Welcome to the second episode of Trade Show Junkie, a podcast created and hosted by yours truly, Stephanie Beringhele! In this episode, we have a very special guest, Gabrielle Weiss, VP and Editor-in-Chief Trade Show Executive Magazine. Join us on this insightful journey as we dive deep into the world of trade shows and lifting up the voices of those who build it. We discuss: 1:00: Delve into Gabrielle's incredible career path, from journalism and communications to her current role. Discover the insights that led her to become the President and Editor in Chief of Trade Show Executive Magazine. 2:30:Learn about Gabrielle's community involvement, including being a Peter Lisagor Award finalist and her dedication to aiding homeless women in need of shelter. 5:02: Explore common themes, opportunities, and challenges discussed by industry professionals. Uncover strategies on how to capitalize on the resurgence of trade shows from both attendees and exhibitors. 8:15: Witness the power of bringing competitors together through events like TSE Gold 100. Discover how Trade Show Executive, as a non-biased media platform, builds the industry up and fosters positive connections. 10:15: Dive into programs that celebrate women in the industry and promote gender diversity. Gabrielle shares her insights on creating initiatives to pay it forward, recognizing excellence often unseen in the workplace. 18:00: Explore the dynamic intersection of commerce and content in the industry. Understand the pulse of what's happening, with insights from readers and attendees contributing to year-round engagement. 20:30: Revisit one of Stephanie's favorite interviews with Sarin Bachman. Gain a unique perspective on how personal and professional choices impact individuals in the trade show industry. 21: 30: Leadership's role in shaping the next generation of trade show professionals. Discover strategies for attracting talent, honest communication about job requirements, and the importance of maintaining a supportive work environment. 27:05: Address the crucial topic of avoiding burnout in an industry known for long hours, tight deadlines, and extensive travel. Learn how companies can promote positivity, protect valuable staff, and support exhibitors and attendees. 29:05: Explore the significance of TSE's main event, the TSE Gold 100 Award and Gala. Understand its origins, relive favorite moments, and get a sneak peek into what TSE subscribers can expect in 2024. In our closing moments, reflect with Gabrielle Weiss on the responsibility of bringing the trade show industry together for future success. Join us as we unveil the future of Trade Show Executive. #tradeshows #podcast #events Learn more about Trade Show Executive on Social Here: Website: https://tradeshowexecutive.com/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/trade-show-executive-magazine/…