Winter Tires: Do You Really Need Them?
Manage episode 450184421 series 3578615
Do you have a plan for your tires this winter? If not what is wrong with you?!
That's the what most outdoor gear reviews will make you believe in a bevy of tire related articles that get published this time of year. But he truth around what kind of tires you need to get to your outdoor winter adventures is much simpler.
Today on the show Justin and Colin explore various tire options while comparing all-season tires to dedicated winter tires. They also share personal anecdotes and insights from their own experiences in snowy conditions, highlighting that many drivers may not truly need dedicated winter tires and may in fact just want to pick up some chains.
And they also play the first ever round of STUMP THE CICERONE! Can Justin guess which beer Colin paired for this wintry episode? You'll have to listen to Gear & Beer to find out!
Check out video Justin's breakdown of the Nokian nAT here.
Hurricane Helene Relief Links:
- Fuel Goods
- Outdoor Business Alliance Hurricane Relief Fund
- GoFundMe for Bubba O'Learys
- Western North Carolina Hurriance Helene Resource Guide
- East Tennessee Foundation Relief Fund
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34 episod