Born in Germany, raised in the Midwest, Jeanette began writing for pay at the age of 16. After high school she went on to college hoping to become a journalist but that didn’t work out due to being involved with an abusive man. This eventually made her decide to buy a one way train ticket to California. She eventually married, had two beautiful daughters but, after twelve years, she divorced. In the years to follow she met a terrific man, and they married in 1993. Along the way, she began a real estate career, worked for various marketing companies but never felt satisfied. A decision for them to move back to the Midwest, for family reasons, opened doors for her to begin her first love, writing, again. She wrote a weekly column in a newspaper, made regular contributions for two magazines, and even got her degree in Communications at 54. That is also the time she began writing her book, “You’re Not Crazy - You’re Codependent”. In the midst of life, she continues her search to becoming her best self, healing from past hurts and living authentically. In this episode, you guessed it, we talk about codependency . We delve into why it occurs, what happens when it goes unchecked, and how to move past it. Jeanette should be an inspiration for all of us to heal. There's absolutely no reason why you can't. We'll likely have codependent tendencies for the rest of our lives, but that doesn't mean we have to give in. If you enjoyed this episode and you're ready to begin your journey to living a peace life, check out Jeanette's book on Amazon. Blog: Intro and Outro Music: Sleepless by Fame J…