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Podcast a blog společnosti se zaměřuje na předávání zkušeností s investicemi do nemovitostí. Témata jsou dražby, exekuce, insolvence, hlídání nemovitostí a insolvencí, práce s katastrem nemovitostí.
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Adoramos el Balón

Palabra de Gol

Adoramos el balón en este podcast. Hablamos de fútbol (sudamericano casi siempre) de forma irónica, cómica y dura, pero justa ;) También estamos en YouTube, búscanos como Palabra de Gol
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Tabernáculo de Adoración

Tabernáculo de Adoración

En Santiago de Chile desde diciembre de 1974 hasta hoy estamos parado sobre el sólido fundamento de la SUBLIME GRACIA, y en palabras del Profeta de Dios nuestro Hno. William Branham, podemos decir que: “FUE GRACIA LA QUE ME TRAJO SALVO HASTA AQUÍ, Y ESTOY CONFIANDO QUE GRACIA ME LLEVARÁ AL HOGAR” "No somos una denominación. No tenemos ley sino el amor, ningún credo sino a Cristo, ningún libro sino la Biblia. No tenemos miembros; solo compañerismo a través de la Sangre de Jesucristo que nos l ...
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Sasha, Peter and Evan are your guides to the royalty-free world of Shakespeare and the copyrighted world of the Muppets. Each episode they and their guests cast two of the greatest works of drama with some of the silliest guys ever to be made out of felt. It’s time to meet the Muppets at Shakespeare’s globe tonight! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Povești cu cântec pentru adormit adulți. Personajele sînt locuitorii din Micronezia, o micro pădure, unde totul este de dimensiuni mult mai mici. Micro-omuleți cam de 2-5 centimetri înălțime trăiesc în pace și armonie cu alte micro-animălațe, merg împreună la școală, la tavernă, la spectacole, participă în aventuri și călătorii. PERSONAJE PRINCIPALE: Prun: jurnalist la Gazeta din Pădure, profesor, omuleț de știință. Pruny: partenera lui Prun, secretară la Primărie, nutriționistă, șefă. Primă ...
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Using the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology content outline for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry board exam, starting with the most high yield, Dr. O'Leary has created this podcast for anyone interested in CAPS and also to help him study for the boards. Enjoy! Let Dr. O'Leary know what you think by going to and filling out the form there.
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Listen to The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health

With a strong clinical focus, The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health will be an independent journal with an international perspective. The monthly journal will present the most influential and innovative practice-changing original research, as well as authoritative reviews and insightful opinion pieces to promote the health of the whole child, from the fetal period through to young adulthood.
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Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH)

The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health

These podcasts are an invaluable resource for anyone interested in child and adolescent mental health. They bridges the gap between rigorous research and practical application, featuring expert discussions on mental health. Each episode highlights cutting-edge studies offering insights into findings, and implications for practice. The series caters to clinicians, researchers, and those interested in mental health. Available on major platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, it’s an accessib ...
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AdorableEnglish的主讲人Doreen 认为学习英语不是一个suffering的过程,更不能一蹴而就,要循序渐进,慢慢让英语 “招人喜欢”。Doreen 会帮你把英语和日常生活,文化相关层面联系起来,让你学习的不止是干枯的英语,而是它作为一门有活力的语言,带给你的实用与灵动。
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Adorefem is an Indian pharmaceutical industry pioneer with ISO certification, committed to enhancing lives through superior gynecological products. Our top concern is your wellness.
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You may know something of the Adolf Hitler story. But there’s a decent chance you don’t know the half of it. This is a deep dive into the life of the German führer. The Hitler story all the way from cradle to grave. As featured on Real Dictators. Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Narrated by Paul McGann with contributions from expert historians. For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started w ...
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Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Each month JAACAP highlights a selected article found within the pages of the Journal by providing a podcast interview with the author. Tune in regularly to this feature of JAACAP, where we strive for a relaxed 'fireside chat' atmosphere in which authors can share aspects of their science that we are less often privy to. Podcasts are typically 15 to 20 minutes in length.
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Hosts Jenny and Meff gay scream about every episode of your favorite wholesomely gay all-ages animation, She-ra and the Princesses of Power. Fun segments! Awesome guests! Sweet playlists! (But mostly gay screaming!) Find more info at and on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok @heyadoracast.
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Editors at The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy. A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from the effects of climate change to gender equity in young people’s sexual and reproductive health rights, violence against children to allergies, and more.
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Adom (Grace)

Vera Adom Bio

I am a strong, forceful, virtuous woman, and a teacher who seeks to better the lives of children through knowledge impartation. I am equally passionate about adults and their well-being. Let's get talking on facebook :Vera Adom Bio... Twitter : @VeraAdom Instagram :adomakosua Skype : adombio I talk about everything, everything I mean.
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show series
The Scholars do their annual tradition of predicting the WrestleMania card, which forces them to figure out tonight’s Elimination Chamber PLE. The Scholars start things off by talking through Elimination Chamber, the number of matches on the card, what the card order will be, how long will the segment over Cody’s Soul be, and what is going on with …
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On this inaugural episode of Much Ado About Muppets, Sasha guides Peter and Evan through their muppet-filled, but controversial take on A Midsummer Night's Dream. But first guests Lauren Grace Thompson and Ian Geers delight us with "King Bear" a muppet re-casting of King Lear. Follow us on Instagram! - Lauren Grace Thompson and Ian Geers are the (a…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 7, 1-6 00:00 Rm 7, 1- 6 | Meditação da Palavra 26:15 Louvor | Decisão - Ir Bakhita (Diácono Eduardo Henrique)…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 6, 15-23.00:00 Louvor | Grande Pai - Diácono Eduardo Henrique 03:23 Rm 6, 15-23 | Meditação da Palavra…
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Watch the video here In this episode, Inside the Teen Brain: A Second Chance, Professor Rosie Meek explores the role of risk-taking, peer influence, and emotional regulation in adolescence, particularly among young people in the criminal justice system. She discusses how participation in structured sports programmes can provide a positive outlet fo…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração---📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 6, 1 - 14.00:00 Louvor | Grandiosa Luz - Ir. Bakhita05:00 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique07:20 Rm 6, 1 - 14 | Meditação da Palavra 12…
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JAACAP March 2025: Contributing Editor Dr. Shinnyi Chou interviews Dr. Alessio Bellato on a review of 93 systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials examining non-medication sleep interventions for children and adolescents.Oleh Various
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What are the neural mechanisms of food choice among adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN)? Is there a link between brain and behaviour among adolescents with AN? Do reward systems play a role early on in illness? All this and more answered as Dr. Clara Faria interviews Dr. Caitlin Lloyd about her research into food choice and neural reward systems…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 5, 12-21. 00:00 Louvor | Então Fala - Ir Bakhita (Mayara Gonçalves) 02:34 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique 06:37 Rm 5, 12- 21 | Meditaçã…
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¿Cuáles son las camisetas más geniales y fatales de esta fase previa 2 de la Copa Libertadores 2025? Viene la Fase Nacional de la Copa Sudamericana 2025 ¿Cuáles son los partidos más atractivos? Se aproxima la doble fecha eliminatoria rumbo al Mundial United 2026 ¿Cuál es la selección más cara en términos calidad precio?…
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The previous entry of this series discussed the Breviarium Romanum of 1568 and the Missale Romanum of 1570. These new editions were only the first steps towards an unprecedented standardization of the Latin liturgical tradition. In 1588, as part of his reform of the papal curia, Pope Sixtus V created the Sacred Congregation of Rites, which was to e…
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Let me know what you think! - Enjoy today’s A.I. generated discussion of ADHD etiology, epidemiology, and diagnosis. Referenced resources can be found within the show transcripts at Referenced resources can be found within the show transcripts at Feedback can be emailed to …
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What is ARFID? Are there structural differences in the brains of children with ARFID symptoms? Does autism and ARFID share neuroanatomical similarities? All this and more answered as Dr. Clara Faria interviews Dr. Michelle Sader about her research into brain differences in children who show symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARF…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 5, 1-11.00:00 Louvor | Bondade de Deus - Isaías Saad 05:40 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique07:28 Rm 5, 1- 11| Meditação da Palavra 31:30 …
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Let me know what you think! - Dr. O'Leary tries something new by feeding an artificial intelligence a series of peer reviewed papers about autism spectrum disorder and having it generate an audio discussion of the content. This episode focusses on the differential diagnosis of ASD and how to rule out other neurodevelopmental disorders and even OCD …
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 4, 13-25 00:00 Louvor | Tua Ovelha - Mayara Gonçalves 04:03 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique 05:50 Rm 4, 13-25 | Meditação 30:18 Louvor …
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 4, 1-13 00:00 Rm 4, 1-13 | Meditação da Palavra 20:53 Louvor | Descobertas - Ministério Em Adoração…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração---📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 3, 21-3100:00 Louvor | Socorro do Céu - Mayara Gonçalves06:40 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique10:40 Rm 3, 21 - 31 | Meditação da Palav…
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Deborah Fry from Childlight – Global Child Safety Institute talks with Amy Slogrove about the first global prevalence study of Online Childhood Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. Read the full article here: Content warning: Th…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | EM ADORAÇÃO 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 3, 1-19 00:00 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique 01:02 Rm 3, 1-19 | Meditação da Palavra 22:47 Louvor | Te Sinto - Diácono Eduardo Henrique e Mayara Gonçalves…
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Deborah Fry from Childlight – Global Child Safety Institute talks with Amy Slogrove about the first global prevalence study of Online Childhood Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. Content warning: This conversation is about child sexual abuse. Please consider your own emotional and psychological safety and do whatever you feel is needed to safeguard you…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13672 In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Alex Lloyd and Romana Saleh discuss their co-authored JCPP Advances Methodological Review ‘No decision about me, without me: Collaborating with young people in mental health research’. There is an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice. Learning Objective…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | EM ADORAÇÃO📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 2, 17- 29.00:00 Louvor | Te Adoro - Ministério Em Adoração 02:20 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique04:00 Rm 2, 17- 29 | Meditação da Palavra 23:01 Louvor | Cora…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Moderador da Comunidade Católica Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Comunidade Católica Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 2, 1-16 00:00 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique 01:40 Rm 2, 1-16 | Meditação da Palavra 31:55 Louvor | Oleiro da minha vida - Ministério Em A…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Moderador da Comunidade Católica Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Comunidade Católica Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 1, 24-32 00:00 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique 00:45 Louvor | Caminhos - Em Adoração 05:03 Introdução 2 | Diácono Eduardo Henrique 06:11 Rm…
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Irmão Basílio, Servo Consagrado do Instituto Oblatos Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00m | Comunidade Católica Em Adoração---📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos Mc 7, 14-23 00:00 Louvor | Uma Coisa - Colo de Deus05:00 Introdução | Irmão Basílio07:00 Mc 7, 14-23 | Meditação da palavra27:30 Louvor | Canção da …
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Perú confirmó a su nuevo técnico para cerrar las eliminatorias rumbo al Mundial 2026 ¿A qué juega Perú? ¿Qué tanto respaldo hay con cada uno de los técnicos de la eliminatoria Conmebol rumbo al Mundial 2026? Con la tensión generada por Donald Trump contra Canadá y México ¿Está en riesgo la realización del Mundial Norteamérica 2026?…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Moderador da Comunidade Católica Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Comunidade Católica Em Adoração📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 1,16-26. 00:00 Louvor | 04:04 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique04:52 Rm 1, 16-26 | Meditação da Palavra 36:23 Louvor | Tu és + Águas purificad…
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Dr. Jane Gilmour talks to Dr. Dominique Thompson An important part of growing up is taking risks... but are our youngest generation still taking enough risks, or the right kind of risks? Are they in fact 'Generation Sensible', or is this a misunderstanding? How can we support them to take good risks whilst supporting their mental health? We cover a…
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📌 Digitální dvojčata nemovitostí – revoluce ve správě majetku! 🏢💡 V rozhovoru s Ladislavem Čapkem ze společnosti Intellmaps nahlídneme do světa digitálních dvojčat. Jak vám může 3D skenování a laserové mapování pomoci spravovat nemovitosti, plánovat rekonstrukce nebo optimalizovat náklady? 🔍📊 Zjistíte, proč se digitální modely budov stávají novým s…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Moderador da Comunidade Católica Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Comunidade Católica Em Adoração📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 1, 1-15.00:00 Introdução - Diácono Eduardo Henrique 03:42 Louvor | Tudo que eu vivi- Vocal Livre09:12 Rm 1, 1-15 | Meditação da Palavra 31:27 Louv…
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DOI: 10.13056/acamh.13671 In this Papers Podcast, Dr. Lena Keuppens discusses her co-authored JCPP Advances Research Review ‘Sleep parameters and problems in adolescents with and without ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis’. There is an overview of the paper, methodology, key findings, and implications for practice. This paper was the recip…
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Dios les bendiga amados hermanos, sean cordialmente bienvenidos a nuestro Servicio Especial Dominical."Rasgad vuestro corazón, y no vuestros vestidos, y convertíos a Jehová vuestro Dios; porque misericordioso es y clemente, tardo para la ira y grande en misericordia, y que se duele del castigo."📖Joel 2:13📕Predicación: Pastor Febronio Rodrigues Serv…
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Panduan Rujukan Pantas

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