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Join The Silver Fox (cock-eyed anti-folk chancer) and Arkham (The World’s Greatest Lurcher) in their Happy Place for a jaundiced weekly jaunt through the highs and lows (but mostly the lows) of our world's descent into unspeakable ghastliness. The chaps offer you analysis and impotent rage in roughly equal measure - and a song at the end of each week to keep your toes tapping in an incomparable danse macabre that may or may not make it all seem more bearable.
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show series
After a week on holiday, the chaps are disappointed - though by no means surprised - to return to the Happy Place only to find that little has changed. Big Money is still acting as though there has been no change in Government - and perhaps there hasn't been after all. Still; if enough of us eat enough tinned pineapple, who knows what could happen?…
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This week finds the chaps burning any conceivable bridges and damning themselves irrevocably to never ever being invited to guest on another podcast by lashing out at practically every columnist, podcaster, and opinioneer and calling most of them idiots. Frankly, it's surprising it's taken this long... On a more positive note, The Silver Fox has so…
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As the country - and the chaps in the Happy Place - enjoy a respite from the worst of the chaos and cuntery of the past week, we take a look at what drove hotel-burners and sausage-roll heisters alike to give so many of our towns and cities some new scars - and just as we hope those scars will heal, we also hope that greater understanding can lead …
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Before you download this week's offering from the Happy Place, perhaps you should think for a moment: do you really want to listen to the chaps' reflection on a week of slaughter and unrest? That's not to say that it's any better (or worse) than their usual offering - but just a reminder that it's probably best to think about ANYTHING before doing …
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Hey there, you groovy cats and kittens; drop by Foxy and Arkham's Happy Place this week and dig the sweet sunshine and the good vibes, why don't you? It's all so cool and beautiful, baby - ever since Parliament tuned in, turned on, and dropped out into a Political Age of Aquarius, we're all a lot more mellow, man... Unless you disagree with somebod…
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As the Chattering Classes and the Political Elite shout themselves hoarse in an attempt to make some sense of Saturday's events in Butler, Pennsylvania - or at least some form of sense in which they're absolved of any and all blame - Foxy and Arkham retreat to the Happy Place to escape the cacophony of cant and reflect that with everybody mouthing …
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As the chaps twiddle their respective thumbs and paw-pads in the sun-drenched seclusion of their Happy Place - rather at a loss as how they might best tackle the recent seismic-but-probably-not-very-seismic changes in the UK, a remarkable thought occurs - and one from an even more remarkable source. Over to you, Brian...…
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The Happy Place is (a bit) Happier than usual this week as Arkham and Foxy see in the formation of a new Government. Needless to say, it's not all larks and untrammeled merriment - and there's still plenty to grouch about. For all that however, it may still be that chaps' most Upbeat Episode Ever - and you'll certainly never see a ventriloquist in …
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After a brief absence - (relatively brief, anyway - in geologic terms) the chaps are back in the Happy Place. As the Nation gears up for the Election, Foxy and Arkham consider crises of conscience, unintended consequences, and the evanescence of a cornstarch coating. Also, exciting noises are made about LIVE election coverage. Doubtless Jeremy Vine…
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A certain pre-election ennui has caused Foxy and Arkham to retreat to the pastoral splendour of their Happy Place with more alacrity than usual this week. Fortunately, the splendid isolation did both of the chaps the world of good, and provided time and space enough to ponder as to why the Twitters, they are a-changing - as well as realising that t…
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Even in the Happiest of Happy Places, the odd speck of ague and/or ennui can somehow insinuate themselves from time to time - hence the shocking lateness of this episode. This week sees Foxy and Arkham appalled - but not all THAT appalled - by the Prime Minister's French Leave, but decide that there are worse things about war-related ceremonies.…
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Something of a chivalrous interlude in the lives of Foxy and Arkham this week as the chaps ransack the cupboards for tin trays, pots and pans, and a suitably massive colander in order to ride (well, ramble) to the defence of a lady whose temerity in not knowing her place has incurred the wrath of a bunch of cunts. They're about the most inept and b…
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This week, as the never-knowingly United Kingdom goes into premature meltdown over the General Election being called, the chaps in the Happy Place have their minds focussed upon matters that are - to all too many - FAR more pressing than which Centre-Right fuckstump will be giving Larry The Cat his dinner for the foreseeable future. They're talking…
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Though neither Foxy nor Arkham are what you'd call "shoppers" as such, the idea of browsing some carefully-curated political "retail items" held a dreadful fascination for them this week - so they marched up to Labour's counter, called "Shop!" and let Young Mr Starmer show them his wares...Oleh discontentprovider
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This week finds the grizzled Culture War veterans Sgts Foxy and "Mad Dog" Arkham parachuting into yet another dismal and more than usually grisly (It's a pun - well spotted) campaign. Just when they thought they could sit the damned thing out in relative peace, too. War is hell, cats and kittens - but unlike this rubbish, Hell only lasts for Eterni…
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As the chaps wind up their dispassionate and forensic analysis of the 2024 Local Elections, a certain melancholy seems to have set in. Does it matter? What will the outcome be in the long-term? We've all enjoyed a malicious chortle - of that there is no doubt - and all the signs point to more to come; yet Foxy finds himself wondering if that's enou…
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Fresh from voting, and as suffused with about as much excitement at having exercised that hard-won freedom as you might expect, Foxy and Arkham present the first instalment of a two-part Election Special. Is it too late to prevent computers from destroying Democracy? Could Captain Snort hold his own during widespread Civil Unrest? Will The Silver F…
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This week, the chaps consider the prospect of a Smokeless Future, Foxy tries a psychological experiment that may not be best suited to an audio medium, and both man and dog are left even more doleful than is customary by the thought that Parliament is little more than a posh kindergarten. CW: Listeners of a sensitive nature should be warned that th…
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This week, Arkham and Foxy battle a 200-foot-tall cyborg with all lasers coming out of its eyes and that - it also has chainsaws for hands, and can create a sonic boom just by clearing its throat. That's not entirely true - but as this is the Internet, it appears that one can say pretty much anything one damned well likes because nobody ever checks…
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In what - quite unexpectedly and organically - turned out to be the finale of a trilogy of sorts, Foxy and Arkham decide that there are an awful lot of things that are genuinely best left alone - and would earnestly encourage you to do the same. It's sort of like that Simpsons Halloween episode when all the corporate mascots come to life - if you t…
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The usual theological Easter musings threaten for a while to distract the chaps from pursuing their avowed intent to tackle the Issues of the Day for a brief moment or two - but they're soon back on track, and ready to point out that what looks like another Government/donor fuckfest doesn't really matter (and may even contain a silver lining - a TH…
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This week, the chaps have the rare opportunity to reflect on some good news for a change, as it turns out that at least some ladies who got fucked by politicians during the 90s just might get better compensation than a few demeaning photo-shoots in the Lads' Mags. Meanwhile, however, things look pretty bleak for another group - will the public take…
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The chaps are definitely "on one" this week: is it the weather? Is it the tragicomedy of faux democracy? Did they get wound up by something on the television? It's all of those things, Podcast Pals - but it's so much MORE. It's the grotesque forelock-tugging of Royalists; it's the paucity of choice for anyone hoping for change; it's the transparent…
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Having spent a few days lost in the far and frozen North, Foxy is even happier than usual to be back in the Happy Place - and even more ecstatic to be reunited with The World's Greatest Lurcher. None of that, however, softens the baleful gaze the chaps cast upon the dastardly disingenuous messages sent out by the UK Government regarding their lates…
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Join two wide-eyed innocents lost in an impenetrable forest of deceptions, half-truths, and particularly toxic toadstools composed of utter rat-shit bollocks as Foxy and Arkham ponder the murky motives, mixed messages, and marvels of mendacity that resulted in a Parliamentary freakout this week. Apparently, nothing anybody says means anything or ma…
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Some sort of techno-freak-out having wiped an episode from the face of the Earth, Foxy and Arkham were compelled to start the damned thing all over again - following a fearsome rage-frenzy, a consolatory bender, and a Titanic hangover, naturellement. As the subject of this week was the short-sighted idiocy and greed of people, however, it seems it'…
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Fresh and raring to go following a painful and enforced hiatus from our regular communion with their Podcast Pals, The Silver Fox and the Black and White Dog are back to cast some much-deserved aspersions upon a Prime Minister who seems determined to "throw" as much "shade" upon anyone other than his voter base as is possible. They also find time t…
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A slew of technical troubles have delayed this episode - which is particularly unfortunate, as it makes the deliberately "spontaneous" opening even more stilted and unconvincing than it was intended to be... Nevertheless, even one day late, the chaps' distaste for media hacks attempting to co-opt the death of innocents and the bereavement of their …
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This week sees the chaps frantically scrabbling around to find and reattach their dropped jaws (fortunately, each mandible was restored to its original face - though Arkham's jawline would have done wonders for Foxy's ageing profile) at the arrogance of a Prime Minister calling yet another Big, Super Important Press Conference to brag to the UK abo…
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This week, Foxy and Arkham consider the lessons we've already learned from the Post Office scandal: it turns out that despite a rare shaft of optimism, said lessons turn out to be as hard and unpleasant as every games class ever conducted by a shit-thick PE teacher wrestling with either divorce trauma or an unresolved crisis of sexual identity.…
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Back from the Brink of Eternity following more than a week of feverish, delirious ravings, Foxy and Arkham are back at the Happy Place in 2024 - and ready to start with the usual feverish delirious ravings. Today, they're taking a quick butcher's at the Leader Of the Opposition's attempt to set out his Electoral stall. Did he REALLY say that trickl…
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Not quite the thrilling and interactive live-streamed audio phenomenon for which many were hoping - but for all that, the chaps have some thoughts on the King's Speech to share with anyone inclined to emerge from their festive excesses long enough to listen to them. Would Buzz Lightyear be a better King than the one with which we're lumbered? Almos…
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On their last visit to the Happy Place before the Big Day, Foxy and Arkham consider the decline in festive merriment and conclude that it's about as surprising as that present you found in a cupboard, opened, then carefully re-wrapped and received with feigned astonishment when you were a tiny tot. The Silver Fox also plunders his Santa's Sack of S…
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With one of the chaps trying to pretend they're not bitterly regretting their seasonal sartorial choices, podcasting's premier platonic power-pairing parse the public's politically-polarised post-mortem of THAT interview - and consider the possibility of doing something unprecedented in Discontent Provider's less-than-illustrious history. To have y…
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Foxy and Arkham have been handed the murkier end of the stick by both the digital world and the elements this week - but for all that, they still salute their adversaries' open and frank hostility; it is, after all, so much easier to deal with than (to pick an example wholly at random) a political class who see it as pretty much comme il faut to li…
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As Democracy crumbles away like a frail frost-rimed cobweb on a Winter morn, the chaps in the Happy Place consider the potential of a possible (probable?) Prime Minister. In all honesty, it's not a cheery listen - but what is in these sadly debased times? To bring the week to an end, The Silver Fox attempts to get medieval on your ass with an olde-…
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A new week begins, as does a New Era of Honesty in the Happy Place. It's not as though Foxy and Arkham were the most fearful fibbers or anything - but dishonest dealings at the COP-28 bunfight have rather borne upon them the importance of scrupulous truthfulness.Oleh discontentprovider
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The normally hard-headed realists of the Happy Place find themselves pondering cosmic affairs as one of the most sacred Laws of Nature goes for a Burton. For all that, however, they manage to fit in some speculations on the coverage of a globally-significant figure who should never really have been anything more than a character Ronnie Barker inven…
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A new week yawns wide open before us all - and, if the auguries are to be believed, the frail spirit of Hope might well be about to make a timid, faltering appearance. The chaps in the Happy Place would certainly like to think so - but they (and everybody else) have been fooled before... Also, Foxy and Arkham consider the role of the Monarchy in th…
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With the news being so full of misery and full-on loathsomeness that nobody wants to touch the damned thing with a six-foot Staff of Rassilon, can Foxy and Arkham be blamed for taking the opportunity afforded by a TV classic's 60th Anniversary to ponder matters more edifying? Probably - but they've done it anyway.…
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This week finds Foxy and Arkham reflecting on the importance of narrative convention, sticking to the script, and the importance of not overwhelming the viewers with too many Big Doings in one go. It's all rather meta, really - but why not? They know that their listeners are a sophisticated crowd. Mind you; attempting a comparison between the Forei…
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In an episode delayed by terrible technical issues, the chaps from the Happy Place puzzle over the Government's fixation upon Rwanda, and express concern over the plans to smash the citizenry's human rights into rubble. Also, those of a certain age (or those with a strangely anachronistic set of cultural references) might feel a touch of Flanders a…
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Grateful that their fears about unspeakable carnage 'pon the streets of Olde London Towne, the Happy Place's lovely layabouts begin to speculate upon unspeakable carnage within the ranks of the Conservative Party as the PM attempts to shuffle a handful of duds into something that would have made the Cincinnati Kid turn it in and go home.…
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As Armistice Day approaches, the Podcast To End All Podcasts considers the sticky position of peace-loving cats and kittens caught 'twixt two different groups of bellicose imbeciles - and expresses concern about where a potential Poppy Day punch-up might lead our beleagured country. Also - because they really don't know - Arkham and Foxy would love…
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The chaps are still reeling from the awe-inspiring majesty of the King's Speech. Not really - but one has to say that sort of thing now if one doesn't fancy things getting a tad custodial, apparently. On that subject, Foxy learns a harsh lesson about being brought up on 1970s sitcoms, while others learn one about being careful what they wish for...…
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Foxy and Arkham are out of the traps bright and early today, and are feeling marginally less wretched than usual - so much so that a close observer might suspect them of being about to take a charitable attitude toward a politician who has made it a mission to persecute charitable attitudes. Lucky the chaps dodged that bullet, eh what?…
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It's dashed lucky that the weather has inclined to the chilly of late. Had it not been, your Podcast Pals wouldn't have been kept warm by the heat of pure fury in the face of the appalling hypocrisy of a Government who - let's face it - have mastered the art to a point that would have made Michealfuckingangelo hang up his brushes...…
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Those choosing to loiter a while in the Happy Place for a quick Wednesday Wallop of Discontent Provider might be surprised to find just how unsurprised the chaps are. Then again, they might not - though the Covid Enquiry is lavishing outrage, disgust, and moral torpitude upon the public, it's been pretty stingy when it comes to the Unexpected...…
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In this Monday Mini, Foxy and Arkham eschew international niceties and unashamedly stick their noses (one long, sensitive, and peerlessly noble; the other a barely-there retroussé button of a thing) into America's business and consider the two nations' attitude to guns. So there.Oleh discontentprovider
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