Are you over 40 and having to lose weight for health reasons. It is not going to be easy to change a whole lifetimes eating habits, it is not just a matter of cutting down for a few weeks you need to change your entire lifestyle, and this takes a lot of self-discipline and motivation. You will need to look at everything you eat and sadly lots of the foods you eat for comfort will need replacing for more healthy options. It is not just the foods you eat, but the portion sizes as well will require reducing. The amount of physical activity you do will also need increasing, and this is not easy if you have a job where you spend the day sitting. If you want to live a longer healthier life, then you will make the changes needed. Having a family partner or friend to help encourage and motivate you is helpful. Unfortunately, we all don't have someone to help motivate us, and some of us need more than motivation we also need to be held accountable with a set plan and consequences if we do not follow the weight loss program. My alternative weight loss coaching can provide you with the encouragement and motivation that you need to live a healthier lifestyle. Along with the accountability each day to see you are sticking to the plan and consequences for not doing as agreed.…