Hi, I’m Elle! I am a 34 year old stay at home mom of two kids under 3. And these are my confessions (yes just like real world or if you are too young for that, one of those videos on YouTube where the people cry and spill there hearts etc.)! Mine is maybe more laughter than tears and just about my life and especially my life with two kids... And maybe more - only time will tell.
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A little update on all the happenings since turkey day and a point in the direction I want the podcast to go for 2020!!!!
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I have been taking everything a little to seriously. I just need to relax and have fun (get off of instagram), take a bath and just enjoy life. Sounds like a piece of cake - but as a mom its so easy to forget to do.
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It’s been a while I know but here is a new episode. It’s about a little bit of everything. Laugh at my pain from lack of sleep and my inability to finish a thought.
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And so are you! Family visits equal so much content. They always say the most amazing things. And I recorded a lot of them here!
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It just occurred to me that my daughter’s third birthday is my third birthday as a mom!!! Just some thoughts on that topic and a couple mind blanks and rambles along the way!!(Also no jingle because it wouldn’t add and I didn’t want that to be the reason I didn’t upload this week!)
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It is sooo true. You are not yourself until your kids are about one, until then give yourself a pass. Listen to how different I was this time around as a mom and hear a lot about the mom guilt I carried and how it’s finally going away.
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No sleep, doesn’t matter still have to cook, clean and play. That’s the truth of parenthood. Also maybe I am having some wrong thoughts about my daughter and how I plan to change that. Let me know what you guys think. 😊
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This is a squirrel of an episode meaning I change topics quite a few times but hey gotta keep it interesting. I talk a little about my first “date” with my hubs and a night where frustration got the best of me and then teaching my daughter to read. Hope you enjoy 😉
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What’s really different with two kids...
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22:57I talk about it all and this one is a not as kid friendly, I mention adult hugs 😱 but hey it’s how we all got here lol.
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What is it about today’s culture and society that breeds anxiety amongst so many of us? I share some of my personal experiences with anxiety and share some hilarious stories about my kiddos. One involves 💩.
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I.e. I talk about a little bit of everything but with mom brain so...forgive me in advance lol.
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Sometimes in parenting the issue is us - not the kids! This week I share one of those and I talk my way through a song and ramble for about two min to long, lol. Love y’all ❤️
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You don’t know you are a good parent until you choose to go a different route than what others have advised and it works. In this episode I jump on the trust your gut parenting method. Please enjoy 😉!
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It’s Not Being Two That’s The Problem...
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27:26Life with kids is well...hilarious, exhausting, frustrating and as my daughter says, “EVERYTHING!” I actually laughed a lot in this episode. So if you wanna hear about my week (two days so far lol) with my kids give it a listen.
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💩 got real and all my parenting “ideas” were put to the test and I share all about it here.
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Intentional Parenting is my new buzz word. This is how I would classify me and the hubs style of parenting. I.E. we spend Friday nights talking about our kids and how to love them better. (A far cry from our college days lol.)
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Prevent a crisis and eat a donut 🍩 maybe even two.
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13:04My dear friend joined us on the episode today. She is a crisis counselor and brings about 10 years of counseling experience. So just got her to hop on and give us some gold nuggets to help us be better parents. She also told me that I can eat a donut lol. I also laughed so loud it was almost embarrassing! Enjoy 😉…
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Transition. Easy to miss. Usually, ACTUALLY, almost always hard. Mainly because you often don’t realize you are in one until you are coming out. Better done with another. Here about mine in this weeks episode.
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Very past tense. Lol. I used to define myself as a dreamer. I idolized MLK Jr., memorized the I have a dream speech and followed all the instagrammers telling me how they are living their dream life. Then well I had two kids no sleep and very few coherent thoughts. So where does that leave me? Listen to find out! Love y’all ❤️…
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This podcast was really fun - just me and the hubs having a convo about kids how they affect marriage etc. Hope you guys enjoy it. Now let’s convince him to come on again!
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We often forget about dads and the fact that daddin’ ain’t easy. This is just a few thoughts on that and maybe a little plug to my hubs!!! Enjoy!
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If I put dots in the word it looks better lol. But really I just want some control, in all the places I need to let go of it. This episode ended without covering one of the topics I mentioned in the beginning because my daughter didn’t fall asleep and I had to go lay with her for a bit - which didn’t work so I just kept going when called and like s…
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Ok the title is slight clickbait. I have struggled with needing to be validated over the years to really feel loved and I dove into how I am dealing with that right now and my daughter she won’t poop. HELLLLP!
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Who runs the world? Still Moms!
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16:14Part three of my Mother’s Day series!!!
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Happy Mother’s Day part 2! This is the second my three part Mother’s Day series. I give a nod to Mother’s in my family and also talk a bit about why is moms need to band together in the crappy moments rather than just in the magic. Love y’all!!❤️
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This is probably my most raw and vulnerable podcast yet. It is about how motherhood has changed me. It took me so long to post because I fell asleep every time I tried to edit it. The struggle is real but it is done. I will add the Clío with my daughter to next weeks! Love you guys!
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Post pregnancy bod and labor story!
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29:58The details on how these babies came into the world and I how feel about my body now. Hint I have work to do. Oh and there is a dash of my struggles with comparison. Also I really need to work on my titles lol.
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Toad tripped to visit family and couldn’t leave without gaining some insight into being a better mother.
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First Child Parent vs. Two Children Parent
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30:37Come on guys everyone who has two kids already knows it but parenting your first child looks VERY different from parenting the second one and I talk about all those differences here. (Think ziploc bagged outfits for my first vs. what item was left at home this time. )
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You either love it or you hate it...listen to see where I fall.
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This podcast had nothing to do with the beach but we are leaving for the beach today and I can’t think of anything but that lol. This is a great podcast though just me talking wait that’s all of them hahaha.
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Listen for the results. Also please forgive my 42 ums and the vibrations in my voice from recording while driving but as every mom knows you have to get it in where you can!!
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In this podcast, I talk to you guys and try to figure out why I have been so overwhelmed lately.
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A VLOG or a voice log of my life this week. The corny jokes are a bonus!
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16:34Our son said his first words it’s not mama and my daughter well she is talking to everyone and anyone. Oh and two year olds they completely prepare you for the teenage years. There some more but you have to listen to find out ;)
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They say pimpin’ ain’t easy - well they have obviously never been the mother of a two year old. Listen for a quick peek into my life with a toddler.
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For people like me who don’t know all the lingo today’s episode is titled “To Be Honest”. And that is what it is brutally honest. Today we look at parenting and how it effects sleep i.e. I haven’t had a full nights sleep in six months....
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Bye #girlboss, Welcome #momboss!!
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17:22Momming needs to be allowed on people’s resumés - it is no joke!!! I give you a quick peek into what it’s like managing two little ones on something as simple as a ten min walk!! Hope you enjoy!! Follow me on Instagram @theunwrittenmemoir and on Twitter @Memoirunwritten! Hope to hear from you guys!!
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The Valentines Day Episode - where I spill about me and the hubs sex life before two kiddos and what’s left after two kiddos lol. Beware - Just kidding I am about as family friendly as they come!! Hope you enjoy.
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Drip drip drip or maybe Not Guilty!
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29:35On today’s episode I try to explain “drip” (I fail) and I get real about the fact that the verdict on most Moms is “NOT GUILTY!”
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Before (kids) and After (kids).
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24:25This episode is basically a description of my Hail Marys - all the things or shortcuts I have added in to survive having two kids under three.
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A pretty poor introduction but one none the less. I list five facts about myself and then ramble a bunch more. P.S. no soul searching here, I mean really with two kids who has time for that?
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