show episodes
Your podcast for all things Young Fabians. We are the under-31s branch of the Fabian Society, a left wing think tank and original founders of the Labour Party. Follow us for event recordings, expert interviews, panels, and much more.
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Medicine for intellectual boredom. Host Dr Mark Fabian of Cambridge University brings together an eclectic mix of creative young folk to discuss the most stimulating ideas at the knowledge frontier, from data governance to the metamodern cultural mode, and everything in between. The world's most thoughtful people, having a chat - and you're invited! So turn off your socials, throw away your popular science books, and get ready for some legit galaxy brain takes. Thanks to Keith Spangle for th ...
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Readings of the Gospel from the Traditional Latin Mass for every day. I am using “The Saint Andrew Daily Missal”. Imprimatur Jos Van Der Meersch 1945. I am also using “The Roman Missal (1962)” Most Reverend Fabian W Bruskewitz, DD, STD, Bishop of Lincoln. Saint readings are taken from “Saints for Young People for Every Day of the Year”. Imprimatur Richard Cardinal Cushing Archbishop of Boston 1963. For the descriptions, I am using the Online Douay Rheims Bible to paste the Bible readings and ...
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Season 1 Launches May 4, 2023 Welcome to FieldSound, the official UW College of the Environment podcast. Through immersive, narrative storytelling, host Sarah Smith explores the field of environmental science together with researchers at the University of Washington College of the Environment. Interviews and anecdotes connect listeners to the College’s global impact as guests share stories of their exciting, groundbreaking and influential discoveries. FieldSound entertains and educates liste ...
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DeFi Decoded

with Alex Tapscott & Andrew Young

Alex Tapscott, Andrew Young and guests break down the fundamentals of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and how this cutting edge technology enables individuals and institutions to transact, and create value, without the need for traditional financial intermediaries. If you want to get a more in-depth view of what's going on in Web3 and the digital asset space, and access to the most recent information and insights available, please sign up for FREE to our weekly newsletter, Digital Asset Digest ...
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Welcome to New Frontiers in Functional Medicine, Longevity & Epigenetics™ where I interview the best minds in functional medicine to discuss the science and research behind medicine, longevity, epigenetics, and so much more. Expect thought-provoking ideas, new research, lots of clinical pearls for practitioners, and step-change information for clinicians and patients. Join us! ~DrKF Copyright © 2023 by KF Education and Consulting, LLC All Rights Reserved
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Politics for Dummies

Radio One - HT Smartcast

Why do we, the young Indians, need to understand politics? Because we are the future of our country and we need to represent it in a manner that is well-informed, sensitive and intelligent. Also because, understanding how events around the world affect our country from a historical, economical and political standpoint, is a lot of fun! Don't agree? Tune into Politics for Dummies with RJ Aniket from Radio One and Ambassador KP Fabian, an Indian Diplomat, who served in the IFS from the crucial ...
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In any Democracy being an informed citizen is key. I hope to do my part by discussing the issues with different individuals on the Gibraltar Politics Podcast as we head towards the 2015 election. Join me, Krishaan Khubchand, and whomever my weekly guest is, as we discuss the multitudes of issues that matter to you on the Gibraltar Poltics Podcast.
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The Diary of a Future CEO

The Perse School Cambridge

The Diary of a Future CEO, is dedicated to inspiring the hearts and minds of young people everywhere. In each episode, we'll delve into the stories of exceptional individuals who’ve overcome challenges and pursued their passions with unwavering determination. Inspired by Steven Bartlett’s ‘Diary of a CEO’, join us as we explore the transformative power of youthful ambition and celebrate the incredible potential that lies within every young person. Get ready to be energised and motivated to t ...
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show series
In this episode of FieldSound, we meet two researchers who work in vastly different systems, but whose paths cross in the interdisciplinary field of astrobiology. Jodi Young is an assistant professor and biological oceanographer at the University of Washington who studies tiny, yet mighty, marine microalgae that play a crucial role in our planet's …
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Join Alex Tapscott and Andrew Young as they decode the world of Web3 and DeFi with special guest Chris Yin, Founder & CEO of Plume. Listen in as they discuss the real-world asset (RWA) thesis, the benefits of bringing assets onchain and the exciting new possibilities it unlocks, the various subsets within the RWA market and how they work behind the…
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1 After these things was a festival day of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Post haec erat dies festus Judaeorum, et ascendit Jesus Jerosolymam. 2 Now there is at Jerusalem a pond, called Probatica, which in Hebrew is named Bethsaida, having five porches. Est autem Jerosolymis probatica piscina, quae cognominatur hebraice Bethsaida, quinqu…
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In this episode of FieldSound, we meet two students who found their own paths at the University of Washington, blending their interests in science communication and public safety with research, classes and discovery — all the while laying the groundwork for their future careers. From an early age, Samantha Lynn-Martinez, a recent graduate of the UW…
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42 Watch ye therefore, because ye know not what hour your Lord will come. Vigilate ergo, quia nescitis qua hora Dominus vester venturus sit. 43 But know this ye, that if the goodman of the house knew at what hour the thief would come, he would certainly watch, and would not suffer his house to be broken open. Illud autem scitote, quoniam si sciret …
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15 Then the Pharisees going, consulted among themselves how to insnare him in his speech. Tunc abeuntes pharisaei, consilium inierunt ut caperent eum in sermone. 16 And they sent to him their disciples with the Herodians, saying: Master, we know that thou art a true speaker, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for…
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A conversation with Todd Goings, a 2024 National Heritage Fellow renowned for his work restoring and building carousels. Goings shares stories from his early days in woodworking, his path to becoming a master of carousel restoration with a shop, Carousels and Carvings, that employs 18 artisans, and the lasting impact of his craftsmanship. He reflec…
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27 Then Peter answering, said to him: Behold we have left all things, and have followed thee: what therefore shall we have? Tunc respondens Petrus, dixit ei : Ecce nos reliquimus omnia, et secuti sumus te : quid ergo erit nobis? 28 And Jesus said to them: Amen, I say to you, that you, who have followed me, in the regeneration, when the Son of man s…
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15 Then the Pharisees going, consulted among themselves how to insnare him in his speech. Tunc abeuntes pharisaei, consilium inierunt ut caperent eum in sermone. 16 And they sent to him their disciples with the Herodians, saying: Master, we know that thou art a true speaker, and teachest the way of God in truth, neither carest thou for any man: for…
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27 And it came to pass, as he spoke these things, a certain woman from the crowd, lifting up her voice, said to him: Blessed is the womb that bore thee, and the paps that gave thee suck. Factum est autem, cum haec diceret : extollens vocem quaedam mulier de turba dixit illi : Beatus venter qui te portavit, et ubera quae suxisti. 28 But he said: Yea…
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Alex and Andrew discuss the recent surge in the crypto market, particularly in Bitcoin, and how it could be attributed to a shift in market sentiment and more favorable regulatory conditions. Trump's improved election odds and Kamala Harris's interest in crypto are also seen as positive influences. The FTX bankruptcy case concluded with a favorable…
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1 And after these things the Lord appointed also other seventy-two: and he sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whither he himself was to come. Post haec autem designavit Dominus et alios septuaginta duos : et misit illos binos ante faciem suam in omnem civitatem et locum, quo erat ipse venturus. 2 And he said to them: Th…
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⁠25 ⁠At that time Jesus answered and said: I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to the little ones.In illo tempore respondens Jesus dixit : Confiteor tibi, Pater, Domine caeli et terrae, quia abscondisti haec a sapientibus, et prudentibus, et reve…
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In the UK, up to 80% of a social worker’s time can be spent filling out forms rather than helping the desperate people in their care. This is an example of what Dan Honig calls ‘management for compliance’. Honig is associate professor of public policy at University College London, among many other affiliations including Georgetown, Harvard, Johns H…
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44 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field. Which a man having found, hid it, and for joy thereof goeth, and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Simile est regnum caelorum thesauro abscondito in agro : quem qui invenit homo, abscondit, et prae gaudio illius vadit, et vendit universa quae habet, et emit agrum ill…
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1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be like to ten virgins, who taking their lamps went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride. Tunc simile erit regnum caelorum decem virginibus : quae accipientes lampades suas exierunt obviam sponso et sponsae. 2 And five of them were foolish, and five wise. Quinque autem ex eis erant fatuae, et quinque prudentes…
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Today, we’re bringing Hispanic Heritage month to a resounding close and celebrating Juan Felipe Herrera’s recent MacArthur Fellowship by revisiting my 2015 interview with the former U.S. Poet Laureate and two-time NEA Literature Fellow. In this podcast, Herrera reflects on his upbringing, his love for language, and how his mother’s storytelling sha…
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13 And Jesus came into the quarters of Caesarea Philippi: and he asked his disciples, saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is? Venit autem Jesus in partes Caesareae Philippi : et interrogabat discipulos suos, dicens : Quem dicunt homines esse Filium hominis? 14 But they said: Some John the Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, …
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23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened to a king, who would take an account of his servants. Ideo assimilatum est regnum caelorum homini regi, qui voluit rationem ponere cum servis suis. 24 And when he had begun to take the account, one was brought to him, that owed him ten thousand talents. Et cum coepisset rationem ponere, oblatus est ei u…
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27 And it came to pass, as he spoke these things, a certain woman from the crowd, lifting up her voice, said to him: Blessed is the womb that bore thee, and the paps that gave thee suck. Factum est autem, cum haec diceret : extollens vocem quaedam mulier de turba dixit illi : Beatus venter qui te portavit, et ubera quae suxisti. 28 But he said: Yea…
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43 And having fulfilled the days, when they returned, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem; and his parents knew it not. consummatisque diebus, cum redirent, remansit puer Jesus in Jerusalem, et non cognoverunt parentes ejus. 44 And thinking that he was in the company, they came a day's journey, and sought him among their kinsfolks and acquaintanc…
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Join Alex Tapscott and Andrew Young as they decode the world of Web3 and DeFi. Listen in as they discuss a crypto market roundup, major catalysts that could ignite the next leg of the bull market, potential risks that could counter these catalysts, the actual impact the U.S. election outcome will have on the industry, the memecoin supercycle thesis…
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The centrality of gut health in total body health and aging means it’s a key topic for us to keep revisiting and updating our knowledge on. For instance, how confident do you feel about interpreting analytical indices such as phyla distribution, dysbiosis index, diversity score, as well as the myriad bacterial populations that can be resident in th…
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27 Then Peter answering, said to him: Behold we have left all things, and have followed thee: what therefore shall we have? Tunc respondens Petrus, dixit ei : Ecce nos reliquimus omnia, et secuti sumus te : quid ergo erit nobis? 28 And Jesus said to them: Amen, I say to you, that you, who have followed me, in the regeneration, when the Son of man s…
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1 And after these things the Lord appointed also other seventy-two: and he sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whither he himself was to come. Post haec autem designavit Dominus et alios septuaginta duos : et misit illos binos ante faciem suam in omnem civitatem et locum, quo erat ipse venturus. 2 And he said to them: Th…
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In this episode of FieldSound, we meet Eli Wheat, an assistant teaching professor in the University of Washington’s Program on the Environment, an environmental studies program housed within the College of the Environment. Wheat is passionate about sustainable farming, and our relationship as humans with the land and food we consume. Wheat, who is …
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44 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field. Which a man having found, hid it, and for joy thereof goeth, and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field. Simile est regnum caelorum thesauro abscondito in agro : quem qui invenit homo, abscondit, et prae gaudio illius vadit, et vendit universa quae habet, et emit agrum ill…
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A conversation with Soo Hugh, showrunner and head writer of the critically acclaimed series Pachinko. Based on the bestselling novel by Min Jin Lee, the series follows four generations of a Korean family navigating life under Japanese occupation, war, and displacement. Soo Hugh discusses the deep emotional core of Pachinko, its exploration of famil…
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26 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, In mense autem sexto, missus est angelus Gabriel a Deo in civitatem Galilaeae, cui nomen Nazareth, 27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. ad virginem desponsatam viro, cui no…
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26 And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, In mense autem sexto, missus est angelus Gabriel a Deo in civitatem Galilaeae, cui nomen Nazareth, 27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. ad virginem desponsatam viro, cui no…
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27 And it came to pass, as he spoke these things, a certain woman from the crowd, lifting up her voice, said to him: Blessed is the womb that bore thee, and the paps that gave thee suck. Factum est autem, cum haec diceret : extollens vocem quaedam mulier de turba dixit illi : Beatus venter qui te portavit, et ubera quae suxisti. 28 But he said: Yea…
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Join Alex Tapscott and Andrew Young as they decode the world of Web3 and DeFi with special guest Yannik Schrade, CEO and Co-Founder of Arcium. Listen in as they discuss what Arcium is building and its importance for public blockchain networks, how it compares to traditional L1s, its relationship to zero-knowledge proofs, the new use cases it unlock…
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25 At that time Jesus answered and said: I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to the little ones. In illo tempore respondens Jesus dixit : Confiteor tibi, Pater, Domine caeli et terrae, quia abscondisti haec a sapientibus, et prudentibus, et revel…
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1 At that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heaven? In illa hora accesserunt discipuli ad Jesum, dicentes : Quis, putas, major est in regno caelorum? 2 And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them, Et advocans Jesus parvulum, statuit eum in medio eorum, 3 And said…
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1 At that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heaven? In illa hora accesserunt discipuli ad Jesum, dicentes : Quis, putas, major est in regno caelorum? 2 And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them, Et advocans Jesus parvulum, statuit eum in medio eorum, 3 And said…
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In this episode of FieldSound, we hear from Michael Buck, an enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation and a graduate of the UW School of Marine and Environmental Affairs. Buck’s path in science has been guided by the traditions, stories, practices and knowledge of his community. His research is not just academic; it…
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1 At that hour the disciples came to Jesus, saying: Who thinkest thou is the greater in the kingdom of heaven? In illa hora accesserunt discipuli ad Jesum, dicentes : Quis, putas, major est in regno caelorum? 2 And Jesus calling unto him a little child, set him in the midst of them, Et advocans Jesus parvulum, statuit eum in medio eorum, 3 And said…
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In this episode of Art Works, a conversation with Jocelyn Bioh, the brilliant and funny mind behind Jaja's African Hair Braiding, a play set in a Harlem salon that explores the lives of African immigrant women. Bioh shares how her childhood visits to New York City's hair braiding shops inspired the play and discusses the influence of current immigr…
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13 You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt lose its savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is good for nothing any more but to be cast out, and to be trodden on by men. Vos estis sal terrae. Quod si sal evanuerit, in quo salietur? ad nihilum valet ultra, nisi ut mittatur foras, et conculcetur ab hominibus. 14 You are the light of the world…
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1 And Jesus answering, spoke again in parables to them, saying: Et respondens Jesus, dixit iterum in parabolis eis, dicens : 2 The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king, who made a marriage for his son. Simile factum est regnum caelorum homini regi, qui fecit nuptias filio suo. 3 And he sent his servants, to call them that were invited to the marr…
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34 Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword. Nolite arbitrari quia pacem venerim mittere in terram : non veni pacem mittere, sed gladium : 35 For I came to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. veni enim sepa…
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17 And coming down with them, he stood in a plain place, and the company of his disciples, and a very great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem, and the sea coast both of Tyre and Sidon, Et descendens cum illis, stetit in loco campestri, et turba discipulorum ejus, et multitudo copiosa plebis ab omni Judaea, et Jerusalem, et maritima, …
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It's important to me to include a variety of voices in the sphere of aging and longevity, and Matt Kaeberlein PhD is certainly one that I appreciate for his tempered and rational arguments. I value his insights and his work with other scientists who are tussling with the challenging questions and research interpretations in this field. We are at th…
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Join Alex Tapscott and Andrew Young as they decode the world of Web3 and DeFi with special guest Alfred Tom, Executive Director and Board Member of OMA3. Listen in as they discuss the core differences between an open and closed metaverse, Alfred’s journey into the space, OMA3’s 100+ members and their reasons for joining the consortium, the complexi…
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1 And entering into a boat, he passed over the water and came into his own city. Et ascendens in naviculam, transfretavit, et venit in civitatem suam. 2 And behold they brought to him one sick of the palsy lying in a bed. And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the man sick of the palsy: Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven thee. Et ecce off…
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1 And entering into a boat, he passed over the water and came into his own city. Et ascendens in naviculam, transfretavit, et venit in civitatem suam. 2 And behold they brought to him one sick of the palsy lying in a bed. And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the man sick of the palsy: Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven thee. Et ecce off…
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1 And entering into a boat, he passed over the water and came into his own city. Et ascendens in naviculam, transfretavit, et venit in civitatem suam. 2 And behold they brought to him one sick of the palsy lying in a bed. And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the man sick of the palsy: Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven thee. Et ecce off…
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We’re celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month by revisiting my 2023 conversation with Meg Medina, author and the Library of Congress’s 2023-24 National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature. As the first Latina to serve in this role, Meg discusses how her own immigrant background and experience growing up in Queens, New York, shape her writing. Her …
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13 And Jesus came into the quarters of Caesarea Philippi: and he asked his disciples, saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is? Venit autem Jesus in partes Caesareae Philippi : et interrogabat discipulos suos, dicens : Quem dicunt homines esse Filium hominis? 14 But they said: Some John the Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, …
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1- And entering into a boat, he passed over the water and came into his own city Et ascendens in naviculam, transfretavit, et venit in civitatem suam. [Matthew 9:1] 2 And behold they brought to him one sick of the palsy lying in a bed. And Jesus, seeing their faith, said to the man sick of the palsy: Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven the…
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