Sunday 04/02/2023 - A study of the Book of Revelation Pt. 1 ”Things Which Thou Hast Seen” ( Rev. 1:1-8)
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“Things Which Thou Hast Seen” (Part 1-Rev. 1:1-8)
*Main thought for today: Have you ever seen Him? If so, are you continually beholding Him (2 Pet. 1:19; 2 Cor. 4:16)?
• I. A revelation from (1a)
◦ Revelation is not a project, but an encounter between the Maker and what He has made.
• II. A mediator to the gap (1b)
◦ Revelation is not of human effort, but intercession (Matt. 11:27).
• III. A mystery through a messenger (1c)
◦ Revelation is carried to the world by believers as holy priests (Acts 8:31; Rom. 10:15).
• IV. A grateful recipient his call (2)
◦ Revelation is a mission of personal delegation, not self-centered gratification.
• V. An audience with a pressing (3)
◦ Revelation gives us a promise, not predetermination.
• VI. A God for His whole people (4)
◦ Revelation is about a God who is not only perfect in essence but also in action.
• VII. An Savior (5a)
◦ Revelation reveals a Jesus who is not weak, but fully capable to deliver and satisfy us.
• VIII. A Savior (5b-6a)
◦ Revelation reveals a Jesus who is not tyrannical, but eager to bless.
• IX. A Savior who be worshipped (6b)
◦ Revelation prompts a worship which does not need to be forced because it is deserved.
• X. A Savior who be worshipped (7)
◦ Revelation reveals a Jesus who is inescapable and the One to whom we all must answer.
• XI. A of the chosen (7e)
◦ Revelation prompts a heart of faith to say “amen” from first to last.
• XII. An omnipotent of all (8)
◦ Revelation reminds us to not limit an unlimited God with our fears (Heb. 1:10-12).
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