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Karolinska Institutet

I podden Medicinvetarna kan du lyssna på ledande hälsoexperter om allt från snusets farlighet till odling av minihjärnor. Medicinvetarna ges ut av Karolinska Institutet.
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The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast

The Curbsiders Internal Medicine Podcast

Supercharge your learning and enhance your practice with this Internal Medicine Podcast featuring board certified Internists as they interview the experts to bring you clinical pearls, practice-changing knowledge, and bad puns. Doctors Matthew Watto, Paul Williams, and friends (a national network of students, residents, and clinician-educators) deliver a little knowledge food for your brain hole. Yummy! No boring lectures here, just high-value content and a healthy dose of humor. Fantastic f ...
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Sensible Medicine

Sensible Medicine Authors - Prasad/Cifu/Mandrola/Demania/Makary/Cristea/Alderighi & More

Common sense and original thinking in bio-medicine A platform for diverse views and debate
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Traditional Chinese Medicine related articles, interviews, and news to support practitioner and student knowledge and lifelong learning. Select your favorite podcast provider to subscribe and get notified of new recordings!
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In questo podcast Karin Wallnoefer racconta la medicina cinese in modo accessibile, con un focus su prevenzione, cura della salute e alimentazione. Un viaggio alla scoperta delle pratiche quotidiane per migliorare il benessere e portare equilibrio nella vita di tutti i giorni.
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Best selling author JJ Flizanes brings cutting edge information and inspiration on weight loss, nutrition, alternative medicine, gluten free, dairy free & paleo diets, acupuncture, chinese medicine, homeopathy, bioidentical hormones, feng shui, food, health, wellness, diet, exercise, fat loss, healing and wellness.
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Medicína srdcem

Lékařská fakulta v Plzni

Poslechněte si podcast Lékařské fakulty v Plzni – Medicína srdcem Podcast připravují členky e-learningového týmu MUDr. Terezie Zelenková a studentka všeobecného lékařství Terezie Zegermacherová. Prostřednictvím něj vám budeme přinášet rozhovory s lékaři, studenty medicíny, pacienty a jinými zajímavými lidmi, kteří k tématu zdraví mají co říct.
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Slow Medicine Revolution

Slow Medicine Revolution

Slow Medicine Revolution es el podcast de Slow Medicine Institute. Divulgamos sobre salud para romper mitos anticuados y luchar por un cambio de paradigma en la Medicina. Salud evolutiva, estilo de vida, medicina lenta, nutrición, microbiómica, ejercicio físico... Con entrevistados expertos, además de episodios exclusivos para fans. Más información, blog y descargables en
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Award-winning comedian Kiri Pritchard-McLean is joined by funny and fascinating comedians, doctors, scientists, and historians to celebrate medicine's inspiring past, present and future. In each programme, Kiri challenges her guests to make a case for what they think is 'the best medicine', and each of them champions anything from world-changing science to an obscure invention, an every-day treatment, an uplifting worldview, an unsung hero or a futuristic cure. Whether it's micro-robotic sur ...
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Equine Energy Medicine Podcast brings you the latest on ancient and modern non-invasive, tools for the energetic and physical wellbeing of your horses. Tune in for holistic horse health, nutrition, energy medicine, and care.
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The Medici might not have the decadent drama of the Borgias, but they took center stage in the story of the formation of the modern Western world, from helping mold the Renaissance to trying to quell the Protestant Reformation to sponsoring and then trying to help shut up Galileo. This podcast looks at the story of the Medici and that of the fractured, tumultuous Italy they carved out a place in. Join us to see how a clan of middle-class bankers would up joining the ranks of European royalty ...
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We’re committed to ensuring extreme medicine education can reach all medical, healthcare and supporting professionals working in austere environments. With regular updates, our team brings you the latest from across the broad spectrum of extreme medicine disciplines, including expedition, space, remote, pre-hospital and humanitarian medicine as well as a range of topics across performance and non-technical skills. Enhance your ability to tackle challenges with new skills you can take home or ...
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¡Hola Querido Buscador! 🔎 Soy Diana 🌸 y en este podcast aprendemos Medicina Angelical. Aquí te comparto Tips, Mensajes, Decretos y Meditaciones para que vibres alto, te acerques al mundo espiritual y contactes con la energía de los maravillosos ángeles😇
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Welkom bij de Je Levensstijl als Medicijn podcast! In elke aflevering bespreek ik samen met boeiende experts een specifiek thema binnen de levensstijlgeneeskunde. Ontdek hoe jouw leefgewoonten niet alleen je gezondheid kunnen versterken, maar ook kunnen beschermen tegen chronische aandoeningen of je herstelproces positief kunnen beïnvloeden. Van voeding en beweging tot slaap en mentale balans – we onderzoeken wat écht werkt en hoe je dit in jouw dagelijkse leven kunt toepassen voor een beter ...
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Welcome to New Frontiers in Functional Medicine, Longevity & Epigenetics™ where I interview the best minds in functional medicine to discuss the science and research behind medicine, longevity, epigenetics, and so much more. Expect thought-provoking ideas, new research, lots of clinical pearls for practitioners, and step-change information for clinicians and patients. Join us! ~DrKF Copyright © 2023 by KF Education and Consulting, LLC All Rights Reserved
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Este podcast tem o objetivo de ajudar você, colega médico(a), a aprender como viver 100% do seu consultório particular, ganhando mais e trabalhando menos. E assim exercer a medicina com excelência técnica e humana, ter um retorno financeiro justo e compatível com seus esforços, e ter mais qualidade de vida! Siga a CVM nas redes sociais: Bem-vindo ao movimento do resgate da boa medicina. Bora pra cima! Abraço fraterno, Wilderi Sidney Guimarães
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GW Integrative Medicine

GW Integrative Medicine

Welcome to GW Integrative Medicine, a podcast about using an integrative approach to disease prevention and health promotion. We look forward to sharing the latest news and research on Integrative Medicine – where the best practices of conventional medicine and evidence-based complementary medicine meet. This podcast is brought to you by the Office of Integrative Medicine and Health, the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, in collaboration with the university ...
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Dedicated to helping people understand Chinese Medicine, The Chinese Medicine Podcast is run by Herbalist and Acupuncturist, Marie Hopkinson. Marie appreciates your reviews :) The Chinese Medicine Podcast (CMP) started out in 2013 just as a a way for Marie to share the self help aspects of Chinese medicine with her own patients via youtube, but soon found that people all over the world were watching and benefiting from Marie's Chinese medicine videos, and now we're on audio too!
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Medicina del Laboratorio

Luis Edgardo Figueroa Montes

🧪🧬 Te ayudo a comprender las pruebas del laboratorio clínico / Patólogo Clínico / Fundador de Medicina del Laboratorio. En este podcast te narrare algunos de mis artículos breves, además conocerás los detalles de las pruebas de laboratorio y el aporte de sus profesionales en este campo. Bienvenido 🎉
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Our podcast Redefining Medicine captures the journeys and stories of healthcare practitioners and innovative visionaries, all of whom are actively changing the way medicine is practiced. Through a more personal and intimate perspective, our interviews will spotlight the most current health technologies, practices, and protocols. As the convergence of medicine and technology strengthens, our podcast will continue to illuminate the most innovative and groundbreaking research--and the clinician ...
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Mi Medicina

Esther Iturralde

Soy Esther Iturralde y durante la última década me he apasionado por crear una vida que me encante vivir; me reinvénte por completo y descubrí cual es Mi Medicina. En este podcast hablaremos de Manifestación, Sanación, Espiritualidad, Consciencia, Psicodélicos y Sexualidad; una mezcla hermosa que cambió mi vida, ¡déjame contarte como puedes hacerlo también!
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show series
Yoga Nidra for the deepest sleep. This forty-minute guided meditation slows down the breath and the mind so that the body can fully relax and drift off to a deep sleep. Rest and listen gently as you are guided through the deep layers of the body, the breath, and the mind until you float up into a night's sky full of stars while drifting off into a …
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A guided meditation to support you while you process the intense emotions of grief. Support the show Listen on Insight Timer Subscribe @Restful Medicine on YouTube Follow on Facebook Elke…
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Drift off to sleep with soft music and gentle guidance through this Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is like a mental massage, smoothing out the activity of thoughts and helping you to get the rest that you need. Support the show Listen on Insight Timer Subscribe @Restful Medicine on YouTube…
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This gently guided Yoga Nidra meditation for sleep invites you to imagine a peaceful walk through the forest. Steep in your deep stillness, witnessing the setting sun as the sky fades into darkness of night. Rest still and sink into the night while you drift off into a deep, peaceful sleep under the light of the moon. Support the show Listen on Ins…
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Discover what the Year of the Yin Wood Snake has in store as Wendy Goldman delves into the energies, opportunities, and challenges ahead. With Fire and Wood elements influencing 2025, anticipate rapid innovation, transformation, and change. Learn how these dynamics may impact health, weather, and technology in our latest podcast episode! You can ac…
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In the 10th episode of the "Great Debates in Fitness and Health" series, hosts Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum and Dr. Austin Baraki debate controversial fitness and health topics including dietary supplements, alcohol, sumo deadlifts, muscle mass gain, PEDs, and more. Resources Page: Template Quiz: https://www.barb…
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En este episodio, tengo una conversación increíble con Marty Halley, una editora única que ha logrado transformar su amor por la lectura y la escritura en un negocio exitoso. Marty es apasionada, auténtica y tiene una visión única que la ha llevado a convertirse en una marca personal inspiradora. Quiero compartirles lo mucho que Marty ha influido e…
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Agradece a este podcast tantas horas de entretenimiento y disfruta de episodios exclusivos como éste. ¡Apóyale en iVoox! Acceso anticipado para Fans - Asun González @guerrasintestinas entrevista a Marta Marcé, nutricionista especializada en menopausia. Marta vive en menopausia desde los ¡26 años! lo que ha llevado a estudiar este tema en profundida…
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Wilderi Sidney(Criador do Método CVM) e a Doutora Domila Mattos(Médica ortopedista) te mostram você pode aumentar o faturamento no seu consultório sem parecer que está vendendo. Mentoria CVM : Entre para o canal do Telegram do CVM:…
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What are the health benefits of adding a pine pollen supplement to your diet? In this episode, Robin Riddle, FNP-C explains pine pollen: what it is, benefits, and uses. Check out our brand new online vitamin store: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ What did you think of this …
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In questo episodio, prima ancora di parlare delle singole emozioni, indaghiamo sui diversi modi in cui le emozioni influiscono sull'equlibrio interno, su yin e yang, su diversi sistemi funzionali e sulla dinamica del qi. Il link alla mia pagina è, per contattarmi scrivi a La scuola di medicina …
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The cosmetics and grooming products industry is like the wild wild West. Until recently, the regulatory system failed to keep consumers safe from toxicants that likely increase their offspring’s “risks of cancer, fertility issues, neurological deficits, and immune dysfunction.” And then came the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022, or…
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SPEP vs. UPEP? What does it tell you and not tell you? What is the role for immunofixation and free light chains in diagnosis? Larn about paraneoplastic antibodies with MGCS and its renal, neurologic, and dermatologic manifestations! Sponsor: Freed is an AI scribe that listens and writes your note in < 30 seconds. Freed learns your style over time …
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Can older racists change their tune, or will they haunt us further once they're gone? Rich in mystery and life's lessons, God's Waiting Room: Racial Reckoning at Life's End (Rutgers University Press, 2024) considers what matters in the end for older white adults and the younger Black nurses who care for them. An innovation in creative nonfiction, C…
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Hjärnskador som sker innan hjärnan är färdigutvecklad kan ge upphov till cerebral pares, cp. Hos vissa med cp går det inte att upptäcka något med blotta ögat, andra kan ha behov av till exempel rullstol. Diagnosen innebär också kognitiv påverkan hos cirka hälften av de drabbade. Forskaren Kristina Tedroff har i många år arbetat med rehabilitering a…
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✨ Descubre el poder de tu respiración con Breathwork ✨ En este episodio te invito a explorar una de las herramientas más transformadoras que he probado y con mejores resultados en mi comunidad: Breathwork es una técnica de respiración profunda que va más allá de una simple meditación activa. 💡 ¿Por qué deberías practicar Breathwork? Aprende a ident…
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Imagine if your doctor could go on strike in the middle of a treatment. That’s the most popular argument against physicians’ unions, but there’s a lot more to the issue. Dr. Sydnee talks about the process of training doctors in the United States, why doctors would want to unionize, and what a doctors’ union might look like. Music: "Medicines" by Th…
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Dr. Joel Kahn is a practicing cardiologist and Clinical Professor of Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan. A graduate summa cum laude from the University of Michigan Medical School, he is widely known as "America’s Healthy Heart Doc." Dr. Kahn holds triple board certifications in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascul…
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Employers increasingly recognize the positive impact of mindfulness, but how can it be practiced in a busy health care setting? Join a conversation with Jennifer Salaverri, a licensed clinical social worker and mindfulness meditation teacher who leads the mindfulness strategy … Ep.10 How We Can Live and Work Mindfully: Strategies for Improving Pati…
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Welcome to the first YJBM Science News of the 2025, and welcome our new host, Roxanna Altus! Join us as we discuss the recent news in healthcare and science across the Yale community. Today, our hosts Mara and Roxanna will share some of the most intriguing topics of the past few weeks.Papers featured in the episode:…
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In this episode of The Performance Medicine Show, Dr. Rogers answers YOUR health and wellness questions! What did you think of this episode of the podcast? Let us know by leaving a review! Connect with Performance Medicine! Check out our new online vitamin store: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Join the next FREE 14 Day Manifestation Challenge starting Feb 7th ! Suzy Hardy is a certified stress management and anxiety coach. As the former co-host of the successful Food Heals Podcast, Suzy knows a thing or two about natural healing, wellness and mind body connection. After having overcome her own anxiety that sta…
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For many struggling with depression, the message they often hear from traditional care is "just live with it" or "there’s nothing more we can do." In today’s episode, we’re challenging that narrative. I’m joined by Dr. Achina Stein and Silvia Covelli, the founders of the Healing Depression Project. Dr. Stein, a functional psychiatrist, and Silvia, …
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Many don't associate emergency medicine with public health opportunities, but the emergency department is often the only access point for many in our society, especially those at higher risk. In this episode, we talk about the UK HCV screening and treatment program with Dr. Daniel Moore. Not only can this make a significant positive impact in your …
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¡Hola Buscador! 🔎Mensaje de los ángeles de la semanaSi disfrutaste el mensaje, comenta con un 😇, dale 💜 y comparte, así sabré que te gustó y que deseas más videos con mensajes...Si deseas profundizar en el mensaje, te comparto el enlace a mi blog, ahí tendrás herramientas para priorizarte sin sentir culpa, solo dale clic aquí: https://www.dianaoroz…
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We have a great show for you today which will provide all of the answers you have come to expect from The Word on Medicine. Today's show is all about Baby's First Year: medical experts discuss their perspectives on the common struggles and challenges that parents face during their baby’s first year of life. Topics include breastfeeding, complementa…
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Become a mini geriatrician in our new Geriatrics series! Geriatricize your knowledge of caring for older adults with unintentional weight loss! You’ll round out your history taking and weight gain plan by harnessing the age-friendly “5Ms”. We’re joined by Dr. Eva Szymanski (@eva_szy), expert geriatrician at Penn Medicine. Claim CME for this episode…
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Credits: 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ CME/CE Information and Claim Credit: Overview: Listen in as we discuss chronic sacroiliac (SI) dysfunction and the role of nonpharmacological therapies, including acupuncture, in managing back pain and improving function. Hear evidence…
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Colega médico, saiba o motivo de você ainda não está faturando 50 mil por mês no seu particular. Mentoria CVM : Entre para o canal do Telegram do CVM: Você também pode me encontrar: Instagram: / cvdamedicina Acesse todos os …
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Andreas Delaere behaalde zijn master in de kinesitherapieaan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Vervolgens specialiseerde hij zich in Manuele Therapie aan de Universiteit Gent. Momenteel runt hij zijn eigen kinesitherapiepraktijk in Merchtem (Praktijk Robust), waar hij een breed scala aan patiënten behandelt met een activerende aanpak, aangevuld …
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Join us as we uncover the captivating history behind Emperor’s Teapills, a timeless herbal formula steeped in ancient Chinese medicine and Buddhist legend. From celestial origins to its role in modern wellness, discover how this legendary remedy continues to bring balance and calm to our hectic lives. You can access the written article here: https:…
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In this podcast, Drs. Baraki and Feigenbaum review a mystery case where the patient presented with 3 days of progressively worsening left hip pain. He had a similar episode about a year ago that required surgery. Dr. Baraki walks through a differential diagnosis, considering potential causes like infection, crystal-induced arthritis, bleeding disor…
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En este episodio invité a una miembro de Relevante Espiritual, mi comunidad y grupo de estudio mensual. Cynthia tiene 8 meses siendo parte y en este tiempo ella ha avanzado muchísimo en su desarrollo personal gracias a que ha utilizado las herramientas adecuadas. Si tú ya te diste cuenta que quieres cambiar muchas cosas en tu vida: tu relación de p…
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In this PART 2 episode of Dive Into Diet, Nutrition Coach Lucas Schmidt talks about how to practice full range of motion safely and effectively in the gym. Check out our brand new online vitamin store: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ What did you think of this episode of the …
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Wilderi Sidney ( Fundando do Método CVM) e o Dr. Michel araújo (Mentor CVM) vão te mostrar as melhores estratégias práticas para você ter uma agenda de pacientes infinita. Entre para o canal do Telegram do CVM: Você também pode me encontrar: Instagram: @cvdamedicina Acesse todos os meus links:…
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