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Stand-up comedian, podcast host and political commentator Noel Casler is best known for his outspoken commentary on Twitter, and unveiling truths in his weekly Car Rant’s about his 25 years experience behind the scenes in live television and in the music industry. Videos of his stand-up routines have reached millions, especially his revelations about working with the Trump family. Noel is a frequent guest on various Sirius XM and iHeart Radio podcasts; and in 2021 decided to officially launc ...
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Marketing MSc Podcast haladó marketing megoldásokkal és a legfrissebb szakmai trendekkel. Vállalkozóknak, akik okosan és etikusan akarnak kitűnni a reklámzajból, és marketing szakembereknek, marketinges hallgatóknak, akik a szakma élvonalába akarnak tartozni. Egy bullshitmentes, hamisíthatatlanul szakmai, mégis szórakoztató marketing-utazás Matykó Noémivel.
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Noen har snakket sammen

Tankesmien Agenda

På øret får du Hilde Nagell og Axel Fjeldavli, rådgivere i Tankesmien Agenda, i tillegg til en rekke aktuelle og spennende gjester. Vi snakker om det som rører seg der ute med de som virkelig har peiling. Podkasten gis ut av Tankesmien Agenda
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This channel ’15 Minutes of Fame’ believes in the power of music, pop art, storytelling and Campbell’s Soup. It features guest indie artists and is hosted by showman Noel Anderson and produced by Harlequin Ink. Review - ’Noel, you and a few of the others are at the top of your game while I and my hangers-on smoke secretly in the back of the school bus.’
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Welcome to Tethered to Eternity – Your Christian take on news, pop culture, and politics, grounded in eternity – because Gen Z deserves clarity, truth, and maybe a meme or two. - SOCIAL - Instagram: @Noelle.fitchett
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Noémie de Saint-Sernin

Noémie de Saint-Sernin

Coaching, développement personnel et parentalité LE podcast qui va transformer votre vie. Noémie de Saint Sernin est coach certifiée RNCP (titre reconnu par l’état français), auteure de plusieurs livres Best-sellers, conférencière, formatrice, référente pour les médias, entrepreneuse, épouse et maman de 3 enfants. Toutes les semaines, Noémie de Saint-Sernin vous partage ses conseils, ses outils et des clefs concrètes pour vous aider à vous libérer de vos blocages, à améliorer vos relations, ...
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Asking the questions most don’t, spreading love and light. Hoping to wake up my brothers & sisters. Speaking on subjects I enjoy This is all opinions with some facts and receipts.
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Clips of whispered, softly spoken/sung stories to help Soothe you 2 Sleep. Full clips available on my youtube channel with same handle name. Simply and slowly, I will read The Word and/or sing to those who need help falling asleep. I know what it’s like to be too sick or tired to read His Word and pray this ministers to your soul, spirit and body.❤️🙏✝️🇮🇱🕊️ Blessings. 🌹
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The podcast dedicated to the Activation of the Human Spirit and to resisting the status quo. Barbarian Noetics tracks the stories, struggles and triumphs that connect us all across the rabbit holes of time and space. Join host Little Raven as we deconstruct divisive mainstream narratives, transcend dualistic thinking and come together in a good way as conscious animals on a shared planet. Deprogram from the matrix and reinvigorate your psyche with Barbarian Noetics, where everyone is invited ...
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Noel Zapata

Welcome ❤️ I talk about Love, Dreams and How We Can All Be Happier By Chasing Them and Working Together In Harmony, Along with Many Other Success Tips I read about, Study and learn from Credible Successful People to Save You Time & Bring you Enjoyment ❤️ Instagram: @NoelZapata1 SnapChat: @NoelZapata1 FaceBook: @NoelZapata123 Twitter: @NoelZapata123 Youtube: @ NoelZapata123
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Danmarks største holistiske podcast MENTAL, EMOTIONEL, SJÆLELIG & KROPSLIG BEVIDSTHED Podcasten til dig, som er nysgerrig på dig selv, livets muligheder, det hele menneske & hvorfor du er som du er. I samtale med ugens gæst dykkes der ned i perspektiver, anskuelser & viden der kan rykke dig, udfordre dig, motivere dig - alt sammen, så du kan blive klogere på dit hele menneske & leve dét liv, du virkelig glædes ved at leve. Hver uge inviterer vært Noell Elise en ny gæst i studiet, som er eksp ...
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Hey friends! Welcome to my Noetic Nook. I’m your host Niki: an educator, a linguaphile, and a wanderer. Come and listen to fiction stories, my travel adventures and meet my friends from all over the world (yes, you can be a guest!) all while improving your English listening skills. Maybe you can also help me improve my Mandarin, Thai and Turkish. Get cozy, grab your favorite cup of tea and enjoy :)
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The Noetic Podcast is an educational tool amongst many found on the intelligent social media platform "Noetic". Developed by Luke Johnson. Get the Noetic app for your phone! Courses, seminars, lectures, and discussions!
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Noël chez Isidore

Les Mystérieux étonnants

Noël chez Isidore - un podcast pour les dépendants affectifs de Noël, les curieux de découvertes culturelles et sociales, et les « détesteurs » du temps des fêtes. Animés par Simon Chénier, Sophie Croteau et Etienne Forest, trois passionnés du rouge et vert, qui partagent avec vous leurs meilleurs films, albums, faits divers, souvenirs et autres produits dérivés de Noël. Joyeux Noël et 1000 bougies!
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Noeli Naima

Noeli Naima

Bem vindos seus lindos 🌹 Sou Noeli Naima, uma artista multidisciplinar nas áreas de Terapia de Yoga, Medicina Ayurveda, Meditação, Aromaterapia, Artes Plásticas e Medicina Sistêmica e Vibracional. Aqui vamos conversar de tudo um muito, vamos compartilhar meditações guiadas - mas também vamos conversar sobre coisas que não agradam a todos, temas polêmicos, sociedade, cultura e tendências. Em um mundo com tantas possibilidades, a comunicação é nossa grande arma: quem sabe … Sabe.
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show series
LE LUNCH BY NOE, émission proposée par l’Action Jeunesse du FSJU et présentée par Julien Cohen-Solal. En première partie, focus sur les addictions chez les jeunes et comment les contrer, avec Enzo Silam et Elias Garzon deux jeunes engagés sur le sujet. Puis, retour sur les assises de l’antisémitisme avec Daphné Hubelé et nos jeunes volontaires en s…
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Join us as we delve into the vibrant world of Australian politics with Neil Cole, a former member of the Australian Labor Party and the creative mind behind the new play, An Audience with Don Dunstan. In this episode, Noel Anderson sits down with Neil to explore the legacy of South Australian Premier, Don Dunstan, whose forward-thinking policies, f…
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Fred Hampton was 21 years old, electrifying, and uniting the people in a way that terrified the U.S. government. So, in the early hours of December 4, 1969, they did what governments do best: they murdered him in his sleep and called it a "shootout." But this isn’t just the story of an assassination—it’s the story of a movement, the truth behind th…
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Oplever du ofte, at tiltrække mennesker eller situationer, der tynger dig? Har du fysiske gener, som ofte dukker op, uden du forstår hvorfor? Oplever du ofte, at leve et liv i konstant underskud? Så kan det være, at det måske er din fortid der er på spil i din nutid. Jeg har fået besøg af en viskvinde. Gina Asbjerg blev i 1982 uddannet sygeplejersk…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Gina Asbjerg. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Oplever du ofte, at tiltrække mennesker eller situationer, der tynger dig? Har du fysiske gener, som ofte dukker op, uden du forstår hvorfor? Oplever du ofte, at leve et liv i konstant underskud? Så kan det …
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Fokus handler ikke blot om at kunne koncentrere sig på studiet & arbejdspladsen & derved kunne præstere - fokus handler ligeså meget om nærvær i livet. Og jo mindre vi får styrket vores fokus-muskel, jo svagere bliver den & jo mere begynder vi faktisk at afbryde os selv! Den her episode udkom første gang som episode #77 & den er SÅ vigtig stadigvæk…
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Review of Kylie Minogue's Tension Tour. This spectacular concert is an unforgettable night filled with Kylie's greatest hits, dazzling costumes, and killer vocals. From timeless classics like "Can't Get You Out of My Head" to new tracks such as "Good as Gone," Kylie delivers a high-energy show that has fans dancing from start to finish. Don't miss …
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Marketing és reklámszakmai körökben nagy megütközést keltett nemrég a hazai Nissan importőr nőgyalázó kommunikációs baklövése, amiből jelentős PR botrány kerekedett. Ám még a szakmai kommentárok között is sokan hangoztatták, hogy ez ugyan valóban hiba, de végső soron a rossz reklám is reklám: a Nissan márka nyer azzal, hogy beszélnek róla. De ez va…
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The CIA was officially created to protect American democracy, but its true purpose was shaping global events through covert operations and political manipulation. From overthrowing elected leaders to botched assassinations involving exploding cigars, the agency’s history is filled with deception, brutality, and unchecked power. This episode dives i…
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Pourquoi mon enfant ne m’écoute pas ? (et comment enfin y arriver !) 🚀 Coaching individuel : 👉 📢 Boîte à questions : 👉 Vos cadeaux gratuits vous attendent ici : 🎁 Coffret Parentalité : 👉 🎁 Coffret Dev.…
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Har du oplevet tanker, som gjorde du blev bange for dig selv? Har du oplevet følelsen af, at miste dig selv fuldstændig & ikke have kontrol over, hvordan du har det? “Jeg forstår om nogen, hvordan det er at være bange for sig selv, sine tanker & krop & ikke forstå hvad fanden der foregår”, deler ugens gæst i den her episode. Min gæst er Paulina Lyk…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Paulina Lykke. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Har du oplevet tanker, som gjorde du blev bange for dig selv? Har du oplevet følelsen af, at miste dig selv fuldstændig & ikke have kontrol over, hvordan du har det? “Jeg forstår om nogen, hvordan det er at…
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Vi har nå rundet et år med streik for tariffavtale i Tesla. Henger konflikten sammen med en ideologien til Elon Musk og andre amerikanske bedriftsledere? Og er det norske arbeidslivet rigget for en fremtid der amerikanske teknologigiganter spiller en større rolle? Axel Fjeldavli diskuterer dette og mer med Per Vidar Kjølmoen, arbeidslivspolitisk ta…
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Why do gorgeous women end up with "ugly" men? Benny Blanco and Selena Gomez’s relationship sparked debates, but this is a trend we've seen before. In this video, I break down why attraction goes beyond looks, what the Bible says about inner beauty, and how personality, confidence, and emotional intelligence matter more than you think. Welcome to Te…
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Join host Noel Anderson on "15 Mins of Fame" as he delves into the vibrant world of music, pop art, and storytelling. Each episode features captivating guest artists, real life stories, and insightful reviews, all tied together with a unique flair that only Anderson can provide. Listeners are treated to engaging conversations that highlight the uni…
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Valentine’s Day Myths That Keep You Discontent | Christian Singleness & Marriage Does God promise you a spouse? Will He bring you a husband once you "stop wanting one"? In this Valentine’s Day episode, we’re breaking down common myths about singleness, marriage, and Christian dating that can lead to unnecessary heartbreak and discontentment. Whethe…
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Bakterier & stoicisme, filosofi, Viktor Frankl & Bhagavad Gita. Ja. Det her er alt sammen emner, som du vil opleve blive smeltet sammen i denne her samtale. Og du kan godt glæde dig. Min gæst er Morten O.A. Sommer som er professor i mikrobiologi ved DTU, Ph.D fra Harvard University & forfatter til bogen: “Det største i det mindste: Hvad bakterierne…
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Det her er del 2 af samtalen med Morten O.A. Sommer. Det anbefales at du går tilbage i dit podcast feed & lytter til del 1, inden du lytter med her. Bakterier & stoicisme, filosofi, Viktor Frankl & Bhagavad Gita. Ja. Det her er alt sammen emner, som du vil opleve blive smeltet sammen i denne her samtale. Og du kan godt glæde dig. Min gæst er Morten…
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Aider votre enfant à se concentrer 🚀 Coaching individuel : 👉 📢 Boîte à questions : 👉 Vos cadeaux gratuits vous attendent ici : 🎁 Coffret Parentalité : 👉 🎁 Coffret Dev. Perso : 👉 https://noemiedesaintser…
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LE LUNCH BY NOE, émission proposée par l’Action Jeunesse du FSJU et présentée par Julien Cohen-Solal. En première partie, ils reviendront sur la remise du Prix Annie et Charles Corrin pour l’enseignement de l’histoire de la Shoah avec Jérôme Bouchain, professeur lauréat, ainsi que Sylvie Corrin, membre du jury et fille d’Annie et Charles Corrin. En…
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Step back into 1700s America, where Owen and Ruth Brown’s staunch Calvinist beliefs laid the groundwork for their son, John Brown—a man who would become one of the most polarizing figures in U.S. history. From witnessing the horrors of slavery at a young age to organizing militant resistance, Brown’s mission for liberation fueled the nation’s march…
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