Send us a text On this very funny short Bonus Show, standup comic Mack Dryden shares his story about going to the'll never believe what happens...Hilarious! Look for Mack Dryden's "NEW" Dry Bar Comedy Special... Please Listen, Enjoy, and Share where you can...Thanks!! Support the show Standup Comedy Podcast Free APP on all Apple & Android phones....check it out, podcast, jokes, blogs, and More! For short-form standup comedy sets, listen to: "Comedy Appeteasers" , available on all platforms. New YouTube site: Videos of comics live on stage from back in the day. Please Write a Review: in-depth walk-through for leaving a review. Interested in Standup Comedy? Check out my books on Amazon... "20 Questions Answered about Being a Standup Comic" "Be a Standup Comic...or just look like one"…
Ob Lobbyismus, Ausbeutung oder Behördenwillkür: Der "Funkstreifzug" geht als investigative Recherchesendung von BR24 den Dingen auf den Grund, deckt Missstände in Politik und Gesellschaft auf, beschreibt Fehlentwicklungen und analysiert die Hintergründe. Jeden Mittwoch gibt es eine neue Folge.
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Zwei Köche quatschen über Essen & Trinken
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Mihin tämäkin liittyy, mitä tekemistä näillä on keskenään ja mitä sitten? Funktio on kerran kuukaudessa ilmestyvä ajankohtaispodcast, jossa puhutaan hämmentävistä, kiusallisista ja tulenaroistakin aiheista. Funktion funktio on lisätä ymmärrystä ja avointa keskustelua, ei olla oikeassa. Kohti kauhistusta ja sen yli! Juontajana Emilia Männynväli. Instagram: @emiliamannynvali Tunnarin lisenssikoodi: SL6EZ52ZNE1EOIKD
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The Archive of the Funky16Corners Radio Show
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Funka olika – podden om livet med funktionsnedsättning

Funka olika – podden om livet med funktionsnedsättning
Habilitering & Hälsa i Region Stockholm
I Funka olika möts gäster med egen diagnos, anhöriga och andra experter. Samtalen tar upp hur det är att leva med funktionsnedsättning ur olika vinklar och ger tips som kan underlätta tillvaron.
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Wir sind „Der Funke“, die Schülerzeitung des Gymnasiums Buckhorn. Alle zwei Wochen behandeln Schüler:innen unserer Schule die Themen, die uns alle betreffen.
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Es el programa referencia de la música funky, R&B y black sound de España, presentado por Jesús Sánchez.
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Was die Woche wichtig war – Der funk-Podcast

Was die Woche wichtig war – Der funk-Podcast
funk – von ARD und ZDF
Wir schauen auf die großen Themen der Woche und sprechen jeweils mit Expert:innen aus dem funk Netzwerk und darüber hinaus. Gemeinsam ordnen wir die wichtigsten Nachrichten für euch ein und sprechen darüber, was uns diese Woche sonst noch bewegt hat. Jede Woche neue Perspektiven.
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A fancast for fans of the Funkyverse Podcast!...By which I mean, in true Word Funk fashion, we discuss current events, answer questions, and maybe the Funky Trio are mentioned from time to time.
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This podcast aims to bring to you some old tunes and some you may not have heard. Keep listening and let your mind soak up the music!
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An actual-play podcast about goblins, anarchists, lesbians, and lesbian goblin anarchists. It will make you both laugh and cry. Every season is a self-contained story, so start with the latest campaign!
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Die FunkoLive Tech-News sind ein wöchentlicher Radiobeitrag bzw. Podcast, welcher Technik-Nachrichten aus aller Welt in 1,5 Minuten prägnant und interessant auf den Punkt bringt. Seit März 2019 sind diese bei Radio Hashtag+ variierend ab 19 Uhr im Abendprogramm zu hören. Der Sender bewirbt diese als "Felix Tech-News: Das geht ab im Digital-Business".
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Been here 'n there so was my music. Genres are a failure and the only real thing is the Red Wing ;)..VY2K.
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Smooth Groovers PRS and PPL Licensed Jazz Funk Soul and Smooth Jazz Podcast

Smooth Groovers PRS and PPL Licensed Jazz Funk Soul and Smooth Jazz Podcast
Dr Groove Master Move Prof Smooth
Licensed Jazz Funk Soul and Smooth Jazz Music, discussion and memories with a backdrop of smooth grooves of the past and current. Licensed by the PRS-Performing Rights Society and PPL.
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Hver måned intervjuer Morten en ny person med en funksjonsnedsettelse, for hvordan er det egentlig å leve med en funksjonsnedsettelse i Norge? Laget i samarbeid med Mio BPA!
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ArtScene, with Erika Funke as the host/producer, is a daily short program which brings attention to the area's arts and cultural events. Join her weekdays at Noon for interviews, reviews and commentaries on films, books, jazz, and classical music. Let Erika's ArtScene help you plan your weekend!
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VerkehrsRundschau Funk ist der Podcast für Spedition, Transport und Logistik. Jeden Donnerstag erscheint eine neue Episode mit Gästen aus der Branche oder Gesprächspartnern aus der VerkehrsRundschau-Redaktion.
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Da Real Kicking Funksters est une émission de Radio Campus Orléans 88.3 FM. Retrouvez toutes les informations autour de ce programme à l'adresse suivante :
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Flutlicht Funk - Der Fußball Podcast

Flutlicht Funk - Der Fußball Podcast
Yannick, Jonas und Tobi
Wir reden über alle Themen die uns der Fußball bietet und legen dabei besonderes Augenmerk auf unsere Lieblingsvereine: Dortmund, Bayern und den HSV!
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Die Redaktion von ComputerBase diskutiert im CB-Funk ganz ohne Gebrüll aktuelle Themen und gewährt Einblicke hinter die Kulissen: Warum hat die Redaktion wie berichtet oder getestet, was steht an, oder wo klemmt es? Wer sich schon immer gefragt hat, wie es in den Köpfen hinter ComputerBase tickt, ist hier genau richtig. Feedback, Vorschläge und Wünsche zum Podcast sind jederzeit gerne gesehen.
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Det finns mängder av föräldrarpoddar där ute, men kanske ändå inte? Det här är en pod, som inte utgår från någon empirisk forskning och som inte är särskilt faktabaserad, utan den utgår från känslor, svårigheter, utmaningar och roligheter med att vara förälder till barn med olika typer av funktionsvariationer. Vardagen för tre vanliga morsor, med ett gäng lite annorlunda och fantastiska barn! Välkomna till Funkismorsorna! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Magazine sobre emprendedores, empresas, negocios, tecnología y cultura digital. Conducen Carina Martinez, Viviana Lupi y Leandro Africano.Una vuelta a casa con onda, noticias y buena música!
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Welcome to Safe Parenting with Funkyfing, the podcast for parents navigating the challenges of raising kids in a connected world and the landscape of South Africa. Join host Samantha, founder of Funkyfing, as she dives into digital safety, parenting strategies, and expert insights to help you keep your children secure—both online and in real life. Stay tuned for practical tips, real conversations, and the latest trends shaping modern parenting. Join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.c ...
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Tillfälligt ur funktion - Jane med vänner

Tillfälligt ur funktion - Jane med vänner
Jane Jonasson
Det här är podden som ger en röst åt dem som annars inte blir hörda. Genom ärliga och ofiltrerade samtal pratar vi om det som skaver – ofrivillig barnlöshet, mobbning, sorg, sökandet efter kärlek och livet precis som det är. Här möts historier som berör, frågor som får oss att tänka om och samtal som vågar gå på djupet. Lyssna och bli en del av något som kan göra skillnad – på riktigt.
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A podcast based on the 7” single in my record collection, each episode I choose seven 7”s and arrange them into a genre or theme, then I talk about the history of the songs and musicians
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TRUTH IN RHYTHM and Where’d You Get Your Funk From?

TRUTH IN RHYTHM and Where’d You Get Your Funk From?
Scott Goldfine
TRUTH IN RHYTHM features deep interviews with masters of funk, jazz, soul & hip hop. Where’d You Get Your Funk From? is a forum for all things funky and creative, featuring fascinating interviews.
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The Funky, Funky But Chic with SIR WALL (FFBC) Podcast explores human nature and authenticity, fostering honest conversations to help listeners connect with their true selves and live in alignment with their highest good.
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Mister Jones Presents Release Your Inner Funk

Mister Jones Presents Release Your Inner Funk
Mister Jones
Release Your Inner Funk is a weekly radio show brought to you by Mister Jones and the Funk My Life residents. Each week you can expect to hear everything and anything House from right back in the day to tracks not released yet. Since the show started it has aired some global DJ/Producers as guest such as Superlover, Kevin Mckay, Michael Gray, Dr Packer, Victor Simonelli, Mark Lower and Graeme Park to name a few it is not just about high profile DJ/Producers Release Your Inner Funk also bring ...
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Holistic Health | Real Food Nutrition | Functional Medicine | Mind-Body Honest and eye-opening conversations with functional nutritionist Erin Holt. Erin shares insight into hot topic nutrition, plus interviews with thought leaders in the functional medicine and wellness world. Get informed and empowered with this funky spin on mainstream health information.
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Broadcasting since 1980, BACK TO FUNK is Australias longest running funk music radio show. Not only has the show been a long-time fixture on Sydneys airwaves, but over the years fans have also been treated to rare interviews with funk heavyweights such as George Clinton, Kool Bell (Kool & the Gang), Charlie Wilson (Gap Band), Fred Wesley and members of James Brown's Band, Todd Terje, Mr Scruff, Jamie Liddell, and Lance Ferguson from The Bamboos. The show is currently hosted by DJ MEEM, a cel ...
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Bringing you the best in Disco, Funky and Soulful House from the past, present and future!
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Tackling the world's problems to a dope beat.
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Vi cyklar 80 mil för fler och bättre LSS-boenden. Längst vägen intervjuar vi personer som tycker, tänker och bestämmer i frågan. Följ vår podcast här!
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Dalle origini del Soul passando al Funk fino alla Disco degli anni 80. La storia della musica senza tempo raccontata dalla voce di 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨.
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Kolya Funk (Коля Фанк) - Популярный Российский DJ из Санкт-Петербурга. Герой светских тусовок и неутомимый хитмейкер, чьи ремиксы играют на многих коммерческих танцполах и радиостанциях мира. Гость многих лучших клубов России, СНГ и Европы. Основатель и владелец клубного бренда «Russian House Band». Победитель всевозможных музыкальных чартов и рейтингов. Организация выступлений и сотрудничество: +7 (919) 500-00-70
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Funko news, reviews, rumors and more.
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Podcast by Florian Junk
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Podcast by Funkibator förening
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Koal Bee's "Jazz, Funk, & Soul Show" Podcast

Koal Bee's "Jazz, Funk, & Soul Show" Podcast
Koal Bee (
Sneakers 54 was established in 1976 when a group of friends got together after deciding they had to do something about the lack of good West end clubs that played Jazz,Funk & Soul music. They found that in order to gain entry into clubs they would need to dress in suits, pay extortionate entrance fees, and then have to listen to pop music for hours until the DJ decided to play the odd Soul or Jazz tune at the end of the night. Their next move was to hire venues in the West End and hold their ...
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Was die Woche wichtig war – Der funk-Podcast

Special: Sind wir alle zu hässlich?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
51:39Was sind die Schattenseiten der Beauty-Branche?Interview mit Leon @xskincare (02:57)-Was macht der Beauty-Wahn mit unserer Psyche?Interview mit Christian Strobel, Psychologe und Psychotherapeut (29:43)-Wenn du oder jemand in deinem Umfeld Hilfe braucht, gibt es z.B diese Hilfsangebote:Telefonseelsorge (Telefon: 0800 111 0 111 & 0800 111 0 222)Numme…
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Es el programa referencia de la música funky, R&B y black sound de España, presentado por Jesús Sánchez.
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Feel the positive vibes!Oleh DJ ZEMINE
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Kolya Funk - Exclusive Mix (March 2025)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
57:47Kolya Funk - Exclusive Mix (March 2025)Треклист эксклюзивно в моем Telegram канале Funk:VK: PromoDJ
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Flutlicht Funk - Der Fußball Podcast

Die bayrische Vertragsjagd | Rückblick 24. Spieltag
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:14:03Bayern, Dortmund, Hamburg sind wie gewohnt am Start. Dazu noch das Topspiel zwischen Frankfurt und Leverkusen und das ganze ohne Tobi.
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Shack Funk

Shack Funk 278 - Our Rankings Are Right
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:33:24Topics include the MCU/Captain America Brave New World, Magic the Gathering announcements, Runescape, RRR, the Mario MovieOleh jadethethief
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Smooth Groovers PRS and PPL Licensed Jazz Funk Soul and Smooth Jazz Podcast

Smooth Groovers Licensed Podcast Season 17 - Beyond the Groove Series Ep247
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:54:30Licensed Episode BTGSeriesEp247 - In-between the regular shows featuring the Radio Issue.Oleh Dr Groove
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Dice Funk - D&D Comedy

Dice Funk S12: Part 06 - Tasteful Seto Kaiba
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:39:37In order to uphold the GLADYS Accords, the siblings must infiltrate the lair of Enobarbus the beryl dragon. DiCaprio Devereaux repairs an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. Doc Hop finds an ancient card deck with no synergy. Rex Maximus botches again and again and again. STARRING - Austin Yorski:…
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Mixes: Funk

DJ Yuriy Goryachiy Funkadelic Mix
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:04:04Просто легкая и приятная музыка для отдыха: в этом миксе собраны ремиксы и оригиналы на топовые фанк треки всех времён. Надеюсь, что вам понравится.Oleh DJ Yuriy Goryachiy
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CB-Funk - der ComputerBase-Podcast

#107 Das sind AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT und 9070!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
26:31mit Fabian und Jan RDNA 4 ab 549 USD: Das sind AMD Radeon RX 9070 XT & 9070 mit RDNA 4 & FSR 4 ComputerBase GmbH
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TRUTH IN RHYTHM and Where’d You Get Your Funk From?

On THE ONE . . . and Done! - Housequake (Prince)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
10:27Welcome to On THE ONE . . . and Done! This is the new show that celebrates the greatest funk songs ever created. Please be sure to like, comment and share the show, and set your alert notifications so as to never miss a video. Thank you very much for your interest and support! Featured in OTOAD Episode 4: “Housequake” (1987) by Prince. Your tour gu…
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VerkehrsRundschau Funk

#287 – Wie es nach der Wahl weitergeht
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
15:01zu Gast: Stefanie Schuhmacher (Redaktion VerkehrsRundschau Online) Alle Statements zur Bundestagswahl lesen Sie hier [] /// [] ///[] /// Redaktioneller Sound Effect by Oleg Fedak from Pixabay…
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Written by: MeemOleh Meem
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Podcasts: Liquid funk

CELSIUS PODCAST #92 - Mixed by Nelver (+ special guest mix by Natus) #92
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:25:2025 февраля 2025 года, в свет вышла девяносто вторая часть эксклюзивного подкаста, записанная российским музыкантом (создателем данного проекта) - Женей Nelver, при содействии нидерландского лейбла Celsius Recordings. Проект носит название Celsius Podcast. Микс в очередной раз вобрал в себя свежий и эксклюзивный материал лейблов Celsius Recordings и…
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K-F-307 Die neue Urne für die Küche
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:44:00Kommentar ElkeMein Move für Spitzkohl ist Crispy Chilli Öl, 1 TL erhitzen dann nen Haufen geschnittener Spitzkohl rein, fertig, wenn man mag Tomaten oder Frühlingszwiebeln dazu. 1 Tl Crispy Chilli Öl hat 50 Kalorien, ist also voll im Rahmen.Martin mariniert Rosenkohl mit Chilaui fermentiert Sauce und packt es in den Airfryer - https://yasincereza.c…
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Mister Jones Presents Release Your Inner Funk

Mister Jones - Release Your Inner Funk Feb 2025
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:00:00Audiowhores - She's Gone Dance On Hatiras & Angelo Ferreri - Way People Hatiras, Vincent Caira, Jason Hodges - In That Groove (Jason Hodges Remix) Jay Vegas - Don't Want It (Original Mix) NUMA A TFIVE, Loujak - Our Power (Loujak Remix) Da Funk Junkies, DiscoGalactiX - Holding On (Full Vocal Mix) Mirko & Meex - Lady (Extended Mix) Saison - Keep Sear…
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Koal Bee's "Jazz, Funk, & Soul Show" Podcast

Episode 210: Koal Bee 494 -Sneakers54 Collection (18-02-25) Sneakers_Soul & Latin Flavas
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
2:09:40Koal Bee 494 -Sneakers54 Collection (18-02-25) Sneakers_Soul & Latin Flavas. This week we mix it up big style by switching genres throughout the show ...hope you enjoy it ! Check out our Youtube site too ... Sneakers tee shirts available from the following site : Follow …
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Funktion of Funk

Marwan - Yalla Neghani (Radio Edit)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:42Have a listen inshaA Allah..) Lyrics:يلَّا نغني نفرح و نهني و نعيش الدنيا بدون تمنييلا نحب نطلع و نقب و نسيب الحزن و نقزقز لبهيَ الدنيا كده علي طول يوم اسكالوب و اتنين فولو الواحد منَّا باله مشغول انما قلبه مش مقفوليلَّا نغني نفرح و نهني و نعيش الدنيا بدون تمنييلا نحب نطلع و نقب و نسيب الحزن و نقزقز لبهيَ الدنيا كده علي طول يوم اسكالوب و اتنين فولو…
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