Air Force to Private Practice — with Jose E. Barrera, MD (Ep. 268)
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Hello, and welcome to Beauty and the Biz where we’ll talk about how Jose Barrera, MD, went from being an Air Force Master Surgeon, to going into private practice. Additionally, we’ll discuss the general business and marketing side of plastic surgery.
As always, I’m your host, Catherine Maley, author of “Your Aesthetic Practice – What your patients are saying.” I’m also a consultant to plastic surgeons, to get them more patients and more profits.
Presenting today’s episode titled, “Air Force to Private Practice — with Jose E. Barrera, MD.”Obviously, transitioning from a military surgeon in the U.S. Air Force to private practice involves a major shift in responsibilities, environment, and mindset.
Without a doubt, in the military, you enjoy a structured setting, lots of resources, and a clear chain of command with support systems.
Conversely, in private practice, you are suddenly challenged with running a business, attracting patients and managing staff.
Specifically, this week’s "Beauty and the Biz" podcast special guest is Dr. jose Barrera. To be sure, he's facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon in private practice in San Antonio, TX.
Chiefly, we talked about his journey from a decorated military surgeon with 30 years of service in the United States Air Force to moving to the private sector. Notably, he's now in private practice managing 5 separate profit centers.
However, that’s a major shift that included many highs and lows. Additionally, there was a mistake that cost him $275K at a time when he didn’t have it. Thankfully, he did figure it out. Good for him.
Visit Dr. Barrera's websiteEnjoy!
Catherine Maley, MBA
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Catherine Maley, MBA:
Everybody that’s going to wrap it up for us today on Beauty and the Biz.
If you have any questions or feedback for me, you can go ahead and leave them at my website at, or you can certainly DM me on Instagram @CatherineMaleyMBA.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode on Beauty and the Biz, please head over to Apple Podcasts and give me a review and subscribe to Beauty and the Biz so, you don’t miss any episodes. And of course, please share this with your staff and colleagues.
And we will talk to you again soon. Take care.
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