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Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe

Laetitia Reboulleau et Lucile Bellan

Laetitia et Lucile sont journalistes, autrices et expertes en sexualités. Dans chaque épisode, seules ou accompagnées, elles décryptent des phénomènes liés au sexe. Légendes urbaines, fantasmes, anorgasmie, vaginisme, pop culture, histoires d’horreur… “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe”, c’est le sexe sous toutes les cultures, par tous les prismes – surtout les moins vus et les moins entendus. Pour en découvrir toujours plus. “Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe” est un podcast hebdoma ...
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風も、雨も、自ら鳴っているのではありません。 何かに当たり、何かにはじかれ、音を奏でているのです。 誰かに出会い、誰かと別れ、私たちは日常という音を、共鳴させあっています。 YESとNOの狭間で。 今週、あなたは、自分に言いましたか? YES!ささやかに、小文字で、yes!明日への希望の風に吹かれながら、自分にyes!と言ったひとたちの物語をお聴きください。
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Welcome to Why That Worked – Presented by Have you ever wondered why some brands, trends, or products become massive successes while others fade away? That’s exactly what this podcast explores. Hosted by Donald Miller, creator of the StoryBrand Framework, and co-hosted by Kyle Reed, each episode dives into the strategies behind the world’s biggest wins, breaking them down into clear, actionable insights you can use to create your own success. Discover how to craft clear and ef ...
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Une exploration au tour la musique expérimentale à travers les mots des personnes qui la présentent a Infuse (concerts de musique expérimentale a Paris) Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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Ihr schätzt die aufpolierte Expertise von André Voigt in Sachen Basketball, habt aber keine Zeit euch die rauen NBA-Livesfragentreams presented by #TISSOT auf Twitch oder Youtube anzuschauen? Dann ist dieser Podcast genau das richtige für euch! Alle Fragenstreams gibt es hier als Podcast zum Nachhören. Seid in der Regel dienstags ab 20:00 Uhr live auf selbst live dabei!
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Programa do ministério multimídia da RTM que traz devocionais com contexto brasileiro para todos os dias do ano, com o intuito de resgatar a prática devocional diária. Distribuídos em livro, na programação da RTM, por meio de CDs, nas emissoras afiliadas, na plataforma internacional de podcasts (TWR 360) os devocionais também estão disponíveis para download no site da RTM, alcançando muitas pessoas. Apresentação: Equipe RTM Produção: Kaká Rodrigues e Doris Körber Duração: 3 minutos Estreia: ...
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Laborastories | presented by ADLM

Association for Diagnostics & Laboratory Medicine (formerly AACC)

ADLM is pleased to present Laborastories: The Podcast. In this new series, ADLM President Dr. Anthony Killeen talks with experts in laboratory medicine to learn more about the people behind clinical laboratory testing and explore both the current issues they are facing and the many ways their work impacts patient lives. Remember – every laboratorian has a story.
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This Clinical Life, proudly presented by Practicing Excellence, is a podcast that explores how investing in the growth and development of our healthcare workforce can serve as a powerful catalyst for positive change. The podcast is hosted by Practicing Excellence CEO and Founder, Stephen Beeson, MD. For more, visit
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La medicina está avanzando a una velocidad sin precedentes y en este podcast descubrirás muchos de los cambios que ya están en marcha. Entrevistas con científicos, clínicos y expertos de renombre, ficción, juegos… todo al servicio de la divulgación científica. La periodista Belu Jiménez y el biotecnólogo Julián Guercetti nos acercan en cada episodio el presente de la medicina del futuro. Una producción de la biotecnológica Amgen.
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Adam Graham serves as your host, providing his idiosyncratic as he goes, as we go through the much underrated 1946-54 detective series starring a pre-Johnny Dollar Bob Bailey as Detective George Valentine a World War II vet, who along with his secretary and assistant Brooksie take on every case that's mailed to them.
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DISCOVERY presented by UW Law

University of Washington School of Law

DISCOVERY is a podcast presented by the University of Washington School of Law in Seattle, WA, featuring distinguished guests discussing today's biggest social, political and legal issues. Episodes focus on a diverse mix of legal and legal-adjacent topics through intimate conversations with experts, speakers and leaders from around the globe. For more, visit
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Shortleg - der Podcast presented by Bull's - Marvin van den Boom, Kevin Barth, Moritz Käthner, Benni Scherp und Lutz Wöckener

In Shortleg, dem Podcast, sprechen in regelmäßigen Abständen die Redakteure Kevin Barth, Moritz Käthner, Marvin van den Boom, Benni Scherp und Lutz Wöckener von der Welt über die aktuellen Geschehnisse der PDC und laden sich immer wieder den ein oder anderen Spieler in die Sendung ein. Aber auch Themen fernab vom großen PDC-Zirkus werden wie auch Sonderthemen mit spannenden Gästen besprochen. Zudem gibt es wöchentliche "Shortleg Kompakt" Folgen auf unserem Youtube-Channel u ...
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The Vet Blast Podcast presented by dvm360 is a fun, educational show for veterinarians, veterinary students, veterinary support team members and of course, pet parents! Learn the latest and greatest in veterinary medicine from professionals in the field! Also laugh with my guests as we share great stories of the incredible human-animal bond. No creature is too big or too small for a show designed for all!
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Dispatches from the frontlines of food, farming, and the environment. From the Food & Environment Reporting Network, the producers of Hot Farm, REAP/SOW brings you narrative and investigative reporting that examines the consequences of what we choose to eat and why. Currently featuring BUZZKILL, a six-part series on the pollinator crisis
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Join co-hosts Chris and Ari for a discussion of animal training, behavior, human-animal relationships, and all things NEI-TEC (the Natural Encounters Inc Training and Education Center), and featuring guests from the NEI team and around the professional animal care world! Email us at if you have a question or something you'd like us to discuss on the show!
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Find the presenter in you! Sally Gray MBE and Rajan Datar chat through tips and tricks for all your presenting needs, plus interviews with celebrity guests reveal the secrets behind the world of presenting Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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The Marginal Gains Podcast, presented by Silca is the show that makes a big deal about the little things, and how those little things...can be a big deal. Josh Poertner of Silca, along with Hottie and Fatty, talk about all aspects of cycling — design, manufacturing, marketing, riding, racing, management and more, all from a thoughtful perspective. It's a podcast for the thinking cyclist.
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Breakfast with Boz is hosted by Ian Boswell, former cycling Word Tour racer and now converted gravel racer. Breakfast with Boz brings you interviews with inspiring athletes and news from inside the race. It may not always be breakfast during the podcast but it will always be entertaining.
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Former Cup Series Champion and NASCAR legend Kevin Harvick gives his expert opinion on the top NASCAR storylines weekly alongside FOX Sports’ Kaitlyn Vincie and NASCAR’s Chief Hype Officer, Mamba Smith. Plus, Kevin brings some of the biggest names in sports, entertainment, and pop culture into the racing world with weekly interviews.
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From The Comedy Zone in Charlotte, NC, We're talking about the Charlotte Comedy scene and a lot of other things. New shows every week-ish. We are likely NSFW unless you work in a super-progressive place, or in a comedy club. Hosted by Jason Allen King, Jonathan Williams and Jordan Centry.
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The mind behind, Ray LeBov assesses the best in basketball writing using his four I's strategy: any stories selected must be intelligent, informative, insightful, and interesting. Now, he's applying the same logic to The Unrestricted Area, where guests from around the basketball world come to discuss the NBA and sports analysis as a whole.
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BE THE BEST PRESENTER YOU CAN BE! The Video Presenter Show it's here to elevate your presentation game with expert insights, live sessions, and actionable tips. Join us for free and become the standout presenter you aspire to be.
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show series
Devocional do dia 26/03/2025 com o Tema: "Pecados" Todos temos mais dificuldades com alguns pecados do que com outros (cf. Tg 1.12-15). Recentemente, ouvi uma advertência: “Você cuida bem do seu espírito, mas não está cuidando bem do seu corpo e da sua alimentação”. Leitura bíblica: Salmo 19.12-13 Versículo Chave: Diz o SENHOR: “Sou eu, eu mesmo, a…
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Michel Albert et Isabel Goguen reçoivent Clo Allard et jasent avec iel de sa carrière d'impro, de sa démarche artistique, et d'archiver l'improvisation. Laissez-nous des commentaires par l'entremise du blogue au :! Nous sommes aussi sur Facebook sur la page d'Improvisation NB sur Twitter, @ImproNB, et sur YouTube sur le channe…
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Julien Pontvianne lutte avec son corps pendant le marathon de souffle continue que constitue la pièce emblématique de son quatuor de clarinettes WATT, qui commence avec un son en unisson, et évolue avec des micro-variations pendant des dizaines de minutes. La pièce est sur le programme d'Infuse qui présente WATT le lundi 10 mars 2025 à 21h à La Fin…
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If you’re interested in working in laboratory medicine, getting a position in a clinical laboratory isn’t the only path available. Laborastories host Dr. Anthony Killeen sits down with Dr. Corinne Fantz to discuss how she ended up in the in vitro diagnostics industry, how it compares to working in a traditional lab setting, and how people can prepa…
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Greg Flammang and Jamie Uyeyama discuss Notre Dame's recent momentum in recruiting and all the latest news and developments from their spring practices and player interviews. They also talk some Notre Dame women's college basketball, upcoming pro day for Notre Dame, and other topics related to Notre Dame football.…
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Christophe Farnaud shares insights into his unique role of representing 27 nations and the evolving relationship between Europe and Saudi Arabia. He discusses the rapid transformation he is witnessing in Saudi Arabia’s rapid transformation, from outdated perceptions to bold new policies—and the complexities of high-stakes diplomacy. The conversatio…
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Das erste European Tour Event 2025 auf deutschem Boden hat einen Premierensieger hervorgebracht. Nathan Aspinall schnappt sich seinen ersten European Tour Titel in Göttingen, setzt den Grundstein dafür schon zuvor im Halbfinale gegen Gary Anderson mit einem wahnsinnigen 170er-Finish. Neben Menzies-Drama, Wackelkontakt und ordentlichen deutschen Auf…
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In this episode, Coach Brian and Coach Calvin dive deep on how to build lower body strength for olympic weightlifting, what the purpose of weightlifting complexes are and which ones you should use, and whether technique drills are actually useful! *** RECOMMENDED NEXT EPISODE → ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Upper Body Strength for Olympic Weightlifting [Ep. 18]⁠ ASK A…
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Cullen and Mason chat with Jeremy and Scott from The Myriad. They chat about the tragic history of the band, their new music, and much more. Check out The Myriad here: Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Instagram: Be…
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Kevin Harvick, Kaitlyn Vincie, and Mamba Smith break down all the action from Homestead, including Kyle Larson’s near weekend sweep, strong runs from Alex Bowman and Bubba Wallace, and tough days for Christopher Bell and Ryan Blaney. The crew also looks ahead to the Martinsville showdown and what’s at stake for the contenders. Plus, Mamba shares th…
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Original Release Date: June 25, 2019 An attorney hires George to make a big investment on behalf of an anonymous client but things go wrong because George has a nail in his shoe. Original Air Date: November 29, 1946 Support the show monthly at Support the show on a one-time basis at https://support.greatdetective…
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Introducing Clinical Trial Blazers – Pioneering oncology trails with AVEO’s Michael Bailey from Clinical Trialblazers. Follow the show: Clinical Trialblazers In this episode of Clinical Trial Blazers, Michael Bailey, President and CEO of Aveo Oncology, shares his insights on the evolving landscape of oncology trials and their impact on patient care…
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Devocional do dia 25/03/2025 com o Tema: "Deus da vitória" O rei Asa, de Judá, foi um dos governantes que agiu de acordo com o que Deus aprova. Ele foi um bom rei porque promoveu uma reforma religiosa dentro do reino, retirou os altares dedicados a deuses estrangeiros e incentivou o povo a buscar e obedecer ao Senhor, o Deus de seus antepassados. L…
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On this edition of Students of the Game, Alex Baumann and Nathan Glidewell break down their picks for the men’s college basketball tournament makeup bracket and re-select their national championship winner. #CollegeBasketball #MarchMadness #MakeupBracket #NCAA #Auburn #Alabama #WarEagle #RollTide #TKRPodcast #Podcast #TKRApp #TKR #TonyKurreRadio #t…
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Les beaux jours sont là ! Et avec eux… certains regains de libido. Dans ce nouvel épisode de "Laetitia et Lucile présentent le sexe", on vous raconte tous les secrets de ce petit boost de printemps. Des tenues aux hormones en passant par la chaleur et l'impact de cette nouvelle saison sur les couples, on décortique ce renouveau qui fait du bien apr…
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Crisie talks about her experience growing up farming with black and white grandparents and the importance of homesteading. Learn more about Crisie’s past on this #podcast of #TheCrisieIsbellShow! #CrisieIsbell #Farming #Homesteading #BiRacial #Grandparents #FarmLife #Farming #TKRPodcast #TKRApp #TonyKurreRadio #Podcast Grab the free TKR app to ROCK…
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After an incredible weekend at Homestead-Miami, Kyle Larson sits down with Kevin Harvick to break down his dominant performance. Larson kicked things off with a Truck Series win on Friday, came close to victory in the Xfinity race on Saturday, and then sealed the deal with a Cup Series win on Sunday. He shares insights on his grueling triple-duty w…
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Matt Lieto sits down with Danish star Magnus Ditlev to talk about his journey to the top of long-distance racing. Coming off a second-place finish at the IRONMAN World Championship in Kailua-Kona, Magnus opens up about his offseason reset, his intense focus on improving his swim, and the tactical decisions that shape his race-day strategy. With a s…
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Nostalgia is a powerful force. You hear an old song or catch a familiar scent, and instantly, you’re transported back in time. But our brains don’t just remember the past, they rewrite it. We filter out the stress, the boredom, the everyday struggles, and what we’re left with is a version of the past that feels safer, simpler, and better than it re…
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Devocional do dia 24/03/2025 com o Tema: "Coisa de amigo" Como é bom ter amigos! Gente querida, próxima, amável e confiável – sejam poucos ou muitos amigos. Independentemente da quantidade, eles são importantes em nossa caminhada terrena. Amizades verdadeiras são tão valiosas que até Jesus tinha uma família de amigos que, volta e meia, era seu refú…
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Try TrainerRoad risk-free! 👉 Join the TrainerRoad Zwift Club 🚴 // SHARE AND RATE THE PODCAST! iTunes: Spotify: Google Podcasts: // TOPICS COVERED (00:00) Welcome! (00:17) Weather Challenges and Course Ad…
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We're continuing our transfer series this week by looking at running back. Who are the RBs that are immediately going to make a difference for their teams? We break down the tape for our top five. Title Sponsor: WICKLES PICKLES: Wickedly delicious. Head to for products, recipes, and merch. This episode is also brought to you by: …
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Devocional do dia 23/03/2025 com o Tema: "Permaneça firme!" Certa vez, na minha infância, comi a caixa de chocolates da minha avó. O comum era ganhar esses doces apenas na época de Natal ou Páscoa. Então, numa tarde, fui assistir à TV na casa dos meus avós e, ao ver os chocolates na geladeira, decidi comer um apenas, mas só parei quando devorei qua…
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Try TrainerRoad risk-free! 👉 Join the TrainerRoad Zwift Club 🚴 // SHARE AND RATE THE PODCAST! iTunes: Spotify: Google Podcasts: // TOPICS COVERED (00:00) Welcome! (00:24) Horrendous Mud and Wrong Turns (…
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晩年、軽井沢を舞台にした本格探偵小説を書いた、ミステリーの巨匠がいます。 横溝正史(よこみぞ・せいし)。 横溝を一躍有名にしたのは、金田一耕助が事件を解決する、『本陣殺人事件』『獄門島』『八つ墓村』。 多くの作品がテレビドラマ化、映画化されました。 特に彼の名を全国に広めたのが、『犬神家の一族』です。 横溝が48歳のとき、雑誌に連載をスタートさせたこの小説は、日本古来の因習、家督争いをベースに、湖から飛び出した2本の足など、ショッキングなシーンが描かれ、大きな話題になりました。 名監督、市川崑が、二度も映画化。 興行収入で成果を上げるだけではなく、作品としても数々の賞を受賞しました。 この小説での成功を受け、横溝は軽井沢に別荘を購入。 夏の間は、信州の涼やかな風に吹かれながら、執筆に励みまし…
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Devocional do dia 22/03/2025 com o Tema: "Olha para mim" A canção O cego de Jericó "em", de Sílvia Mendonça, foi inspirada na história de Bartimeu, um cego que ficava mendigando na saída da cidade de Jericó. Jesus estava passando por aquele lugar e uma grande multidão o seguia. Leitura bíblica: Salmo 33.13-22 Versículo Chave: Do lugar da sua ha…
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Try TrainerRoad risk-free! 👉 Join the TrainerRoad Zwift Club 🚴 // SHARE AND RATE THE PODCAST! iTunes: Spotify: Google Podcasts: // TOPICS COVERED (00:00) Welcome! (01:50) Zach’s Nightmare Mechanical (11:…
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Original Release Date: June 18, 2019 George agrees to watch a dog for $200 plus expenses but finds he’s gotten more than he bargained for when he finds out the dog is a voracious Great Dane that’s been reported stolen. Original Air Date: November 15, 1946 Support the show monthly at Support the show on a one-time…
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Release Date: May 22, 2014 Nick Carter is called in when an actor has faced a series of perilous accidents. Original Air Date: March 25, 1945 Support the show monthly at Support the show on a one-time basis at Mail a donation to: Adam Graham, PO Box 15913, Boise, Idaho 83715 Ta…
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Devocional do dia 21/03/2025 com o Tema: "Planos" A Bíblia conta que Neemias planejou e liderou a reconstrução dos muros de Jerusalém de tal forma que a obra foi concluída em 52 dias (Ne 6.15). Mas sabemos que sua base foi o Senhor, nosso Deus. Leitura bíblica: Provérbios 16.1-3,9 Versículo Chave: O coração é mais enganoso que qualquer outra coisa,…
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Try TrainerRoad risk-free! 👉 Join the TrainerRoad Zwift Club 🚴 // SHARE AND RATE THE PODCAST! iTunes: Spotify: Google Podcasts: // TOPICS COVERED (00:00) Welcome! (00:55) Alex’s Heat Challenges and Hydra…
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I'm starting a live cast on Podbean: Please join me! A SERIES OF ONLINE PLAYLIST DROPPING BY DJHARDWORK734 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿 tune in and enjoy 💯💯💯👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿 https://www.podbean.moreListen to PRINCE by 2SMOOV, Tfn Fowla, Yung Eli on #SoundCloud…
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Greg Flammang and Dara Mabrey discuss the path of Notre Dame women's basketball through the tournament and into the final four, how the bracket looks for the other top seeds, how they find their form again, what it's like to prepare for tournament play, and more. 0:00- intro 2:52- setting up Notre Dame's path and their mental state 5:12- is Notre D…
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Chris once again ambushes Ari with a surprise topic for discussion, thanks to a great email we received: now that the definition of "enrichment for animals" has evolved, what might "modern, goal-based enrichment" look like for the humans we work alongside in the professional animal care field? We chat about the staff-driven professional development…
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Kevin Harvick sits down with Kyle Busch for a candid conversation about his current winless streak, what it felt like to return to his hometown track in Las Vegas, and what the future holds for him in NASCAR. Busch opens up about the challenges he’s faced, his mindset moving forward, and how he plans to get back to Victory Lane. Don’t miss this in-…
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This is a story about how a single TikTok video, taped in 2023 outside a meatpacking plant in Greeley, Colorado would change the lives of hundreds of Haitian immigrants, and embroil JBS – the world’s largest meatpacking company – in a controversy over mistreating workers. Reported by FERN senior producer Ted Genoways and produced in partnership wit…
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Devocional do dia 20/03/2025 com o Tema: "Intermediário" Assim o dicionário define a palavra intermediário: “mediador; pessoa que interfere ou busca obter algo para alguém”. Tempos atrás, uma colega de trabalho falou sobre a situação do seu esposo. Ele estava sofrendo de uma doença grave e, se não fosse tratado com urgência, perderia a visão. Leitu…
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Try TrainerRoad risk-free! 👉 Join the TrainerRoad Zwift Club 🚴 // SHARE AND RATE THE PODCAST! iTunes: Spotify: Google Podcasts: // TOPICS COVERED (00:00) Welcome! (00:13) Stage 3 Performance Recap (00:40…
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Time to get those brackets busted, it is time for March Madness. Nick Felice and Paul Russo discuss the 2025 edition of the NCAA Tournament. They review which games have their attention and where those potential upsets could come from. They also discuss the latest from the first four games and whether teams deserve to be in the tournament.…
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Der Fluch der Players Championships in Deutschland ist gebannt: Martin Schindler triumphiert in Hildesheim und wird damit der erste deutsche Spieler mit drei Titeln im Senioren-Bereich der PDC! Doch er war nicht der einzige Titelträger der vergangenen Woche, auch Dragutin Horvat war auf der Challenge Tour erfolgreich. Benni Scherp und Moritz Käthne…
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