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Beyond the Industry 4.0, Internet of Things or Big Data buzzwords: these terms are standard in the discussion of how new technologies will change our daily life, particularly in the context of work. But, simply name dropping doesn't really help us to understand what and how exactly technology is changing in our world of work.
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Politics and society, in all their many facets, have rarely been as of crucial topics as they are now and re:publica 2017 will be looking at this thematic closer than ever. While civic tech is a natural thematic overlap for us, we will also be examining the interplay of technology and society on the day-to-day basis. Some of the success stories include increased awareness and defence of digital civil rights and the ongoing support from our and many other communities for refugees. However, wi ...
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The Gamer Professionals Show

The Gamer Professionals Show

Gamer Professionals is your up and coming publication that focuses on high-quality coverage of hot-topic issues in the industry from an academic perspective. We want to re-invent the idea of quality media coverage through our plethora of editorials and reviews. This will be done by diversifying the voices in the field through the use of voices in other professional fields outside journalism such as healthcare, engineering, and the creative arts.
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show series
Ben Eberle and Jordan Aslett run you through all the big video game news, just a couple weeks after E3! Tetsuya Nomura admits that he announced Final Fantasy VII Remake way too early, Halo is getting a TV series, Overwatch has a new hero, and Sonic The Hedgehog is getting his very own movie from Paramount Pictures. As usual, there's a ton of Fortni…
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Ben Eberle and Jordan Aslett are joined this week by Editor-in-Chief Brandon Bui! He's fresh out of E3 and giving us his impressions about the show floor, the press conferences, and all the best games that he saw. We also talk Hollow Knight, Nintendo and Microsoft's cross-platform promotions, and a little bit of Vampyr. Thanks to Visager for provid…
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In this practical workshop participants will learn the key steps that any journalist should take when working with images and videos that have been sourced online. Claire Wardle Isa Sonnenfeld How can you verify the provenance, source, date and location of any piece of content so you can be confident that it is authentic? How do you build these wor…
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Cyber. the word entails controversy: hype, misunderstandings, misappropriation, and above all many yet unanswered questions. Due to this and especially now this notion and topic are becoming increasingly important within international cooperation. Between network policy and security policy, between cyber arms race and cyber cynicism, one thing is o…
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Nach zehn Jahren Facebook stellen wir fest: Die Diskursqualität online ist schlecht, zugleich leisten Institutionen in Medien und Politik immer weniger Integration der Gesellschaft durch lebendige Debatten, weil sie zunehmend ihren Eigenlogiken folgen. Die Zivilgesellschaft muss nun selber ohne Profis lernen, wie sie fair und pluralistisch Debatten…
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Nach zehn Jahren Facebook stellen wir fest: Die Diskursqualität online ist schlecht, zugleich leisten Institutionen in Medien und Politik immer weniger Integration der Gesellschaft durch lebendige Debatten, weil sie zunehmend ihren Eigenlogiken folgen. Di Christoph Kappes Die zunehmenden Schwierigkeiten mit freier Rede im Internet, vor allem die Zu…
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Today, the struggles for open and democratic access is highly relevant – both for the the urban as well as the digital: we can see globally networked and yet diverse struggles towards the strengthening of digital and urban commons, which are contrasted and challenged by accelerating processes of privatization, control and profit-oriented developmen…
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#GAMEüse #gesundeErnährung #GemeinwohlÖkonomie #TransparenteLebensmittelproduktion Zum Beginn gibt der Vortrag einen Einblick in die Startphase unseres Unternehmens. Der Frontalvortrag soll aber nur einen Einstieg geben, den größeren Part ist für folgende Diskussion geplant: - Aufbau eines sozialverträglichen Unternehmens mit Hilfe der GWÖ - Höhen …
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Arbeit wandelt sich ständig, aber wer erinnert sich noch an den Allesschlucker, die Kattundrucker oder die Theriakkrämer? Jährlich sterben Berufe und damit wandert wertvolles Wissen auf den Friedhof verschwundener Arbeit. Was wir von diesen alten Berufen lernen können, welche ihre modernen Pendants im 21. Jahrhundert sind und warum es seit 1817 Men…
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The lecture explores the infrastructuralisation of artificial intelligence techniques and technologies including deep learning, convolutional neural networks, robotics and IoT along with the autonomisation of capitalist processes in tools and entities like blockchain, DAO and Ethereum, approaching them in the context of their cultural, philosophica…
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Arbeit 4.0 ist längst Realität: Algorithmen suchen für Unternehmen nach den besten Kandidaten. Künstliche Intelligenz hilft den Mitarbeitern, schneller und besser Entscheidungen zu treffen. Und der neue Kollege heißt Roboter. Zukunftsmusik? Nanne von Hahn Als größter Mobilfunkanbieter nutzt Telefónica Deutschland heute schon digitale Tools und küns…
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Transformational Confidence - Designing the human role in the age of artificial intelligence. Cem Ergün-Müller Moritz Ettl During previous industrial revolutions, it often took decades to build the training systems and labor market institutions needed to develop major new skill sets on a large scale. Today digitization and technological trends are …
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Do you have to abandon your right to privacy every morning at the doors of your workplace? Can your employer monitor private chats with your family? Based on research projects at the Centre for Internet and Human Rights, we will unpack the issue of digital surveillance at work and discuss regulatory gaps and potential policy responses. Kilian Vieth…
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Whereas contemporary states, societies and citizens are said to be interconnected and interdependent as never before in human history, North Korea appears as a sui generis void in international relations; a place beyond the realm of comprehension, being neither a part of our world nor of our era (…). The visuality of showing a dark North Korea serv…
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Deflect has been at the forefront protecting human rights and independent media organizations from Distributed Denial-of-Service attacks. We will give a brief history of DDoS, from digital civil disobedience, to inter-state aggression, retaliatory hacker operations, and online censorship. Leaning on real-life cases we will describe the problems pos…
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In einem Town Hall Meeting auf der #rpTEN hat Arbeitsministerin Andrea Nahles mit Ihnen über die Zukunft der Arbeitswelt diskutiert. Nun gibt es das Weißbuch Arbeiten 4.0 mit konkreten Vorschlägen. Also: wie geht es weiter? Thorben Albrecht Katja Weber Das Weißbuch Arbeiten 4.0 ist da. Die Besucher*innen der #rpTEN haben mit ihren Kommentaren und A…
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In what kind of a world do we want to live in? How should our future look like in 10 or 15 years? Digital transformation is changing the way we live and work in Germany as well as in developing and emerging countries. Between Sci-Fi, 1984 and utopia everything seems possible. In our futuristic journey, we want to look at questions such as: What is …
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Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) recently launched its second annual Corporate Accountability Index in March 2017, which evaluates 22 internet, mobile, and telecommunications companies on commitments, policies and practices affecting users’ freedom of expression and privacy. We will take this opportunity to present the findings to the Re:publica commun…
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Fake News, Filterblasen, Hate Speech, Social Bots: Starke Schlagworte zum Wandel der Öffentlichkeit in der digitalen Sphäre gibt es im Überfluss. Die Empirie kommt dabei bislang meist etwas zu kurz . Das ändern wir und geben einen Überblick zum Stand der Forschung: Was wissen wir aus wissenschaftlichen Studien wirklich über Öffentlichkeit und Disku…
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Was könnte man machen, wenn man Zugriff auf dein Persönlichstes hätte? Auf das Intimste, was du hast? Ziemlich viel. Was genau, haben wir in einer monatelangen Recherche herausgefunden. Für ein Experiment haben wir unzählige Firmen unter falschem Namen kontaktiert und am Ende deine persönlichen Daten erhalten. Deine „Click-Stream Daten“, jede URL, …
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Fake News, Filterblasen, Hate Speech, Social Bots: Starke Schlagworte zum Wandel der Öffentlichkeit in der digitalen Sphäre gibt es im Überfluss. Die Empirie kommt dabei bislang meist etwas zu kurz . Das ändern wir und geben einen Überblick zum Stand der Forschung: Was wissen wir aus wissenschaftlichen Studien wirklich über Öffentlichkeit und Disku…
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Encrypted communications, online participation, anonymous browsing – there are many open source tools that help to maintain our freedom online. But despite the importance and relevance of such tools it can be hard to fund their development, make them sustainable and grow communities around them. Next to this Discussion, there will also be a Meetup …
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Im Wahljahr gibt es auch auf der re:publica vermehrt interaktive Formate, die dem Publikum Fragen und Aufmerksamkeit abverlangen: Wir freuen uns sehr, erstmalig Thomas de Maiziére begrüßen zu dürfen. Nach einem Impulsvortrag trifft der Innenminister in einem moderierten Gespräch auf Constanze Kurz und Markus Beckedahl von und zwar …
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The session looks at the inclusion of women in tech as a global challenge. Women’s employment in the digital economy is often marred by gendered barriers and stereotypes. The good news: Times are changing, there are plenty of inspiring women who are following their dreams despite the challenges they encounter along the way. The session brings toget…
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Im Wahljahr gibt es auch auf der re:publica vermehrt interaktive Formate, die dem Publikum Fragen und Aufmerksamkeit abverlangen: Wir freuen uns sehr, erstmalig Thomas de Maiziére begrüßen zu dürfen. Nach einem Impulsvortrag trifft der Innenminister in e Thomas de Maizière Markus Beckedahl Constanze Kurz Geraldine de Bastion Sowohl im Input als auc…
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Money is a language of power. It translates between forms of value and transforms power into outcomes. The "grammar" of money determines how people can express their values and use their power. It can thus either enable or prevent change. This session explores the current "grammar" of money in social change, particularly where powerful interests cu…
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Die jährliche Ansprache zur aktuellen Lage der Offenheit und Transparenz im deutschsprachigen Raum. Wir berichten zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um Open Data, Transparenz und Open Gov. Wir nehmen Stellung zu den Erfolgen, Fails, irritierendsten Anfragen und - dieses Jahr neu dabei - den schönsten Klagen gegen den Staat. Fiona Krakenbürger Arne…
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Is the Net supposed to reflect society, or transform it? Are we supposed to work with corporations and the state, or replace them? Danny O'Brien goes on a whistle-stop ride around the early Net activism, Occupy and Silicon Valley to find out whether we've learned the right lessons from our recent past. Danny O'Brien The United State's radical syndi…
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Pratap Chatterjee will present his new report that exposes the contractors, technology and flaws behind the U.S. drone war in Afghanistan, Pakista, Syria and Yemen that has killed thousands of people. Pratap Chatterjee Lisa Ling Diani Barreto This session will present new documents (obtained under the Freedom of Information Act) as well as numerous…
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Upload filters are one of the biggest threats to an open and free internet. They choke freedom of expression, hurt creativity, and undermine our privacy. They damage things the EU and its Member States value very much and protect by law. And yet, mandatory upload filters are right now being proposed in the EU copyright reform. But it’s not over yet…
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Rarely has a technology incited so much negativity from its advent as the drone technology. In so many war-affected countries including Pakistan, the word “drones” provokes the image of vicious, killing robots, and not without reason. In safer regions, people worry about their privacy with the image of such a robot hovering above them. In most mind…
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Computational propaganda – the use of information technologies for political manipulation – is on the rise. Social bots are crucial instruments in digital attacks: During the US elections 20% of all Twitter traffic was generated by them; and Trump bots outnumbered Clinton bots 5:1. During Brexit 1% of accounts drove nearly 1/3 of all traffic. Both …
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New challenges demands new institutions and forms of organization. How is civil society rethinking its forms of representation and organization? What new models are emerging? In this session we want to to discuss the urgency of reinventing the institutions from a civil society perspective and bring experiments that are pointing out to different pat…
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Oft wird argumentiert, Kritik an der AfD wäre durch die „Lügenpresse“ gesteuert und Äußerungen von Funktionären stünden nicht für die Position der Partei. Deshalb habe ich das getan, was jeder gute Nerd macht. Ich habe den Source-Code gelesen, also alle Wahlprogramme der AfD auf EU-, Bundes- und Landesebene. Hinzu kommen unzählige Anträge aus Bürge…
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Nicht nur immer mehr Wirtschaftsbereiche werden durch Algorithmen und Daten getrieben, auch Staat und Politik versprechen sich durch Automatisierung Vorteile. Weiter gedacht ergeben sich aus den Überlegungen zum algorithmischen Regieren und Verwalten utopische und dystopische Zukunftsbilder gleichermaßen: effiziente und effektive Politik und Verwal…
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Digitalen Plattformen wird oftmals vorgeworfen, durch Rosinenpickerei die Daseinsvorsorge in Frage zu stellen. Beispielsweise beteilige sich der Arzneimittelversandhändler nicht am kostspieligen Apothekennachtdienst und mache dann durch niedrigere Preise der Apotheke auf dem Land das Auskommen schwer. Analoges gilt für das Taxigewerbe und Mobility-…
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Inequality is one of the defining challenges of our time. The open Web can help to reduce inequality - social, political, economic and gender - and drive progress. But increasing centralisation and control online threatens to consolidate power in the hands of a few, largely unaccountable, gatekeepers and leave the rest of us behind. That is why we …
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Join us for a panel discussion about the disinformation ecosystem in times of elections in Europe and how to collaboratively tackle this challenge. Claire Wardle Isa Sonnenfeld Roland Freund Léa Steinacker Matthias Streitz This panel will kick off with a presentation from First Draft's Claire Wardle, who will examine the full spectrum of the disinf…
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Civil disobedience is a crucial political practice of our times. Since the early 90s, civil disobedience was partly transformed in digital practices by artists, activists and political technologists. The concept of civil disobedience is contested by itself, but the digital transformation adds a whole new set of questions to this exceptional phenome…
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A German chocolate manufacturer sees it's special edition Unicorn Chocolate sell out at warp speed. Twice. Ten years ago, no one would have thought something like that would even sell in Germany. Hackers of all genders are getting into Makeup as a skill to modify and even virtualize one's own face and (Teen)Vogue has become a place for hard politic…
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Auf der re:publica'11 wurde der Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. als Verein für den Schutz der Menschenrechte im digitalen Raum gegründet. Seitdem ist viel passiert. Wir stellen unsere aktuelle Arbeit vor. Alexander Sander Volker Tripp Am ersten Dienstag im Monat lädt der Digitale Gesellschaft e.V. immer zum netzpolitischen Abend in Berlin ein, um über a…
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Bundesanwaltschaft und Verfassungsschutzbehörden sabotieren die Aufklärung der Mordserie des Nationalsozialistischen Untergrunds (NSU) trotz zahlreicher Untersuchungsausschüsse in Bund und Ländern sowie dem laufenden Prozess in München bis heute. Die Geheimhaltungspraxis wird zum Machtinstrument, die parlamentarische Kontrolle erweist sich als unge…
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Wir konsumieren Eindeutigkeit: 2,5 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr geben deutsche Politik und Wirtschaft für quantitative Meinungsforschung aus, 150 Umfragen beauftragt allein das Bundeskanzleramt jährlich. Doch nach Wahlkämpfen, die mitunter von Bots und sogenannten Fake News bestimmt wurden, scheint es immer schwieriger, diese Eindeutigkeit zu finden. G…
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Advertising has never been less necessary and at the same time more important than it is today. In a world where organizations diametrically opposed to the open society also fund themselves through established brands’ advertising budgets, it has become impossible for advertisers to remain apolitical. My plea: Let's rethink the role of brands and po…
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"Welcome to the 21st Century. You are a Netizen (a Net Citizen)," wrote Michael Hauben in 1993 when he discovered that along with the Internet there had emerged a new form of citizen and citizenship. He called this new form of citizen 'netizen'. The article Hauben wrote introducing his research and the concept of Netizen to the world soon became th…
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In the past few years, WWF has been increasing its use of new digital technologies, including real-time smartphone data collection from field locations, development of online interactive maps and tools, and new data collected from airplanes and remotely operated drones for forestry, species and ecosystem monitoring, coastal and marine applications,…
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Owners of a wealth of data and content, International Organisations ESA, WIPO, WHO and UNESCO have recently started implementing Open Access. Their respective OA strategies and policies in practice will be presented, followed by a hopefully lively discussion with you, the tax payers who fund these organisations. Marco Trovatello The International O…
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Fake News sind immer die News der anderen? Unsere Datenanalyse zeigt, wie sich Falschmeldungen auszahlen und mit welchen Strategien Medien Fakes verbreiten: Jeder dritte Facebook-Post enthält Spuren von Unwahrheit. Um dem Problem beizukommen, gilt es zu differenzieren: zwischen Propaganda, Clickbait und Fahrlässigkeit. Wir präsentieren das Thema al…
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One of the most prominent arguments against the right to be forgotten in the Latin American region appeals to a “right to memory” or a “right to truth”: there is a real concern that powerful individuals could exert control over narratives about the past. Nonetheless, in the era of digital colonialism, that same danger applies to Google itself. In t…
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Technology and digital disruption impact on products, business and society. Moreover, business operations is changing: the way we work, collaborate, learn, lead and innovate in the business context. This keynote dives into digital trends, work 4.0 and selected examples of how Deutsche Telekom tackles the challenge to become a culture of innovation.…
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