, troubled, or afraid. When I seem to be in conflict, I become still so that I may listen.
All the Love there is is right here, right now with me. I now cease all self-opposition. I hear only the voice of Love, speaking to me. I hear nothing but the words of Wisdom, guiding and inspiring me. And when I listen there is a response from something greater than myself. It is the mysterious energy of Love, the active principle of unity. Everything loves, and everything responds to love. It is a universal quality, shared alike by all, the central flame of the Universe.
Desiring to be loved, I allow myself to love greatly, to feel warmly inclined toward all people, and to be helpful on their behalf. I give as I wish to receive. As I love and cooperate with other people, so do they love me and give me their cooperation. My loving thoughts attract caring friends to me.”
Excerpt From 365 Science of Mind Ernest Holmes
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