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Open the Bible UK presents engaging and accessible Bible teaching from Pastor Colin Smith. This programme is the radio broadcast also available on our website ( and at 7:30pm each weekday evening on Premier Christian Radio.
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Now to him who is able to... present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy… Jude 24 Try and imagine what this will be like. First, you will be presented before God’s glorious presence… blameless. The word translated “blameless” is the same word that was used to describe a sacrificial animal in the Old Testament that was acce…
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In today's broadcast, we delve into one of the greatest mysteries and glories of the Christian faith: that Jesus is the Son of God. The disciples may not have fully understood it, but they believed and followed Jesus with a faith that seeks understanding. This is the essence of true discipleship. Pastor Colin explores the profound concept of "faith…
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Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling… Jude 24 God is able to give you victory over the power of temptation. Do you believe this? No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may…
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Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling… Jude 24 This doesn’t mean that when you become a Christian you will never fail. We all fail in many ways. But God is able to keep you from falling. When Jesus was going to the cross, He said to Peter, “Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that you…
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To the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. Jude 25 Jude says that there is only one God, and this God is the Saviour God. Now if God is the Saviour, what does this saving look like? There are three dimensions. 1. God is our Saviour from sin's pen…
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Today, Pastor Colin looks at the pitfalls of living for oneself in a world that encourages self-centredness. Pastor Colin highlights that true happiness and joy come from living for Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for us. Tune in as they explore Romans 12 and the transformative power of love that involves sacrifice. Pastor Colin emphasises th…
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Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling… Jude 24 Jude has been telling us that we need to watch ourselves, because we live this Christian life in the body, but we are also to find our rest in God. Verses 24 and 25 are all about God. That's significant because the first six workouts have been all about you: “But you, beloved, [build] yours…
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Today, Pastor Colin dives into the topic of love and sacrifice, reminding us that true love always involves a level of sacrifice. Reflecting on Romans Chapter 12, he encourages us to embrace a life of love by being willing to lay down our needs for the benefit of others, just as Jesus did for us. It’s a moving meditation on how saying no to ourselv…
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Let a person examine himself. 1 Corinthians 11:28 Make it your regular practice to give your soul a thorough examination to see if there is anything displeasing to God hidden inside you. There are several ways of doing this. As you read the Bible, note anything that displeases God and ask yourself, “Do I see any evidence of this in me?” Don’t ask v…
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In today's broadcast, we dive into the profound teachings from the First Book of John, chapter 4, exploring how "Love Comes from God". Pastor Colin draws six practical strategies for growing in love, distinguishing them from mere self-help by emphasising the transformative power of God's love in our hearts. The conversation unravels the interconnec…
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To others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh. Jude 23 When you reach out to others in ministry, you need to be very careful that you do not end up falling into sin yourself. Jude uses the word “fear.” You need to have a healthy fear lest you fall into the same sins as somebody else you are reaching out to. The Bible …
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Today's message is all about love - a profound and hopeful topic, especially for those who have felt unloved in their lives. Pastor Colin shares the encouraging message that regardless of our experiences, we can love because God's love for us is greater than we can imagine. We delve into 1 John 4 to explore the simple yet powerful truth: "We love b…
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Save others by snatching them out of the fire. Jude 23 Those who can see that they’ve been burned know what the fire can do, and they reach out to others in the flames. That takes courage. You can’t do ministry without being burned. There is no pain-free ministry. There is an old story about an African village. One night there was a fire in a woode…
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Today's episode, "God First Loved Us," explores the profound impact of God's love in our lives and how it equips us to love others. Colin delves into the teachings of the first book of Corinthians, chapter 13, emphasising how understanding God’s everlasting love enables us to grow in patience, kindness, and humility, and to overcome envy, pride, an…
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Save others by snatching them out of the fire. Jude 23 If you’re going to be useful in ministry, you need to have a proper understanding of yourself and what God has done for you. Sin has damaged us all, but the Bible makes it clear that sin has done deeper damage to you and to me than staining our lives. It’s changed our nature. Like wood that's b…
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Have mercy on those who doubt. Jude 22 Those who doubt would include those whose faith has been undermined and those whose faith has not yet been fully formed. There are many people like this today. How are we to minister to folks who are confused about their faith? Jude says, “Do this with great compassion.” There’s a big difference between the ch…
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Have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire. Jude 22-23 If you want to live a healthy Christian life, you need to learn to wait. The obvious question is, What does God want us to do while we are waiting? The answer is that we are to give ourselves to ministry. God calls us to ministry. There are people in need all a…
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Today, Pastor Colin emphasises the critical importance of a fresh outpouring and filling of faith, hope, and love for the Church of Jesus Christ. He explores how being filled with these virtues can make us shine brightly in a world often consumed by darkness. Throughout this episode, Pastor Colin shares inspiring examples of Christian believers who…
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Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ... Jude 21 The people who bring menus to your table at a restaurant are called waiters or waitresses. They have no other agenda but to wait on you. They take your order, bring your food, and then make sure everything is okay. Some people think God exists to wait on us, but the Bible tells us that our call…
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Today, we're diving into a profound discussion on the supreme value of love. In this episode, Pastor Colin explores 1 Corinthians 13, often known as the 'Love Chapter', and its significance for us as Christians. We'll hear how faith, hope, and love remain amidst all things, with love being the greatest. Join us for a journey into understanding the …
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[Wait] for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. Jude 21 When Jude talks about waiting, the obvious question is, Don’t we already have God’s mercy? Yes. Don’t we already have Jesus Christ? Yes. Don’t we already have eternal life? Yes! If we’ve already received these things, why does Jude tell us to wait? This is teaching us…
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In this broadcast, Pastor Colin discusses how our world seems to be growing more angry and divided, and the Church is not immune to these pressures. However, the Lord Jesus calls us to be different. Today's message focuses on growing in faith, hope, and love, which the Apostle Paul tells us are three things that will remain. Pastor Colin delves int…
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[Wait] for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. Jude 21 Patience is what you need when things have not worked out as you hoped. Somewhere deep within every heart there is a dream of life as we want it to be. That dream is placed in your heart by God. The word “wait” reminds us that the dream will never be fulfilled in this…
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Keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. Jude 21 Once you see how important the theme of waiting is in the Bible, you’ll have new motivation to exercise this neglected area of the Christian life. Here are five passages on waiting: Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for h…
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In today's episode, we dive deep into the theme of hope and its surprising outcomes in our lives. Pastor Colin explains how growing in hope not only helps us become better witnesses for Christ but also enables us to lead purer lives. We'll explore Romans 8:18 and 1 Peter 3:15, gaining insights into how hope can set us apart in a world often marked …
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God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Romans 5:5 In one of Garrison Keillor’s books about Lake Wobegon he describes a rather awkward teenager growing up in a small town. The lad gives a speech at his high school graduation, and afterwards somebody comes up to him and says, “Nice speech!” But he can’t receive a complime…
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The Son of God… loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20 Some time ago, a minister from England went to India to deliver a series of evangelistic messages. When he arrived, there were posters hanging all over town advertising the evening meetings at which he would be speaking. The posters were supposed to read: “The visiting minister from E…
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This is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 1 John 4:10 One way to work God’s love into your mind is through the Lord’s Supper. At the very centre of Christian worship, God has given us this exercise to keep us in spiritual shape. We come to a table where we receive bread and w…
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Welcome to Open The Bible with Pastor Colin Smith. Today’s broadcast dives into the two ways every person relates to God - through the law or through grace. Pastor Colin passionately explains that relying on the law offers no hope as it becomes our accuser. However, true hope is found in the grace offered by the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's explore 2 T…
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Keep yourselves in the love of God... Jude 21 The Bible talks about the love of God in a number of ways: Providential love is God’s kindness to His enemies as well as His friends. God’s enemies will come under His judgement, but right now they receive good gifts from His hand. Why do good things happen to bad people? Answer: God’s providential love…
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In this episode of "Open the Bible," Pastor Colin Smith explores the profound concept of hope—an unearned gift from God. He dives deep into the scriptures, specifically 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 and John 5:45, uncovering the truth that hope does not stem from our fulfilment of the law but through the grace found in Jesus Christ. As Pastor Colin cla…
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[Pray] in the Holy Spirit… Jude 20 Another way to pray in the Spirit is by using the Lord’s Prayer (Mat. 6:9-13). Martin Luther structured his entire prayer life around the Lord’s Prayer: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. (6:9) Luther prayed that God would be honoured in his own life, and in the church, and in the nation where he lived. …
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Today, we delve into a significant question: If Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, how can He truly be present 24/7 with each and every one of us? Pastor Colin explains this wonderful truth by exploring the person and work of the Holy Spirit. We'll look at Colossians 1:27 and discover how "Christ in you, the hope of glory" manifests i…
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[Pray] in the Holy Spirit… Jude 20 The Bible contains some marvellous prayers that were breathed out by the Spirit of God. You will find many of them in the book of Psalms. The whole Bible was written as men were carried along by the Holy Spirit and as you fill your mind with God's Word, you will begin to think God’s thoughts after Him. If you lear…
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Today we're exploring a profound and encouraging theme: finding hope through a relationship with God. Today's message is based on a marvellous verse from Colossians chapter one, verse 27, which tells us, "Christ in you, the hope of glory." We'll dive into what it means to have hope in God and how this is achieved through Christ dwelling within us. …
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We do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26 Imagine a teenage computer geek writing software in his basement: “How can I get this in the hands of the people at Microsoft?” He doesn’t know anyone there, and he has no idea how to introduce his ideas to them. Who …
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Today’s episode dives into the profound experiences of feeling abandoned and finding hope, exemplified by the lives of David and Jesus. Host David Pick and Pastor Colin explore how these moments of spiritual struggle are not unique and how recognising them can offer solace and strength. Join us as we reflect on Psalm 42 and discuss practical strate…
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[Pray] in the Holy Spirit… Jude 20 Once you’ve grasped that there’s one God, and that He’s not whoever you want Him to be, the next question is “How do you come to Him?” That depends on what you want to receive. The Bible uses the picture of a throne to help us understand. There is one God, but more than one throne. That’s easy to understand for th…
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[Pray] in the Holy Spirit… Jude 20 Imagine meeting with your minister at church. He places a number of envelopes in front of you and says, “We can talk about anything you want. But here are some envelopes with questions written on them. Go ahead and pick one.” The topics range from faith to spiritual growth to fellowship, but you choose the envelop…
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[Look] to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith... Hebrews 12:2 Faith grows by looking at Jesus. Faith becomes strong asyou fill your mind and soul with how trustworthy He is. Imagine yourself as a younger child, attending a professional sporting event with your family. Your parents get tickets about twenty-five rows from the game. The peop…
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[Build] yourselves up in your most holy faith... Jude 20 Faith is like a muscle. It grows strong when it is used. If you want to develop a particular muscle, you pull or push against a weight. Faith grows when it has to push against a great burden. That’s what happens when God allows trials in your life. You lose your job, a relationship ends, or t…
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Welcome to another episode of "Open the Bible" with Pastor Colin Smith. Today, we're diving into a thought-provoking message on how to navigate the inevitable encounters with the three "thieves" of our faith journey: faint heart, mistrust, and guilt. Drawing inspiration from John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," Pastor Colin discusses how these adver…
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[Build] yourselves up in your most holy faith… Jude 20 Jude is talking about the same faith here that he mentions in verse 3: “The faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.” You can build up your faith by affirming what you believe. That’s why Christians throughout the centuries have recited creeds in their worship: “I believe in God the…
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Welcome to Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith as he unpacks the transformative power of "Applied Faith". Just as muscles grow stronger when exercised, our faith grows when applied in challenging situations. In today's episode, Colin dives into the analogy of faith being like a muscle and explores how our trust in God must be actively applied, e…
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[Build] yourselves up in your most holy faith… Jude 20 There will be times when you seem to be making little progress, and you wonder, “What’s wrong with me? Am I a Christian at all?” Jude says, “You need to build up your faith.” How do you do that? Satan loves to point out how puny, pathetic, and embarrassingly small your faith is. You should coun…
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Welcome to Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith. In today's episode, Pastor Colin delves into the profound questions that many of us have when facing life's trials. Why does God allow these hardships in our lives, and what good can come from them? Drawing from the Apostle Peter's writings, specifically 1 Peter 1:3-9, Colin explores the concept of…
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I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith… Jude 3 Evangelicals often emphasise spiritual life and the importance of the new birth. We rejoice when people give testimonies of how they came to faith in Christ. But spiritual life is no guarantee of spiritual health. You may be spiritually alive, but are you spiritually fi…
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In today's message, "Tested Faith," we're diving deep into the nature of faith through passages from 1 Peter Chapter 1, verses 3-9. Pastor Colin discusses the dual aspects of faith—belief and trust—and how these are tested and strengthened. It's easy to have faith when life is smooth, but true faith involves trusting God even when we don't have all…
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