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BBC News

The Ukrainecast team join the Global News Podcast to answer listener questions. We discuss Donald Trump’s latest threat, the prospects of peace in Ukraine, and that minerals deal. Today’s episode is presented by Lyse Doucet, James Waterhouse, Vitaly Shevchenko and by Jackie Leonard. The producers were Ben Carter and Ryan Johnston. The series producer is Tim Walklate. The assistant editor is Ben Mundy. Email with your questions and comments. You can also send us a messag ...
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Explaining Ukraine


A podcast by, a multimedia project about Ukraine run by Internews Ukraine. Explaining Ukraine, its politics, society and its culture. Support us:
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Ukraine: The Latest

The Telegraph

The world’s most listened to, and award-winning, podcast covering the war in Ukraine. Every weekday, the Telegraph's top journalists analyse the conflict from all angles – just as they have since Russia's full-scale invasion in 2022, when tanks, jets and troops crossed Ukraine's borders. Downloaded over 100 million times and trusted by listeners worldwide, the team considers military strategy, history, weaponry, economics, refugee crises, culture, and daily life in Vladimir Putin's autocrati ...
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Эхо Стокгольма — радио из Стокгольма с непредвзятой информацией о войне на Украине. С помощью углубленных дискуссий и интервью мы передаем картину, актуальную для широкой аудитории. Никакой цензуры — только качественный, основанный на фактах, контент. Станция создана шведским Интернет-оператором Bahnhof в ответ на ужесточение государственной цензуры в России. Мы вещаем на коротких волнах и в Интернете.
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Wie kann man Putins Invasion stoppen? Welche Strategie verfolgt die russische Armee in der Ukraine? Wie stark sind die Verteidiger? Wie hilfreich ist die Unterstützung von Deutschland und NATO? MDR AKTUELL Moderator Tim Deisinger wird diese und andere drängende Fragen zum Ukraine-Krieg in diesem Podcast mit dem ehemaligen NATO-General Erhard Bühler in einer "Lagebesprechung" diskutieren. Im Mittelpunkt jeder Episode: eine profunde Bewertung des Kriegsgeschehens, die politische Gemengelage in ...
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This podcast is an in depth dive into various topics related to Ukraine hosted by documentary filmmaker Damian Kolodiy who has covered the Ukrainian region for over 20 years. Kolodiy has a wide network of contact and firsthand experience in and around Ukraine.
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CEO Club Ukraine

CEO Club Ukraine

Подкаст для управлінців про бізнес, філософію та суспільство. У спільноті лідерів бізнесу CEO Club підприємці, СЕО і запрошені експерти обговорюють теми стратегії, геополітики, інвестування, персональних та бізнес трансформацій. CEO Club Ukraine — спільнота лідерів бізнесу, що вже 13 років об’єднує підприємців і СЕО для розвитку, взаємопідтримки та співтворення.
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Welcome to Everyday Magic for Ukraine, the meditation podcast that supports you as you support Ukraine. Debuting at #37 in the US and #11 in Australia on Apple Podcasts, the show invites you to pause, unwind, and channel your inner strength towards Ukraine. Proud to be one of the top 100 Spirituality podcasts on Goodpods. Hosted and Produced by Colleen Thomas, Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher.
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Ukraine Russia War Talk

Phillips OBrien and Mykola Bielieskov

The Ukraine-Russia War Podcast is a discussion of the most up to date and important strategic and geopolitical issues surrounding the war in Ukraine, with hosts Phillips O'Brien and Mykola Bielieskov. You are welcome to get in touch by email at Listeners can follow Phillips O'Brien on Substack at (where this podcast is also available) and Mykola Bielieskov on Twitter at @MBielieskov. Our plan is to keep this podcast free and without ads. ...
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Українська Радіо Програма Україна у серці одна. Tune in to WPIT- 730- AM , and 96,5 WPIT- FM Pittsburgh, PA every Sunday at 1:45pm (EST) or listen to the radio program on-line at For inquiries: To support us go to:
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"History in the Making: The War in Ukraine" with Mark McNamee provides a comprehensive exploration of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Host Mark, drawing from his extensive background in Eastern European studies and professional experience, offers a nuanced perspective on the region's significance. Through a blend of macro-level analysis and personal narratives, listeners gain insight into life in wartime Ukraine and the resilience of its people. Tune in to uncover the untold stories of Ukra ...
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Ukraine + Football

Ukraine + Football

Welcome to the new home of the #1 English Language Ukrainian Football Podcast Hosts Adam Pate, Andrew Todos & Rey Vick delve into the weird, wonderful and sometimes ugly world of the beautiful game in Europe's largest country! They are often joined by a variety of well known guests and experts to bring a unique outlook to a whole range of interesting topics. The show's regular releases cover a whole range of topics including: UPL (Ukrainian Premier League) Ukrainian sides in Europe (UCL, UEL ...
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Fighting For Ukraine

Yuriy Matsarsky

Yuriy Matsarsky is a Ukranian journalist turned civilian fighter against the Russian invasion on the democratic country of Ukraine. In this podcast he brings daily updates from the frontlines of the Ukranian resistance. “As a journalist I thought, ‘You shouldn’t be involved in this. You should be watching from the sidelines.’ But the Ukrainian citizen part of me told me, ‘No, this doesn’t work anymore. You should protect your country, you should protect your loved ones, you should protect yo ...
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Pourquoi l’Ukraine est en train de perdre la guerre contre la Russie ? Comment les deux camps pensent et mènent leurs opérations ? Quelles ont été les erreurs de part et d’autre ? Comment l’Occident a contribué à la défaite ukrainienne ?...
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Highlights from Ukraine

Highlights from Ukraine

Welcome to the "Highlights from Ukraine" - your daily English audio summary of the latest news reported in the Ukrainian media. Get your favourite morning hot beverage and let's deep dive into what Ukrainian media have been reporting the day before. Support the podcast at: You can tip us via PayPal at:
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Russe de nationalité, francophone par amour de la langue et Odessite dans l’âme. Voilà le mélange qui s’est fait tout seul : moi, je n’ai eu qu’à suivre mon cœur qui m’a guidé jusqu’à l’Ukraine en 2019 et par accord avec lequel je ne suis pas parti à l’arrivée de la guerre. Ici je partage avec vous notre quotidien à Odessa, qui est à la fois dur et tout de même agréable. Retrouver plus d'infos sur
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Russland führt seit dem 24.2.2022 Krieg gegen die Ukraine - die palästinensische Terrororganisation Hamas greift am 7. Oktober 2023 Israel an. In beiden Ländern gilt der Kriegszustand. Welche Folgen haben die militärischen Auseinandersetzungen für Europa und den Nahen Osten? Die Nachrichtenredaktion von NDR Info berichtet in diesem Podcast über die militärische und politische Lage. Aktuelle Informationen: Montag bis Freitag, 2 x täglich morgens und abends. Am Wochenende und an Feiertagen abends.
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Anywhere Club - це IT-ком'юніті, метою якого є допомога людині потрапити в сферу IT, вивчити нові технології, працевлаштуватися, вступити в професійне IT-ком'юніті. Через наш подкаст ви зможете швидше вкотитися в айтішку 😊
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Models from Ukraine

chris Meddings

A podcast all about the Ukrainian Scale Model business and culture, what is happening in Ukraine, and how we can all support Ukraine and Ukrainian ModdellersContact the show at
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24/2, February 24th, was the day that Russia began bombing Ukraine at the beginning of its all-out invasion which is now in its eleventh month. Every week Anne Levine interviews someone in Ukraine or from around the world, with a unique perspective on the war. Everyone from a Nobel Peace Prize winner to a military Colonel to an Instagram Influencer turned volunteer for orphaned children is on our show. Interviews conducted by Anne Levine and shows edited by Ursula Ruedenberg.
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Ukraine must have existed as a society and polity on 23 February 2022, else Ukrainians would not have collectively resisted Russian invasion the next day. What does it mean for a nation to exist? Timothy Snyder explores these and other questions in a very timely course. This course was recorded live in a classroom at Yale University in the autumn of 2022.
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Ukraine Stories

Fearless Media

This show tells the story of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and the war that followed -- one person at a time. Each weekday, listeners are immersed in the world of someone who has been touched by this war. Hosted by David Greene, produced by Ashley Westerman. From Fearless Media, in association with Spotify.
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The Russia-Ukraine War Report provides comprehensive, fact-based news coverage about the war in Ukraine. Our team of journalists, researchers, and analysts are from Georgia, Israel, Canada, Finland, Poland, Ukraine, the U.S., and the U.K. We go beyond content aggregation and provide analysis and assessments on how today's stories shape the war's future. Our coverage includes the battlefront, geopolitics, economics, and human impact. Join executive producer and co-host Zarina Zabrisky for in- ...
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This Week in Ukraine

The Kyiv Independent

“This Week in Ukraine” is a video podcast hosted by Kyiv Independent’s reporter Anastasiia Lapatina. Every week, Anastasiia sits down with her newsroom colleagues to discuss Ukraine’s most pressing issues.
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Solutions From Ukraine

Rubryka Media Outlet

The Solutions from Ukraine podcast, made by Rubryka media outlet, presents exclusive stories on Ukraine amid the full-scale war Russia launched in 2022. Every month, we cover a story of Ukraine’s resistance amid the war and explore solutions that communities in Ukraine develop despite the horrors of war. Read us at: Support us at:
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Ukraine War Brief

The People's Media

On February 24, 2022, the russian federation launched a ground, air, sea, and cyber invasion of Ukraine, sparking the largest war in Europe since World War II. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's courage against russian President/dictator Vladimir Putin continues to dominate news headlines, as Ukraine wages its final battle for independence from russia, and from autocracy.
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Global Minds For Ukraine


#GlobalMinds4Ukraine is a series of lectures with world intellectuals to demonstrate solidarity with Ukraine. This project helps to tell the truth about the situation in Ukraine, to resist Russian propaganda, to conduct true narratives, to create ways to rebuild the country, to strengthen connections and the image of Ukraine in the academic environment. Among the speakers who agreed to hold open lectures for KSE: Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Michael A. McFaul, David Howell Petraeus, Nicholas A. Ch ...
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UkraineMEMO: Interviews, Analysis, Policy Advice

Institut für Europäische Politik e.V.

Mit dem Podcast „UkraineMEMO: Interviews, Analysis, Policy Advice“ zeigt das IEP neue Perspektiven auf die Ukraine. Mit Gästen aus Deutschland und der Ukraine diskutieren Ljudmyla Melnyk und Nataliya Pryhornytska neue Entwicklungen und langfristige Trends in der ukrainischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und geben somit einen Einblick in die Geschehnisse vor Ort, die das Land bewegen. Einen besonderen Platz nehmen Analysen der russischen Aggression gegen die Ukraine sowie die bilatera ...
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show series
In this episode... 01:10 - The infamous meeting between Zelenskyy, Trump, and Vance 12:37 - Europe forced to set its own path without America 21:54 - Officials try to patch the US-Ukraine relationship, but Trump will not have it 25:25 - The US ends military aid to Ukraine 32:02 - And also intelligence sharing 41:37 - The US is dropping every defens…
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Die US-Regierung hat den Zugang der Ukraine zu Satellitenbildern des Unternehmens Maxar Technologies gesperrt, was die Verteidigungsfähigkeit der Ukraine erheblich einschränken könnte. │ Russland hat die Ukraine erneut massiv mit Raketen und Drohnen beschossen. Es gibt viele Tote und Verletzte. │ In den früheren Hochburgen des gestürzten Diktators …
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-Igor Hohosha -Pastor у St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church, McKees Rocks, -Блаженніший УГКЦ Святослав Шевчук.. -Пророчі слова Тараса Шевченка - актуальні і сьогодні. Проєкт виконали студенти Пітунверситету Andrew Romanchik, Sofija Kuzmenko, Callie R.Spry.
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Day 1,108. Today, Russian forces split Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region and advance towards the border. Meanwhile, Russia targets a Ukrainian gas facility with missiles and drones just after Zelensky calls for a truce on attacks on infrastructure. On the political side, we discuss the consequences of the withdrawal of US intelligence to Ukraine…
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Як уникнути помилок при інвестуванні в технологічні стартапи? Як оцінити потенціал інноваційного бізнесу перед інвестиціями? Чи можуть українські стартапи конкурувати на світовому ринку? Власним досвідом інвестування та діяльності у сфері інновацій поділилися: — Дмитро Дубровський, співзасновник Uklon та інвестиційного фонду Nezlamni; — Антоніна Єр…
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War photography is not just about capturing destruction—it is about witnessing history, shaping narratives, and conveying human resilience. What motivates a photographer to enter a war zone, and how does this experience transform their perception of the reality? The guest of the Explaining Ukraine podcast is Jérôme Barbosa, an independent photograp…
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Эхо Хельсинки – 7 марта 2025 годаВойна – день 1108Партия Центр показала наибольший рост популярности среди крупных партий, они уверенно занимают 3 место, отодвинув партию Истинных финнов на 4, – показывает свежей опрос Yle. Трудности с обеспечением средств к существованию у жителей Финляндии увеличиваются третий год подряд, – следует из данных Стат…
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So what happens now? Trump now has suspended aid to up the ante in the talks over the rare earth mineral deal. How will Zelenskyi respond and where will things go? This was recorded on Tuesday morning Kyiv time March 4th so hope its not out of date by the time of publication hopefully by Thursday/Friday. I remain still cautiously optimistic - the i…
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Das Treffen zwischen US-Präsident Donald Trump und dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj am vergangenen Freitag endete im Eklat. Nach heftigen Vorwürfen von Trump und seinem Vizepräsident J.D. Vance verließ Selenskyj das Weiße Haus vorzeitig, ohne ein geplantes Abkommen über den US-Zugang zu ukrainischen Rohstoffen zu unterzeichnen. Ex-N…
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Christian Borys is the founder of Saint Javelin, a Toronto based company that makes various clothing and swag to fundraise for charities that support Ukraine. He has years of experience working as a journalist and Saint Javelin social media is a trusted information source on breaking news from Ukraine.…
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March 5th 2025 Yuriy reflects on the ironic contrasts between his own life and the themes of Neil Young's music, sharing personal anecdotes of imprisonment and military service while expressing gratitude for the support of listeners and Neil Young's planned concert in war-torn Ukraine. You can email Yuriy, ask him questions or simply send him a mes…
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President Zelensky says Ukraine is "ready to work under President Trump's strong leadership" to negotiate a peace deal and is ready to sign a minerals deal. His comments come after the US decision to pause military aid. We get reaction from Ukrainian MP Oleksandra Ustinova and ‘Neo’, a soldier currently fighting in Donetsk region. And we speak to M…
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→ Today's Magic: Sunflower Meditation for Ukraine → Today's Action: Send a message of support to President Zelenskyy through the Ukrainian Embassy 202-349-2963 or Today we gather together to breathe and center ourselves as advocates after several weeks of political turmoil. Join us in a guided sunflower meditation to ask f…
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Hello All, Mykola and I are back with the latest episode of the Ukraine-Russia War Talk Podcast. We start with a detailed discussion of what Trump aligning so closely with Putin means for Ukraine and the war. Even though this was recorded right before Trump ambushed Zelensky in the Oval Office, we have no illusions that Trump was to be trusted. Als…
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Vladimir Poutine est-il devenu le maitre du jeu ? Pourquoi et comment le Président russe a décidé d’attaquer l’Ukraine ? A-t-il cherché à empêcher l’Ukraine de s’associer à l’Europe ? Cherche-t-il à reconstituer l’URSS ? L’OTAN a-t-elle promis de ne pas s’étendre vers l’Est après 1990 ? En s’appuyant sur les dossiers des services de renseignement e…
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Christian Borys is a Ukrainian Canadian journalist who covered the Russian war against Ukraine for a while. When he returned to Canada, he decided to create a fund-raising site for the Ukrainian army. Eventually this effort evolved into a social enterprise based in Ukraine that produces various consumer products. He hopes to continue this venture e…
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Adam, Rey, Andrew & Michael sit down to analyse the transfer window thus far. It's closed in Western Europe but remains open in Ukraine, Turkey, MLS and elsewhere. All the moves that have occurred and the ones that didn't materialise are all on the agenda this episode! The 'BIG TWO' windows: Brazhko to Wolves... full dissection Deja Vu all over aga…
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