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Aka, "Our Practice: Sharing" is a Returning to our Senses, Why? Who we are, forgotten, taken for granted, most likely, this describes all of us, then Remembering is important, which will lead us to realize how very much more similar we are than we usually think... Got around fifteen minutes, Let me help plant some seeds in your Soul. Mindfulness results from widening one's perspective in meaningful ways. It is more than just using meditation as a tool, it is how you use it that opens the doo ...
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show series
Send us a text did you think there is so much difference between You and Everybody else, there is of course One's Uniqueness, yet... We share so much is important not to be forgotten, we all are cousins and we all are bundles of miracles remembering this a hundred times a day, as often as you will and / or need nurture your godliness, you want a mi…
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Send us a text When One opens the door to rising Perception, the edges of everything frays, as everything's changing, barely do we the have time to perceive the moment before the entirety of Creation steps forward, again. Each has a Unique perspective, though importantly, not shared as it is "your's alone." How do you wish to view and interact with…
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Send us a text this word has sometimes confused me, as in (?) what do you mean (?), but no longer, it is the space one creates between what was and could be, it is now, in the moment we live, even when we are distracted by those two imposters as in "this present moment is unique, never to be the same twice." How does One approach this celebration? …
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Send us a text it doesn't end, don't get too excited about where you are or where you've been, keep your Self centered in "the moment" keep flowing again and again and again, the Universe is always probing you to Grow. It is the way of Creation, you know, think about it. Utilizing your "born with" tools, one's physicality, one's natural processes t…
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Send us a text makes sense right, everyone talks about meditation and mindfulness, but do they explain why (?) you should do it? do they explain your sovereignty, what's at stake? Today, as in the Past, we are asked to believe many different Cultural, Societal, and Spiritual Traditions, asked to have Faith in what is presented... should we just acc…
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Send us a text who do you think you are? are you a bundle of miracles, do you have a bunch of responsibilities? to your Self, your Family, your Society? Of Course you do, are you aware enough to see this? Are you brave enough to rise up from convention to see the Universe, Creation with 21st. century eyes? I know you are! Cousin Support the show Ou…
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Send us a text before you begin a meditation or mindfulness session, one's daily practice, we need to know what we're doing it for, follow along and see what my recommendation is the World is on fire and you and I need to extinguish the flames, one needs to know where they are going before setting out, one needs to make their own goals before and a…
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Send us a text A call for heightening one's Awareness and Flowing ease, how else will one sustain "the living moment" without some effort for change... flowing begins with just a moment's time, it is an awareness of being. Glowing you are, shining, yet do you know this is whom you are? Being a vessel, allowing, accepting, potential energy emanating…
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Send us a text practice basics I can hear a lot of mumble jumble telling you about this or that, which way to turn, what to do, and it is great to have this variety of opportunities to study so many different Ways to get to know one Self. Within each of these practices are even more basic "principles" or practices being assimilated by a "practition…
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Send us a text from where are we coming to be stepping in the right direction? from within our Selves to all directions, this is a valuable goal. the one-ness spoken of is not something remote or un-available, it is what we are not, be-ing everywhere! so, when you begin to perceive more, when you begin to open your heart and soul wider, you also be…
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Send us a text this is the third of a series of three pods discussing the essence of practice. it is in and of it self, an introduction, not a deep dive into the depths of our Souls, but important as a beginning to better understand our commitments and goals. No doubt, one needs a goal and one needs to make a commitment to one Self to reach toward …
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Send us a text Get comfortable, be un-disturbed; looking inside, discover your breathing; looking inside, discover your heart squeezing, pulsing blood; looking inside, discover you are alive, your body vibrating gently with Life's Energy. I like to call "shimmering," if you don't mind. This is a good beginning for everyone, no matter what religious…
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Send us a text It's time to recognize a goal completed and a desire to improve, to help make more intelligible, with deeper significance, and awe at one's own be-ing. It is always here, meaning our godliness, our souls, yet our minds are skittering back and forth, unable to look one''s own Soul in it's eyes. So many eyes over a billion years, right…
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Send us a text Congratulations, this is the 100th. published podcast. It's a basic reminder of what we are doing and why. It's around 14 minutes and reviews our basic principles explaining why we do what we do in meditation and mindfulness. I hope you enjoy it. If you have comments or questions they are welcome and I will respond. Initially, I set …
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Send us a text we are each married to our Selves, don't take the old man or woman for Granted, least you diminish what you can remember by not taking advantage and paying attention, energy follows attention... Listen, do do do, Listen, every moment has it's message are you listening? Support the show Our Goal, finding awe, while feeling one's Self …
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Send us a text no, I'm not talking about you or I and another, I'm talking about you or I or anyone else, just by themself, as we have multiple brains in our noggins; think whom you are; know there is always more; laugh at how ridiculous we are compared to the immensity of Life, of Creation, of Possibilities, of Potential and allow your Self to be …
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Send us a text funny, the alligator is you and I, and to me, for sure, we are wrestling with Life, as an alligator or not, it is a process from birth to death and we are part of it... how do we want to proceed? As best we can! Practicing what we envision / have as a goal (s) makes sense. So, get and keep practicing, a little bit everyday, fellow al…
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Send us a text did you forget? I do, way tooooo often. So, I meditate and practice mindfulness all day, bringing my attention back again and again to the greater recognition of what actually is or at least "my" perception of IT. I share my gratitude and sense of humility and sense of Understanding that it is not an easy road to travel, sometimes, i…
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Send us a text Whom do you think, wrong, that be-ing is already long gone, how many moments have past since you last enquired of Your Self, right? O.K. similar, maybe more than likely, yet nothing is the same as it was... that's the fundamental Law of Creation, everything is constantly balancing, rising and falling, shifting, oscillating if you lik…
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Send us a text Yes, you do, probably quite a few, you've been called or called Your Self. Many names for many reasons, then, O.K. A broader perspective finds Us inviting infinitely more possibilities, Creation has been around for a long time... Say, 10 million years ago, your Ancestor as represented in the line of DNA in your cells, what was your N…
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Send us a text GAZA Here is another opportunity for mankind to step up, for the United Nations to contribute and lead the Way, creating a Palestinian Gaza as in becoming an example of what we can accomplish together as one people, cousins. City Planning, Budgeting, Best construction practices, Architectural & Landscape Best practices, we have the p…
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Send us a text who said that, just about everybody, now, listening to su-ch good advice. don't know much about history, nor so much about geography, but I do know that I know you, we are similar, you and me, we have evolved over millions of centuries, cousins all... indeed! Support the show Our Goal, finding awe, while feeling one's Self aglow.…
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Send us a text after a while, crocodiles, take a moment to remember there is a great gift we share we call it Life. It is a license to be high, frisky, alive, and in awe... Believe, & know whom you are Dwell, remember, go over, repeat, & learn & rise in perception. Our Call to Action to believe in our Self to be All that you Can Be-ing in Awe @ the…
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Send us a text playing, be-ing playful, be-ing innocent like a child, seeing the world "fresh & new." do you wish for this? it is yours, it is in everyone's capacity, it may take some effort, but do-able. seek and you shall find, ask and it will be given, yet too many don't realize... it is you seeking and asking "inside," not someone else, the ans…
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Send us a text I'm looking for this person, you know whom you are, just stop forgetting, tear each moment into snippets, or thirds, with a beginning, a flowing presence, and an end. Let's delve into what it is to think, what are the consequences of one's internal dialogue, one's commotion? If you are planting seeds of virtue and causing them to spr…
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Send us a text thinking, remembering, doing... it can get confusing, even disappointing, so much potential so many choices, which direction do we wish to go? presented in such a fashion, it's easy, we want to grow... we want more, to nourish our Selves and those close around planting seeds all day, sprinkling love on every one, observing one's Self…
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Send us a text seek and yea shall find, old saying, same truth, it is what we add to the moment, our sense of creativity, in every way we can imagine and most likely, an infinite number more which we ignore because it is just too much. But.... how big of a role do you want to play in your world? energy follows attention, practice draws self improve…
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Send us a text It is easy not to do what you've not used to doing, it is to create a new habit, making an intention, and keeping your aspiration before one's Self... knowing it's importance. there isn't anything more important than your Self. It is in the machinations/behavior of this Self that encapsulate whom this person, you or I are. Know, that…
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Send us a text what isn't? taken objectively, just as a witness, an observer, what isn't incredible, what doesn't deserve a moment to better understand, why? does this 'whatever it is" exist? you are the culmination of a billion years of evolution, do you think there might be a few bells and whistles about your Self which you are unaware? or, maybe…
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Send us a text We can all be better and knowing this.... strive for improvement. flowing awareness of our breathing and pulsing processes, respiration and circulation, and their creation, "the continuation and celebration we call Life," is our mandate the purpose of our mindfulness is to fulfill this responsibility in a positive manner there is eve…
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Send us a text Do you find your Self weaving, up and down and all around, remember how flexible we can be, increasing our own abilities, discerning little steps to enhance our Be-ing they are everywhere, all the time, in each moment, often we don't think of them as the opportunities they are, yet, isn't each moment a miracle in it self... thereby, …
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Send us a text everyone makes mistakes, it is part of the process of learning what a success is or means, right? funny, how this world twists and turns! We need one to find the other. so, too, in our day to day, moment to moment world of our (individual, unique) ways... we are constantly getting feedback from our experiences, thoughts, perceptions.…
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Send us a text I've seen all good people, have a nice day. Need we remember whom we are, yes, we need to make an effort consciously until it becomes a habit and sense of understanding of the miracle of Life of which we are an infinitesimally small part, yet shiny and cute. It's a learning process these moments flowing by, take advantage and run you…
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Send us a text Nothing more important than one's next breath. so, how about making your breath your best friend, it will take some time to learn to be remembering it through your day, but well worth the investment. why do you hear so often to be mindful of your breath and how you do it, because of it's importance it is deeper than just the physical…
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Send us a text Being judgmental is following a thought in one direction to its conclusion, but doesn't everything have a multi-directional aspect to it? doesn't every thought have possibilities like the rays of the sun radiating outward in all directions? So, too, inside of our Selves, is such a possibility, we also are little suns in our own right…
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Send us a text short and sweet, sing along, don't be bashful, it's good to exercise one's vocal chords. there is only goodness coming from the sounds of one's sigh, one's exhalation, be in awe, allow, accept your own possibility for creating, and make this recipe work my dad, a long time ago, recommended that humming is a great, soothing sound to m…
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Send us a text Waking up is hard to do, breaking the chains of complacency and glorifying One's existence, i.e. the miracle of Creation. It is a way to begin. Mindfulness and meditation be-ing art forms, moving moments of art, consciousness, perceptions of one's be-ing, "toggling" down the river of now remember, energy creatures, we need build our …
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Send us a text an opportunity to just let go and follow along on a gentle journey inside our Selves, remembering one's physicality and character we want to seed, nourish, and grow. There is nothing like investing in the process of nourishing life and having the good fortune to be watching / witnessing its growth. Choosing flowers amplifies our rewa…
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Send us a text What do you think I'm talking about, before you listen... there is so much left on the table in everything we do, so much we ignore or can't even comprehend, it is this I'm alluding to. It is the electromagnetic spectrum of energy and it is how much we are "capable" of discerning in this vast range... Gather what you can and journey …
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Send us a text It is our chance to connect, this moment, and as they flow, let and allow us to be harmonious and to gain as much as possible from each moment henceforth in our lives. such a wish is a great blessing for any and all, embrace your be-ing and seek to rise, nourishing your Self with increasing self wisdom. If you've forgotten how, pract…
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