Bonnie Roney is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She's here to help women eat without guilt by giving diet culture the middle finger & improving body image!
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The Diet Soap podcast began in 2009 in response to the economic crisis of 2008. Since then it has gone through many transformations, including becoming the podcast for a critical theory imprint out of the UK. Today the Diet Soap podcast is running under its original name for Sublation Media. Sublation Media includes a book publishing effort for critical theory and left politics, a magazine that covers current events and theoretical issues, youtube videos on theory and politics, and finally t ...
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Welcome to Diet Sams Cola Podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Podcast Dodo Ditemenin Fetty. Obrolan sehari-hari yang terkadang sayang kalau tidak dishare, siapa tau berguna.
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Empowering people everywhere to revolutionize their health.
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Podcast by DietHard
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Der wöchentliche Gammelkast. Klartext mit Ansage von eurem Horst DietHerr. Manchmal auch Lothar.
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The official Dietitian Connection Podcast gives you access to the most influential and successful experts in the Dietetic profession and beyond. This podcast will inspire you; it will challenge you; and it will empower you to become a nutrition leader and realise your dreams. Visit to subscribe to the FREE weekly newsletter. Dietitian Connection is a one stop shop for busy nutrition professionals for nutrition, leadership and business resources, exciting job opportuni ...
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Dietetycznie Zakręcony Podcast to podcast, w którym opowiem Ci jak zdrowo, skutecznie, a przede wszystkim pysznie zmienić swoje nawyki żywieniowe, jak odmienić swoje podejście do diety i jak w końcu (bez zbędnych wyrzeczeń) osiągnąć swoje wymarzone rezultaty! Znajdziesz tutaj dużą dawkę pozytywnej energii, motywacji i wsparcia! Zarażam bakcylem zdrowego stylu życia! Zapraszam! Dietetycznie Zakręcona Paula Jamróz dietetyk kliniczny & psychodietetyk
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Każdy z nas jest inny i potrzebuje innej strategii. Właśnie dlatego hasło przewodnie tego podcastu to "poczuj smak swobody". Bez względu na to czy mówimy o Twoim talerzu, planie treningowym czy wartościach, jakie wyznajesz w życiu - masz wybór i możesz rozsmakować się w wolności. Nie musisz wybierać między zdrowiem a smakiem. Nie musisz wybireać między fajną sylwetką, a radoscią z aktywności fizycznej. Możesz po prostu kierować się swoimi wartościami i przy okazji dbać o swoje ciało. W tym p ...
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My goal for this podcast is to break down the latest health topics and help clear the clutter in the messy world of nutrition and fitness. We hope to inspire, educate, and entertain all things wellness. We cut the bologna of the food shaming and keep the focus on making healthy habits that work for you! Join us as we talk with experts in their fields on how to feel our best in our own body and mind.
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Dr. Mike T Nelson gets geeky with the latest research and scientific findings in the fitness world. Visit to get Flex Diet Certified and for more geeky goodness.
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We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.
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Reisen Reisen - Der Podcast mit Jochen Schliemann und Michael Dietz
Jochen Schliemann und Michael Dietz
Urlaub machen kann jeder. Reisen muss man reisen. Und dafür muss man auch nicht bis ans Ende der Welt. Wir heißen Michael Dietz und Jochen Schliemann. Mehr als 100 Länder haben wir bereist – fertig sind wir noch lange nicht. Michael kennt man vielleicht als Moderator (WDR Aktuelle Stunde, 1LIVE, WDR 2) und Autor, Jochen eventuell als Musik- und Reise-Reporter und Autor. Als Reise-Experten des Radiosenders 1LIVE wurde uns erstmals bewusst, dass wir anderen helfen können bei ihren Reise-Plänen ...
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Legendary NYPD detective and private investigator Bo Dietl gives his unfiltered and uncensored take on true crime, issues of the day and New York City stories.
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Rozmawiamy o tym, co jeść i jak jeść, ale przede wszystkim, co zrobić, żeby się chciało to robić. W tym podcaście dowiesz się jak budować zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe w oparciu o dobre relacje z jedzeniem. Przed mikrofonem Monika i Magda, jesteśmy dietetyczkami klinicznymi z psychodietetycznym podejściem.
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Gezond oud worden en zo lang mogelijk van het leven genieten, dat wil iedere man. Maar hoe doe je dat? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je lichaam slank, gezond en sterk is? Echte Mannen Diëten Niet geeft je het antwoord op deze vraag. Met deze podcast help ik jou om af te vallen, een platte buik te krijgen en je lichaam gezond en sterk te maken. Dit doen we zonder dieet, zonder calorieën te tellen en zonder een streng regime te volgen.
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Welcome to The Cancer Dietitian Podcast! Join Julie Lanford, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN, a bonafide expert in oncology nutrition, as she guides you through the forest of nutrition and cancer information. Are you a cancer patient wondering what to eat to keep your body as healthy as possible during treatment? Are you a cancer survivor wanting to eat as healthy as possible to reduce the risk of recurrence? Are you sick of all the crazy info around nutrition and just want an evidence-based resource for ...
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Podcast o všetkom čo sa týka špeciálnej pedagogiky a vzdelávania detí so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami. Príbehy, rozhovory, skúsenosti z praxe.
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Dzielę się wiedzą i doświadczeniem w zakresie dietetyki, psychodietetyki i coachingu.
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Żywienie odgrywa kluczową rolę w życiu każdego człowieka i wszyscy jesteśmy na diecie. Nie każdy jednak żywi się w ten sam sposób. W dietetycznym podcaście sprawdzamy jakie są zwyczaje żywieniowe osób rozpoznawalnych, sportowców, ale przede wszystkim osób ciekawych. Nad poziomem merytorycznym czuwa dyplomowany dietetyk. Zapraszamy do kombinacji rozrywki i edukacji!
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Dietz & Das. Der Podcast zu Politik, Gesellschaft und Geschichte aus dem Dietz-Verlag
Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf.
Informativ, unterhaltsam, inspirierend: Autor:innen aus dem Dietz Verlag stellen ihre neuen Bücher vor und sprechen über politische und gesellschaftliche Themen. Spannende, offene Diskussionen und neue Sichtweisen von unterschiedlichen Expert:innen für alle, die sich eine differenzierte Meinung bilden wollen. Jeden ersten Freitag im Monat hört Ihr hier ein Interview, eine Lesung oder eine Diskussion zwischen Autor:innen und ihren Gästen. Sie ordnen aktuelle Ereignisse in Zusammenhänge ein, e ...
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Welcome to Wagu Diet Podcast. Only premium, juicy, delicious content here. Give us a try, won’t even need steak sauce.
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Podcast by Cole Robinson
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Podcast by Vytautas Alech
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Learning to Empower yourself to eat the best foods for your body and lose weight!
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This podcast is an educational podcast over the Thermo Diet and everything that it encompasses. From health to mindset to life in general, we talk about it!
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Balanced Bodies Podcast: A Dietitian's Insights on Nutrition and Hormonal Balance
Anisha Gupta, Registered Dietitian
Welcome to the Balanced Bodies Podcast, where we explore the intersection of nutrition, hormones, and overall wellness. Join me, your host, Anisha Gupta, Registered Dietitian, as I share my expertise and insights on topics such as nutrition, hormonal balance, weight management, and blood sugar control. Through interviews with experts and discussions with everyday people, we'll uncover practical tips and strategies to help you achieve optimal health and balance in your body. Tune in for a new ...
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I'm Jo, I'm an anti-diet Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor from Ireland and I'm here to smash the taboo of binge eating. I have so so much to say about binge eating and I know you need to hear it. When you are struggling with your relationship with food, you can feel like you're the only person who knows how you feel. The truth it, lots of others are going through exactly the same as you, but thanks to binge eating being a taboo, you never get to hear about that. ...
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Exploring the healthy use of technology and devices. Produced by Knox Grammar School, Sydney, Australia.
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Alex "Juicy" Jensen and Zack Dietz, two buddies who both happen to write for Sports Illustrated talk about all things NFL in a draft-influenced podcast that spans both coasts. The duo cover betting lines, season predictions, draft crushes, schematic/scouting philosophy, fantasy and whatever else catches their eye.
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A podcast about the movies of actor/martial artist Scott Adkins
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Learning from others is an important part of your development as a dietitian. In each episode, join Aaron, as he talks to guests about their endeavours in the world of dietetics. If you are a Dietitian, a Student Dietitian, or just want to hear about the world of dietetics, this is the podcast for you. Dietetics Digest Podcast is made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from Nutricia. We thank them for their support.
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Mariana Cadore teaches and inspires you to reach your maximum potential in the realm of health.She interviews world-class experts in the health & wellness community. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, healing, sleep, meditation, and spirituality. This podcast is made to inspire and transform your life; let's take your health to the next level!
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Host Rachael Watson talks about her Walk the Talk anti-diet campaign, weight loss, nutrition, health, lifestyle and CrossFit as well as her personal journey to health. We welcome guests for interviews on all different types of nutrition and weight loss topics. Be inspired to change your body and change your life with this podcast!
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Steroid Podcast - Real Bodybuilding Training Diet and Supplementation Science for Muscle Building
Dan the Bodybuilder
Steroid Podcast Discussion - A real bodybuilding podcast discussion of people involved in gym culture & the performance enhancing substances that are involved - Real Bodybuilding Nutritiion Motivation - podcast is for entertainment, educational, and harm reduction purposes only . author of the podcast does not condone or recommend using any information contained in it. The author of this podcast is not a doctor. Taking steroids can have massive health consequences. The podcast is not to glor ...
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The Mind Diet Podcast is the brain child of renowned Muay Thai commentator and mind coach, Vinny Shoreman, alongside co-hosts Andreas Georgiou and Roberto Reid. Accompanying The Mind Diet book, the podcast will give further insight into the importance of having a healthy mind, with some of the biggest guests from Muay Thai, MMA and all other walks of life.
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Podcast | IronFactory - sport, dieta, bieganie, triathlon, styl życia
Marcin Hinz: bloger triathlonista
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The Mindset Diet is a podcast for those looking to heal their relationship with food and exercise, conquer emotional eating and figure out what healthy looks like for THEM! This podcast features host Stephanie Meinhardt, Certified Health and Life Coach, discussing her personal experiences and tips and tricks on how to up level your mindset. She also interviews many thought leaders in the physical/mental health and fitness field to bring you some of the best advice out there. Book a Discovery ...
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HCG Chica
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Welcome to the Dietitians Unplugged Podcast with Aaron Flores and Glenys Oyston. Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming ...
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The Plant Protocol® Podcast with Lisa A. Smith, Gain Clarity, Confidence and Consistency on a Whole Food Plant-Based Diet
Lisa A. Smith
Just because someone can live with a disease doesn’t mean they should. The overwhelming majority of chronic diseases are a result of lifestyle. A whole food plant based diet is one of the most effective approaches to arresting these conditions. During these episodes Lisa simplifies the science behind the power of plants and pulls from her 9+ years of coaching experience to provide the proven strategies for success when making significant lifestyle and mindset changes. Your host, Lisa A. Smit ...
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Low FODMAP Diet & IBS podcast: Join Larah, an IBS sufferer, on her journey to health recovery by mainly following a low FODMAP diet, while she interviews health experts and other sufferers like her.
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Welcome to The The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle Podcast! We started this podcast to give you guys all the tools necessary in order to build the perfect diet for you. Everything you could possibly need in a way that is easy to understand, easy to digest, and easy to take actionable steps in order to change your life. The show is broken up into Seasons and Episodes just like your favorite Netflix show. Season 1’s Goal is: How to Build the Perfect Diet for You! And then every episode build on the ...
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Episode 315: Phys Flex Cert Closing Tonight + The Power of Training Your Internal Regulators
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
9:08In this solo episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I’m letting you know that the Physiologic Flexibility Certification is tonight at midnight PST on March 24, 2025. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now’s the time. I also dig into the core of what the cert teaches: how to train your body’s homeostatic regulators like temperature, pH, oxygen, CO₂, …
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68 | We Just Signed A Partnership Deal With Eric Thomas And Associates. Here's How It Happened...
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:02:08The Plant Protocol® just signed a multi-year partnership deal with the number one motivational speaker and personal development company, Eric Thomas & Associates, LLC! Whatever your dreams and aspirations are, they are achievable when you live a life of Radical Obedience™. But it never hurts to have a blueprint to help you reach that goal a little …
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Pas wanneer de pijn van iets niet doen groter is dan de pijn van iets wel doen komen wij in beweging. In deze aflevering stel ik jou de belangrijkste vragen die je moet beantwoorden voor je begint aan afvallen. Vervolgens leg ik je precies uit wat je moet doen om een gezond gewicht te krijgen. Meer weten? Lees mijn boek! Klik op deze link voor meer…
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Episode 625: From FAKE NEWS to a FAKE WORLD
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
54:11David Shields, author of "How We Got Here," returns to discuss how Trump has destroyed our reality and how our sensemaking institutions are in crisis. How can we educate ourselves and get a grip on the world if everything is FAKE NEWS? Get a copy of Shield's book "How We Got Here"…
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How to Help Kids (& Your Inner Child) Build a Healthy Relationship with Food (with Megan of @feedinglittles)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
53:15Hey Rebel! Our relationship with food starts in childhood, shaped by the messages we absorb early on. In this episode, I’m joined by Megan McNamee of Feeding Littles, a registered dietitian who helps parents raise intuitive eaters while also exploring how our own upbringing impacts our food choices today. In this episode, we cover: How childhood fo…
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Blended diets & tube feeding: What dietitians need to know
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
28:32Blended tube feeding (BTF) is gaining traction as a personalised approach to enteral nutrition, but what does the evidence say? In this episode, leading expert dietitian Lina Breik unpacks BTF—how it compares to commercial formulas, key considerations for implementation, and common misconceptions. She explores hospital policies, funding barriers, a…
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Bodybuilding Podcast Guest Episode w/ EvanQuinnFitness
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:13Bodybuilding Podcast Guest Episode w/ EvanQuinnFitness ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING Link - Text Msg Training 99/month and 1 Hour Phone Call Consult 59 Send Email to inquire about personal training to steroidspodcast@gmail.comEvanQu…
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Funkelnde Tempel treffen auf Science Fiction, grandioses Steetfood auf Fine Dining + ein Best Of Japan, China & Südostasien. Ist Taiwan das meist unterschätzte Reiseziel in Asien? Schon die Hauptstadt Taipeh hat alles, was ihr von einer Mega-Stadt auf diesem Kontinent wollt - plus Sachen, die nicht einmal wir wussten. Wir sind beseelt von Nachtmärk…
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Episode 314: Unlocking Performance & Recovery: IV Therapies & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy with Jordyn Payne
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:02:25Join me, Dr Mike T Nelson, on this week's Flex Diet Podcast as I sit down with Jordyn Payne from Advanced Brain Centers of Virginia to dig into the real benefits and applications of IV therapies and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). We get into the details of Myers Cocktails, NAD infusions, and other IV treatments—how they can boost brain function,…
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How to grow your GP referral network
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
34:55Reaching out to busy GPs can feel intimidating – but with the right strategies, you can build authentic relationships, work collaboratively and become a trusted referral choice. In this episode, GP Dr Angela Kwong shares expert insights to help dietitians confidently connect with doctors, stand out and secure repeat referrals. In the episode, we di…
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Episode 149: Defending ASAP Rocky, NYPD Controversies & the Fight for Justice in NYC with Joe Tacopina
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
44:51On this episode, Bo Dietl interviews renowned defense attorney Joe Tacopina. They discuss a range of topics, including the recent controversy surrounding the police force in the Bronx, the importance of feeling safe in the city, and highlighting Tacopina's impressive track record in court. Joe shares insights about his team-oriented approach, drawi…
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Energochłonna zmiana, analiza kolorów i plan minimum
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
46:12Ten odcinek podcastu to moje luźne przemyślenia na temat tego ile zmiany, nowe nawyki pobierają energii i o trudnej akceptacji nieinstagramowych standardów, czyli planu minimum. W tym odcinku podcastu dzielę aktualnymi tematami związanymi z analizą kolorystyczną, tym jak ważne jest poczucie wartości w jakiejkolwiek zmianie i o tym dlaczego trzeba s…
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Episode 5: The Choices that Shape Brain Health
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
19:27Send us a text Donate today to help Mind Forward Brain Injury Services continue to do their inspiring work with clients who are living with brain injuries. Podcast episode on environmental toxins: This special episode is part of a charitable event, Podcasthon. Check out other episodes: Stock Music provided by V…
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[Replay] Winning Business without Proposals
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
9:46Requests for Proposals are the bane of many agency's existence, and although they're popular, they're rarely the best way to stary a new professional relationship. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about a better way to position yourself as an expert and get new business without the proposals.…
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Episode 313: The Physiologic Flexibility Certification Course Opens Today - Mastering Physiologic Adaptation for Peak Performance
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
19:12Welcome back to the Flex Diet Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Mike T. Nelson. In this episode, I’m excited to announce that the Physiologic Flexibility Certification will be open from March 17th to March 24th, 2025. I’ll also be heading to Parker University Talks in Las Vegas, where I’ll be speaking alongside some incredible experts in the field. Today…
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67 | We Enrolled Over 40 New Coaching Clients In Less Than 10 Days!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
51:04Over the past 10 days, we have enrolled over 40 new coaching clients. In today’s episode, Lisa shares the most critical thing that led to this success. Lisa reviews her system for achieving high enrollment numbers. She breaks down the main contributor to her growth and gives additional tips to make your marketing and sales efforts seamless. If you …
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#43 Je hebt aan 4 oefeningen genoeg
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
27:29Het 'geheim' van een gezond gewicht, een platte buik en een sterk lichaam is krachttraining. Bijna iedereen heeft daar een beeld bij, maar bijna niemand doet het goed. In deze aflevering leg ik je uit hoe je moet trainen en waarom je maar 4 oefeningen nodig hebt. Meer weten? Ga naar…
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Episode 624: A New World Order or a New Chaos?
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:35:18Chris Cutrone assuages Douglas Lain's fears as they survey the wreckage of Trump's first 50 days in office. Is Trump an amateur just throwing spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks? Yes? Is he a world historic figure who aims to rearrange the world order? Yes again? Watch the second half of this podcast on Patreon, and join a Zoom call after…
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Reisen & Spiritualität (mit Curse)
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:16:29Finden wir auf Reisen zu uns selbst? Was machen heilige & spirituelle Orte mit uns? Gibt es Erkenntnis durchs Unterwegsein? Und warum reisen wir überhaupt? In einer ganz besonderen Folge widmen wir uns den großen Fragen des Lebens und des Reisens - zusammen mit unserem Freund Michael ‚Curse‘ Kurth. Er betreibt den Podcast „Meditation, Coaching & Li…
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Dietitian to Dietitian: Ultra-processed foods: The research and the reality
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
55:00With growing concerns about the impact of ultra-processed foods on health, it is essential for dietitians to stay informed on the complexities of this heavily publicized topic. In this episode of Dietitian to Dietitian, Joy Bauer of NBC’s Today Show along with Julie Hess, PhD, and Janet Helm, MS, RDN discuss the research on ultra-processed foods, t…
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Episode 312: Optimizing Stress and Performance for Firefighters and Tactical Athletes with Dr. Drew Gonzalez
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
50:17In this episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Drew Gonzalez to explore strategies for optimizing performance and managing stress in high-demand professions like firefighting, military, and executive leadership. Dr. Gonzalez shares his latest research on how supplements like astaxanthin and creatine can benefit firefighters, the effe…
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Addiction, Eating Disorders, and Recovery with Therapist Amanda White
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
48:50Hey Rebel. Today, we're looking at the link between substance use and eating disorders. I’m joined by Amanda White, a licensed therapist, author, and the owner of Therapy for Women, a group practice specializing in mental health, eating disorders, and addiction. Amanda is in recovery from both an eating disorder and substance use, and she openly sh…
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Vertical Stories Need to be on Your Radar
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
16:04You've seen them on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube - they're an increasingly popular and important method of connecting with the people interested in the companies you represent. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks podcast, Gini Dietrich is talking about how to use this format, and how to integrate it into your PESO Model© strategy.…
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66 | 5 Things I've Done To Have a Successful Speaking and Coaching Career
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
57:47In addition to being a coach and the founder of The Plant Protocol™, Lisa is a professional speaker. Many community members have expressed interest in creating a platform to get their unique voice and story out into the world to help others. Whether that is through content creation, public speaking, leadership, or coaching, Lisa gives advice on how…
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Iedereen vertelt je dat je minder moet eten om af te vallen. Je moet niet minder eten, je moet meer eten. Meer eiwit. In deze aflevering vertel ik je waarom dat zo is en wat de beste eiwitbronnen zijn.
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Episode 623: Unpacking Anti-Imperialism and the Labor Aristocracy
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1:21:20The historian Spencer Leonard joins Doug to discuss the history of the term "labor aristocracy" and unpack the meaning of anti-imperialism today.
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Südkalifornien: Traum-Orte, epische Unterkünfte, Heißluftballons & 1000 Delphine
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:22:02Mitreisende Küsten, legendäre Städte wie Palm Springs, tolles Essen und XXL-Naturspektakel, bei denen sogar Michael Dietz die Tränen kommen. Auf einer Whale-Watching-Tour begleiten ihn für gefühlte Ewigkeiten riesige Delphin-Schwärme, während sich an den Stränden nahe San Diego die Surfer auf Bilderbuch-Wellen tummeln. Und kurz nachdem wir an der S…
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41#. 7 błędów przez które Twoje posiłki Cię nie sycą!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
41:55Czy zdarzyło Ci się zjeść lunchbox i… po godzinie być znowu głodną? 🫠 Albo myślałaś, że to zdrowy posiłek, a tak naprawdę powodował skoki cukru i napady na słodycze? 🍫 🚨 Jeśli tak, to możliwe, że popełniasz któryś z 7 błędów, przez które Twoje lunchboxy nie sycą tak, jak powinny! W tym odcinku zdradzam: ✔ Jak komponować posiłki, które nasycą Cię na…
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Episode 622: Arturo Vs. Grok 3- Fact Checking Redux!
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:13:43In this week's Diet Soap podcast, Arturo Desimone returns to set the record straight about the Monroe Doctrine and the character of American power while Doug fact checks him again in real time using Elon's newest wonder: Grok 3! Support Sublation Media on Patreon
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63: Niepłodność męska bez tajemnic – co musisz wiedzieć? Rozmawiamy z lek. med. Martą Swalarz
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
47:12W tym odcinku podcastu porozmawiamy o płodności męskiej i problemach z płodnością - bez tabu. Dlaczego jakość nasienia u mężczyzn spada? Jakie badania warto wykonać? Czy dieta, styl życia i stres rzeczywiście mają wpływ na płodność? O tym wszystkim porozmawiamy dziś z wyjątkowym gościem – z lek. med. Martą Swalarz. Poradnia lek. med. Marty Swalarz:…
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Is This Good For Me? Decoding Food Packaging
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
49:26This episode covers a variety of topics including: 3 things to know about nutrition & health What nutrients are important for good health How can food packaging helps us make nutritious choices Daily habits to optimize healthOleh Julie Lanford, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN
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Exercise Without Guilt & Fuel Your Body the Right Way [feat Sports Dietitians Reilly & Jenna]
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
38:07Hey Rebel. Exercise can feel complicated, especially when diet culture has shaped how we think about it. If you’ve ever felt pressure to work out to earn your food, struggled with guilt around movement, or felt like exercise was more of an obligation than something enjoyable, this episode is for you. I’m joined by sports dietitians Riley and Jenna,…
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Episode 311: Maximizing Athletic Performance with Neurology: Insights from Dr. Dylan Seeley
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
1:16:51In this episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Dylan Seeley to explore how neurology can enhance athletic performance. We dive deep into working with MMA fighters, focusing on how the brain influences movement, reaction time, and overall performance. Dr. Seeley shares insights into visual and vestibular training, explaining why perip…
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Dressing do sałatki, który wydłuża sytość - Olini
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
55:35Ten odcinek podcastu powstał we współpracy z marką Olini - polskim producentem olejów tłoczonych na zimno, octów, zakwasów, miodów, maseł orzechowych i innych produktów wspierających nasze zdrowie. Z Olini działam juz od kilku lat i działa mój stały kod "okiemdietetyka", który daje 10% zniżki na cały asortyment. Dodatkowo między 3 a 9 marca z okacj…
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If AI is stopping people from clicking through to websites - what is the end goal for our PR work? That's what Gini Dietrich is exploring on this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast: the challenges, the opportunities and what you should be tracking and prioritizing as the landscape keeps shifting.…
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65 | Live Q&A: Weight Loss, Food Addiction and Staying Stress Free
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
38:05We are optimizing our physical, mental, and emotional health in 2025. As the Plant-Based Vegan SOS (salt, oil, and sugar) free Challenge concludes, it is essential to stay on track and not go back to bad habits. Lisa wants you to be in the best possible position to achieve success, so in this episode, she is answering all of your questions to guide…
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Sunset Stories, Italien: Thomas Mann’s letztes Geheimnis
Main Kemudian
Main Kemudian
20:15Neapel, Venedig und das Gebirgsstädtchen Palestrina sind Schauplätze des Romans „Teufels Bruder“ von Matthias Lohre. Eine wundervolle Geschichte über das Erwachsenwerden, die Sehnsucht nach Liebe, den vielleicht größten deutschen Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts und: Italien. Die Reisen Reisen Sunset Stories - präsentiert von Malik – DEM Verlag …
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