Episode 18 Mixed by DJ PHAT CONTROLLER! This is what he had to say about the mix "Easy, Thought id do a mix in the style of a cd. Let tunes play out longer, longer mixes etc, rather than bashing in as many tunes as possible within a certain amount of time. Also, this is my first mix using a cd deck as well for few tunes, so there may be a couple of minor hitches, but i'v had a listen through and it's only noticable to the trained ear (I hope)" Shapeshifter – One Commix – Be True Logistics – Colour Wheel Subwave – Indigo System – Mystic Relaxation Alix Perez – Just Memories Commix – Painted Smile D-Bridge & Fierce – Twilight Break – Enigma (Calibre Remix) Zero Tolerance Ft Steo – Walk Away Bcee & Lomax – One Year On Break – Shipment Commix – Talk to frank (Break Remix) Lomax – Metal Flange System – Near Miss Icicle & Nympho – Frankly Mountain High Contrast – Tread Softly Jem One – Kane & Able…