This upload is an audio track specifically for My Natural Kaos Tribe members and those from Youtube who want to be able to hear the Facial Massage Song and easily use it during their at home facial treatments. SUBSCRIBE YOUTUBE FACIAL MASSAGE VIDEO FOLLOW FB PAGE FACIAL MASSAGE BLOG FACIAL TOOLS FROM VIDEO: US FACE ITEMS UK FACE ITEMS CANADA FACE ITEMS AUSTRALIA FACE ITEMS FRANCE FACE ITEMS GERMANY FACE ITEMS ITALY FACE ITEMS SONG LYRICS: Let’s Feather away your frown today, quick motions up lead the way Pinch your brows around your eye, pinch your cheeks then back to the sky Ring your finger around your eye and drain it down away from the sky Pinch around a figure 8, to stop those crows feet from going straight Then draw the 8 again 3 times to make sure there are no crows feet lines Pick up your fingers and stab your eye, this helps de-puff your puffy eyes Take your pointer around your nose, then push up tall and let it fall Start at your chin to squish your face, then pull to the side to drain your face Assemble a TeePee under your chin, then pull against your firmer skin Then hands horizontal on your face, pull real wide and drain with grace Sharpen your jaw with "pinchy" hands, thumbs underneath like rolling bands Then open your hand, thumb underneath, glide up tight and cradle your ear Hands on your forehead, wash it away, drain that lymph for all the day Pick up your glass and drink it quick, water is key, don’t forget --- Send in a voice message:…