Wie weit kannst du gehen und wie tief kannst du fallen? "Skandal, Skandal“ erzählt die unglaublichsten Betrugsfälle und Skandale. Wie groß kann eine Lüge werden, bis alles einstürzt? Wie viel kriminelle Energie braucht es, um Millionen Menschen zu blenden? Von dem falschen Spiel mit Boybands, einer riesigen Fitness-Lüge, zwielichtigen Influencern, charismatischen Heilern und vielem mehr: Jede Woche blicken Yasmin Polat und Philipp Isterewicz hinter die Fassade von Glamour, Reichtum und Prest ...
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NYC based stand up comedians Big Jay Oakerson, Luis J. Gomez, and Dave Smith get together twice weekly to talk shit, tell filthy stories, and discuss the viral news of the week. All this and more on the most offensive podcast on Earth… THE LEGION OF SKANKS!!! We record LIVE at The Stand, NYC every Monday at 9pm est.
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Skånesports podcast. Med fokus på skånsk fotboll – i synnerhet Superettan och HIF och BoIS. *** Skånesport är Skånes största sajt för gratis sportbevakning. Skånesport grundades 2016 med en tydlig agenda: Att förnya sportjournalistiken. Bredd förenas med elit. Nyheter och analys av den skånska elitlagen kombineras med profilintervjuer i de lägsta serierna. Läs alla våra artiklar på www.skanesport.se
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WEEI's Scott McLaughlin, Brian DeFelice and Bridgette Proulx discuss all things Boston Bruins and NHL.
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This is ska comes to you every week with brand new tracks from great new artists and classic from Jamaica, 2Tone and 3rd Wave artists.
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Mostly Skateboarding is a weekly podcast about current events in skateboarding.
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Podcast dedicado al legado musical de Jamaica y su influencia en todo el mundo.
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a podcast about anything and everything
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Welcome to the Skates & Plates Podcast with your host, sports broadcaster Brandon Rewucki. Every Tuesday & Friday Brandon will dive into all things Winnipeg Jets, Food, and anything in between! Make sure you follow Brandon on Twitter @Brandon_Rewucki
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A podcast by ska fans, for ska fans. Each episode we discuss something related to the ska scene and decide which albums belong in the ska canon.
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Ska Nation Radio is the World's #1 Ska Radio Show. Broadcast live and then split into 2 podcasts a week all the way from Melbourne, Australia. Nobody does ska quite like Beefy!!! The global ska world needed a new voice to bridge the gap between early Jamaican traditional ska through the 2Tone and Ska Expolosion years into the third wave and beyond into NewTone. Ska Nation Radio with Beefy gives you The Beefy Guarantee - "If it's good, it's on the show!"
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Skånes Taltidning är en gratis tidskrift för dig som har nedsatt syn. Den innehåller både korta nyheter och längre reportage. Varje vecka kommer det ut ett nytt nummer, på cd-skiva och på internet som så kallad podcast. På internet kan du välja mellan att lyssna strömmande eller att ladda ner ljudfilerna till din dator eller din bärbara spelare. Väljer du cd-skiva får du en musik-cd-skiva med posten som du kan lyssna på i din cd-spelare, din dator eller din daisy-spelare. Skånes Taltidning ä ...
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A radio-podcast series that features the history, heroes and misadventures of skateboarding. Hosted by, Clyde Singleton.
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Texas Skateboarding History, Stories, Nostalgia, Skaters, Crews and Scene that helped shape us. An Overdue Deeper look in Texas Huge Influence on Skateboarding Evolution. Plus Current happenings, Tall Tales and Our Texas Skate Family.
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Please donate so I can keep this podcast available! I have reached my bandwidth Consistently each month. If you want to listen to my podcast go to: https://jamesvolpe.wixsite.com/theskageek The Ska Geek plays ska music. Monthly podcast by the Ska Geek, James Volpe. I play 1st, 2nd and 3rd wave ska - new and old. Looking for up and coming bands to feature on the podcast. Send me your song and I'll feature your band on an upcoming episode! [email protected]
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Skándalo en las ondas es un programa de radio centrado en el ska, reggae y rocksteady, con algunos toques de soul. Desde lo que se hacía en Jamaica a principios de los 60 hasta los grupos más recientes, tanto de Zaragoza como del resto de la galaxia. Llevamos desde 1996 emitiendo en Radio Topo, en el 101.8 FM, todos los domingos de 20 a 21h. Si quieres contactar con nosotros puedes hacerlo por email a [email protected] o escribiendo a R.TOPO, Apdo. Correos 6032, 50080 - Zaragoza
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Ska no longer needs to be the butt of every joke. IDOS is flipping the narrative on this style of music that they love dearly.Hosts Aaron Carnes (author of "In Defense of Ska") and Adam Davis (Link 80, Omingone) chat with people in and outside of the ska scene to tell its stories, show its pervasiveness in culture, and defend it to their last dying breath.
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Urlaub auf St. Barth, Leben in Los Angeles, jettsetten um die Welt – Heidi Klums Leben ist ziemlich glamourös und sehr, sehr öffentlich. Vom Laufsteg zu Germanys Next Topmodel, Heidi Klum ist Moderation, Supermodel, TV-Ikone. Aber wie ist sie eigentlich zu diesem internationalen Star geworden? Amira Aly und Heiko Behr tauchen tief ein in den Werdegang von Heidi Klum, starten in der Provinz, wo sie ein Mädchen kennenlernen, dass gemobbt wird. Doch wie ging es von dort an weiter? Das erfährst ...
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Region Skåne ansvarar för hälso- och sjukvård, kollektivtrafik och en hållbar utveckling i hela Skåne. Vårt högsta beslutande organ är regionfullmäktige, som väljs direkt av invånarna i Skåne.
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The Morning Skate is a podcast where hockey fans and players can go to get the most recent NHL news while reminding them what it’s like to be hanging out with the boys or girls. Ked and Hal keep you up to date in the NHL and answer any questions you might have. Be sure to send in topics or questions to our social media accounts or call in at (518) 309-2595 to leave us a voicemail that might be featured on the pod!
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nordlitt lässt Sie Bekanntschaft stiften mit Epochen, Autor:innen und Texten der nordeuropäischen Literaturen und diskutiert theoretische Ansätze in der skandinavistischen Literaturwissenschaft. nordlitt ist Unterrichtsmaterial vom ersten Semester an oder einfach Bildungs-Stoff. Stefanie v. Schnurbein, Professorin am Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin führt in nordlitt Gespräche mit Vertreter:innen der Skandinavistik. Unterstützt wird sie von ihrer studentischen Hilfskraf ...
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Short story.
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Cześć! Jestem Agnieszka, mieszkam w Szwecji na stałe od 2015 roku i razem z narzeczonym i tatą tworzymy Fisketur Szwecja. Do tej pory kojarzycie nas głównie z filmikami wędkarskimi, ale postanowiliśmy podzielić się naszymi przemyśleniami na temat życia na emigracji i ciekawostkami o Skandynawii. Kochasz Północ, a może marzysz o przeprowadzce do Szwecji lub Norwegii? Świetnie trafiłeś!
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Hej und herzlich willkommen bei meinem "Der Nørd"-Podcast über Reisen in Nordeuropa und das skandinavische Lebensgefühl. Mein Name ist Stefan und ich blogge seit 2015 auf www.NordicWannabe.com über alles, was mit dem hohen Norden zu tun hat. Mein Herz schlägt für Skandinavien und mit meiner Community möchte ich allen ein Zuhause bieten, die auch den Skandi-Style, Hygge und Reisen in Norwegen, Schweden Dänemark, Island und Finnland mögen. Viel Spaß beim Hören. Dein Skandi-Blogger Stefan Falls ...
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A Skate video Vidcast.
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Ranging from many topics, but centered on Hip Hop, skateboarding, comedy, and more
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Ein Podcast für Skandinavienfans, Abenteurer und die, die das entschleunigte Leben im hohen Norden bewundern. Hei, ich bin Franzi und 2023 von Deutschland nach Nordnorwegen ausgewandert. Im freibaer Podcast kannst du dir ein Stück Skandinavien mit Nachhause holen. Du erfährst mehr über das Leben im Norden, erhältst authentische Einblicke in den norwegischen Alltag aber auch Tipps und Tricks für deine nächste Reise.
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INDIAN PODCAST Andariki namaskaram Nenu Abhijith Skanda HN We will release a new stories every week . So for the latest episodes Follow our Podcast Channel and turn on the notification icon This podcast is available in (Spotify, Amazon Music, iTunes, YouTube Music, Gaana, Sound Cloud, Shazam,iHeart, Audiomack, Apple Music , Apple Podcasts ,Tunein , Podbay, Audible, Podtail,Player FM, podcastrepublic, Rephonic, Podcast Addict) I am everywhere
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Skånsk Errata är en podcast med fantastik, weird tales och creepy-pasta. På skånska.
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prensa sonora de música jamaicana
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Sydskånska nationens än så länge inofficiella podcast!
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Skandinavisk Frihets samlade podcasts.
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Alla ska MED består av 3 frispråkiga debattörer: Linda du Rietz, Johan Varland och Fredrik Clementz som kommer diskutera allt det där du överhör på krogen, fiket, det offentliga rummet eller själv säger mellan den så kallade skålen och väggen och som du själv möjligen tycker. Podden kommer ta upp aktuella ämnen, ideologiska ämnen och framförallt politiska ämnen eftersom podden publiceras av Sveriges enda borgerliga parti: Medborgerlig samling. Så är du borgare och förstått att ditt parti int ...
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Skandinada podcast je Norveška u mom oku. Priče o životu u Norveškoj i još mnogo toga, stay tuned. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/274310887032758 Telegram: https://www.t.me/skandinada Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/skandinada Blog: https://skandinada.blogspot.com/ IRC: https://webchat.freenode.net/#skandinada Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skandinadapodcast/ Donacije: https://gogetfunding.com/skandinada-podcast/ za RØDE RODECASTER PRO (Pribor za mikrofon i streaming). Hvala.
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Desde hace 25 años y contando. Radio SKA es el programa que va Siempre Un Paso Adelante.
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Difusión de la escena Rude y Skinhead a través de podcast
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Welcome to the null podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Suppressed Skate gods
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Ska, Punk, Hardcore, Hip-Hop, Noise Rock.. Whatever i feel like .
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DJ Productor miembro de los autenticos decadentes
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A modern ska podcast that updates new episodes on Thursdays.
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Kryminalna Skandynawia to podcast o tematyce "True Crime", w którym opowiadam o sprawach kryminalnych z owianej tajemnicą, chłodnej i "niedostępnej" Skandynawii. Przenieś się w miejsce zbrodni i poznaj szczegóły śledztwa. Do usłyszenia, Monika https://www.instagram.com/kryminalnaskandynawia/ https://patronite.pl/kryminalnaskandynawia/ https://paypal.me/Kryminalna
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Skannarin er eitt poddvarp, ið viðger miðlarnar í Føroyum, og viðger mál, sum eru frammi í løtuni. Endamálið við poddvarpinum er fyrst og fremst at lyfta almenna orðaskiftið. Málið er eisini, at føroyingurin skal fáa innlit í, hvussu journalistikkurin verður framdur í konkretum málum, ið eru frammi. Harafturat er málið at hvessa krøvini til ordiligan journalistikk - og ikki minst; at eggja til fjølbroytni í journalistikkinum í Føroyum. Vertir eru: Øssur Winthereig og Brynhild Thomsen. Skanna ...
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Join Emma Arnold and Pidge Robertson on the patio for their weekly chat.
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This is SKA-5th Anniversary Ska
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2:00:00We celebrate Five Years on the Air on this week's episode of This is SKA with your host, Middagh Goodwin. Thanks to everyone who has tuned in for the last five years or if this is your first time. Check us out on social media @thisisskaradio and www.thisisska.com Hear songs by The Skatalites Band, Prince Buster, Dandy Livingstone, The Specials, Bad…
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BoIS – Hur ska BoIS ersätta skadade lagkaptenen?
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Main Kemudian
28:15Christoffer Ekmark och Gustav Lundblad diskuterar Andreas Murbecks långtidsskada framför allt effekterna av den. Vad ska BoIS göra nu? På menyn: • Hur bör BoIS göra nu? In med Westström? Värva nytt? Panikvärva? • Har Marcus Pettersson tagit över förstemålvaktspositionen från Svante Hildeman? • Äntligen seger – matchen mot Gefle. • Cameron Streetes …
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#61 The threat from within...
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:35:53Alla ska MED är en podcast från Medborgerlig Samling med Linda du Rietz, Johan Varland och Fredrik Clementz – alla hemmavarande i Stockholm, men håll inte det emot dem. De diskuterar politiska och ideologiska frågor utifrån sina perspektiv som givetvis rimmar med partiets synsätt. Samtalen är ofta djupa men med nära till känslan och något som kansk…
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Ska Nation Radio 28th Feb 2025 - [Pod #2 - Ep 599]
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:19:28Roaring through 2025 and Ska Nation Radio is breaking new heights - there is nothing normal about The World's #1 Ska Radio Show!!! When Beefy does something different, the Ska world sits up and takes notice!!! **THE WORLD'S #1 SKA SHOW - SKA NATION RADIO - FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE ** KEEP SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF SKA! On this week's second helpin…
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Political dance music: A conversation with Sergio Rotman from Argentinian ska band Los Fabulosos Cadillacs
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
47:34At this point in their career, perhaps it’s unfair to call Los Fabulosos Cadillacs strictly a ska act. The band blends the genre with reggae, wider rock, and various Latin rhythms. However, when they started in the mid-’80s, they were certainly a ska band. Good enough for us! On this episode of In Defense of Ska, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs founder and…
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Episode 98: La Ruta del Ska Episodio 98
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
55:25La Ruta del Ska Episodio 98. 1. The Yakety Yaks - One Think 2. The Sideburns - Down Town Blue Moon Junky Days 3. Bluekilla - Skinhead Reggae 4. Sin Sospechas - Los Abuelos del ska 5. OBMJ - OBMJ Ataca 6. Ska María Pastora - Fanfarra Dominicana 7. Kofre - El Condor Pasa 8. The Skatalites - Lalibela 9. The Ensamble 64 - Walking 10. Skalariak - Jaia…
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Episode 204: Episode 204: 404 Episode Not Found
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
45:24Hello and welcome to Episode 204 of The Ska Geek Podcast! Sorry for my absence. A lot of stuff happening in The World of The Ska Geek. Had to work through some things but I am back! Here with the greatest in new ska and a bonus punk song. I hope you enjoy the awesome songs and thanks for sticking with me on this journey. You are awesome! Here are t…
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047 - Carlos Malcolm: Ska Royalty
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:03:03JJ and Matt chatted with Carlos Malcolm, a ska legend, composer, and author about ska history and his new music with Western Standard Time. Mr. Malcolm shared stories of the early days of ska, as detailed in his memoir, Carlos Malcolm: A Personal History of Post-War Jamaican Music. Of course, Eitan Avineri from WST joined us to round out the conver…
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Brandon and Tyson talk Jets Trade Deadline moves and look at the Jets/Canes game on SundayOleh The Hockey Podcast Network
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TSPO - Paradise has no borders, LORD FLY - Medley Jamaican mento-calypso x2, COUNT LASHER & HIS CALYPSO QUINTET - Perfect love, LAUREL AITKEN - Acke woman, DERRICK HARRIOT - Lollypop girl, BABA MOTTA & HIS JAMAICANS - She pon top
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 413: What Led To Bruins Trading Marchand?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:31:23Skate Pod hosts Bridgette Proulx and Scott McLaughlin are joined by former Bruins goalie Andrew Raycroft to discuss the circumstances that led to the Bruins trading Brad Marchand. Breaking down what the Bruins got back in return in their many trades. Plus, looking at Don Sweeney's job security and some new prospects the Bruins added to their system…
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This is SKA-International Women in Ska
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:03:19Celebrating Women in SKA with a special International Women's Day/National Women's History Month bonus episode of This is SKA. www.thisisska.com
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 412: Bruins Trade Marchand, Coyle, Carlo In Massive Shakeup
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:12:33Reacting to the Bruins' shocking trade deadline, which saw them trade away Brad Marchand, Charlie Coyle and Brandon Carlo on deadline day, on top of earlier deals involving Trent Frederic and Justin Brazeau. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @bridgetteproulx | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | Email us at [email protected] To learn more about li…
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The Kevin Wilkins Interview. March 9, 2025. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast.
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:05:08This week, Templeton Elliott and Mike Munzenrider are talking to Kevin Wilkins about his life making skateboard magazines. Donate at least $10 to the Kevin Wilkins Fund and we'll send you some stickers. Forward your receipt along with your mailing address to mostlyskateboarding @ gmail.com. Thanks.Oleh Mostly Skateboarding
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Original Air Date: 03/07/25
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Brandon and Tyson talk Jets beatdown of the Flyers and look ahead to the NHL Trade Deadline Download the DraftKings Sportsbookapp NOW and use code THPNThat’s code THPN for new customers to get $200 in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks. Only on DraftKings. The Crown Is Yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred Gambler. In New York, call …
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Trump – Covfefe revisited - Folge Zwei von Zwei
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
44:23Niemand, absolut niemand glaubt, dass ihm das gelingen kann. Er wird belächelt, verspottet, verachtet, gehasst – und dann ist Donald Trump plötzlich der neue Präsident der USA. Und es beginnt eine Zeit der Skandale, der Lügen und des Wahnsinns. Wir fächern das nochmal richtig genüßlich auf und errechnen, wie oft er im Schnitt lügt – pro Tag. Und er…
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 411: Who Else Will Bruins Trade Before Deadline?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
58:24Analyzing the Bruins' return for Trent Frederic. Discussing which other Bruins could be next to head out of Boston and what they would fetch in a trade. Plus, key takeaways from Scotts conversation with Georgii Merkulov. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @bridgetteproulx | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | Email us at [email protected] Jump to: …
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Nummer 10, 2025 - Skånes Taltidning
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Main Kemudian
1:15:29Ur innehållet: Fler anmälningar om falska färdtjänstchaufförer i Malmö. Frälsningsarméns arbete för synskadade och döva läggs ned. Avhopp i SRF-riks styrelse efter oenighet om arbetsformer. Konstverk återges taktilt på tillgängligt museum i BerlinOleh Skånes Taltidning
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How To Sell Content Online (Fast)
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Main Kemudian
59:36Carlos Watson, Absolvent der Stanford Law School mit weitreichenden Verbindungen im Silicon Valley, hat ehrgeizige Pläne. Er gründet ein innovatives Online-Portal für Millennials – ein Projekt, das als vielversprechendes Investment gilt. Doch in einer Welt, in der Klicks die wahre Währung sind, beginnt Watson bald, die Öffentlichkeit zu täuschen. W…
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Brandon and Tyson talk Jets/Flyers and look ahead to Friday's trade deadline Download the DraftKings Sportsbookapp NOW and use code THPNThat’s code THPN for new customers to get $200 in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks. Only on DraftKings. The Crown Is Yours. Gambling problem? Call one eight hundred Gambler. In New York, call eight seven sev…
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Comedians Felipe Esparza & Annie Lederman join Big Jay Oakerson, Luis J. Gomez, and Dave Smith to discuss Jay's recent incident at the airport, and rank the musicians that the show has beef with based on their catalog of music. All This and More, ONLY on The Most Offensive Podcast on Earth, The LEGION OF SKANKS!!!Original Air Date: 03/04/2025…
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 410: Has Marchand Played His Last Game As A Bruin?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
52:16Discussing the Bruins' trade deadline and a report on Brad Marchand that says he will be out until after the trade deadline. Plus, checking in on how the Bruins call ups are doing through two games. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | @bridgetteproulx | Email us at [email protected] To learn more about listener da…
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Ska Nation Radio 25th Feb 2025 - [Pod #1 - Ep 598]
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:20:32Roaring through 2025 and hopefully beyond..... Ska Nation Radio is breaking new heights - there is nothing normal about The World's #1 Ska Radio Show!!! When Beefy does something different, the Ska world sits up and takes notice!!! **THE WORLD'S #1 SKA SHOW - SKA NATION RADIO - FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE ** KEEP SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF SKA! On thi…
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This is SKA-Skatalites in the Stars
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:59:59We celebrate and remember three members of the Skatalites on their birthdays this week on This is SKA, playing a lot of songs from every era, including some brand-new tracks. Enjoy
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 409: Marchand Injured In Win Over Penguins (Sunday Skate)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:28:56Discussing the mounting list of injuries for the Bruins and how they all affect the Bruins' trade deadline options. Andrew Raycroft gives his opinion on whether or not Joonas Korpisalo should be getting more starts. Plus, we go through some trade ideas from listeners and Bruins fans. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefeli…
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#338 Achtung! Neue Serien und Filme aus dem Norden!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
20:06Stefan Nørd Hej, Viel Spaß beim Hören. Falls Du Fragen hast, melde Dich gerne unter [email protected] Mein Podcast: www.skandinavienpodcast.de oder www.DerNørd.deMein Blog: www.NordicWannabe.comInstagram: www.instagram.com/NordicwannabeYoutube: www.Youtube.com/NordicwannabeMehr auch in meinem Hygge-Podcast und My NORDIC HOME Podcast www.nor…
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Slow Impact, War Cry, and Paraiso. March 2, 2025. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast.
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
48:13Slow Impact, War Cry, and Paraiso. March 2, 2025. Mostly Skateboarding Podcast. by Mostly SkateboardingOleh Mostly Skateboarding
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Original Air Date: 02/28/29
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 408: Bruins Lose To Islanders; Poitras Injury Update; Wahlstrom Placed On Waivers
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:14:18Discussing Brad Marchand's comments after the Bruins' loss to the Islanders. An update on Matt Poitras after an awkward injury Thursday night. Reacting to the Bruins' decision to waive Oliver Wahlstrom. Plus, discussing call-up options and where they could slot in. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | @bridgettepro…
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Brandon and Tyson talk the Jets/Preds, look back at the Jets/Sens game and play a game of "Yes or No" with potential trade ideas. Download the DraftKings Sportsbookapp NOW and use code THPNThat’s code THPN for new customers to get $200 in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks. Only on DraftKings. The Crown Is Yours. Gambling problem? Call one eig…
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Would The Bruins Move On From Coyle Or Carlo This Year?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
39:48Ep 407, pt 1 - Would The Bruins Move On From Coyle Or Carlo This Year? To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh Audacy
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How Will Frederic's Injury Affect Sweeney's Trade Deadline Moves?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
23:20Ep 407, Pt 2: How Will Frederic's Injury Affect Sweeney's Trade Deadline Moves? To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh Audacy
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Is It Time To Replace Wahlstom With Merkulov?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
22:14Ep 407, Pt 3: Is It Time To Replace Wahlstom With Merkulov? To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoicesOleh Audacy
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Alla ska MED är en podcast från Medborgerlig Samling med Linda du Rietz, Johan Varland och Fredrik Clementz – alla hemmavarande i Stockholm, men håll inte det emot dem. De diskuterar politiska och ideologiska frågor utifrån sina perspektiv som givetvis rimmar med partiets synsätt. Samtalen är ofta djupa men med nära till känslan och något som kansk…
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Ska Nation Radio 21st Feb 2025 - [Pod #2 - Ep 597]
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:17:29Roaring intothrough 2025 and Ska Nation Radio is breaking new heights - there is nothing normal about The World's #1 Ska Radio Show!!! When Beefy does something different, the Ska world sits up and takes notice!!! **THE WORLD'S #1 SKA SHOW - SKA NATION RADIO - FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE ** KEEP SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF SKA! On this week's second he…
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Trump – Ein Killer, ein King - Folge Eins von Zwei
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
42:16Donald Drumpf? Kann man mit so einem Namen Präsident werden? Wir erzählen die Geschichte eines kleinen, wütendenden, tyrannischen Jungen, der Zeitungen austrägt – während er in einer Limo herumkutschiert wird. Der von klein auf vorgelebt bekommt, wie man ein Leben auf Kosten anderer lebt. Der dann reich, privilegiert in den Tag hineinlebt und seine…
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 407: Bruins Blow 3-Goal Lead vs Leafs
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Main Kemudian
1:25:26Discussing the Bruins' loss to the Maple Leafs, Trent Frederic's injury and some other thoughts on the trade deadline. Plus, we answer some mailbag questions involving Georgii Merkulov, Oliver Wahlstrom and Don Sweeney. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | @bridgetteproulx | Email us at [email protected] Jump to: 0…
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Mike Park’s Best Friend: An interview with Chris Candy
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
53:23It's no secret that the In Defense of Ska crew loves them some Mike Park -- the musician, ska aficionado, and Asian Man Records founder. So, this week, the gang invites Park's best friend onto the show -- Chris Candy. Listen to Candy discuss Park, his own band Chotto Ghetto, Vans Warped Tour, and more. Candy, the son of comedy legend John Candy, ha…
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Nummer 9, 2025 - Skånes Taltidning
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:19:48Ur innehållet: Chockhöjning av fjärr-färdtjänstpriser i Malmö på lördag. Falska färdtjänstförare bedrar resenärer – så klarar du dig. Vad behövs hemma om kriget kommer – tips från synskadade. Månadens ansikte är Bosse Nilsson, som växte upp med musiken.Oleh Skånes Taltidning
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Carlos Ghosn startet früh in der Automobilbranche und arbeitet sich stetig nach oben. Als er in den frühen 2000ern die Leitung von Nissan übernimmt, wird er zur Management-Ikone. Geschäftsleute ahmen seinen Stil nach, Fans feiern ihn wie einen Star, und sein Erfolg scheint unaufhaltsam. Doch hinter den Kulissen nutzt Carlos fragwürdige Methoden, um…
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Comedians TJ Miller, Ian Fidance, & Rick Glassman join Big Jay Oakerson, Luis J. Gomez, and Dave Smith to discuss Luis' letter to the CEO of Equinox gym, requesting for his membership to be reinstated. Plus, the guys discuss how celebrity rumors used to spread to every high school, and the gang reviews evidence of Ian being gay. All This and More, …
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HIF och BoIS ur cupen, TFF gör succé
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
41:21Gustav Lundblad och Christoffer Ekmark diskuterar de senaste dagarnas cupmatcher för HIF, BoIS och TFF. • TFF:s cupsuccé! • Vilka har övertygat mest? • Hur illa är läget i BoIS? • Vilka spelare kan trots allt stärkt sina aktier? • HIF godkända trots två förluster? • Hur högt "tak" finns i det här lagets utveckling? Läs mer på www.skanesport.se…
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Brandon and Tyson talk the Jets 10th straight win after defeating the Sharks 2-1, Mark Scheifele's historic goal and the Vlad Namestnikov signing. Download the DraftKings Sportsbookapp NOW and use code THPNThat’s code THPN for new customers to get $200 in bonus bets when you bet just five bucks. Only on DraftKings. The Crown Is Yours. Gambling prob…
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Ska Nation Radio 18th Feb 2025 - [Pod #1 - Ep 596]
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:25:33Roaring into 2025 and Ska Nation Radio is breaking new heights - there is nothing normal about The World's #1 Ska Radio Show!!! When Beefy does something different, the Ska world sits up and takes notice!!! **THE WORLD'S #1 SKA SHOW - SKA NATION RADIO - FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE ** KEEP SPREADING THE GOSPEL OF SKA! On this week's first helping of…
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 406: Sweeney Announces Hampus Lindholm "unlikely" To Return
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:21:51Discussing the most important moments of Don Sweeney's press conference including updates on Hampus Lindholm and Charlie McAvoy's status for the rest of the season. Plus, Sweeney's comments on extending Brad Marchand and other UFAs. And, what Sweeney's trade deadline plans and future look like after accepting the teams situation in the standings an…
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Episode 357: Canada Wins The Four Nations
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:20:34Hosts Ked and Brownie are back with a special guest, Jenkins from Canada, to dive into Canada’s thrilling victory at the Four Nations Championship! We break down the championship game, analyzing key moments, standout performances, and what gave Team Canada the edge. Plus, we take a deep dive into both rosters, comparing strengths, weaknesses, and t…
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2 hours every week of the best ska and rocksteady from around the world with your host Middagh Goodwin. We are celebrating 5 years pick up a shirt at https://beammeupskatees.bigcartel.com/product/this-is-ska
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Skandalo 23-2-2025 con Viki Jones
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:00:03KEN PARKER - When you´re gone, HANK LOCKLIN - Please help me, I´m falling, SKEETER DAVIS - I can´t help you, I´m falling too, MAX ROMEO - Please help me, I´m falling, BARBARA JONES - Please help me, I´m falling, KEN PARKER - My whole world is falling done, I can´t hide, It´s allright, MARIANA & JAMAICAN DREAM - Fire, fire…
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The Skate Pod, Ep. 405 (Sunday Skate): Bruins Lose First Game Back From 4 Nations
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:31:45Discussing the Bruins OT loss to Anaheim. Going through the Bruins' complicated situation ahead of the trade deadline. Plus, Razor, Scott and Bridgette give their final thoughts on 4 Nations and USA Hockey going forward. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @bridgetteproulx | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | Email us at [email protected] To learn …
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