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Directus International creates articles, video documentaries and audio material on issues of social injustice and human rights violations in the Americas. This podcast is focused on our research articles and on topics that are of interest for practitioners, activists and people looking to further their knowledge on human rights issues.
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Creative Botica

Little Raging Warrior - Martha Lluch

Welcome! This podcast has episodes in English & Español. Conversations by Martha Lluch -artist behind the Little Raging Warrior Project- focused on the intersection between creativity and healing from trauma. A space filled with insights from healthcare practitioners both from the traditional and alternative perspectives, holistic healers, artists and dear soul friends that have influenced my own journey. as I learn to navigate the world beyond my own traumatic experiences. ----------------- ...
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Quieres ms de la vida ests buscando respuestas Snate te ensear cmo encontrarlas en tu interior Este libro cambi mi vida y creme tambin cambiar la tuya Una obra maestra de empoderamiento MEL ROBBINSautor de El poder de lossegundosLa Psicologa holstica proporciona un enfoque revolucionario para la sanacin personal que usa el empoderamiento del yo y genera un cambio definitivo hacia la paz interiorComo psicloga clnica la Dra Nicole LePera a menudo se senta frustrada por las limitaciones de su p ...
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show series
PDF Retired Nurse Adult Coloring Book: Funny Retirement Gag Gift for Retired Nurse Practitioner For Men and Women [Humorous and Fun Thank you Birthday and ... Present for Grandma, Mom, Dad, Friend, Boss] Ipad | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : cassandraktylegallegos
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(PDF) How to Start a Box Truck Business: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Launching and Growing a Successful Cube Truck Delivery Business (Bonuses: Case Studies + Business Planning Guide) Full | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : cassandraktylegallegos
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(PDF) Dropshipping Business Mastery: The Ultimate Guide to Starting and Managing a Thriving Dropshipping Business (Side Hustles) Ipad | COPY LINK DOWNLOAD : cassandraktylegallegos
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Vivimos en tiempos donde es posible reinventarse y cambiar nuestro rumbo de vida, sin embargo, no todos sabemos cómo navegar la incertidumbre del cambio y las crisis que eso conlleva. Por esto he invitado a Jhanan Naime, amiga y tarotista excepcional donde exploramos el tarot, mas allá del medio esotérico. Con ella tocamos temas como: el tarot como…
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Trigger warning: This episode revolves around experiences of sexual violence. To heal from sexual violence can be a long and difficult journey, often shadowed by shame. But what many ignore is that sexual violence is present in every culture and across demographics, the taboo's around this subject perpetuate the cycles of abuse. Which is why I have…
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Vivimos en un mundo que sobrevalora la productividad y está dominado por un exceso de energía masculina. Sin embargo, muchas mujeres han sentido el llamado a reconectar con su energía femenina, pero no saben cómo accederla. Por esto he invitado a la arquitecto y artista Sophia Soriano, para hablar sobre como ella a través del arte y pintando úteros…
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High sensitivity is often looked as a weakness -or as being high maintenance- and many don't know that this is a trait present in 20% of the human species. But the truth is that Highly Sensitive People or HSP's possess a unique way to process information and see the world around them. For this reason, I brought my friend, Depth Therapist & a Coach …
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Uno de los grandes bloques al sanar esta en patrones que repetimos sin saber de dónde vienen. La terapia sistémica (Constelaciones Familiares) ofrece una oportunidad a examinar nuestros linajes y encontrar el origen de esos patrones. En este episodio hablo con la Coach sistémica Anastasia Gomez, he indagamos sobre: Que es la terapia de Constelacion…
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The healing journey can be filled with numerous roadblocks, most of them can be internal, tied to what lives in our subconscious. This area can be tapped with techniques like Hypnosis therapy. But that can be a scary subject, especially for trauma survivors. Mostly due to a high-level of misinformation or misrepresentation of the subject. So for th…
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La creencia de que el arte es exclusivo y a veces inalcanzable, es muy presente en muchos de nosotros. Pero el arte puede ser una poderosa herramienta para sanar y aprender a navegar los momentos más retadores de la vida. Por eso he invitado a mi amiga de la vida y artista Fernanda Fuschino, con ella hablamos de temas como: El arte como medio para …
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Healthcare practitioners need to understand the long-term effects of trauma in the nervous system to properly support healing in survivors. This is known as trauma informed care. But finding these trauma informed practitioners is extremely hard to do. That is why I invited my friend and RHN Coach Cassandra Hope for this conversation about: What tra…
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Want to explore the intersection between Creativity and Healing? Understand what does it mean to be creative and why is it important for your mental health and live altogether? Then I invite you to listen to conversations with the people that had helped me along my own journey of learning to navigate life after trauma, in kinder more generous way! …
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Quieres explorar la intersección entre la Creatividad y Sanar? Te gustaría entender lo que significa ser creativo y por qué es tan importante para tu vida y salud mental? Entonces te invito a que escuches estas conversaciones con las personas que me han ayudado a aprender a navegar la vida de una manera mas compasiva y generosa, mientras descubro q…
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A través de la serie SOBRE|vivientes presentamos perfiles de venezolanos haciendo frente a la complicada crisis económica, social y política del país. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Desde cada uno de sus ámbitos de acción, las personas presentadas en la serie muestran perseverancia, ingenio y optimismo frente a la adversidad, demostrando cómo el espíritu de lucha venezo…
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En este episodio discutimos nuestro más reciente artículo: Lluvias, Vulnerabilidad y Abandono donde exponemos uno de los problemas que presenta la gestión de riesgos en nuestro país: la falta de accesibilidad en ciudades venezolanas para personas con discapacidades motoras y visuales. y los riesgos que esto puede generar en caso de desastres natura…
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On this episode we will be discussing our newest article "No Medicines, No Treatment, No Hope" where we explore accessing basic medical treatment in a Venezuelan bordertown and the hurdles that citizens face in view of the recently declared "humanitarian crisis of the healthcare sector."To read the complete article visit:https://directusinternation…
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On our first podcast we read excerpts of our article "Venezuela: A Week In The Lines" where we discuss food scarcity in the country as a result of disastrous economic policies by the Chavez and Maduro governments in combination with a steady decline in oil revenue, the country's main source of income.To read the complete article visit:https://direc…
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