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「現代人該如何在高速變動的未來世界中找到自己的定位?」 在新創產業打工多年的 Manny 與 Angela 每天都在資訊爆炸當中面對種種不安,但同時也發現世界正往更好的方向前進。本節目中我們將透過輕鬆、明快的對談,分析當代重要且有趣的科技及商業趨勢,並提供獨到的觀點。 更多深度分析,歡迎至: 商業合作,請來信: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Based on the mediocre lives of two friends, Nick and Manny's Infinite Podcast provides an inside look into their week no one asked for. Did they play a game? Watch a movie? Maybe get a new job? Will it be anything you care about? Probably not, but you will find it all here.
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My name is Manny and I like to play video games in my free time. I write a whole bunch on my blog, which is located at You have stumbled upon the place where I host my hot new Podcast, which is aptly named Game Time With Manny. Every two weeks my friend Matt and I get together to talk about the latest gaming news, and the games we've been playing. For the second half of the podcast we normally chat about a specific topic at length.
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Welcome to the Manny podcast, where we go on epic adventures and compare notes on what it looks like to seek first the Kingdom of God. Go read our blog over at Feel free to email us your feedback at Support this podcast:
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Starring Jameela Jamil and Manny Jacinto! After crash-landing on a mysterious planet with no memory and a sentient AI implant in his brain keeping him alive, a soldier searches for answers about his past. There are only four things Lucan knows with certainty: his name, his rank, that the droll AI implant speaking to him inside his mind is named Ven, and finally, that she is the only thing keeping him from dying. With no other memories or connection to their pasts, Lucan and Ven must navigate ...
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Manny Talks

Manny De La Cruz

From college through mid-career. Let's discuss how to make the most out of your time. Listen to others who have been there and learn from their experiences. From time to time getting off-topic is very valuable.
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A podcast showcasing local talent and artistry otherwise dismissed because we live in a world where no one wants to see someone win unless they too are winning. Support this podcast:
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Welcome everyone to my channel, full disclaimer I will be having shows in Spanish and English and plan to have a show every week or every other week. In this show I will talk about just about anything with many different people and sometines just myself. We will see where this goes. THANKS FOR LISTENING! Support this podcast:
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Ask My Man Manny!

Manny Henson, CFP & Dr. Abbey Durkin

Looking for advice on all things Money related? Look no further than "Ask My Man Manny," the newest podcast show that you won't want to miss. Hosted by the charming and engaging Manny, and the insightful Dr. Abbey Durkin, they will offer practical advice and unique perspectives on the challenges that come with money and relationships. Manny draws from his personal experiences and vast knowledge of money topics to provide insightful commentary, lively discussions, and passionate debates along ...
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Mighty Manny was born at 23 weeks and two days. Faced with tremendous medical issues, doctors did not believe Emmanuel would ever make it home. God is using Emmanuel's life to put to foolishness the wisdom of men and we believe he wants to do the same in the life of your little one. Feel free to play these prayers in your home, car, and study the referenced scriptures to build your faith. 1 Corinthians 1:27, Romans 10:17 Follow: @MannysVillage (Instagram) Give: ...
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I've heard it once said that when you speak to someone always assume that they have something to teach you that you need. With that in mind, I wanted to create a space where I can have honest conversations with people who agree or even disagree with the way I see the world. The Mind of Manny podcast will take you deeper into what it means to not only love the people in this world, but to learn to love yourself even more.
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This is a podcast that will address many topics. From politics to simple colloquial every day stuff that just gets on my nerves. Once in a while an important topic might be discussed. I'm not an expert by any means... This is just for fun and should not be taken seriously. Enjoy Support this podcast:
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show series
Is it time for me to get a new mic? Inexplicably the sound quality on my mic was randomly much worse again. It sounds like I'm in an open floor warehouse. Despite that we still talk about how the Nintendo Switch is still alive and kicking with the latest Nintendo Direct.Then we move in to the games we've been playing. I beat Nine Sols and moved rig…
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Mike Yam is a sportscaster and studio host for NFL Network and SiriusXM radio. He has worked at ESPN, NBA TV and Pac-12 Network. Yam is a graduate of Fordham University. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE Mike grew up with a Chinese immigrant father from Hong Kong and an Italian mother. As a kid he always thought he was the only person on the planet…
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本集節目由【知識衛星 SAT. Knowledge】贊助 ⟢ 曼報 X 知識衛星精選課程推薦 ⟣ 夏日的週末最什麼最好?我選擇待在冷氣房內補充知識(好宅)。過去曾推薦過好幾堂知識衛星出品的線上課程,這次直接來一波大的:一口氣推薦六堂!這六堂課的內容我都看過,也都是我自己想上的,希望你也喜歡。 ■ 財務分析 X 國際情勢 ■ 聲音表達 X 資訊圖表 ■ 職場英文 X 日文文法 👉 7/1 - 7/14 限時低於85折 👉結帳輸入「曼報精選」再折500元 🔎活動介紹: -- (00:00) 夏天上課! (03:53) AI 不能取代的事:Irene 與史萊姆 (28:40) 露營車市場概論 (46:32) 露營車界的雙頭霸主與新進挑戰者 -- 本…
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What's up y'all? It's been a busy month. We got a ton of gaming news between Summer Game Fest and the Nintendo Direct. We also got a few big new movies including Furiosa, Bad Boys: Ride Or Die and Inside Out 2. We catch up on all this and more on the latest episode of Nick And Manny's Infinite Podcast. Thank you for joining us, and we'll see you ne…
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Get ready for a political masterclass conversation. George Chanos is former Attorney General of Nevada. He practiced law for 40 years. He’s argued before the United States Supreme Court and won a sixth amendment case 9 – 0. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE In 2012 George had a heart attack which sent him on a whole new direction. He wanted to prep…
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本集節目由【劉奕酉的職場致勝賽局】贊助 你想過看似遙遠的「賽局理論」與我們有什麼關係嗎? 原來職場上談加薪、升職,甚至跳槽、創業, 都能運用賽局做全局思考! 這是一堂結合理性邏輯 x 心理邏輯的賽局思考課, 課程中強調將賽局理論的核心思維落地到職場應用。 透過 8 小時 12 項主題的完整課程, 教你養成全局思考、問題處理、精準表達等三大能力, 讓你看懂全局、找出對策、替自己創造最佳贏面。 6/27(四)前購買享課程募資優於 36 折: 📍曼報專屬購課連結: 📍曼報專屬折扣碼:輸入【manny300】現折 300 元! -- (00:00) 職場賽局的致勝之道 (03:39) 單戀才是王道 (11:11) WW…
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What if you could change your identity to become more? Becoming alert to behaviors that hold you back. How many of those little things that seem insignificant are getting in the way... Awareness and drive to improve works wonders. This episode highlights the importance of becoming conscious to the idea that you are limiting yourself in various ways…
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Geoff Keighly continues to build Summer Game Fest on the corpse of E3, so we watched all the hot showcases and let you know what we think! Many things were revealed, but nothing too crazy.Matt played a lot of older games and started Hellblade 2 while I mostly played the hottest new metroidvania to hit the market, Nine Sols.…
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本集節目由【stanCode 標準程式教育機構】贊助 1. AI 時代還需不需要學寫程式?我認為需要,簡直太需要了。 2. 程式語言這麼多,該從哪個下手?我蠻推薦 Python。 3. Python 課程這麼多,該挑哪個機構去上?我推薦 stanCode。 4. 為什麼我推薦 stanCode?因為我曾經自掏腰包去上過,XD。 stanCode 的課程改編於美國史丹佛大學最著名熱門的程式語言課程,主要有 SC001Python 基礎上、SC101Python 基礎下、SC201 AI班 等三堂課。 「SC001Python 基礎上」會藉由 11 堂課與 4 份作業,帶你了解程式設計重要且基礎的概念;「SC101Python基礎下」共有 16 堂課,聚焦在物件導向資料結構以及演算法;「SC20…
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Heath Treasure dropped out of college. Because his professor in the marketing class said he's going to teach them how to write a marketing plan for a Fortune 5 Company without himself officially building a marketing plan before. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE Listen to FULL INTERVIEW HERE Watching people enjoy fruits of their hardworking labours…
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Whatcha gonna do? We're back for another commentary, this time for Michael Bay's most Michael Bay movie, Bad Boys II! It probably would have made sense to start with the first movie or even Bad Boys For Life before Ride Or Die comes out later this week, but the one we wanted to watch most was this one. This is a deeply evil movie that we had a lot …
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本集節目由【陽明生醫-馬偕醇樟芝】贊助 最近確實感到比較疲累,因為跟陽明生醫合作的時間比較久,第一時間就傳訊息問他們推薦什麼,沒想到他們正好有適合的產品:【馬偕醇樟芝】。 在功效上最關鍵的三萜類含量上,牛樟芝是靈芝的 5~15 倍,且活性比靈芝高。這款產品的核心成分是由馬偕紀念醫院研究團隊研發、取得美、日、台專利認證的牛樟芝萃取物:「馬偕一號(MMH01)」,使用 100% 皿培式子實體,具有無雜菌、三萜類含量極高、不受重金屬汙染的優勢。 此外,還添加了台梗 9 號米萃取出來的醇溶蛋白,以及白高麗參、天麻、決明子、茯苓...等十種滋補珍選精華。更重要的是通過國家單位的專業檢測,無毒、無重金屬與農藥殘留、無微生物、無塑化劑及未摻西藥。 【馬偕醇樟芝】適合工作負擔大、熬夜加班、或本身有亞健康狀態…
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Some combination of my congested voice and my mic being super weird made me sound really blown out this episode, so enjoy that!Matt and I discuss IGN hoovering up a bunch if other game media sites, and do a lot of speculation on what could be shown at Summer Games Fest and all the surrounding showcases.I finally played 2012's Dishonored and loved i…
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Ron started a barbeque business just to make a little extra dollar so that his wife can stay at home with the kids. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE Listen to FULL INTERVIEW HERE His job with the government did not stop him taking the chances of becoming an entrepreneur. Because being an entrepreneur runs in his blood—many of his family members ar…
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本集節目由【Signus 為你簽名】贊助 從小就超羨慕寫字漂亮的人,尤其是看到能簽出一手好名的人,對他的好感度幾乎是拉滿。雖然這年頭好像無紙的環境越來越多,但需要用到簽名的場合仍不少,舉凡銀行辦事、活動簽到,甚至是手寫小卡片給重要的人,能有一個漂亮的簽名真的超加分。 Signus 是來自日本的專業簽名設計團隊,過去在日本已經為超過 4,000 人設計超過 60,000 款的簽名,這次終於來到台灣推出超值的服務。我跟 Angela 都有收到各自的專屬簽名,都非常喜歡,推薦有需要的你參考看看。 ✒ 限時贈送:限時超早鳥方案,加贈英文簽名 x1 ✒ 可鹹可甜:商務、速寫、一筆、直式,四種字體通吃 ✒ 教學影片:每款簽名都有附上筆順影片,輕鬆跟著學 ✒ 立刻把握超早鳥機會:https://r.zec…
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99% of the people are trying to walk uphill. That too with big heavy sand bags over their shoulders. How can that be, you ask? By thinking, talking, conversing and discussing the things of the past. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE EdMylette in his recent video stressed on the theme—think into the future using your imagination and vision. Because …
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本集節目由【知識衛星 SAT. Knowledge】贊助 投資是不是很重要?重要。 總經對投資重不重要?重要。 「股乾爹」講總經好不好?很好。 那就對了,所以這堂課我是必上。 ⟢ 分析師的總經應用學|全球經濟運行看見投資機會 ⟣ ■ 從淺入深:30 個單元從基礎思維到進階應用,帶你換上分析師的腦 ■ 找到機會:看懂經濟循環,找到市場機會點 ■ 預判思維:解讀國際央行訊息,預判市場心理所造成的浮動 ■ 降低風險:結合歷史經驗,避免僅看數據而落入投資誤區 👉突破 8,000 位學員支持! 👉結帳輸入「manny優惠」再折350元 🔎課程介紹: -- (00:00) 股乾爹,我乾爹 (03:41) 閒聊:T1 輸了之講話好不爽 (16:04) 我們…
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We return after a month of delays to bring you the news of even more upsetting layoffs and changes in the industry! At least we played a bunch of games! Matt went back to uncharted 2, and played some Mario Party while I went buck wild and played Animal Well, Hades II, Another Crab's Treasure, Eiyuden Chronicle, and Harold Halibut!…
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“All of the wrong people are having the most kids and not enough of the right people are having enough kids”. Which category are you? Watch FULL YOUTUBE EPISODE HERE Are you being the right and responsible parent for your kid or the wrong and irresponsible one? What would be your reaction if your behaviors at home with kids is recorded and played b…
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We are back with a lot to talk about! Challengers came out and we both finally got around to seeing it. We also discuss WWE Backlash, the beautiful game of baseball, Game Of Thrones and Avatar: The Last Airbender in another jam-packed episode of Nick And Manny's Infinite Podcast! Trip Recaps and Baseball Talk: Start-21:08 Movies/TV: 21:09-1:10:50 W…
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本集節目由【知識衛星 SAT. Knowledge】贊助 過去幾年來,身邊超多人一直不斷提到的一位名師就是「汪志謙」。遲遲沒下定決心報名線下大課的我,只能一翻再翻汪老師的經典著作《峰值體驗》。因此,幾乎不做專訪的我,一收到知識衛星的邀請後立刻答應了,因為能跟汪老師當面對談的機會真是非常難得!這一集很快地交換了一些心得,如果覺得聽不過癮,非常推薦可以購買正在限時預購的〚峰值體驗2〛線上課程。 -- 〚峰值體驗2|高階管理者與企業老闆爭相報名的商業課〛 ✨老闆們搶上的課程一般上班族更應該學習! ◼️16大底層邏輯|你才知道消費者在買什麼?你該賣什麼? ◼️4個角提問|你的視角中有幾種消費者?少一種人你就少一個賽道! ◼️4個框架模型|洞察消費者決策點,佈局進店、轉化、復購、推薦。 💥 瞭解底層邏…
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Saturdays are our family day. No regular work, spending quality time together. My wife and I with our 18 month old son went to the ballpark here in Las Vegas called the Sunset Park after our morning coffee. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE We watched planes landing and taking off. The ballpark reminded me of the days when I spent my own childhood …
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本集節目由【電獺 AIBO.IO】贊助 行銷與廣告是一段漫長的路,過程中除了會涉及許多合作單位,累積起來的花費也很可觀。台灣知名的廣告科技新創「電獺」不僅握有最大的 PTT 廣告生態系的獨家權利,如今推出整合人工智慧(GAI)的一站式平台「AIBO.IO」,幫你一口氣打通五道關卡。 📍市場調查:即時輿情系統,輸入關鍵字就可看到即時活躍受眾 📍關鍵字:觀察聲量趨勢,並生成受眾輪廓與側寫 📍內容文案:不再盯著空白畫面發呆,先讓 AI 寫你再改 📍頁面製作:專業好用的網頁模板,輕鬆做出具有良好 SEO 架構的到達頁 📍廣告投放:PTT 獨家通路、100+ 第一方合作聯播網、10,000+ ADX 交換通路 🦦立刻註冊試用 AIBO: -- 曼報都是靠台灣新創團隊的 …
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Since 1988, Joshua Kosman has been the leading critical voice on classical music in the Bay Area, covering everything from blockbuster Yo-Yo Ma concerts and Opera at the Ballpark to week-long Wagner cycles and contemporary music that only a mother (or a true connoisseur) could love. In his decades holding major institutions accountable and champion…
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I was having a great conversation with a former Green Beret in one of my podcasts. In that, he asked me about my story, my journey when I decided to get sober. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INTERVIEW HERE His question to me was if I went down the 12 step AA program. Answer to that was: I went in there for 18 days of a 12-week program. Now, did I continue in m…
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本集節目由【陽明生醫|一家人益生菌】贊助 我的保健三品之一是益生菌。自從去年介紹後,「一家人益生菌」又繼續進化,推出了 S 強效版以及 EX 版。 「一般版」每包含 20 億單位的益生菌菌數,是每日建議攝取量的最佳範圍,適合全家大小吃。除了六種優選菌種,還有獨家專利 YMB520 益生菌,內生孢子形成率高達95%,更有 100% 定殖率,吃進去後能輕鬆抵達。 如果想要更進一步維持消化道機能跟維持體內環保,選擇添加了藤黃果、菸鹼酸鉻,以及啤酒酵母的「強效升級版」準沒錯。如果追求加倍代謝進化,那一定不能錯過 「EX」版!既有菌種以外,再加上專利菌 PM308,總菌數來到百億等級。 🌷母親節專屬禮盒,限時熱賣中: 🌷消費滿 $1200 輸入折扣碼「Man…
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Phil Kornachuk’s mom did not have any issues letting him know that they really didn’t expect him and that he was not part of the plan. He was the youngest by 7 years among 5 kiddos. He’s now a father of 8 who believes in leading by example and not by forcing principles and values into people either in business or in a family. Watch FULL YOUTUBE INT…
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Do you ever find yourself reading or talking about the worldwide climate crisis – coral reef devastation, melting glaciers, catastrophic weather – and wondering “But what can I do?” For those of us who live in urban environments, climate change may sometimes feel like a concept far removed from our daily lives. And yet, the biodiversity and nature …
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Though it encompasses just a single square block, Union Square has loomed large in San Francisco. Today, it’s in flux. Over the past few years, the luxury retail destination and its surrounding blocks have lost a number of notable tenants, but none as big as Macy’s flagship San Francisco store, which announced its pending departure earlier this yea…
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2025 will be the inagural season of the Golden State WNBA team. We are SO excited to welcome this franchise, the players, and all the amazing WNBA energy to our city. On April 17th, the President of the new team, Jess Smith, will sit down with Danette Leighton, CEO of the Women's Sports Foundation, and Axios reporter, Megan Rose Dickey, to talk abo…
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曼報唯一指名的筆記軟體:Heptabase! 立刻下載試用: -- (00:00) 語言的重要性 (13:16) 本集概論 (16:18) 美國精密製造業怎麼了? (25:25) Hadrian 的獨特價值 (34:29) 工廠一定要有人 (37:59) 失敗先烈 Plethora (44:59) 創辦人與投資人 -- 商業合作報價: 訂閱電子報: 追蹤 IG:@manny_li 追蹤 FB:manny yh li Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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It's our 250th episode, but we didn't really prepare anything special. Instead we discuss how Dead Space is on ice again at EA, the insanity a few studio closures, and some hot indie showcases.Matt got extra into hockey these past few weeks so he really only played Metroid Prime. That allowed me to talk at length about the 900 games I played such a…
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A balloon is manufactured out of a simple piece of plastic. It stays deflated and remains useless until someone decides to fill it up with air. But once it’s filled to its capacity, it’s seen in celebrations, birthday parties and festivities. Then it’s serving its purpose. Similarly, human beings can expand and reach their max. Watch FULL YOUTUBE E…
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(00:00) 精神病這件事 (11:23) 什麼是自閉症 (16:15) 自閉症的規模與經濟衝擊 (20:25) 神經多元性(Neurodiversity) (25:48) 專注於自閉症的美國創投 (39:08) 診斷的創新 (47:42) 治療的創新 (62:09) 就業的創新 (65:35) 結語 -- 三支基金 Autism Impact Fund Neuvation Ventures Moai Capital 診斷新創: Cognoa EarliTec Diagnostics 治療新創 Cortica Forta SpectrumAi Axial Therepeutics 就業新創 Auticon Ultranauts Daivergent -- 商業合作報價:https://ma…
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Well folks, the story is finished. WrestleMania 40 happened last weekend, and we go into every match from WWE's 2-night extravaganza in detail, including the main event where Cody Rhodes FINALLY defeated Roman Reigns to become WWE Champion. We also discuss recent movie releases including Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire in another fun episode. TV/Mo…
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Does a company like Airbnb make mistakes on listing their prices? Even if they made a mistake, can you imagine their in-charge wanting to pass the mistake on to their customer? Yes, that is the kind of experience Airbnb has given me during one of these days. Watch FULL YOUTUBE EPISODE HERE It's my wife’s 40th birthday and we wanted to stay at a pre…
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(00:00) 延遲享樂與過度努力 (21:40) 藥物臨床試驗 (31:51) 用 AI 加速臨床試驗 (46:12) AI 的短期最佳市場 (52:24) UnLearn 的融資歷程 -- 商業合作報價: 訂閱電子報: 追蹤 IG:@manny_li 追蹤 FB:manny yh li Powered by Firstory Hosting
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We return from our one episode without layoffs to let you know about some more layoffs. Then we hit the bottom of the news barrel to bring you hot things like maybe Gears 6 is getting announced this summer.In the games section you can hear all about my Stardew Valley Bender before we move into my favorite part of the podcast, which is listening to …
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It's WrestleMania week! The biggest week of WWE's year is a big week for us too. We'll recap the show next week as part of our next full episode, but we wanted to preview and predict all the matches of this weekend's 2-night extravaganza. Will Cody FINALLY finish the story? We certainly hope so. Thank you for listening, and we hope you have a great…
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Bill is a Managing Director and co-founded Cross Keys Capital in 2006. Bill leads the healthcare practice and is responsible for successfully closing 50 physician practice management transactions since 2010. He has over 25 years of experience in M&A including divestitures, acquisitions, restructurings, and capital raises for a broad range of client…
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John Ply sold his company Insight Beverages at multiple 9 figures. Because, when he started his company with 1 employee, he had only one goal in mind: ‘Be the best, instead of being the biggest’, which they achieved. Every client of theirs told them that. All leading chains in the country bought from them because they’re the best. But his beginning…
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We're continuing our MonsterVerse commentaries with 2019's Godzilla: King Of The Monsters. Normally these descriptions are more enthusiastic, but we are not feeling enthusiastic after that movie. We love Godzilla, but this movie might not be his finest hour. We hope we enjoy Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire this weekend much more than this movie, an…
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