Note: This Episode was recorded before the Name Change article came out so it is still referred to as Kaladesh, but that's the hazard of a fanfiction podcast I suppose. Joshua, Faramir, and Missy show Caesar's Legion what exactly they think of it Joshua exacts justice, Faramir meets an old friend, and Missy meets a new enemy. Our Music is by Amelia who you can find on twitter at @AM_Ridz_Music and our cover art is by Aki who you can find on twitter at @akinomii_art If you liked what you heard in this game, consider preordering Interstitial 2e Here Cast and Crew: GM: Chell Missy: Proxy (Mystic) Faramir: Cyd (Other) Joshua Graham: Izzy (Paladen) About Us: We are a fanfiction actual play podcast set in the Magic the Gathering Multiverse. Join us every first monday of the month for a story from somewhere in the Multiverse in one of many different Systems…