Cuestionando los dogmas sobre Salud y Fitness para mejorar de verdad tu cuerpo. Hablamos de Dietas, de Ayuno Intermitente, de Entrenamientos Funcionales, de Psicología y en definitiva de Salud Global… con detalle y con verdaderos expertos
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Helping you create a walking habit you'll love.
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Der Podcast über die deutsche Fitnessbranche
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Get bigger, stronger and smarter with FitnessFAQs. Your host Daniel Vadnal is a Physiotherapist from Australia with more than 15 years of calisthenics experience. Guests include experts Dr Mike Israetel, Ben Patrick, Jeremy Ethier, Kinobody, The Bioneer, Alpha Destiny, Strength Side, Bill Maeda, Marcus Filly, Calisthenic Movement and more. Exercise can be complicated. This podcast will help.
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Being over 40 can make getting healthy and fit much harder. The 40+ Fitness Podcast is designed to address various health, fitness, and nutrition topics with you in mind. Your hosts, Allan Misner & Rachel Everett want to encourage, educate and entertain you as you travel on your health and fitness journey. Lose weight over 40. Get fit over 40.
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Fitness Podcast
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All about fitness & nutrition
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MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitne ...
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forever young - Ernährung, Bewegung, Denken, Gesundheit und Fitness
Dr. Ulrich Strunz, Ulrich G. Strunz, Sprecher: Ralf Bohlmann
Dr. med. Ulrich Strunz ist praktizierender Internist, Molekularmediziner und Gastroenterologe. Mit über 50 veröffentlichten Buchtiteln ist er Deutschlands meistgelesener Arzt und mit seinen News auf erreicht er täglich tausende von Menschen. Ausgewählte News gibt es hier im Podcast nun auch zum Hören. Sprecher ist der Podcaster Ralf Bohlmann.
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Fitness mit M.A.R.K. - Abnehmen, Muskelaufbau, Ernährung und Motivation fürs Training
Mark Maslow | #DRNBLBR, Fitness Coach und Ingenieur
Dies ist kein Bodybuilding-Podcast. Es geht um eine athletische, gesunde Figur fürs Leben – ohne Druck und Drill, sondern so, dass Du Dir guttust. Dich erwarten Tipps und Experteninterviews über Mentaltraining, ausgewogene Ernährung, richtiges Kraft- und Kardiotraining, die Dir helfen, gesund und fit zu leben und nackt gut auszusehen. Bock auf mehr Fitness, die bleibt? Über 30.000 Menschen erhalten Marks Dranbleiber-Newsletter. Hol auch Du Dir auf entspannte Weise mehr Fitness in Dein Postfa ...
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What's the history behind MLMs? How is technology changing our fitness? How have beauty standards evolved over the past few decades? Veterans of the fitness industry, Michael Ulloa and Kate Lyman, bring you a brand new podcast that's all about about busting common fitness and nutrition myths, helping you separate fact from fiction, and providing you with practical, evidence-based information in a wellness space overrun with misinformation.
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Welcome to the Menon Fitness Systems podcast, where you get the best of India's fitness mantra
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On The Fitness Beginner Podcast, we talk about all things fitness focusing mainly on helping people get started on their fitness journey.
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Är du trött på allt fitness-skitsnack? Du ska äta såhär och träna sådär. Du matas av information om den senaste dieten eller mirakelmetoden från alla håll? I den här podden kommer vi utan filter hjälpa dig att se igenom bullshiten och navigera dig i fitnessdjungeln. Enjoy!
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Wie kannst du deinen Stoffwechsel anregen, gefährliches Körperfett verlieren und deinen Körperfettanteil senken? Wie vermeidest du die häufigsten Fehler beim Abnehmen? Wie geht Muskelaufbau – besonders ab 40? Was hilft gegen Rückenschmerzen und Bandscheibenvorfall? Warum haben so viele Menschen Probleme mit dem Ischiasnerv und wie kannst du das ändern? Welche Rolle spielt unser Gehirn und wie kannst du mit Stress und mentaler Gesundheit umgehen? Neustart Wechseljahre: Fit, cool und voller En ...
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Fitness M/K er Danmarks første og største podcast om sports, fitness og træning. Den startede som podcast hos det nu hedengangne Radio24syv, men Fitness M/K lever videre som uafhængig podcast. Følg med PhD Anders Nedergaard aka Dr. Muskel ind i træningens verden, hvor vi snakker sportsvidenskab, bodybuilding, fitness, ernæring, sportsernæring og underlige sportsgrene. Kroppen og alle de ting vi gør ved den for at gøre den større, mindre, hurtigere, vildere farligere har altid fascineret menn ...
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“If you can control your mind, you can control your mindset”.
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Actionable ideas to build your fitness business. Presented by Fitness Business Mentor, Dan Williams.
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Evidensbaseret information om kost, træning og alt derimellem, formidlet på en letforståelig måde, hvor alle kan være med. Videnskab og forskning omsat til konkrete råd og anbefalinger, som du kan bruge med det samme.
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🎙️O Ask the Experts é um podcast mensal que oferece entrevistas exclusivas com os líderes e empreendedores mais influentes do setor do Fitness e Wellness em Portugal.
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Join us as we discuss all things Wicklow Strength and Fitness
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Zu müde, um ins Fitness-Training zu gehen? Keine Lust auf Radfahren oder Joggen? Zu wenig Kraft in den Armen oder Beinen oder ein paar Gramm zu viel auf der Waage? Alles kein Problem, denn es gibt ja "Das Fitnessmagazin". Wenn Sie wissen wollen, wie, wann, wo und womit man sich am besten fit hält - dann hören Sie rein in "Das Fitnessmagazin".
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News, reviews and interviews from the world of HYROX, DEKAFIT and more. The longest running and most consistent podcast in Europe for Hybrid and Fitness Racing. New episodes every Wednesday.
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Our goal with this podcast is to motivate and encourage people to become better through fitness. We want to give our story and show people why we use fitness as our savior. We want to show the world that you can achieve anything you want. You just need to believe it. And fitness is a way to train yourself to do so.
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Find Fitness Freedom! Interviews from Fitness Experts and individuals with personal transformation stories. Gain knowledge and insight to overcome obstacles and live your best fitness life! Visit for more Information on Programs & Coaching
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Health, Wellness, Fitness and The MindBody Connection
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Podcast by Max International College for Fitness Professionals
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CrossFit Games Analysts Sean Woodland and Tommy Marquez and Lauren Kalil, bring you all the latest information, updates, and analysis on the sport of fitness, and the CrossFit community.
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Podcast by Ben Cartwright
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"Resistance training, meat-eating, and God-fearing” fitness duo Mike & Corrie-Beth Lipowski break down the science of exercise and a (mostly) carnivore diet, among other fitness and health-related topics. With a conversational tone and a healthy dose of humor, they provide listeners with insights and solutions to complex fitness topics in a simple, clever, and always entertaining way. A PURE PHYSIQUE PODCAST
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Commentary on current nutrition research, fitness product reviews, and interviews with professionals in the field of health and wellness. All that and more, every week, on the Addicted to Fitness podcast.
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El podcast de, donde el arte y la ciencia del fitness se unen para darte la mejor información sobre cómo esculpir tu cuerpo de la manera más flexible y eficiente posible. Seas hombre o mujer, en este podcast encontrarás la información más acertada para mejorar tu salud y verte increíble.
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Willkommen beim Gravitas Podcast! Hier sprechen ich und meine Gäste darüber, dass wahre Fitness die Fähigkeit zur Veränderung ist - sei es in Bezug auf Lebens- oder Umweltbedingungen. Uns ist wichtig zu betonen, dass es hierbei um mehr als nur Fitness geht. Unser Ziel ist es, nicht nur den Körper, sondern auch den Geist in Bewegung zu bringen und dadurch Veränderungen im Leben zu ermöglichen. Begleite uns auf dieser spannenden Reise, um die wahre Gravitas des Lebens zu entdecken und in Beweg ...
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Top Fitness Strategies Presents is a show all about Health and Fitness focused on the "Fitness Over 50" crowd. We understand that everyone is different and anyone looks at health and fitness differently. That's why Top Fitness Strategies Presents has guests and interviews with health and fitness professionals from around the globe. We just don't focus on one aspect of your health or your fitness. We have tips and techniques and great information for just about anyone! Look around, see all th ...
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A podcast dedicated to helping you have a healthy pregnancy, confident childbirth and strong recovery. In this podcast, we will cover the strategies to help you stay healthy and active during pregnancy, and confidently recover after childbirth, so that you can get back to your old (new) self, with a bubba by your side. You will find some amazing interviews with professionals covering breastfeeding with lactation consultants, childbirth with midwives and doctors, as well as birth stories from ...
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Fitness industry is full of incorrect, even harmful information. I am NO BS Fitness and Weight Loss Coach and my goal is to give you science based information, told in a simple way. I love to share real people stories and interviews with fellow coaches or professionals. Follow me in IG @personaltrainer_turo
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Tony Cress, 20 year fitness veteran, waxes about various topics in the industry. Topics include fat loss, performance enhancement, movement dysfunction, biomechanics, strength and muscle gain and nutrition.
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Welcome to the Fitness Business Asia podcast, hosted by BASE founder and CEO Jack Thomas - a show with a strong and powerful mission to raise the standards of Asia’s fitness industry. If you’re an ambitious gym owner, fitness manager, investor in the wellness industry or a coach that wants to get into the business side of fitness, this weekly resource will help you raise your game.
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The Fitness Marketing Agency podcast is here to show, Gym Owners, Studio Owners, Group Training Providers and Coaches the best way to market, operate and grow their fitness businesses. We pull back the curtain and show you real-time strategies and insights into what’s working right now within the Fitness Industry. If you’re looking for growth in your fitness business, you’ve come to the right place.
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Holistic Nutrition, Health, Body building and Fitness perfectly packaged to educate and motivate to get on track, and stay on track with a modern healthy lifestyle.
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Matt Cooper is an accredited exercise physiologist, providing evidence-based information and motivation to keep you exercising better, for every day, for the rest of your life.
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Join author, fitness professional, and healthy living blogger, Gina Harney, as she shares expert interviews and tips that you can implement right now. This podcast is health, fitness, nutrition, beauty, and lifestyle advice, delivered by your internet BFF. If you're looking to create your healthiest, happiest life, this is the podcast for you. INSTAGRAM: @fitnessista Shownotes:
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Podcast by Fitnescity
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Optimal Health Daily, hosted by the esteemed Dr. Neal Malik, a tenured professor, registered dietitian nutritionist, and certified exercise physiologist, is a treasure trove of health and wellness insights. Dr. Neal delves into the latest research and timeless wisdom in nutrition, fitness, and diet, presenting them in easy-to-understand, digestible episodes. His expertise shines through as he handpicks and narrates the most informative and inspiring blog posts, offering practical tips and mo ...
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2911: How to Set Up A Calorie Deficit for Fat Loss (6 Steps) by Matt McLeod on How to Track Calories
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
11:28Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2911: A calorie deficit is the key to fat loss, but most people struggle with tracking it accurately. Matt McLeod breaks down a simple six-step system to calculate your personal baseline, track…
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Is This Walk Outside Your Comfort Zone?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
11:17Fitness, by definition, is uncomfortable. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about the benefits of being uncomfortable sometimes. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphon…
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2910: Whatever Becomes Normal Becomes Invisible by David Cain of Raptitude on How to Be Mindful
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
9:29Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2910: Our daily routines shape our reality, yet we often fail to notice them. David Cain explores how anything we repeatedly experience, good or bad, fades into the background, influencing our …
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14th March 2025: Living a conscious life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
12:45In today's podcast I talk about: Palakkad trip. Spending time with nature at Au Revoir wellness resort. Family time, pool time. Good fun.
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A listener to the podcast is asking if those were Dave's grandparents she saw when she was in elementary school. During today's ten-minute rainy walk, Dave answers the question. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn mo…
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2909: Yardwork Workouts, Prisoner Workout and Other Non Traditional Exercises by Leo Babauta of Zen Habits
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
12:12Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2909: Swing an axe, haul heavy loads, or power through burpees, Leo Babauta redefines fitness with creative, functional workouts that ditch the gym. Whether it's yardwork that builds real-world…
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#413 Sportskongres 2025 #2
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:26:12Fitness M/K har været på sportskongres, den årlige danske fagkongres for idrætsfysioterapei og idrætsmedicin, hvor vi har fået lov til at svinge mikrofon blandt nogle af talerne. Det er blevet to to afsnit, hvor dette er det andet. Gæsterne i dette afsnit er Jesper Bencke, Raad Khair, Anne Melin og Damian Harper."Hejsa, det er din vært, Anders her.…
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Does a Fitness Tracker make you Fitter or Leaner...with Rowie McEvoy
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
8:19Does a Fitness Tracker Make You Fitter or Leaner? Do we need to measure steps, calories, heart rate, sleep, blood pressure, and blood oxygen levels to be S.E.L.F - Strong, Energetic, Lean, and Fit? Were we weak, unfit, and fat before fitness trackers were invented? Can we be healthy and stay mentally healthier if exercise, activity, and healthy foo…
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2554: The 5 Best Exercises for a Stronger Grip and Forearms & More (Listener Live Coaching)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:43:35Mind Pump Fit Tip: The 5 best exercises for a stronger grip and forearms. (2:27) Optimizing your mitochondrial health is one of the keys to longevity. (16:34) Feeling manly. (24:48) Justin is getting his metal fix in. (28:56) How out of touch with reality can you possibly be? (33:53) Caffeine withdrawal is nasty. (37:07) Red vs. white wine, is ther…
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🔍 Discover Your Fitness Personality Type. Take the Quiz 💪 Take the 5-Day Challenge - Connect with ‘THAT FITNESS COUPLE’ 📱 IG:@thatfitnesscouplepodcast 📽️ YouTube: That Fitness Couple 🌐 Website: 👕 Get your PURE PHYSIQUE Swag:…
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5 Ways Walking Can Help You Lose Weight
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
10:55Walking can be an important part of a weight loss plan. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about five ways walking can help you lose weight. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. Vis…
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2908: Are Probiotics Supplements Beneficial?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
11:10Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2908: Probiotics are often touted as a cure-all for digestion, immunity, mental health, and even weight loss, but do they really work? Dr. Neal Malik breaks down the latest research on probioti…
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Waste time on the negative and miss life’s WOW experiences…with Rowie McEvoy
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
3:22Why do so many people waste time on the negative and miss life’s WOW experiences? Are you laughing, living with passion and loving life every day? If not is it time? www.maxfitnesscollege.comOleh Max International College for Fitness Professionals
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2553: The Top 5 Exercises That Build Muscle That You Probably Aren’t Doing & More (Listener Coaching)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:07:37Mind Pump Fit Tip: Top 5 exercises that build muscle that you probably aren’t doing. (1:59) Exercise and sleep. (19:21) The war against raw milk. (23:25) Children and their core memories. (26:46) What is Sal using to mitigate the effects of going off caffeine? (32:09) Which gender can handle more training volume? (35:46) Be kind to AI. (40:31) It’s…
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Fit, Strong, Lean - FAST- is it possible...Rowie McEvoy
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
3:35Fit, Strong, Lean - FAST- is it possible? What if you CAN get the fastest results from short exercise sessions? Why do most people still measure their exercise success by how long or how much they do, not by the best result?www.maxfitnesscollege.comOleh Max International College for Fitness Professionals
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Who can you trust with your health ...with Rowie McEvoy
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
6:50Who can you trust with your health? Why do we trust anybody? Do we know enough about how our body works so we can analyse any advice for ourselves?www.maxfitnesscollege.comOleh Max International College for Fitness Professionals
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13th March 2025: Living a conscious life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
10:32In today's podcast I talk about: Track workout with my new Coros watch. Meeting my long time friend who is facing mental health issues. Recovery and sleep key for good health. Snack time with Seema.
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12th March 2025: Living a conscious life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
10:37In today's podcast I talk about: A productive day: Worked on two chapters of my new book Less is More, Completed one PNCC module, created two breathing audios and PNCC meetings. Discussion on longevity factors.
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Dave just found an incredible, encouraging, and validating podcast episode that he talks about during this extra walk today. Here's the audio version of the Mel Robbin's podcast Dave mentions Here's the YouTube version Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Day…
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#66 - 12 Worst Exercise Myths Debunked By Fitness Experts - Ben Yanes
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:24:22Ben Yanes is a biomechanics expert who teaches how to lift like a modern meathead. Expect to get better muscle growth by training smarter - applying the latest science with proven exercise principles for success. Today we're debunking 12 of worst myths that are wasting you time and effort in the gym. . 📌 Watch Podcast With Video -…
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363 - Dr Hanscom on FOMO, Jealousy and Schadenfreude Part I
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
22:05Find Dr Hanscom's The Doc Journey here: See Dr Hanscom's Website here: Become a Patron of the Show! You can support the show with as little as a few dollars per month - show your support and get a shoutout every single week to thousands of people across the world: https://www.pat…
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Walking can be an adventure. During today's ten-minute walk, Dave talks about how walking can help you see more...if you're in the right frame of mind. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. …
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How to Build Your Own Workout Program Based on Your Goals
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
41:07Send us a text Tired of workout plans that go nowhere? I've been there. Jumping between random routines, feeling confused, and seeing zero progress. Spoiler: It's not your fault. In this episode, I'm breaking down EXACTLY how to build a workout program that actually works. No BS. No complicated science. Just a simple framework that lets you: Create…
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2907: Kickstart Your Journey of Being Fit and Healthy by Ellen Burgan of If It Brings You Joy
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
14:10Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2907: Ellen Burgan explains that achieving lasting fitness and health isn’t just about knowing what to eat or how to exercise, it’s about mindset. A positive outlook can transform your habits, …
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#046 Fitness-historien v. Kasper Lund Kirkegaard (2/3)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
54:07Fitness i Danmark og verden er vokset ud af vægtløftermiljøet, som er vokset ud af en cirkusstærkmandstradition, som kan spores langt tilbage i middelalderen. Så langt tilbage som antikken kan man se beretninger om træning af æstetiske årsager. Jeg har besøg af Kasper Lund Kirkegaard, forskningschef hos DIF, som har skrevet flere bøger og rapporter…
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HYROX Glasgow 2025 – Preview episode
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:04:30We are joined by Joda Quigley and Natalie Morrison to discuss everything you need to know about HYROX Glasgow this week. We cover all the information you need on the venue including how to get there. We also provide you with all the tips you will need to get you through the day. Finally, we provide those all-important shout outs. Follow our guests …
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2552: From Plateau to PR... How to Break Through Strength Barriers
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
40:07From Plateau to PR: How to Break Through Strength Barriers Defining what a plateau is. (1:18) Why this is a meaningful conversation. (2:20) The most frustrating part of fitness. (5:37) The BIG mistake most people make. (7:38) From Plateau to PR: Six Strategies to Break Through Strength Barriers #1 - Focus on strength. (13:45) #2 - Change the exerci…
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Konditionsträning - den ultimata guiden!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
56:33Vill du förbättra din kondition men vet inte var du ska börja? Eller tränar du redan men vill optimera din uthållighet och prestation? I det här avsnittet av SmarterFitness tar vi ett djupdyk i konditionsträning – hur du bygger en starkare kropp, förbättrar din hjärt- och lungkapacitet och tränar på ett sätt som verkligen ger resultat. Tillsammans …
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Ep195 - Anthony McCauley: Your Endurance and Wellness Coach
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
31:34I interviewed Anthony McCauley, Your New Endurance and Wellness Coach! We had a blast! We covered topics such as: -Nutrition: Endurance vs Bodybuilder -Healthy Eating and Counting Calories. -Carbs and Protein and how they are different for different athletes. Plus a lot more! Anthony was an "average " guy who did not prioritize health at all. When …
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Podcast #252 – Control de Impulsos y Alimentación: ¿Es Realmente una Adicción?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
32:30¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si el consumo impulsivo de ciertos alimentos puede ser un problema de control de impulsos y alimentación? En este episodio, vamos a analizar qué es realmente la adicción a la comida y qué la diferencia de otras adicciones. Exploraremos qué tan común es, cuáles son sus síntomas y, sobre todo, si debemos culpar a la comi…
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Work Smarter, Stress Less Avoid Burnout & Stay Productive - POF304
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
51:44We all want to be as productive as we possibly can. However, burnouts come along with that. So, how can we avoid burnouts? Today we will give you tips on how to do that!
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11th March 2025: Living a conscious life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
11:08In today's podcast I talk about: How body and mind manages pain. Lessons learnt from my hill repeats session with weights. Relating the pain Sambhaji Maharaj went through. PNCC meeting. Clear insights.
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🔍 Discover Your Fitness Personality Type. Take the Quiz 💪 Take the 5-Day Challenge - Connect with ‘THAT FITNESS COUPLE’ 📱 IG:@thatfitnesscouplepodcast 📽️ YouTube: That Fitness Couple 🌐 Website: 👕 Get your PURE PHYSIQUE Swag:…
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What is the best length for a fitness walk? During today's ten-minute walk, Dave looks at what research tells us. Check out Walking is Fitness on YouTube Support the podcast with a virtual coffee through Buy Me A Coffee Download your free 90 Days To A Walking Habit You'll Love Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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2906: This Is How to Do the Perfect Kettlebell Swing by Eric Leija on How to Improve Body Awareness
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
11:51Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2906: The kettlebell swing may look simple, but executing it correctly requires precise technique and body awareness. Eric Leija breaks down the movement step by step, highlighting key form cue…
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Chatting HYROX, ESN R.I.S.E. and RX1 - Meg Jacoby and Dave Claxton.
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:07:03On today’s 200th episode of the podcast we are jointed first by Dave Claxton and then by Meg Jacoby. Dave and Host Ian debate the evolution of Fitness Racing and consider what’s next for the sport. Meanwhile Meg gives us an update on her current condition following her recent injury and looks towards the rest of the season. Follow our guests on Ins…
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25.2 Review, Copyright Drama, and Wilson Pak and Jeremy Thiel talk Semifinals
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:12:24Colten Mertens and Mirjam Von Rohr are owning the 2025 CrossFit Games Open. Sean, Tommy and Lauren talk about their performances, why they love the live announcements, and what stands out on the leaderboard after two weeks. The CrossFit Games and the World Fitness Project run into a copyright issue. Plus, two men who will be running in-person semif…
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2551: Can Being “Too Healthy” Be a Bad Thing?... & More (Listener Live Coaching
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:54:18In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin coach four Pump Heads via Zoom. Mind Pump Fit Tip: Can being too healthy be a bad thing? (2:47) Making the case for taking higher doses of creatine. (26:37) The methylene blue trend. (29:40) The value of Lent. (32:02) Sal’s break from lust. (36:41) Reversing an aging heart. (45:00) Enhancing your …
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How to Make Your Gym Run Without You (And Still Grow)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:26:04Many gym owners start with passion but get bogged down in daily operations, leaving little time for growth. In this episode, we discuss the critical systems, mindset shifts, and strategies that allow fitness business owners to create sustainable, scalable businesses. If you want to build a gym that doesn’t rely on you 24/7 while increasing profitab…
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Do The Work: There Is No ‘Magic Pill’ ! - POF303
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
17:29Eveyone wants a quick fix when it comes to fitness. But, there is none. No pill, protein or supplement is going to do what hard work and consistency are there for. Tune in today to hear what I mean.
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Fitnesssucht: Wo liegt die Grenze?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
8:07Bist du manchmal unsicher, ob dein Training noch gesund ist oder schon zwanghafte Züge annimmt? In dieser Folge von Fitness Fieber gehen Anna und Peter der Frage auf den Grund: Wo liegt die Grenze zwischen gesundem Ehrgeiz und Fitnesssucht Wir beleuchten die Warnsignale, wie zwanghaftes Verhalten, Vernachlässigung anderer Lebensbereiche und das Ign…
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How conventional medicine is making you sicker with Dr. Robert Lufkin
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
40:55On episode 685 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we dive into a thought-provoking conversation with Dr. Robert Lufkin, who joins us to discuss his groundbreaking book, Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life. In this episode, Dr. Lufkin shares insights into how conventional…
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