141 - Notes of a Native Son by James Baldwin
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In Episode 141, it's time for another James Baldwin book!
If you've been around for a while, you'll know that James Baldwin is one of our favourite authors, so we've turned it into an annual tradition to read one of his works every February. This time we're reading Baldwin's non-fiction with his first essay collection, Notes of a Native Son.
As usual, we had an incredible time talking about this, and we just need more Baldwin in our lives.
Show Notes
Baldwin wrote the introduction to the 1984 edition while he was in Amherst, Massachusetts. The universe is telling us we need to go visit.
Another Country was our first Baldwin book, and it's still one of our favourites. You could start anywhere with his work, but this one remains high on the list and we're so glad it was the first one we read.
We loved getting to learn more about Baldwin's life in America and abroad in Europe.
Be sure to read Jette's blog post 5 Must-Read James Baldwin Books That Will Change Your Life.
Yes, we already dropped a Pale Shadows reference in this episode.
In our next episode we'll be talking about Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson.
Other Books by James Baldwin
Go Tell It on the Mountain
The Devil Finds Work
The Fire Next Time
Another Country (Episode 55)
If Beale Street Could Talk (Episode 61)
Giovanni's Room (Episode 113)
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