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N17 Women

N17 Women Podcast

A fan-produced podcast about all things Tottenham Hotspur Women's Team. Since 2022 we've been talking about the mighty Spurs Women. We discuss games, the team, the club, the stadium, answer listener questions, do occasional interviews with current and ex-players and get into a lot more random stuff. With contributions from Abbie Rose, Caroline Stefko, Rachel Cohen and Sian Wallis. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Dans ce podcast, nous adoptons une approche décontractée, teintée d’humour et parfois d’irrévérence, pour aborder l’actualité tech. Nous partageons des anecdotes hilarantes et surprenantes que nous dénichons sur le Web, engageons des conversations moqueuses, débattons de manière semi-sérieuse et proposons des réflexions empreintes d’humour. Le plus étonnant, c’est que tout en nous amusant, nous parvenons à transmettre des connaissances tech intéressantes. #informatique #actualite #technologi ...
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Mucha música en el primer programa de Año Sabático: Alice Cooper, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Baby Woodrose, The Yardbirds, Wire, Jan Akkerman & Kaz Lux, The Homesick, Sheila Chandra, PJ Harvey, mewithoutyou, Death Cab for Cutie, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, All Them Witches, Clap your hands say yeah, Them, Jaime Roos, Tribalistas, La Roca, Daughter, Dave Matthews Band, Skay y los Fakires.
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Welcome to The Intensity Hour, where we dive deep into the intersection of music, politics, and world events. Join us as we explore the captivating relationship between these three influential forces and unravel the stories behind the tunes that shape our societies and shape our world. In each episode, we embark on a captivating journey, examining how music both reflects and influences political and global landscapes. From analyzing protest anthems that fueled revolutions to dissecting the s ...
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Il miglior Podcast Italiano sulla FORMAZIONE e sull'EVOLUZIONE PERSONALE. COACHING C.O.D.E. è il Podcast che, ogni settimana, ti trasmette le tecniche più efficaci del mondo dell'EVOLUZIONE PERSONALE, del COACHING EVOLUTIVO DIMENSIONALE e della PROGRAMMAZIONE NEURO-LINGUISTICA, con una speciale attenzione verso gli insegnamenti delle ANTICHE TRADIZIONI DI SAGGEZZA Orientali. Ti parlerò di tutti i temi più importanti legati al mondo della Formazione e dello Sviluppo Personale, in modo complet ...
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Pred letošnjimi evropskimi volitvami sta se na N1 soočila predsednik vlade Robert Golob in predsednik SDS Janez Janša. Zelo dinamično in polemično sta izmenjevala mnenja od prve do zadnje minute. Rdeča nit letošnjih evropskih volitev je namreč spopad vrednot in dveh konceptov nadaljnjega razvoja Evropske unije, ki ju v Sloveniji poosebljata prav Go…
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Tic et Tac, la technique c’est l’attaque, mais est-ce éthique ? Cet épisode peut contenir des propos pouvant choquer la sensibilité de certaines personnes. Quelques liens : Burger Tech Le Site Burger Tech Vidéo RSS Burger Tech Podcast RSS Réagissez avec votre compte Fedivers à l’épisode sur le site du “podcast Burger Tech” https://www.mindcast.fr/@…
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It was a busy few days. Spurs bounced back from the FA Cup Final to finish the season with a respectable 0-1 home loss to Chelsea and a comfortable 3-1 victory over ex-manager Rehanne Skinner's West Ham. The N17 Women team got together to chat about these two games, including: The perfect Martha-Beth link-up Having game-winners who can come off the…
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Dr. Marko Lovec je politolog, specialist za EU. Razloži vam, zakaj je EU pomembna in zakaj se tiče tudi vas. Kakšne bodo tokratne evropske volitve? Kaj se dogaja med slovenskimi listami? Zakaj kot provokacijo in v opozorilo za slovenskega komisarja "predlaga" Janšo? Kaj so trenutno največje težave EU, vzroki, posledice in rešitve? Kaj je s polariza…
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Not the result we wanted to be talking about after Spurs historic cup run, but we grit our teeth and get into Spurs' FA Cup Final drubbing. We cover: Mood in the aftermath Starting line-up Their goals Our lack of chances Strange substitutions But also some big steps forward for Spurs' social media, events and media teams. And we look ahead to our f…
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Tri igralke, Iva Krajnc Bagola, Mojca Funkl in Viktorija Bencik Emeršič. V iskrivem in iskrenem pogovoru o gledaliških vlogah, ki so jih zaznamovale, o poklicu igralke z druge strani. O serijah in filmih, o odnosu s publiko. In o družbenih problemih in stvareh, za katere se želijo izpostaviti.Oleh N1 Slovenija
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The last WSL tuneup before the final ended in Spurs Women's third draw in a row, but now it's finally time to head to Wembley! First, we recapped the 2-2 Everton game: Amy injured, Molly starting No more Beth Wingland Courtney Brosnan's big game in goal Drew's goal and assist Strong substitutions Then, we previewed the FA Cup final against Manchest…
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Does meal timing impact fat loss? Does eating too close to bed cause fat gain? Does fasting promote faster fat loss? In this episode, Marcus is outlining everything that you need to know about meal timing when you want to lose fat. Enjoy! - 1-ON-1 COACHING Apply For Coaching SOCIAL Instagram YouTube TikTok Facebook…
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Kakšna je SD po kongresu? Kam se pomika in ali komu daje prostor? Kako trenutno stojijo "delnice" političnih strank? Kaj se dogaja znotraj strank? Na kaj naj bodo volilci pozorni pred evropskimi volitvami? Kako bo s slovenskim komisarjem v EU? Kaj sporoča predsednik vlade, ko ga ni na proslavah, je pa na instagramu? Kako kaže Borutu Pahorju za pose…
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Spurs Women continue their preparation for the FA Cup final with another draw, this time a 1-1 against Brighton. We discuss: Another start for Charli Early chances squandered Tricky Terland Big impacts off the bench 100 appearances for Jess Plus, we touch on Eleanor Heeps' new contract, Crystal Palace coming up to the WSL next season, and preview t…
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Ocena političnega dogajanja. Dve leti od državnozborskih volitev. Po 100 dneh zdravniške stavke. V času referendumov. Ob 20. obletnici vstopa v EU. Pred evropskimi volitvami. In v času vojn in genocida v Gazi. Komentirajo odgovorna urednica informativnega programa TVS Polona Fijavž, urednik sobotne priloge Dela Ali Žerdin in odgovorni urednik tedni…
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Ob določitvi datuma treh posvetovalnih referendumov, na katerih bomo v Sloveniji najverjetneje glasovali na dan evropskih volitev 9. junija, smo v studiu soočili predstavnike vseh petih parlamentarnih strank. Ob tem ni manjkalo obtožb, da se vladajoči bojijo poraza na volitvah in da zato predlagajo hkratno izvedbo, koalicija pa je opoziciji na to o…
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In a preview of the upcoming FA Cup final, Spurs Women gained their first-ever away point against Manchester United with a 2-2 draw. We discuss: Winger Beth Tilly's impact Suboptimal subs Set piece disaster in stoppage Plus, we look ahead to the next WSL fixture, at home to Brighton. You can find the N17 Women Team on Twitter and writing or talking…
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Spatial, Russie, TikTok, Satellite … Cet épisode peut contenir des propos pouvant choquer la sensibilité de certaines personnes. Quelques liens : Burger Tech Le Site Burger Tech Vidéo RSS Burger Tech Podcast RSS Réagissez avec votre compte Fedivers à l’épisode sur le site du “podcast Burger Tech” https://www.mindcast.fr/@burgerTech ou avec le compt…
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(Alternate title: "Lightning Crashes") Folks, strap in, this is a good one! Kyle, Tom, Zak, and Andy welcome Ringo to the show, we settle in a bit with some LongCross pizzas, Kyle watches the Lightning game, Tom tells us about the most recent BSSC London trip, and then Ringo come with some TAKES! about Ange ball, the state of the current squad, our…
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Nasveti za vse, ki ste se ločili, se boste ali pa ste zdaj v procesu ločevanja. Vse, kar morate vedeti o razvezi. Kako se "dobro" ločiti? Kako iti narazen? Kako stvari izpeljati v dobro otrok? Svetujeta dr. Anja Andrejč Balažic, psihologinja, ki dela na Centru za socialno delo, in Maša Novak, odvetnica, ki se veliko ukvarja z družinskim pravom.…
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L’épisode pourrait aborder comment des innovations apparemment banales peuvent laisser des empreintes durables sur notre environnement, notre société, et nos comportements, à l’instar des marques laissées par les pneus sur l’asphalte. On pourrait discuter de sujets comme l’empreinte écologique des nouvelles technologies, les conséquences sociales d…
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We re-live Spurs Women's first ever FA Cup semifinal win. It wasn't always pretty but we beat Leicester at home, in the Tottenham Hotspur Sadium and we were all very, very happy. We get into: Jess' PotM performance Great substitutions Martha coming through clutch Spurs' late goals. Plus, we delve into your listener questions on everything from song…
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Zgodbo Bronje Žakelj prek knjige Belo se pere na devetdeset pozna vsa Slovenija. Po njeni zgodbi zdaj snemajo film. V N1 podkastu govori o pripravah na film, o smrti mame, brata in babice, govori tudi o svoji bolezni in zdravljenju, o žalovanju, izgubi. Govori o tišini, ki je rezala, in o glasu otroka. O bolečini. In življenju. In listih nad glavo.…
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Un échange enregistré le lundi 08 avril 2024 entre Cédrix et Ga3tan The G33k. Le thème principal : la tech Cet épisode peut contenir des propos pouvant choquer la sensibilité de certaines personnes. Quelques liens : Burger Tech Le Site Burger Tech Vidéo RSS Burger Tech Podcast RSS Réagissez avec votre compte Fedivers à l’épisode sur le site du “pod…
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Kako se je začela legendarna pot benda Niet leta 1984? Kakšne so bile prelomnice na poti? Kakšni so odnosi med njimi danes? Kaj pravijo njihove pesmi? Kaj dajejo poslušalcem in kaj poslušalci njim? Kako se je v štirih desetletjih spremenila glasba in kako družba? Spomini na 40 let. V N1 podkast je prišla kultna skupina Niet.…
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Kaj nam pripovedujejo besede vojakov, ki so se borili na Soški fronti? Kaj nam govori Pot miru? Kako uničena življenja, trpljenje in absurdnost vojne spregovorijo? O fronti, ki je zarezala v naše kraje - dobesedno v skale in na vse druge mogoče načine - govorimo v N1 podkastu. Željko Cimprič, dr. Petra Svoljšak in Maša Klavora o vojni, človeku in p…
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Should you eat more on days that you workout and less on days that you don’t when your goal is fat loss? Tune-in to find out how Marcus recommends approaching your nutrition on workout days vs. rest days when you want to lose fat. Enjoy! - 1-ON-1 COACHING Apply For Coaching SOCIAL Instagram YouTube TikTok Facebook…
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Ga3tan et Cédrix pour vous servir.Le “tapis masqué” pourrait être une métaphore pour des systèmes ou des technologies opérant en arrière-plan, souvent ignorés mais essentiels. Mais non, le titre fait référence au tapis musical qui a disparu. Voilà, voilà… Sinon il y a des news sur Apple, Tesla et bien d’autres. Cet épisode peut contenir des propos …
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Predsednik NSi Matej Tonin je v oddaji N1 STUDIO pojasnil, zakaj ni mogel izpolniti želje Ljudmile Novak, da bi bila nosilka strankine liste za evropske volitve. Prav tako je povedal, ali bo odstopil, če sam kot nosilec ne bo izvoljen za evropskega poslanca. Je pa tudi javno povabil tri neposlušne poslance SDS, da prestopijo v vrste NSi. Pa verjame…
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V prvem medijskem soočenju so se morali kandidati za novega predsednika SD Jani Prednik, Milan Brglez in Tadej Beočanin v oddaji N1 STUDIO opredeliti do vseh najbolj žgočih vprašanj v stranki, med drugim tudi do prodaje vile na Levstikovi, morebitnega vstopa v ministrsko ekipo, stolčka Tanje Fajon in tudi do sodelovanja s strankami desnice oziroma …
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Spurs Women earned two consecutive 1-0 wins in WSL play, with 2nd-minute goals in both. We got together to discuss the identical results and preview the all-important FA Cup semi-final against Leicester City. We chat: Eveliina + one Inverted wingers Tilly's first goal Milestone appearances Beth back amongst the WSL goals Luana seizing her moment A …
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Z vrha SD se poslavlja Tanja Fajon, kaj sledi? Kakšna je referendumska alkimija? Kaj pomeni Luka Mesec na zadnjem mestu liste za evropske volitve? Kako SDS trola levico? In kdaj je Dovolj in DovolJJ?Komentirata naša stalna politična analitika dr. Tadej Troha (filozof) in Luka Lisjak Gabrijelčič (zgodovinar in publicist).…
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