Rising Tide Radio Episode 21: Well-Being Part 4 (of 4-part series)
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In this fourth segment of the 4-part series on well-being, Jennifer Hogan and Allyson Apsey discuss how gratitude impacts well-being. Well-being is listening to your heart, your mind and your body and then taking specific action based on what you hear. This careful listening and action steps lead to us becoming the best version of ourselves. This contributes to our own personal satisfaction with life and allows us to be the people we want to be for everyone around us. The roadmap to personal well-being looks different for everyone, but there are some universal truths and ideas that can help us all.
In this episode you'll discover:
-Who we first heard talk about the gratitude as an intentional practice
-How Oprah starts her day (and how Allyson starts hers)
-Findings from Brene Brown's research on gratitude
-An easy-to-use strategy for practicing gratitude at meetings
-How Allyson creates a culture of appreciation at her school
-Acknowledgement of well-being as personal responsibility as well as the importance of a healthy work environment
Brene Brown on Joy and Gratitude (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IjSHUc7TXM&list=RDLVlgKtDbxDt7k&index=3
Rising Tide Radio - Episode 14: Looking for the Gifts https://anchor.fm/risingtide/episodes/Rising-Tide-Radio-Episode-14-Looking-For-the-Gifts-ekpr0n
One Simple Habit to Improve Mood and Productivity - The Compelled Educator
The Power and Simplicity of a Weekly Staff Check-In
Allyson's TikTok video: https://www.tiktok.com/t/TTPd2tjkn3/
Where to find Allyson:
Twitter: @AllysonApsey
Website: https://AllysonApsey.com.
Where to find Jennifer
Twitter: @Jennifer_Hogan
Website: http://www.TheCompelledEducator.com
21 episod