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Brainstorms: Functional Neurorehab for SLPs

Renee Garrett, MSEd, CCC-SLP, CBIS

Join Renee Garrett, MSEd, CCC-SLP, CBIS, and a variety of guests for this innovative podcast combining evidence-based practice with functional tasks for patients with various communication and cognitive-linguistic disorders. This is a Speech Therapy PD podcast, earn .1 ASHA-CEU alongside every episode, visit to learn more!
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BrainStorm by UsAgainstAlzheimer's

Meryl Comer, UsAgainstAlzheimer's

BrainStorm, a podcast series by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, features conversations with doctors, researchers, authors and luminaries, people living with dementia and their caregivers. We’ll delve into what matters most to you about your brain and ask questions about keeping your memory sharp and maintaining optimal brain health. Learn about the latest in the science of longevity, Alzheimer’s and cognitive disease research. We’ll look at disparities in diseases, and equity and access for all. New e ...
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エンジニアのぴかしとデザイナーの広野萌が、ビジネスやスタートアップなどをテーマにブレストする番組です。 🎧配信 YouTube: Spotify: 🐦ツイッター ハッシュタグ: #ブレインストーミング ぴかし: 広野萌:
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ברוכים הבאים לפודקאסט של קהילת הבריינטק באוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב בתוכניות נדבר על המוח האנושי ונעסוק בטכנולוגיות ומחקרים פורצי דרך בתחום הקוגניציה, בינה מלאכותית וממשקי אדם-מכונה
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Brainstorm Sessions

DJ Brainstorm

Open format podcast featuring the Top40, Trap, House, Dubstep, & Hip Hop Hits of today and some classics from the past mixed in a fast paced live setting on 2 turntables. Featuring special guest DJ's.
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What's not working in your business? Every problem has a solution! Let's talk about it and then let's problem solve it! From Idea to Implementation, Elaine "the Brain" Turso, will strategize with her guests to brainstorm ideas and solutions and create a launch strategy in alignment with their values and goals. Now, let's get out of our own damn way and go get shit done!
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Reviewer Brainstorm

by MIT Sloan Review Brasil

No seu tocador preferido, segunda-feira sim, segunda-feira não, Silvio Meira e Ricardo Cavallini trazem discussões nada óbvias sobre os assuntos mais relevantes do momento para a comunidade de negócios. Esse é o podcast Reviewer Brainstorm.
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The 15 Minute Brainstorm is your daily chance to warm-up your creative muscle. Host Garrett McCurrach invites special guests to brainstorm solutions to the daily problem or topic to help kickstart your creative potential.
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Verbal BrainStorm

JaMarr John Johnson

JaMarr John Johnson is an Entrepremedian and former Veteran of both the Marine Corps or Navy. When he's not building businesses he's making people laugh, think and learn! Edutainment is the name of the game with Verbal BrainStorm. #50B "You can call me Tre*J, I know I have a lot of J's on the court is where I stayz, forever in a state of play. My only aim is to play the game they call life."
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Welcome to ThinkSink - The Brainstorm Podcast! Join Adam and Meredith for Season 3 where we follow 6 different characters through their adventures through time and space! A little bit Douglas Adams, a little Bill and Ted and a whole lot of explosive spontaneous improvisation. Subscribe today for your heart healthy serving of brain cookies!
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With the advent of social media it seems like everyone online is a millionaire or six-figure earner. With more BS out in the business world than ever I decided that I wanted to truly learn from the best and share it with the world. Think of this as a modern version of Think & Grow Rich. Learn from the entrepreneurs actually making an impact in their industries and find out what it takes to turn an innovative idea into a profitable business. Support this podcast: ...
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This podcast shares ideas on how we can as a collective group of people make our world a better place. We talk about real issues, race, religion, gender equality or inequality. We also want to open the airways to discuss politics and what’s socially accepted and how to build a foundation in this society. I wanna tackle issue dealing with the justice system, voting, and our education system. This podcast is no holds bar. Everything is discussed here and nothing is off limits. So prepare yours ...
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Life as seen through the eyes of a Western Astrologer. Adrienne shares her own homespun wisdom each week. Providing inspiration in each broadcast. She covers a wide variety of subjects, but always with an Astrological or Spiritual spin. She provides Horoscopes and Tarot Readings for the Zodiac Signs. As well as solid self improvement advice on business, health, beauty, love and relationships. Adrienne concentrates on the things pertaining to life, growth, mindset and women, however; every co ...
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Description January 2025: 2025 = 9 = Completion. Everything is the exact same, but yet very very different. The podcast will change as I change. Things are about to go deep. Really deep. All pieces of the puzzle have finally come together. It's time to take my Twin Flame Journey completion and my Galactic Mission into all parts of my life. I never ever left this space. Life just required me to focus elsewhere. Thanks for listening for all these years. Rest in peace to those that used to list ...
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show series
Corbin (@CHosler), Cass (@devotedDruid), DJ (@CardgardenMTG), and Jason (@jasonEAlt) are all together to tell you about Regional Championships, sequels, sports and wings. Check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. Brainstorm Brewery Podcast
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Learning about an Alzheimer’s diagnosis in your family is never easy. When you are an iconic music legend like Tony Bennet with legions of adoring fans, it is front page news. Antonia and Johanna Bennett, daughters of the late Tony Bennett, candidly discuss their emotional reactions to learning about their father's diagnosis. They share their conce…
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-Originally Aired: 1/4/2024- Guest: Adria Thompson, MA, CCC-SLP Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: In this episode, Renee is joined by Adria Thompson, MA, CCC-SLP, to discuss how we, as SLPs, provide dementia care to patie…
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Keď sme šťastní je to stav, ktorý by sme chceli zažívať stále. Ale do sveta každého z nás sa občas vkradnú aj strach alebo úzkosť. Sú pre nás dôležité a ako dlho ich dokážeme zažívať? Existujú ľudia, ktorí strach a úzkosť nikdy nepocítia? Majú ľudia, ktorí robia adrenalínové športy niečo v mozgu inak? A aké sú najbizarnejšie fóbie a čo s nami robia…
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Guest: Nancy Horowitz Bertsch, MA, CCC-SLP Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: Join Renee Garrett and her guest, Nancy Horowitz Bertsch, an experienced Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) with over 40 years of expertise, dis…
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Zápach hniloby, vôňu jarných kvetov, či pyžmo milovanej osoby - to všetko vnímame vďaka čuchu. Medzi najupokojúcejšie patria vône levandule a vanilky. Práve vanilka nám totiž pripomína vôňu materského mlieka. Ale aký je evolučný význam čuchu? Čo všetko nám sprostredkuje, prečo nám niektorí ľudia voňajú a iní nie, a ako to, že pri chrípke alebo covi…
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Corbin (@CHosler), Cass (@devotedDruid), Jason (@jasonEAlt), and DJ (@CardgardenMTG) are all a bit punch drunk and rolling in from Magic Con but have lots of thoughts. Check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. Brainstorm Brewery Podcast
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Guest: Rebecca Weber, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIS Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: Join Renee Garrett as she welcomes Rebecca Weber, founder of Navigating Neurospeech Therapy. This episode delves into the complexities of Mild Cognitive Impairment…
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Možno ste práve doma, presúvate sa do práce, alebo vyrážate na obľúbené cvičenie. Hoci to znie ako banalita, no schopnosť zistiť, kde sa práve nachádzame, je pre našu existenciu kľúčová. V novej epizóde Brainstormingu sa moderátorka Denisa Prokopčáková spolu s neurovedkyňou Dominikou Fričovou pozrú na to, ako vnímame priestor okollo seba, či máme v…
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-Originally Aired: 10/2/2023- Guest: Linda Meyer, PhD, CCC-SLP Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: In this inaugural episode, Renee is joined by Dr. Linda Meyer, PhD, CCC-SLP. Dr. Meyer was an instrumental part of the team…
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Alzheimer’s is not just an aging issue, but a lifelong brain health challenge that has major global, economic, and societal implications. George Vradenburg, Chairman and Founder of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, who has incubated satellite organizations globally to address these issues, debriefs BrainStorm host Meryl Comer on the recent launch of “Brain Hou…
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Bdenie a spánok - dva stavy, ktoré sa cyklicky striedajú počas dvadsiatich štyroch hodín. Hoci to znie jednoducho, počas oboch procesov prebiehajú v našom tele komplikované zmeny, a to na úrovni buniek, tkanív aj celých orgánov. A čo sa deje v mozgu? V novej epizóde podcastu Brainstorming sa moderátorka Denisa Prokopčáková spolu s neurovedkyňou Dom…
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Corbin (@CHosler) is out but Cass (@devotedDruid), Jason (@jasonEAlt), and DJ (@CardgardenMTG) are bringing you some pre-March madness as they discuss the brackets that are busting into magic and how this is a lot of game changers. Check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. OMA Store w…
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**Viewer discretion is advised as the content may be distressing to some listeners.* Guest: Tracie Bearden, MS, CCC-SLP, CBIST Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: In this powerful and informative episode, Renee and guest T…
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Jeden z najviac študovaných, no zároveň najmenej pochopených spôsobov správania. Práve tak mnohí vedci opisujú lásku. Viaceré výskumy naznačujú, že romantickú lásku udržuje nažive niečo, čo je základom našej biologickej povahy. V novej epizóde sa moderátorka Denisa Prokopčáková spolu s neurovedkyňou Dominikou Fričovou pozrú bližšie na to, ktoré čas…
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-Originally Aired: 4/28/2024- Guest: Eric Blicker, SLPD, CCC-SLP/L Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: In this episode, Renee is joined by Dr. Eric Blicker for a productive discussion about the relationship between laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD), chr…
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In this episode of BrainStorm host Meryl Comer continues her compelling interview with "Rockstar of Science" Dr. Rudy Tanzi, the pioneering Director of the Genetics and Aging Research Unit and Director of the McCance Center for Brain Health at Mass General Hospital. Dr. Tanzi unveils the secrets of brain health and Alzheimer's research. Exploring h…
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Odpovedať na otázky, ktoré sú na prvý pohľad veľmi jednoduché, je často náročné. Jednou z takých je podľa odborníkov aj otázka, čo je agresia. Mohli by sme ako živočíšny druh prežiť bez agresívneho správania? A čo sarkazmus? Je tiež určitou formou agresie? A môžeme ju mať zapísanú v génoch? Aj na tieto otázky bude v novej epizóde podcastu Brainstor…
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-Originally Aired: 4/21/2024- Guest: Treasyri Williams Wood, SLPD, CCC-SLP/L Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: For this weeks episode we're taking a return trip to one of our favorite conversations from the last year. Re…
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Je považovaný za najvýznamnejšieho vedca 20. storočia. Albert Einstein prišiel s teóriu relativity a významne prispel k rozvoju kvantovej mechaniky aj kozmológie. Jeho mozog dodnes fascinuje mnohých odborníkov a koluje o ňom množstvo mýtov. Ale čo o ňom naozaj vieme? V novej epizóde podcastu Brainstorming sa moderátorka Denisa Prokopčáková a neurov…
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Corbin (@CHosler), Jason (@jasonEAlt), Cass (@devotedDruid), and DJ (@CardgardenMTG) talk about about the difference in Max Speed, Aether Drift, and favorite vehicles. Check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. OMA Store and use code brewcrew…
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Guest: Becky Khayum, MS, CCC-SLP Earn 0.1 ASHA CEU for this episode with Speech Therapy PD: In this episode, Becky Khayum joins Renee to discuss primary progressive aphasia (PPA). PPA is a complex neurodegenerative condition that impacts language …
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We all can clearly see the effects of climate change on our weather events, with violent storms becoming more commonplace bringing damage and flooding in their wake. Here's why we need to look at the increasing deluges in a different way and what the future may hold for such a critical resource.Oleh RTÉ
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Join BrainStorm host Meryl Comer as she kicks off 2025 with "Rockstar of Science" Dr. Rudy Tanzi, the pioneering Director of Genetics and Aging Research and Director of the McCance Center for Brain Health at Mass General Hospital. Dr. Tanzi delves into the new FDA-approved drugs, early cognitive blood tests, and why treating Alzheimer's should mirr…
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Hey there Brainstormers! Welcome back to the Bitchin Brainstorm podcast. Today, I'm excited to introduce you to a special guest, Bara Mann, a transformational life coach and certified positive intelligence coach. In our conversation, Bara shared her mission to help individuals overcome self-sabotage and overthinking, empowering them to live joy-fil…
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Závislosti dokážu ovplyvniť mnohé aspekty nášho života. Zďaleka nejde len o fyzické a duševné zdravie. Ovplyvňujú aj našu kariéru a vzťahy. V novej epizóde podcastu Brainstorming sa redaktorka Denisa Prokopčáková spolu s neurovedkyňou Dominikou Fričovou bližšie pozrie na to, či mozog dokáže rozlíšiť závislosť od porna alebo kokaínu, čo sa v ňom dej…
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