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TOF #99f Gargara and Cuggy Groccoli - Rich is back with a brand new, seductive co-host and a lot of talk about licking things that you really don't want to be licking. Ally is back to talk about whether he will be the new James Bond, if a woman can be Jesus, whether Neighbours will ever end and the imminent collision between our galaxy and another …
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Who's that time-traveller running across the glass roof of the British Museum, being pursued by his own past self (probably)? FIND OUT in Young Howard's thrilling screenplay: TIME JUMP!Get all six episodes now at episodes: British Comedy Guide
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Chapter 183, Banana Ftone: It's around about 10am on 12th February and a Soleroless Richard Herring feels he is going mad. Can you see which stone in the picture he thinks resembles a banana? I bet you get it wrong. Anyway it's a quick jaunt round the Stocean, made even quicker by the removal of a 5 minute conversation with a member of the Stone St…
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Episode 99e - Have You See A Fruit Fan? Twitch of Fun is back but it's just a quick one this week, so not worthy of being Episode 100. But Rich and friends are going full out to be placed in the dustbin of Light Entertainment. Egg Wallace has a new ovoid pal and Marvin the Monkey tries out for main presenter. The team cover Israel/Palestine, Solero…
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Stone Clearing Chapter 182 - Fane January Hare. It's 9.20am on January 30th 2025 and Rich and Wolife had returned to their old manor to clear stones or bring them back on the field, depending on which one you're talking about. The Stocean has a moft unufual fifh fwimming in it and there are warnings about licking stones, but otherwise this one is m…
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Episode 99d - Seig Heil. Another Friday afternoon catch up - not an official or canonical episode in which Rich attempts to remember what some of his characters do, as well as discussing the Musky arm movement, why Putin was in such a rush, if Obama has got himself a Rachel, how fast Craig David Iikes to move things along, whether Elizabeth I was a…
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Frame 184 - Broken Glass. It's an unprecedented morning frame of Me1 vs Me 2 snooker with the action starting before midday, surely putting night owl Me2 at a disadvantage. And there's controversy and possible actionable sexual harassment from the start, but that's what you get when Trump is in charge (Donald, not Judd). Another crucial frame in th…
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Twitch of Fun Episode 99c - Imagine. It's Friday, it's 3pm and the computer's back but the tech has screws up. But it's all sorted in 3 minutes flat for a non-canon and non-cannon episode of your favourite afternoon topical news show with a washed up TV celebrity and a 133 year old ventriloquist dummy that also includes a hippopotamus that is obses…
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Chapter 181 - Fponfered By Tafkmafter? - It's 8.50am on 17th January 2025 and the old team if back together, though one of them has had an accident in the car (no fpoilers). There's enough proof of the existence of the Ftone Gods to the most hard-hearted, tranfphobic atheift or idiot who believes in any other religion. There'f fome fly work from th…
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Chapter 180: Forry, Not Forry, Luton, you Fcum. It's 8.06am on 10th January [y]2025[/y] and the new year brings a welcome return of and to the podcast. Look who is here. It's ice cold out there on the frozen vulva of the Ftocean, but ftones must still be cleared. The FF have returned in force and it looks like this might be the end for our hero (pr…
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Twitch of Fun - Episode 99b - Gare Godkin. Due to computer malfunctions this is the first Twitch Of Fun ever to be released without any kind of audience, leaving us in an uncanny valley which is both weird and revealing, freeing and constricting, hilarious and tragic. There's a new co-host, due to popular demand and Rich and one puppet or another c…
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Frame 183 - Afternoon Delight. Self-playing snooker moves into the prime time just after 5pm on a Tuesday slot, where the football scores are crazy and Rich only has 25 minutes to wrap up before he has to look after his own children. The players are getting to grips with the new board and the fact the room it's in is only slightly bigger than the b…
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Twitch of Fun Christmas Eve Eve Special - Hawk Tuah - It's 23rd December 2024 and what better date for a Christmas Eve Eve Special of the show that no one has really been calling to come back? And it's an absolute spitshow full of technical difficulties, dropped props and a host with little to no memory of what the show involves. Ally and Herring c…
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Chapter 179 - Rabbit Ftone. It's the morning of the 16th December 2024 and a clearly befuddled and confused Herring is doing another stone clear directly after a tough personal training session and seems to lose all sense of what is right and wrong and claims to be committing acts of groff indecency. But some lovely songs and a sense of danger as h…
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Who's that time-traveller running across the glass roof of the British Museum, being pursued by his own past self (probably)? FIND OUT in Young Howard's thrilling screenplay: TIME JUMP! Get all six episodes now at episodes: British Comedy Guide
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Chapter 178 - Ftone Pigeon. It's just after midday on the 5th December 2024 and an exhausted and financially burdened Richard Herring tries to escape the real world by building castles in the sky or walls in the bushes. Nothing of interest or worth happens for the next 25 minutes, but you know you have to liften just in case. And in truth there are…
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Frame 182 - Chopping Board. The Mes are back and struggling to fit in (literally) to their new restrictive arena, but will one of them get the hang of it before the other and strike to victory? Rich is desperate to sell bits of the old board in the hope of covering the costs of getting it sliced up and mounted. There's a lot of football scores. But…
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Chapter One Feven Feven - Fexifm. It's just gone midday on 21st November 2024 and a toned Richard Herring, straight from a perfonal training feffion, is out clearing stones from the melting frozen vulva of the soil. Desperate for new listeners to replace the ones who have died from boredom he tries to emulate Peter Kay, Bernard Manning and Ricky Ge…
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Chapter 176 - Ye Ten Commandmentf. It's the morning of the 15th November 2024 and Richard has returned to the Stocean, but there's someone missing. And there's loads of blinking stones. Madrigals and commandments proliferate and there's a break down in the recording but you don't miss much. Plus should we judge people by their crimes or their stone…
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Frame 181 - No Sound. Me1 and Me2 are back in a new arena, with a new board and a very shoddy affair all round. If you're listening to the audio there's a good 5 to 10 minutes with no sound as Rich didn't turn on his mics, but we're leaving that in so you can enjoy it. If you're watching in video it's just as confusing. The referee loses track of w…
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We watched the final Indiana Jones movie (if you don't count those two that came after it) - and now we're going to recount the plot in detail. This episode contains spoilers for every single thing that happens in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade. Get loads more exclusive episodes right now by joining the gang at episo…
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Chapter 175 - Ftanding on ye Fhoulderf of Nerdf. It's 8.05am on the 26th September and tomorrow Richard moves a good 5 miles away from the Stocean, a distance that might mean he can never return here again. Will he clear all the stones today? Well with a little help from the Gods, who knows? Has the six plus years out on the field made any differen…
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We watched the final Indiana Jones movie (if you don't count those two that came after it) - and now we're going to recount the plot in detail. This episode contains spoilers for every single thing that happens in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade. Get all of this story now by joining the gang for just $2 at episodes:ht…
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Chapter 174 - Ozymandiuf (Part II). It's 2.08pm on 21st September 2024 and a worried Richard Herring is out trying to get this job done before he moves in six days. It's not looking that good. The Stone Stasi, depleted by Covid, send a couple of kids out to do an adult's job, but they are no match for Richard Herring. Is it better to leave a couple…
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Chapter 173 - Ftone Phalluf. It's 7.20am on 18th September 2024 and Richard is out on what might be his penultimate podcast (surely he will make the five mile trip to carry on in the unlikely event that he doesn't finish the job by the end of next week). Today we look at the problem of soil coloured stones and stone like soil clumps, the irresistib…
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Chapter 172 - Fticky Fingerf. It's 5.36pm on 10th September 2024 - don't worry, you haven't missed 9/11 - It's a grey and rainy autumn day, but we know all about feafons after so many years of trudging these ftone encrufted paths. There's a deadline to clear the Stocean now - the last Friday of the month, but Rich seems to think he can finish the j…
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Chapter 171: Parabola? Parabola?! It's about 9.20am on 30th August 2024 and Richard hasn't moved yet, so stone clearing can still go on. The Stocean is turning from brown to green and Richard has strict rules about removing soil and the perfect kick technique to share with you. Should he clear the field metre by metre? What does he say to the Stone…
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Chapter 170 - Balloonf and Ballf. It's 9:08am on the 19th August 2024 and the early morning is warm, the kind of conditions where a stone clearer could pass out and go missing for weeks. But the good news is that full Ftone Chriftmaf has finally arrived and the stones are there for the taking. So for the first time in a long time, the Charley Boorm…
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Chapter 169 - Ftone Potatoef. It's nearly 6pm on 14th August 2024 and the Stone Clearing podcast is not coming to an end as quickly as Richard thought. There's at least a month to go, which is lucky, because it's Ftone Chriftmaf, waffocks! At last, after months of puny stones we have something to get our teeth into, which is tempting as some of the…
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This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several stories we've previously released, especially Jack's Turkeys.)Get all three episodes of this story now by joining the gang for just $2 at episodes:https://www.c…
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Chapter 168 - A Puff of Fmoke. It's nearly 6pm on the 30th July 2024 and we've learned by now with stone clearing to expect the unexpected, but no one could have expected the unexpected thing that happens today. Which is why you need 168 lessons on how to clear stones, because of all the unexpected stuff that can happen. Where did the unexpected th…
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This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several stories we've previously released, especially Jack's Turkeys.)Get all three episodes of this story now by joining the gang for just $2 at episodes:…
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Chapter 167 - Fkidmarkf. It feels like only yesterday we last did this, because it is. It's just before 6pm on 22nd July 2024 and there's big news out on the Stocean. Fadly you miffed ye joyriderf, but even more exciting, ye crop fhe if gone. Richard wifhed it and fo it muft be fhall. Will throes of all the rape plants mean that the stones are fina…
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Chapter One Fix Fix - Fifyphean Fubbuteo Fuccubuf. It's 1.05pm on 21st July 2024 and the fun is fhining and Richard is starting to worry that he may not clear the field in time and is worried about the consequences of that failure. But there's probably still time and if not there is still time to learn some new stone-clearing terms. But there are b…
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Chapter 165 - Ftone Pole Fail. It's 5.10pm approx on 15th July 2024 and the end of stone clearing steps ever nearer, but that has always been the case, that's the nature of time. It's another disappointing clear as Richard is hampered by vegetation and lack of fitness and peanuts in his throat. But you have to liften anyway. Juft in cafe fome pearl…
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Chapter 164 - Fodden. It's 5.24pm on 9th July 2024 and Richard Herring is on the cusp of his 57th birthday (do not send him nude pictures to celebrate) and has only a couple of weeks to go to clear the Stocean. Can he do it in time or will he have to commute? The rape seed pods have an unexpected and sexy (to perverts) surprise for Richard and the …
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This is the way the WuWuWorld ends, not with a bang but a WuWuWhimper. (Probably not wise to start with this story, as it's kind of a sequel to several stories we've previously released, especially Jack's Turkeys.)Get all three episodes of this story now by joining the gang for just $2 at episodes:https://www.c…
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With the light fading, this long-awaited series comes to its long-awaited end. We hope it has brought some fun and frivolity to your otherwise dank existence but, if it hasn't, may we suggest you complain to the BBC, as they've much more time on their hands than we have right now. While you dip your nib in green ink, why not listen with your lughol…
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Chapter 163 - Going for Ftones!. It's 9:20am on 21st June 2024 and the spectre of the end of the podcast hangs over us all, but for now we plough on (no pun intended as this is a feriouf podcaft). There's medieval fongs and some dog poo and the possibility that Richard has been tricked into advertising someone during this chapter. It's very hot and…
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Put on your boogie shoes and listen to this week's collection of lunatic skits and whatnot, or vice versa. Trilby hats are well to the fore, along with a giant aubergine and a cucumber sandwich or two, but all is not as it seems - or is it? Or, indeed, isn't it? Become a hit at parties simply by tuning in, identify the cast members and what sordid …
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Believe it or not, someone who purports to be 80s pop star Nik Kershaw makes a guest appearance in this week's fun-filled show, in which a jingle is played backwards. But what does he - or anyone else, for that matter - know about crockery belonging to Nobel prize winners? And can The Actor Greg Haiste complete his own joke before it's too late? Li…
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