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Grace Gedeon

Grace Gedeon

Grace Gedeon is an International Life Coach. She has a unique capacity to intuitively and clinically diagnose the psychological factors that stand in the way of your success and fulfillment and teaches effective techniques to help you transform any area of your life – health, relationships, career and finances – in a deep and long lasting way. Grace assists you to resolve current life issues through her ability to tune into the repressed psychological and emotional traumas from your past. On ...
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It’s not surprising that so much hatred exists when we are pounded 24/7 with inflammatory rhetoric by a press eager to accuse police of racism and attributing every arrest they make as an assault on innocent men and women of a different color. Sadly our presidential election and other influnces have also fanned those flames, all too often before th…
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I was fishing offshore with some friends not too long ago and a little canary about two inches high lit on the back of the boat. You might not think that odd, but we were nearly forty miles out. A friend told me they come from the Bahamas and migrate to the Keys for whatever purpose and then go back. I see flocks of these little guys every year dar…
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Margaret Sanger is credited with helping to found Planned Parenthood. In fact, it was over 100 years ago – on Oct. 16, 1916 – that Margaret Sanger opened the first birth-control clinic in the United States. She was an advocate for women’s reproductive rights who was also a highly vocal eugenics enthusiast. If you don’t know what that word means: It…
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I was at the airport in Orlando not so long ago and I was preparing to go through the security line. A large family was ahead of me in line, (Mom, Dad, and three or four little rug rats’). All the small children had on tennis shoes. The father was telling all the cute little kids to take off their shoes, (and Mickey Mouse ears), in order to go thro…
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I recently I read a quote that was rather interesting. It was written by Mae West and is as follows: “You only live once but if you do right, once, is enough), Hmmm – Interesting concept . . . So how do you live your life right? It does not go unnoticed that “if you do it right” has the word “right” ingrained in it, ( that is a short version of rig…
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I asked God to take away my pain. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. Her spirit was whole, her body was only temporary. I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a by-product of tribulations; it isn’t granted, it is earned . . . http…
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There is an old hymn that has lyrics stating in part: When we all get to heaven what a blessing that will be. I suppose the question is: Will we all get to heaven. A friend wrote this morning and yet again I was asked about those folks in remote lands who have never heard about Jesus and what would happen regarding their eternal destiny . . . https…
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I was talking with my father one time about a tough decision that I was facing. He said rather casually that what I needed to do was to put it in the Lord’s hands and let Him tell me what to do. I impatiently responded that it is easier said than done. That is exactly what I have been trying to do. I have prayed and prayed over this decision and on…
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Early in his career, famous evangelist Billy Graham was actively encouraged by a top scientist to keep an open mind about alternatives to his faith and actively investigate scientific alternatives to the Bible, “After all” there are many difficult questions that go unanswered in the Bible”. After much prayer, Mr. Graham decided instead, to rely on …
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Albert Einstein once said: “A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” Just think about this very wise man’s application of his own wisdom; he completely avoided ever having the problem of a bad hair day by always having bad hair. LOL I suppose that was unkind, but one must admit it is kind of funny. All kidding aside, the man was …
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I was on a plane to Minnesota a few years ago and experienced the most dangerous situation that I have ever encountered while flying. I had been flying for more years than I care to remember. I was a platinum medallion status having flown millions of miles and hundreds of flights through all sorts of weather. During my lifetime, I have flown throug…
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One time I was asked along with 40 or so other people to write an article about the Power of Prayer for the Washington Times newspaper. The contributors were very well known Christian leaders. The Times is the 14th most read newspaper in the world and this special prayer section was presented in a 42 page insert and widely distributed across the co…
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A very good friend of mine has entered his final days and has been moved to hospice. He is walking in the shadow of death and his end could come at any moment. The family has been called in and he is in grave condition. This is a Godly man who has a Godly family and tons of Godly friends, all of whom have been fervently praying for a miraculous rec…
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One of the things I enjoy the most about going offshore fishing is leaving the dock early in the morning right at the crack of dawn. As we head offshore through the turquoise water to the deep blue I enjoy looking back at the foamy wake and the trail that the powerful engines leave. The spray literally glistens as the boat glides along pushing neat…
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I went to a meeting the other day that was attended by some very powerful – world renowned attendees. We all went to lunch together and I sat down at one end of the table with the leadership. I saw another attendee, whom I’d invited to the meeting, come in and sheepishly take a seat all of the way at the other end of the table, (as far as he could …
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Several years ago, I met a fabulously wealthy man while on vacation in Boca Grande Florida. I would run on the beach every morning with him and then we would stop at a little cafe, drink a bottle of water, and discuss various things. He was one of the most interesting people that I ever met. One thing that he advised me to do is to make a list of 1…
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I was talking with a friend of mine yesterday and he was marveling at the fact that his wife actually saw something in him that made her want to marry him. He’d risen to the very top of the world but fallen like a meteor to the utter bottom. She didn’t know him when he was flying high; she met him when he was buried 3 feet beneath the barrel . . . …
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Can there ever be peace in Israel? Yes indeed, according to the Bible there will be peace in the Holy Land, but it will not be brought about by a world leader. There may be occasional cease-fires now and then, including an abbreviated stint whereby the antichrist will bring about a short-lived halt to the fighting, but none of it will last very lon…
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I heard an interesting song recently. Its lyrics alluded to those throughout history who at one time or other had been derided for their beliefs and later were ultimately vindicated and finally had the last laugh. People were mentioned in the song like Christopher Columbus who went against the prevailing opinion and believed that the world was roun…
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I heard a sermon on why the Lord allows evil to exist this Sunday. I was very curious to hear the answer. Unfortunately, I was disappointed; the answer is that no one really knows, and that is pretty much what our pastor said. The Bible teaches that the Lord is omnipotent, meaning that there is nothing beyond His absolute power and authority . . . …
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One time I went duck hunting on the last for duck hunting season in our area. A friend and I went, and I showed up wearing waders. He looked at me and asked why I wasn’t going to sit in one of the nice dry blinds on the side of the pond, and I smiled at him with one of my wizened macho-man looks and replied, “Because unlike you my friend, I’m going…
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A friend of mine recently told me that the archery hunting season for deer had already begun in the zone in which I live. I challenged him on that because I had seen an article in a magazine that said otherwise. We argued briefly about it, and then I asked him if he would like to bet dinner on it. In there is a tradition whereby vast numbers of peo…
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I was showing my newly remodeled home with its majestic ocean view to someone the other day and he told me that I was “lucky”. I looked at him and told him that the harder that I work the “luckier” I get. After thinking it through, I have decided it is more than hard work, but it is definitely not luck. I have combined hard work with blessings from…
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I have long been an advocate of the death penalty, but recently I have changed my mind. It just doesn’t make sense to me anymore to take a life to get even for taking a life. To me it is nothing more than trying to achieve vengeance and God instructed us to leave that to Him. Timothy McVeigh’s death did nothing to bring back any of the 168 people t…
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I got on a plane and took my seat next to a guy and when I sat down beside him, he acted like he was irked at being subjected to my mere presence. During the flight he complained about nearly everything and the poor flight attendant appeared as though ready to cry. He was obviously full of himself and maybe something else too, so I immersed myself …
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Someone has sagely observed that about the time you start getting your head together your body starts to fall apart. My hair is turning greyer, my eyesight is fading and all but gone, I cannot hear very well, and my body has begun its downhill descent, yet wisdom has slowly begun to replace my foolish impulsiveness. I cannot remember how many times…
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I went to a prison ministry event several years ago. It was blazing hot, but hundreds of inmates made decisions for Christ. I was talking to one of the guys and he told me about the crime he committed. I never ask what someone did to get locked up, but he volunteered it, so I listened intently. He got really zonked out smoking marijuana and then th…
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After enduring ridicule for as long as I can remember, I became convinced at a very young age that I was never going to amount to anything and finally I just gave up trying. The only thing I seemed to excel in was being a bad boy, so I embraced it. It led to alcoholism, drug addiction, violent antisocial criminal behavior, bitterness and hatred whi…
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I watched the biographies of the Bee Gees with interest the other night. Even though some turn up their noses at what they sneeringly call their “disco” music I really enjoy it. Actually, their record sales have been estimated at over 200 million making them some of the best-selling artists of all time; so I’m not alone . . . https://www.wordsforth…
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I thought this was just beautiful. We never know how some small kindness will affect someone, especially those who are lonely and searching for more in their lives, but we should know that people are watching our actions, and the good name of Christian is always at stake . . . https://www.wordsfortheday.com/2024/07/sometimes-we-just-to-get-to-sit-w…
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Many years ago, a friend asked if he could leave his motorcycle at my house for a few weeks until he got moved. I told him sure thing and then he told me just to treat it like it was mine and ride it whenever I wanted. This was a Kawasaki 1000 and was akin to a rocket ship. So, a few days later I decided to take it for a spin. This bike would burn …
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Recently I spoke favorably of someone that I consider to be a friend. Another friend pointed out to me things that this person has done that are sinful. I asked if this person believed in grace. He said, “Well of course”. I just looked at him without saying a word until he slowly turned away . . . https://www.wordsfortheday.com/2024/07/judge-at-you…
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Reverend Billy Graham was once asked what had been the most surprising thing about life? He didn’t hesitate and responded the brevity of it. Hmmm . . . I can relate. Time seems to be going by at a supersonic speed. Just yesterday I was a young man and now I have grandchildren that age . . . https://www.wordsfortheday.com/2024/07/brevity-2/…
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I had a weird dream the other night and I cannot get it out of my mind. I dreamed I was given entrance to a small room and there were stacks of little white boxes in the room. The boxes were about the size that a necktie would come in. I was told that the boxes contained ghosts and then I was given a large amount of silver bullets, and I was told h…
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I recently visited a friend in the hospital at Duke in North Carolina. As I was walking down the corridor located inside the hospital, I happened to notice a large American flag. As I got closer I saw that the red and the blue on the flags were comprised of names. Upon closer inspection I noted that the flag contained all the names of those who los…
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I watched the Republican convention last night and was duly impressed. One thing that speaker Nickie Hailey had to say was she had been telling her unconvinced friends that although she didn’t agree with Trump on every single issue, she did agree with him on more issues than not. and she gave him her wholehearted support . . . https://www.wordsfort…
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My computer has seen its last days. Sigh . . . I point the mouse at the location I want to go and it ignores it and goes everywhere but there. It is like it has a mind of its own. I get angry at it but it does not seem to care. Nothing seems to affect it aside from repeatedly banging it on my desk and even that doesn’t work half the time . . . http…
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Donald Trump was nearly assassinated over the weekend. He attributed it to a miracle of God, and I believe that. The Democratic ultra-liberals were already claiming it was staged, he had it coming, he is a Nazi, a Fascist, and other nonsense. I watched the video of the shooting that came within a couple of millimeters of killing him and it was not …
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I am really perturbed about the polls I have seen in the past few weeks, that the “truth” is nowhere to be found in them and they are an insult to the electoral process and anyone’s intelligence to quote them. It is as though Satan, the “Father of all lies” authored them himself . . . https://www.wordsfortheday.com/2024/07/useless-polls/…
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My wife Teresa sometimes cries when she prays. I told her not to be embarrassed because the Bible tells us in Psalm 56:8 that God catches all our tears in a bottle and writes them down. If it is that important to God, then don’t worry about it. I don’t know if this is intended to be a metaphor, or if God physically catches them and puts them in a b…
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I was on a plane one time and was sitting next to a man who had been selected to go on a space mission as an astronaut to conduct experiments in outer space. In outer space pure crystals can be grown because of zero gravity and that is what his experiment was designed to do. He was naturally excited and was talking it up like a jaybird. He was a fa…
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Republicans should be celebrating in the streets if they watched the debate last night. Trump easily destroyed his opponent and to his credit did so without using profanity or calling Biden names. I believe he used decorum; plus, he was sharp, well versed on the issues, and well prepared. He looked and acted like the President for which I have long…
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It is so hot in Mississippi I have been forced to stay inside. Thus, I have been watching more than my share of television to avoid boredom. I like to watch documentaries primarily and have discovered first-hand how evolution is being pushed by folks around the country . . . https://www.wordsfortheday.com/2024/06/evolution-revolution/…
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I’m having trouble finding a movie that doesn’t contain an inordinate amount of cursing in it. Even avowed Christian actors play their parts and curse when they are told to do so.. It is unnecessary, tiresome, and sickening hearing it over and again. At the very least we will hear “Jesus Christ” as a sign of exasperation and at its worst we hear G—…
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