This Redeemed Life with Marian Jordan Ellis is life-changing truth straight from God’s Word. Tune in each week as Marian opens the Bible and brings her real-life experiences, practical teachings, and answers your questions about living the redeemed life. Marian has been in the trenches with Jesus and teaches others how to overcome, walk by faith, and show the world that Jesus is better.
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In this series on the Promises of God, Bible teacher Marian Jordan Ellis shares how we can anchor our souls to these timeless truths. In this session, Marian unpacks Romans 8:28 and shares how God works all things for the good of those who love Him.
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Session 5: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
30:28Proverbs cautions us to be careful how we think because our lives are shaped by our thoughts. In Session 5 of Change Your Mind, Change Your Life, Marian Jordan Ellis teaches through the fruit of the renewed mind.Oleh Marian Jordan Ellis
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Session 4: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
40:05In Session 4 of Change Your Mind, Change Your Life, we uncover the power of fixing our eyes on God. In this teaching, Marian Jordan Ellis unpacks the story of Joshua and Caleb and how their choice to fix their eyes on God and their faith in HIs promises and presence enabled them to enter the Promise Land. Philippines 4:6-7; Hebrews 12:1-2; Numbers …
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God promises HIs presence with us in the storms of life. This truth is an anchor for our souls. In this teaching by Marian Jordan Ellis, she unpacks Isaiah 43; Mark 4, and Revelation 1 and offers the hope we have because Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us in the fire and the storm.Oleh Marian Jordan Ellis
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In this podcast, Marian continues an in-depth study of Acts and teaches on the mighty hand of God. His mighty hand can: - close doors and copen new ones - open a heart - defeat the demonic - unfasten chains - redeem anyoneOleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on what it means to have no barries to Christ.Oleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on God's heart for the nations.Oleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian Jordan begins an indepth study of the book of Acts.Oleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on the waiting room seasons of life.Oleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on the power in Jesus' Name.Oleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on developing a holy fear of God.Oleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on God's grace and how it should motivate us to live differently.Oleh Marian Jordan
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In this podcast, Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on how God's soverignty works through our circumstances.Oleh Marian Jordan
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Marian continues this indepth study of Acts and teaches on how when our hearts and minds are revolutionized to who Christ is and what he has done for us, it transfoms us from the inside out.Oleh Marian Jordan
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Portrait of Esther: Women of the Bible
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
50:48Join us as Bible teacher, Marian Jordan Ellis continues this dynamic Bible study series on the Women of the Bible. Esther is a powerful story about a young woman positioned by God to deliver her people from destruction. In this dramatic tale, we see how the sovereign hand of God moves behind the scenes to bring about His glorious purposes in our li…
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Session 3: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:04Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!" When it comes to experiencing dramatic life change, nothing can compete with the power of God's truth to transform our lives and set us free from the lies that hold us captive. In this teaching by Marian Jordan Ellis, she explains the power of knowing your identity in Christ and…
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Session 2: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
48:29As Christians, we’ve often heard the call to “renew our minds” and to “take our thoughts captive.” While most of us are aware of the power of our thoughts, many of us still feel defeated when it comes to battling temptation, anxiety, fear, and runaway imaginations. Most of us don’t know how to win the battle for our minds. In this new teaching seri…
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The Bible is full of promises from God. In this teaching by Marian Jordan Ellis, she unpacks the treasures of God's promises in Scripture. In this teaching, we dive into John 14:1-6 and Revelation 21 examine the eternal of God to make "all things new!" This study will explore the Bible from the Garden of Eden to the eternal Garden Paradise revealed…
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Session 1: Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
35:22As Christians, we’ve often heard the call to “renew our minds” and to “take our thoughts captive.” While most of us are aware of the power of our thoughts, many of us still feel defeated when it comes to battling temptation, anxiety, fear, and runaway imaginations. Most of us don’t know how to win the battle for our minds. In this new teaching seri…
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The Bible is full of promises from God. We learn to stand on these promises and access God's resources by faith. In this teaching by Marian Jordan Ellis, she unpacks the meaning of God's promises in Scripture, the blessing of faith, and Jesus' promise to give us the Holy Spirit as our Helper. In this teaching we learn to lean into God's promise to …
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Promises: The Hope of the Resurrection
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
50:19Because of Jesus’ resurrection, we can know with confidence that what God says is true. Maybe you are a skeptic and want to know, "Can I really trust God and believe what the Bible says? Is Jesus really the Son of God who died for our sins?" Or, perhaps you are a Christian and want to know: "What does the resurrection mean for us as Believers?" In …
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The Bible is full of promises from God. In Amos 5:4, God invites us to seek Him and live. This invitation proves the pathway to life, joy, and freedom. But how do wee seek God? In this teaching by Marian Jordan Ellis, she dives into Matthew 6:33 and Proverbs 3:5-6 to discover how we seek and follow God.…
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What is worship? It is the human response to who God is. There is a reason our souls come alive when we engage in worship of the living God because we are wired to worship. In this teaching by Marian Jordan Ellis, we look at the call to worship God “even though” life is difficult, “even if” our culture mocks our faith, and “even when” we don’t feel…
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Grace is a word that many people use but few understand the depths of it. Many people believe God’s love must be earned with good works or achieved with a perfect performance. The Wonder of God is revealed in His mercy and grace given to us… when we don’t deserve it. Just as Jesus took the place of a convicted criminal when He died on the cross, so…
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Is the Bible truly the Word of God? How can we trust the Bible over other sacred books? Are the teachings in the Bible relevant today? These are questions you may have asked yourself or questions you are battling right now. In the Wonders of God series, Marian Jordan Ellis teaches a powerful message about the Wonders of the Word. This teaching will…
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What is the glory of God? The glory of God is the magnificence, worth, loveliness, and grandeur of his many perfections, which He displays in His creative and redemptive acts in order to make His glory known to those in His presence. Our very existence is intended for the purpose of bringing glory to God. Jesus taught and modeled that we, the child…
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Why pray? Does prayer make a difference? The Bible reveals that God works wonders when we pray. Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Prayer is a privilege that allows us to connect with God. When we approach Him with faith and anticipation, we can ask for His help, knowi…
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We believe God works wonders when we surrender our lives to His will and listen to His divine promptings. By aligning ourselves with His will, we open the door to experiencing the transforming power of God.. In this teaching by Marian Jordan Ellis, we dive into the story of Joshua who led the people of God into the Promise Land and discover how the…
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Do you believe God still works wonders? Do you expect God to show up and show off in your life? Psalm 77:14 tells us, “You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples” The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. He is the same God who worked miracles in the past and we can expec…
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Two centuries ago, the most important moment in human history occurred—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This historic event was a game changer on a global, earth-shaking scale! • No longer are we enslaved to sin; we now have freedom through Jesus Christ. • No longer is death the end of the human story; we now have hope for eternal life. • No longe…
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Jesus Was Crucified | Mark 15:16-39
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
29:45We sing songs about the old rugged cross, and we admire paintings of a hill called Calvary. Many of us even adorn our homes with the number one symbol of the Christian faith – the cross of Jesus Christ. But, in reality, a Roman cross was not artistic nor beautiful; it was an instrument of torture and death that was used to kill Jesus Christ, the So…
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Jesus our Substitute | Mark 15:1-15
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
27:21Have you ever truly contemplated the fact that Jesus took on the guilt, punishment and death that you deserved? The Bible describes this as the Great Exchange. In this exchange, Jesus is the righteous and sinless Savior who suffered and died in place of guilty sinners. On a personal level, we see a merciful and loving God offering Himself in our pl…
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Jesus is Betrayed and Denied | Mark 14:26-71
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
36:03We learn in the book of Proverbs that pride goes before destruction. If we ever think we’ve arrived spiritually or we are beyond a fall, then that’s the moment we are in trouble. This truth rightly describes the events that led up to the failure of two of Jesus' closest disciples, Judas and Peter, on the night Jesus was sentenced to death. Just as …
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Jesus Prepares for HIs Death | Mark 14:1-25
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
32:33What would you do if you knew you were about to die? What final words or gestures would you want to leave behind with those you love? The Bible shows us that Jesus was deliberate with His last hours and used that time to teach, train, equip and prepare His followers for life after the resurrection. In this episode, Marian Jordan Ellis walks through…
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Jesus Teaches Us to Keep Watch | Mark 13
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
37:59Many people are fascinated with the return of Christ and end-times theology. One of the most explicit teachings on the subject is found in Mark 13, where Jesus Christ answers a question posed by His disciples about the last days. In this episode, Bible teacher Marian Jordan Ellis walks through Jesus’ answer and His call for us to stand firm and kee…
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The Showdown at Mt. Carmel | Yahweh vs. the Prophets of Baal (Part 2)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
31:52The Showdown at Mt. Carmel | Yahweh vs. the Prophets of Baal Elijah, the prophet, urged God’s people to choose: to worship the pagan idol Baal or Yahweh, the Lord God Almighty. As Christians today, we are facing the same choice. We live in a day where Christians are under pressure: Will we bow down to the gods of our culture, or will we stand for t…
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The Showdown at Mt. Carmel | Yahweh vs. the Prophets of Baal (Part 1)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
23:45The Showdown at Mt. Carmel | Yahweh vs. the Prophets of Baal Elijah, the prophet, urged God’s people to choose: to worship the pagan idol Baal or Yahweh, the Lord God Almighty. As Christians today, we are facing the same choice. We live in a day where Christians are under pressure: Will we bow down to the gods of our culture, or will we stand for t…
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Jesus Teaches Us the Greatest Commandment | Mark 12:28-34
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
26:25Jesus Teaches Us the Greatest Commandment of all the laws and commandments in Scripture, which is the greatest? This question was posed to Jesus by one of the Jewish religious leaders, and Jesus' brilliant answer sheds light on the ultimate purpose of life and clarifies for us the heart of God’s law. In this episode, Marian Jordan Ellis teaches thr…
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Jesus Teaches on Prayer | Mark 11:15-25
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
31:46Prayer moves mountains! This sentiment is often seen on bumper stickers and Christian t-shirts but do we actually believe it? Andrew Murray once said, "Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things' above all that we ask or think.'" In tod…
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Jesus’ Triumphant Entry | Mark 11:1-10
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
33:58Faith is more than believing the right set of facts about Jesus. Saving faith is putting our hope in Christ alone as our Savior and Redeemer. In Mark chapter 11, we see various responses to Jesus when He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday riding a donkey. In this episode, Marian Jordan Ellis walks through this significant moment in the life of Jesus …
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Jesus Explains the Gospel | Mark 10:7-31
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
27:23Have you ever felt you need to do more or try harder to earn God’s acceptance? In Mark 10:7-31 Jesus is approached by a rich young ruler who desires to know how to enter the Kingdom of God and gain eternal life. After a short conversation, the young man walked away sad and feeling hopeless. Jesus used this encounter to instruct the disciples about …
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Jesus Defeats the Darkness | Mark 9:14-29
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
28:59Jesus’ disciples are empowered with His authority and His Holy Spirit to do Kingdom work. Yet in Mark 9:14-29, the disciples encountered a demonic spirit that they were unable to cast out. In response, Jesus rebuked their lack of faith and instructed them on the supernatural power of prayer. In this episode, Marian Jordan Ellis continues teaching v…
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Jesus Reveals His Glory | Mark 9:2-10
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
30:00Peter, James, and John beheld Jesus’ glory as He was transfigured before them. Their eyewitness accounts would shape the teachings of the early church and the writings of the New Testament. In today’s teaching, Marian Jordan Ellis walks verse by verse through Mark 9 and looks at the incredible moment when the earthly veil was lifted and the discipl…
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The Bible teaches that Christians face a battle on three fronts: the flesh, the world, and Satan. In this teaching from our series, Passport to Freedom, Marian shares how you can experience victory over the enemy and how to utilize the armor of God. Marian’s new Bible study; Behold and Believe, a study of the Gospel of John is now available on Amaz…
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The Bible teaches that Christians face a battle on three fronts: the flesh, the world, and Satan. In this teaching from our series, Passport to Freedom, Marian shares how you can experience victory over the enemy and how to utilize the armor of God. Marian’s new Bible study; Behold and Believe, a study of the Gospel of John is now available on Amaz…
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Jesus sets captives free. Yet many Christ-followers are still captive to anger, resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness. In Hebrews 12:14-15, Scripture describes this captivity as a "bitter root" that grows up to produce "bitter fruit." This bitter fruit can manifest as addictions, broken relationships, irrational fears, unhealthy imaginations, a…
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Jesus sets captives free. Yet many Christ-followers are still captive to anger, resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness. In Hebrews 12:14-15, Scripture describes this captivity as a "bitter root" that grows up to produce "bitter fruit." This bitter fruit can manifest as addictions, broken relationships, irrational fears, unhealthy imaginations, a…
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Do you feel like your life is in bondage to shame, insecurity, anxiety, or an addiction? Jesus said He came to set the captives free. What is this state of freedom, and how does one enter into it? In this new series, Passport to Freedom by Marian Jordan Ellis, we dive into God's Word and look at the primary way we experience freedom in Christ. Mari…
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Do you feel like your life is in bondage to shame, insecurity, anxiety, or an addiction? Jesus said He came to set the captives free. What is this state of freedom, and how does one enter into it? In this new series, Passport to Freedom by Marian Jordan Ellis, we dive into God's Word and look at the primary way we experience freedom in Christ.…
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When we say Jesus is the Christ, we identify Him as the long-expected Messiah. Jesus was confident in two things: His identity and His mission. In this episode of This Redeemed Life, Marian Jordan Ellis unpacks Mark chapter 8. She looks at the pivotal moment in Jesus' ministry when He asked the disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" The Apostle Pet…
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