East Los presents The Pregame Podcast https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7M1Z5v_EeZxAHfDuInutw? view_as=subscriber https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/east-la-presents-the-pregame/id1259233642?mt=2 Follow Us Doug Alexander/ Young D: https://www.instagram.com/_mynameisss/ OBI: https://www.instagram.com/themanyfacesofobi/ Tored Up: https://www.instagram.com/captainhowdy69/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/lapregame
La Chancluda wants to write for PBS . Right now shes censoring asses for 8 hours for the Don Cheto show. What does copro mean? She tells us.Oleh East La Presents The Pregame
How does a one night stand turn into a 3 year relationship? Melissa and Tito tells us all about it. Remember guys know yourself, know your worth and girls don't let him/her change you! Happy Anniversary to the happy couple.https://twitter.com/lapregamehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA7M1Z5v_EeZxAHfDuInutw…
Hugo aka Soccer Mom goal is to harness an alternative energy source. We also discuss strippers, martial arts, and the WOW signalOleh East La Presents The Pregame